Brotherhood (2009)
Broderskab (original title)
Director: Nicolo Donato
Writers: Nicolo Donato, Rasmus Birch
Genre: Drama
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish
Year: 2009
Stars: Thure Lindhardt, David Dencik and Nicolas Bro
Bratstvo (Broderskab) drama je o potrazi za identitetom i nedopuštenoj vezi dvojce muškaraca koja se rađa u kontekstu neonacističke skupine .
Radnja Bratstva započinje kada Lars, neposredno prije promaknuća, napušta vojsku i vraća se roditeljskom domu. Uskoro se priključuje neonacističkoj skupini gdje brzo napreduje i upoznaje budućeg ljubavnika Jimmyja. Pod okriljem bratstva započinju intenzivnu ljubavnu i seksualnu vezu koja se uskoro pokaže opasnom i problematičnom. Taj ih odnos dovodi do emocionalnog i moralnog rastrojstva. Postavlja se pitanje što je lojalnost, a što izdaja, ali i što je zapravo ljubav u njihovu slučaju.
Da nije ovog neonacističkog konteksta možda bi i mogli da film posmatramo samo sa aspekta gay ljubavi. Ono što nam se nameće kroz ovu priču je jasno pitanje da li imamo pravo da tražimo veću toleranciju prema homoseksualzimu i da li smo mi sami dovoljno tolerantni prema drugim manjinskim grupama. Na primjer prema romima, crncima, strancima, ljudima druge vjere ili nacije.
Mnogi pederi nisu svjesni koliko tolerantniji od vćine u društvu moraju biti ukoliko žele da traže neka prava za sebe.
Imao sam priliku da saslušam čovjeka koji mi je nakon seksa jasno rekao: -Ja nisam peder i ne volim pedere. Mislim da je to bolest koju treba iskorjaniti. -
Onako prilično iznenađen sam ga pitao: -Jesmo li i mi bolesni kada samo radili ovo maloprije?-
Kaže on: -Mi nismo pederi, mi smo to uradili onako muški, drugarski. Pederi su oni što se šminkaju i idu na gej parade.-
Nisam mnogo polemisao sa tim čovjekom, ali njegova percepcija gej svjeta oko sebe je u suprotnosti sa onim što on ustvari jeste.
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The Movie Review Warehouse
Film Blogging Gone Gonzo
I rewatched Brokeback Mountain, a film I had in my top-100, for the first time last month. It is still a strong film but it dropped well out of my top-100. Watching Brotherhood, another film about a gay relationship in an unusual setting, and the burdens of the closet, did a lot to help me understand why. After a brief scene of a gang of neo-Nazis beating up on a gay guy, we cut to Lars (Thure Lindhardt, in a Filmspot nomination worthy performance) sitting in a military office where an officer is telling him he is being denied promotion because he was alleged to have made passes at some of subordinates. He is told it will go away if he quietly departs the Army.
While this hints at discrimination, our understanding that the story is probably true suggests that it wasn’t an unreasonable decision. However, it leaves Lars separated from his career path and feeling driven that much further into the closet, worsened when his parents, not knowing why he is leaving the Army keep nagging him about the decision.
And so through an acquaintance he falls in with a group of neo-Nazis. This is the film’s first test. We have to believe that he’d stick with the group. It seems pretty clear that Lars is not particularly ideologically connected to the group and a moment a bit later in the film when he expresses a bit of surprise that the neo-Nazi group is homophobic is a bit too naive to be believed, but I did ultimately believe that his need for a group and direction, and perhaps the desire to do something totally not gay like be a neo-Nazi, had me believing. [spoiler]For the record, wrestling naked with other men in the ocean is good clean hetero fun and don’t let anybody tell you different.[/spoiler] While I don’t understand out gay people being members of clearly homophobic institutions like a neo-Nazi group or the Republican Party, the presence of closeted individuals makes perfect sense at this point. The subsequent relationship feels much more naturalistic than the one in Brokeback Mountain and the story as a whole is more tightly constructed and the fallout that much stronger as a result. The setting itself adds a great element as the rise of the far right movement in Europe, focused around anti-immigration but extending to all the other typical fascist ideals, is quite a real and present concern. Brotherhood was my dictation partly because it was the only one FCM initially offered that was out on DVD, but with other Nordic films with LGBT themes like CINECAST!ing Amal and Let The Right One In placed highly in my top-100, it seemed like a good bet. But my optimism didn’t prepare me for just how good it really was. Brotherhood sits in my top 10 for the year and will be on my filmspot ballot for Best Foreign and Best Debut Film in addition to the acting nomination. As this is the only year it will be eligible I really hope some other people take the time this month to check this out and thanks to FCM for dictating it to me.
As an additional incentive, this is a great movie for those who appreciate elegant Danish bottoms.
Watch full movie Here
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