28 December 2014

Pride (I) (2014)

Pride(2014)Pride (I) (2014)

Director: Matthew Warchus
Writer: Stephen Beresford
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: UK
Language: English, Welsh
Duration: 120 min
Year: 2014

Stars: Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West

Pride(2014)-6Kada je u martu 1984. godine vlada Margaret Tacher zaprijetila zatvaranjem 20 rudnika ugljena u Velikoj Britaniji rudari su stupili u štrajk koji je trajao skoro godinu dana.
U ranim danima štrajka Mark Ashton (Ben Schnetzer), mladi gej aktivist u Londonu nagovara nekolicinu svojih gay prijatelja da daju podršku rudarima.
Nakon što su prikupili malo novaca skupina od sedam gej muškaraca i jedna lezbijka u malom narandžastom kombiju dolaze u rudarsko mjesto Onllwyn kako bi se pridružili rudarima koji su u štrajku.
Film je rađen po istinitom događaju i na jedan komičan način prikazuje odnos i upoznavanje ljudi sa potpuno različitim načinom života. Srdačnost, neprijateljstvo, strah i nijemo čuđenje koje je dočekalo skupinu gejeva u malom mjestu nije zasmetalo da se postavi pitanje o prihvatanju solidarnosti pa makar dolazilo i od potpuno različitih ljudi.
Iako i jedni i drugi nose različite životne priče ujedinjuje ih borba protiv nepravde i želja da se izbore za svoje mjesto pod suncem.
Film je prepun komičnih scena koje upečatljivo odslikavaju nepoznavanje različitosti. Tako je jedna starija žena u razgovoru sa lezbijkom utvrdila da su gejevi vegetarijanci, dok su drugi oprezno pristupali upoznavanju.
Na kraju krajeva kada se savlada početni strah od nepoznatog dolazimo do činjenice da smo svi ipak samo ljudi sa emocijama, stahovima i nadanjima za bolji život.

Pride(2014)-5Pride is a 2014 British LGBT-related historical comedy-drama film written by Stephen Beresford and directed by Matthew Warchus. It was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight section of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Queer Palm award. Writer Stephen Beresford said a stage musical adaptation involving director Matthew Warchus was being planned.
Based on a true story, the film depicts a group of lesbian and gay activists who raised money to help families affected by the British miners' strike in 1984, at the outset of what would become the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners campaign. The National Union of Mineworkers was reluctant to accept the group's support due to the union's public relations' worries about being openly associated with a gay group, so the activists instead decided to take their donations directly to Onllwyn, a small mining village in Wales, resulting in an alliance between the two communities. The alliance was unlike any seen before but was successful.
PrideMennaTrusslerImeldaStauntonDominicWestLizWhiteLSCBSFilms“Pride” is brilliantly entertaining just as it is, so I trust that no one connected with the film will be insulted if I say that, despite the existence of shows with similarly stirring themes, like “Billy Elliot” and “Kinky Boots,” the story would make a terrific musical. In truth, the movie is halfway there already. Beresford and the director, Matthew Warchus, bracket the tale with gay-pride marches in London in 1984 and 1985, but, in general, the picture is short on politics and historical context (there’s almost nothing about the strike itself) and long on comedy, sentiment, and music. As the Londoners imagine entering a mining town, they joke about what they might say to the inhabitants. “May I inquire about your communal baths?” is one gambit. But they sober up when they meet the strikers, who are defiant but very much in need of help. These early meetings have the wariness of two species confronting each other in a marsh. Some of the younger miners, disgusted, want nothing to do with the gays. An elderly woman with a soft face musters her courage and says to a lesbian, “That can’t be true, can it? You’re all . . . vegetarians?” The Londoners are smart, self-deprecating, ironic, and sometimes furious about their own wounds; the miners and their wives and widows can be hearty, even cheery, but, just below the surface, they carry a lifelong bitterness. The two groups are fused by anger and divided by virtually everything else. DAVID DENBY in The New Yorker

24 December 2014

The Skeleton Twins (2014)

The Skeleton Twins (2014)The Skeleton Twins (2014)

Director: Craig Johnson
Writers: Craig Johnson, Mark Heyman
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 93 min

Stars: Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Luke Wilson

The Skeleton Twins je odlična i drama i komedija koja će vas iskreno i nasmijati i ratužiti.
Maggie Dean (Kristen Wiig) dobija poziv iz bolnice u San Francisku da je njen brat Milo (Bill Hader) pokušao samoubistvo, ali da je dobro. Odlazi po njega i nagovara ga da jedno vrijeme provedu zajedno kod nje u NY city, gdje živi sa mužem.

29-skeleton-twinsMilo odlazi kod nje i polako upoznaje sestrin život koji spolja izgleda prelijepo ali suština je da se njen život vrti u gomili laži i prevara prema mužu.
Milo, koji je gay, glumac u pokušaju koji je pokušao samoubistvo zbog nezadovoljstva svojim životom, neuspjehom da se afirmiše kao glumac i uzaludnom potragom za srodnom dušom uviđa da se njegova sestra blizankinja vrti u krug tražeći sebe u braku koji pokušava da održi i njene strasti za nekim novim kurcem koje pronalazi kod raznih instruktora ronjenja, kuvanja itd. Uporedo sa svojim seksualnim izletima muža drži u uvjerenju da sa njim želi djecu i sretan porodičan život.
skeleton7Nasuprot tome Milo želi da rasčisti ostatke iz prošlosti i sastaje sa profesorom koji mu je uzeo nevinost kada je imao 15 godina, ali i dalje glumi str8 porodičnog čovjeka.
Kako su Maggie i Milo emocionalno jako povezani njih dvoje mogu iskreno da pričaju o životu, nadanjima i željama, pa i o onim stvarima koje ne mogu da podjele sa drugima.
Film je za svaku preporuku i ostavlja nas da razmišljamo  da li živimo onako kako bi željeli ili samo glumimo.

 skeleton6As “The Skeleton Twins” deftly glides between drama and comedy, it peels away layers of personal history in the lives of its troubled main characters, twin siblings estranged for a decade who share an eerie emotional synchronicity. At the very moment Maggie Dean (Kristen Wiig), a dental hygienist in upstate New York, is about to gulp a lethal fistful of sleeping pills, she receives a call informing her that her brother, Milo (Bill Hader), a failed actor in Hollywood, is in the hospital after slashing his wrists.
Suicidal tendencies may run in the Dean family; their father killed himself when they were teenagers. Their mother (Joanna Gleason, in a brief, amusing cameo) is a grandiose New Age-spouting narcissist with impenetrable emotional armor.
skeleton3Maggie, a dutiful sister, reluctantly makes a place for Milo in the home she shares with her husband, Lance (Luke Wilson), a happy-go-lucky jock. And the peeling begins.
The movie, directed by Craig Johnson (the tiny indie “True Adolescents”) from a screenplay he wrote with Mark Heyman (a writer on “Black Swan”), is keenly attuned to the bonds of siblings, especially twins. If countless movies about brothers and sisters reveal common family traits, “The Skeleton Twins” is subtler than most in evoking a mutual sympathy that might be called a cellular understanding.
Being so completely simpatico has its good and bad sides because the person who best understands you can also inflict the most painful emotional wounds. After working closely together on “Saturday Night Live,” Ms. Wiig and Mr. Hader suggest that kind of intuitive connection, even when their characters here are at loggerheads.
skeleton5Lance, an unflappably optimistic and confident outsider, is aware of Maggie’s instability, which he takes in stride, cheerfully referring to her moods as “land mines” that he has no problem navigating. The three make an appealingly oddball little family once Milo, who is gay, lonely and not entirely comfortable with his sexuality, settles in.
“The Skeleton Twins” is a well-written and acted movie about contemporary life that doesn’t strain for melodrama and is largely devoid of weepy soap opera theatrics. A small, precise, character-driven vignette, it has no pretensions to make any kind of grand statement about The Way We Live Now.
That’s all the more admirable, considering that the wedge between Maggie and Milo involves a loaded subject, Milo’s former inappropriate relationship with a high school English teacher, Rich (Ty Burrell of “Modern Family”), who now lives with a girlfriend and has a son. “The Skeleton Twins” takes no stand on the affair, which haunts Milo to the degree that he seems obsessed with the still-closeted Rich, whom he looks up almost as soon as he arrives in town. Their too-brief scenes are fraught with tension and ambiguity and suggest that Milo was exploited, though he denies it.
Maggie has her own fraught sexual issues. Not in love with Lance or even strongly attracted to him, she is fair game for her Australian scuba-diving teacher (Boyd Holbrook). Secretive and weighed down by a deep sense of shame, she seems mired in a permanent funk.
What throws the glumness into sharp and welcome relief are inspired comic scenes in which Milo and Maggie regress and play together like children. Milo, who displays a streak of zany sarcasm, jokes about being “a tragic gay cliché.” When Lance announces that he and Maggie are planning to have children, Milo chimes in that he can’t wait to be “the creepy gay uncle.”
The movie transcends its mopey tendencies when the twins dress up hilariously for Halloween. And when Milo lip-syncs and cavorts to the Starship’s ’80s rock anthem “Nothing’s Gonna to Stop Us Now,” “The Skeleton Twins” soars deliriously into comic orbit.

23 December 2014

The Itch (2011)

The Itch (2011)
Director: Nora TennessenWriter: Nora Tennessen
Genre: Short movieCountry: USALanguage: English
Stars: Vanessa Hardy, Aaron Harris, Brandon Collins
Ovaj simpatični film me je podsjetio na neko davno vrijeme kada sam se intezivno druzio sa tada najboljim prijateljem i ljubavnikom. Jednom je otišao na neki seminar u Dubrovnik i nekoliko dana nakon što se vratio mi kaže da se skinem. Uzeo čovjek lupu i gleda me dolje. Nakon nekoliko minuta mi kaže da sam od njega dobio vaške. Ja uzeo lupu pa gledam i kada sam vidio da se nešto miče samo što se nisam onesvjestio.
Nisam htio da govorim sa njim danima zbog toga. Priznao mi je da je bio sa nekom koleginicom na seminaru i da je vjerovatno to dobio od nje.
Ušasnog li iskustva i kada god se sjetim tih dana počešem se. Inače lako se to istrijebi ali moram priznati da izaziva onaj majmunski osjećaj uz neprestano češanje.

The Itch from nora tennessen on Vimeo.
Robin and Orlando have a great first date, but paranoia -- and a certain communicable itch -- threaten to drive them apart.

officially selected by
FRAMELINE, the San Francisco LGBT Film Festival 2011
Atlanta OUTFEST 2011
Milwaukee LGBT Film Festival 2011
In The Itch, Robin (Aaron Harris) and Orlando (Brandon Collins) have a great first date, but things get weird the next day when Robin gets an itch he can’t stop scratching and he blames Orlando. Robin talks it over with his flatmate Suzie (Vanessa Hardy), also fresh from a hot hook-up, but eventually Robin confronts Orlando as the one he believes gave him scabies. Cute, but not as infectious as its subject. The writing is rather clumsy, especially in the too-good-to-be-true character of Orlando, who seems to be filling up his resumé for an application for sainthood.

21 December 2014

The Consul of Sodom (2009)

ConsulThe Consul of Sodom (2009) "El cónsul de Sodoma" (original title)

Director: Sigfrid Monleón
Writers: Miguel Dalmau (collaboration), Miguel Dalmau (novel), Miguel Ángel Fernández, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Joaquín Górriz, Sigfrid MonleónGenres: Biography, DramaCountry: SpainLanguage: Spanish, Tagalog, English, CatalanDuration: 110 min

Stars: Jordi Molla, Bimba Bosé, Alex Brendemühl, Josep Linuesa, Isaac de los Reyes, Marc Martínez

The lechery, loves and literature of Spanish scribe Jaime Gil de Biedma receive pleasingly offbeat treatment in "The Consul of Sodom."

Source: VARIETY.com
Consul-of-Sodom-(18)The lechery, loves and literature of Spanish scribe Jaime Gil de Biedma receive pleasingly offbeat treatment in “The Consul of Sodom,” a biopic that depends on a compelling performance by Jordi Molla. Following its protag from the ’60s until his death from AIDS in 1990, the pic is an intriguing ride through the Barcelona arts scene of 30 years ago, but its bed-to-book-to-boardroom dynamic palls, leaving it short on dramatic clout. Still, this gorgeous-looking, sexually explicit and rarely dull “Consul” has a cultish appeal that could stimulate fest interest. Initial B.O. for the Jan. 8 release was solid but unspectacular.
Consul-of-Sodom-(5)Steamy early scenes take place in 1959 Manila, where the impeccable, white-jacketed Jaime (Molla), presented as an incorrigible seducer, takes full advantage of the local boys. Back in Barcelona, his father, Don Luis (Juli Mira), is concerned about the impact of Jaime’s lifestyle on the reputation of the family’s tobacco empire, particularly since Franco’s police are on the trail of commie sympathizers. Much is made of the conflict between family duties and fleshly urges, conformity and transgression.
Jaime’s literary cronies are publisher Carlos Barral (Josep Linuesa) and the refreshingly down-to earth Juan Marse (Alex Brendemuhl). Ironically, Jaime is refused membership in the Communist Party because he’s openly gay; he falls in with Bel (newcomer Bimba Bose, sometimes out of her depth), who becomes his muse and lover.
Consul-de-Sodoma-101The script does well to bring something unique to each of the multiple relationships it portrays. And the period is portrayed with loving attention to detail, if too often suffused with the warm nostalgia of melodrama. Though the decor is often sumptuous, the focus is always on character rather than setting.
Molla, who has a tendency to overact, plays to his strengths by showing Jaime as a man of devilish aspect who sees his life in theatrical terms. The result is his finest perf in years, growing stronger as the pic proceeds and his character ages. Though the poet is aloof, fastidious, sexually avaricious and often downright unpleasant, Molla never lets us lose sight of his insecurities.
Consul-of-Sodom-(10)Inevitably for an item about arty types, the dialogue is sometimes of the overwrought “you’re in love with pain” variety. Extracts from the poems are judiciously used to comment on the action, but more time is spent on Jaime’s sex life (with multiple full-frontals) than inside his head.
Pic’s approach has caused a stir in Spain, with the real-life Marse, now a revered novelist, expressing his strong indignation in the national press.
- Jonathan Holland

20 December 2014

Lilting (2014)

Lilting-ccLilting (2014)

Director: Hong Khaou
Writer: Hong Khaou
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: UK
Language: English, Mandarin
Duration: 91 min
Year: 2014

Stars: Pei-pei Cheng, Ben Whishaw, Andrew Leung

In contemporary London, a Cambodian Chinese mother mourns the untimely death of her son. Her world is further disrupted by the presence of a stranger. We observe their difficulties in trying to connect with one another without a common language, as through a translator they begin to piece together memories of a man they both loved. 
Lilting is a 2014 British drama film written and directed by Cambodian-born British director Hong Khaou.

The film had its world premiere on January 16, 2014, on Day One of the Sundance Film Festival, at which it competed in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition. It won the Cinematography Award: World Cinema Dramatic at the festival. The film had a theatrical release in UK on August 8, 2014. and released on September 26, 2014 in United States.

Touching, intimate film about finding the things which bring us together. In contemporary London, a Cambodian Chinese mother mourns the untimely death of her son. Her world is further disrupted by the presence of a stranger. We observe their difficulties in trying to connect with one another without a common language, as through a translator they begin to piece together memories of a man they both loved.

19 December 2014

Audition (III) (2015)

Audition (III) (2015)

Director: Adam TyreeWriter: Adam TyreeGenre: Short movieCountry: USALanguage: EnglishDuration: 5 min
Stars: Bret Green, Jake Brown

Being an aspiring actor isn't as glamorous as it seems.

18 December 2014

In The Moment

N THE MOMENT - HIV prevention campaign at http://www.inthemoment.tv


Created by Dave O'Brien
Official Website
Orientation: Self-Help Forum Melodramatics
Setting: West Hollywood, California
TRT: 27 episodes averaging 5.25mins
Cast: Jesse Lewis IV, John Bryan Davila, Pete Scherer, Nico Sky, Parv Cheena

Premise: The website describes this Melrose Place-y series as "an HIV prevention campaign of LA Gay & Lesbian Center and the City of West Hollywood" and boy, they are not kidding. Almost every line of dialogue is, seemingly, designed to teach you something about safe sex, addiction or body image. It's almost drinking game worthy, but... that seems like that would defeat the purpose.


15 December 2014

Chaser (2013)

Chaser (2013)Chaser (2013)

Director:  Sal Bardo
Writer:  Sal Bardo
Producer:  Max Rhyser
Genre: Short movie
Country:  USA
Language: English
Duration: 15 min
Year: 2013

Stars:  Max Rhyser, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Rachel Claire, Karin de la Penha, Laurence Cantor, Aaron Sholomenko, Michael Argilan, John Mendez

Official Sites: Official Facebook

Chaser (2013)Svako od  nas ima po neku priču koju ne bi željeli da ponove. Iz njih obično naučimo nešto kako nebi ponovili istu grešku.
Paradoks je da većina ljudi ipak mašta o situacijama koje u stvarnom životu nikada sebi nebi dopustili.
Ali šta je to kod ljudi koji pređu tu opasnu granicu koja dijeli imaginaciju od realnosti?

Chaser (2013)U ovom filmu mladi profesor koji potiče iz konzervativne porodice, uspješan u svom poslu i omiljen u društvu mašta da bude silovan, bezobzirno izjeban od nekog neznanca i sve to bez kondoma, ponižen i napunjen spremom.
Na žalost ta želja i strast prelaze granicu dopuštenog i profesor se upušta u opasne avanture koje ga odvode na jednu bareback orgiju u kojoj se na njemu izređaju pederi, bez kondoma.
U vrijeme kada je AIDS neizliječiva bolest, upuštanje u ovakve avanture je NEDOPUSTIVO!

Chaser (2013)Film me je podsjetio na jednog druga kojeg sam upoznao preko interneta. Želio je da ga jebem i ponižavam. Izuzetno zgodan, oženjen, sportista i ukratko čovjek na čijem mjestu bi mnogi voljeli da budu.
Nije ni sačekao da popijemo kafu, skinuo se i prišao da mi puši kurac. Odgurnuo sam ga i rekao da mu to nisam dozvolio da radi. Odveo sam ga u sobu i prije seksa mu opalio šamarčinu da me je zaboljela ruka. Ponižavao sam ga na razne načine i na kraju izjebao kao poslednju droljetinu, naravno sa kondomom.
Poslije smo nastavili sa kafom i pitao ga koliko često sebi dopušta takve situacije. Rekao mi je da mu je ovo prvi put. Godinama je o tome maštao i drkao ali nije smio, niti znao kako dok nije otkrio taj jebeni sajt romeo.
U startu mu nisam vjerovao, ali kasnije sam shvatio da je bio iskren.

Chaser (Full Movie) from Sal Bardo on Vimeo.
Alienated from his conservative Jewish family and community, a promising, young, gay schoolteacher seeks solace in New York's barebacking scene.  Official Selection: Palm Springs International ShortFest, Brooklyn Film Festival, Provincetown International Film Festival.

Chaser (2013)The director and star of "Chaser," the new short film about the barebacking community, spoke to HuffPost Live this week about the research and preparation involved in bringing the practice of "bug chasing" to the big screen.
"I had encountered young men...who were seeking to have unprotected sex with the objective of being infected with HIV," director Sal Bardo, who also co-produced the movie, said. "So it was something I was simultaneously intrigued by and a little disturbed by."
Chaser (2013)Comparing his movie to 2006's "Half Nelson," which nabbed Ryan Gosling an Oscar nomination, Bardo added, "I think we wanted to make a film and use that as a way to understand the motivations behind the behavior."
Star Max Rhyser agreed, saying that playing the protagonist in the movie "took over" his life for a while. As it turns out, it was his decision to make Zach a gay schoolteacher.
"I thought it was really interesting to take a character, somebody whose around our children every day, [and give him] this darker side," Rhyser noted. "It was really important for me to explore the dark and the light."

Chaser (2013)

14 December 2014

Dirty Laundry (2014)

Dirty Laundry (2014)

Director: Drew Nelson
Writer: Adam Tyree
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Duration: 5 min
Year: 2014

Stars: Michael Stevantioni, Jonatan Mackris

Dirty Laundry- A Short Film from Drew Nelson on Vimeo.

A boy just wants to read his bible while his darks are drying, but the guy folding towels behind him wants to jump his bones. This is the gay agenda. Starring Michael Stevantoni and Jonathan Mackris in a "laundromat". Special thanks to Shana Marshall, Pearl Marshall and Justin Steele.

Sombrero (II) (2008)

Somrero-2008Sombrero (II) (2008)

Director: Nathaniel Atcheson
Writer: Nathaniel Atcheson
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 12 min

Stars: Michael Osborne, Jeff Lorch, Anthony Sherritt, Christian Zuber, Alejandro Antonio

James and Raymond are two men looking for a connection in life. They meet for a blind date in a Mexican restaurant. James is extremely nervous, but Raymond is calm and collected and tries to make the most of their awkward encounter. But as the two men learn more about each other, their rocky date takes an unexpected turn toward the absurd. 2008, 35mm.

SOMBRERO from Nathaniel Atcheson on Vimeo.

12 December 2014

In Half (2012)

In Half (2012)

In Half (2012)

Director: Adam Tyree
Writer: Adam Tyree
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 14 min
Year: 2012

Stars: Jake Brown, Adam Bucci, Kim Estes, Judy Baker


In Half from Adam Tyree on Vimeo

A good reflection on how grief is
12 October 2014 | by Gglove (Ireland) – IMDB

The movie starts with James grieving for the loss of his brother, the funeral scene was really well done but sad at the same time. However when you move along with the film, you get to know the homophobic folk that attended the funeral. Then suddenly James twin brother's ex boyfriend Adam comes to the rescue in a very brave way. I didn't like the way James took these guys side in the first place but thankfully Adam dragged into the good side of being gay. Adam had the good personality in him when he was trying to cheer up James grief of his brother regardless of being a dipstick but anyway! At the end of the film, James damages Sam's car window and you have the enlightenment touch like a message saying its OK to be gay. Such an inspiring film to lighten up your heart :)

Lady Peacock (2014)

Lady-Peacock-2014-ccLady Peacock (2014)

Director: Jana Mattioli
Writers: Greg Dyrsten (writer and concept), Greg Jackson (contributing writer),
Jana  Mattioli (script editor), Joe Rosario (contributing writer)

Genre: Comedy, Romace
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 99 min
Year: 2014

Stars: Blanche Baker, Kc Comeaux, Joshua Cruz

Distributed by Breaking Glass Pictures


lp1A Drag-tastic new comedy by Mattioli Productions starring Eric Millegan (Bones; Dr. Zach Addy), Emmy Winner Blache Baker (Sixteen Candles), Andrea Verdura and Angela Metz (Flea Market Flip), NYC Drag sensation Dallas Dubois, Joshua Cruz (Big Gay Musical), Rachel Filsoof (Oxygen's Networks The Next Big Thing), Tym Moss from The Radio Show Artist Exposed, Elissa Goldstein (An Affirmative Act), Edvin Ortega (Orange is the New Black) and introducing numerous rising stars in the NY film  scene!!
Lady Peacock is a fun filled comedy full of love, rivalry, and enough sequins to sink a ship.
When Conner first meets newbie Devin, he feels an instant attraction for him. It is practically love at first sight! However, soon into the relationship Conner's nemesis,  Drag Queen, Adora, wants Devin all to herself. Conner soon realizes the only way to compete with a drag queen is to become a drag queen. With the help of his club friends, Conner must make it his mission to destroy Adora if he wants to win back Devin. This film has heart, laughter, love, hot guys, and fantastic performances.

Studies on Hysteria (2012)

Studies on Hysteria from Felix Ruple on Vimeo.

The naked truth about life, the universe and everything.
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Directors & Script: Matthias Bäuerle, Gabriel Borgetto, Bernd Faaß
Director of Photography: Bernd Faaß
Producer: Felix Ruple
Editor: Bernd Faaß
Staging: Gabriel Borgetto
Visual Effects: Matthias Bäuerle
Production Design: Roman Nowak
Art Director: Matthias Bäuerle
Composer: Balz Aliesch
Sounddesign: Jonathan Lasarzewski, Hans-Peter Schumacher
Make-Up: Judith Gerdsmeier
Casting: Gabriel Borgetto
Adam: Philip Wilhelmi
Eva: Hannah Kobitzsch
Priest: Moritz Berg
Smith: Michael Görgner
Innkeeper: Falk Tröber
Speaker: Christian Serritiello
Full Credits: www.crew-united.com?mov=160425
Website: www.studies-on-hysteria.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StudiesOnHysteria
Golden Award of Montreux 2014
Art Directors Club 2013
New German Directors Showcase 2013
10. Porsche International Student Advertising Film Award (New Ways Award)
12. International Student Film and Video Festival Beijing (Audience Award)
10. International Low & No Budget Film Festival Film-Sharing

– German Webvideo Award 2014 (Germany)
– ComedyCluj Film Festvial 2014 (Romania)
– Kurzfilmwanderung Leipzig (Germany)
– Cinema City (Serbia)
– Rural Film Fest 2014 (Spain)
– 2. Schnongs Kurzfilmfestvial (Germany)
– 13. Colchester Film Festival (England)
– 42. Internationales Studentenfilmfestival Sehsüchte + Producer Award Nomination (Germany)
– 12. International Independent Film Feature Film Festival Warsaw (Poland)
– 16. Brussels Short Film Festival (Belgium)
– 39. Filmets Badalona Film Festival (Spain)
– 9. International Short Film Festival PARIS Courts Devant (France)
– 12. St. Petersburg International Festival of Debut and Student Films (Russia)
– 10. Fresh Film Fest Prag (Czech Republic)
– Early Melons 2013 (Slovakia)
– 7. Fünf Seen Film Festival (Germany)
– Shorts at Moonlight 2013 (Germany.)
– Kurzfilmfestival in der Linse 2013 (Germany)
– 18. Filmschau Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
– Guckloch Kommunales Kino Villingen-Schwenningen (Germany)
– Next Film Festival 2013 (Romania )
– 4. Flicks International Student Film Festival (Netherlands)
– RKZ Bios Cinema Groningen (Netherlands)
– 23. Mediawave Film Festival (Hungary)
– 20. Rüsselsheimer Filmtage (Germany)
– New German Directors Showcase 2013 (Germany)
– 23. Filmkunstfest M.-V. (Germany)
– 9. International Short Film Festival Detmold (Germany)
– 21. Filmfestival Contravision (Germany)
– 5. Filmfestival Münster 2013 (Germany)
– 6. Filmzeit Kaufbeuren (Germany)
– Subterana Cinematografica 2013 (Romania)

10 December 2014

Teens Like Phil (2012)

Teens Like Phil (2012)Teens Like Phil (2012)

Directors: Dominic Haxton, David Rosler
Writers: Dominic Haxton, Cherise Pascual
Genre: Short movi
Country: USA
Language: English 
Duration: 20 min

Stars: Adam Donovan, Jake Robbins, Margie Ferris

Teens Like Phil (2012)Nedavno sam prolazio pored jedne škole na kojoj je stajao plakat pod nazivom "Stop nasilju u školi!"
Generalno svi se zalažemo da obezbjedimo dostojantven život i rad svih učenika u školama, ali u stvarnosti je malo ko posvećen tome.
Profesori u školama imaju važnijih problema od onih kako da pomognu ugroženim učenicima koji preživljavaju nasilje od ostalih učenika izvan učionica.
Psiholozi rijetko intervenišu, a roditelji se tu uglavnom ne mješaju, jer u mnogim slučajevima oni su zaduženi da nahrane i obuku dijete, a vaspitanje prepuštaju školi i ulici.
Phil je stidljiv i nesiguran tinejdžer koji se suočava sa sopstvenom seksualnošću, ali i sa nasiljem koje preživljava u školi i kod kuće od svog bivšeg prijatelja Adama prema kojem je imao posebna osjećanja.
Rezultat njihovog ugrožavajućeg i bolnog odnosa je tragično Philovo samoubistvo proizašlo iz nemogugućnosti da pronađe izlaz iz očaja u koji je upao, bez pomoći roditelja i društva.

Teens Like Phil (2012)Phil, a shy, insecure teenager growing up in a affluent suburb, is trapped in the painful throes of adolescence. He's struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. At his elite private school, Phil is picked on by his former friend and love interest, Adam. Adam frequently lashes out with violence against Phil and enjoys humiliating him in the locker room. As the bullying intensifies, both at school and at home, the back story of Phil and Adam's ill-fated relationship is revealed, leading to a horrific final assault.

Teens Like Phil (2012)

09 December 2014

RETAKE - A Feature Film


A young male prostitute (played by Luke Pasqualino) is hired by Jonathan, a lonely middle-aged man, to be his companion on a road trip from San Francisco to the Grand Canyon.

Jonathan creates a role for the escort to play for the duration of the trip: "Brandon." Eager to leave his own past behind, the escort accepts the role and they set off on their drive.  “Brandon” quickly comes to realize he’s playing a pivotal part of Jonathan’s desire to relive his past.

"Brandon" and Jonathan -- two damaged souls driving to the Grand Canyon, one trying to remember his past; the other trying to forget. RETAKE is an exploration of love, loss, identity, and the delicate balance of moving toward an uncertain future.

Facebook: Facebook.com/retakethemovie
Twitter: @retakethemovie
Instagram: @retakethemovie
Tumblr: http://retakethemovie.tumblr.co
Vine: https://vine.co/u/1141585392764923904                          
GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/111960015415064865290/about

Coffee House Chronicles


A meet-cute takes an unexpected turn when Darin gets to Matthew's house and discovers that the hottie in the wrap-around shades is Asian -- and Darin doesn't 'do' Asians...

Hi, Stewart Wade here.  I'm a writer and director -- three features so far (Coffee Date, Tru Loved, and most recently Such Good People).  While I love features, I've also always been drawn to the short film format, but the outlets for their distribution have historically been few and far between.  Now, with the advent of online channels such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Hulu, I am newly inspired!

I envision Coffee House Chronicles as an anthology web series which explores the many ways that we connect in this brave new world of the Internet, social media -- and coffee houses on every corner.

The first episode, Secret Asian Man, is sexy and funny -- but also explores racism in the LGBT community.  I've already shot it, starring two gorgeous and talented actors, Mykee Steen and Cesar Cipriano.  But I need your help to launch the series, and get future episodes off the ground.

Here's a brief description of the upcoming episodes I plan to shoot -- if I raise the money:

The Exception:  Jeff is haunted -- literally -- by his perfect ex.  Can his quirky and less-than-perfect BFF, Anthony, get him to leave behind the idealized past in exchange for a messy, imperfect future together?  The wildly talented Drew Droege has agreed to play the role of Anthony!

Perfect Present: A happily married man wants to get his husband the perfect gift for their 25th anniversary.  But is one of the world's sexiest gay porn stars really the best gift to celebrate their love?

Sunday Secrets: Two female yoga buddies drag their husbands along for a Sunday brunch.  Turns out the men aren't exactly strangers...

What We Need & What You Get

Each episode costs about $2,000 (costs vary mostly with locations).  So...a mere $10,000 will allows us to create 5 episodes!  Your contribution will give you the warm glow of helping to bring good art into the world -- specifically movies with characters and situations you DON'T get to see everyday on TV or at the movies.  More concretely, you will also get our thanks, in various formats depending on your level of contribution.  For more substantial contributions, the perks are even better!  You can get even an executive producer credit on the project!  

The Impact

This web series will change the world!  Okay, not really.  Well, maybe just a little.  Because I believe that telling good stories, bringing laughter into the world or moving people, does make our lives just a little bit better. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you're not in a position to contribute (hey, I've been there!) you can still help by spreading the word.  "Share" on Facebook or Twitter -- you know the drill.


06 December 2014

Un chant d'amour (1950)

unA Song of Love (1950)
"Un chant d'amour" (original title)


Director: Jean Genet
Writer: Jean Genet
Genre: Short movie
Country: France
Year: 1950
Duration: 26 min


Stars: André Reybaz, Java, Coco Le Martiniquais




Un chant d'amour ("Ljubavna pjesma") jedini je film francuskog pisca Jeana Geneta, a on ga je režirao 1950. godine. Film je smatran kontroverznim zbog eksplicitnog prikazivanja homoseksualnosti te ga se sam Genet "odrekao".

Radnja je smještena u francuski zatvor, gdje jedan čuvar uživa promatrajući zatvorenike. U jednoj je ćeliji čovjek koji izgleda kao prosječni Alžirac, a u susjednoj neočit mladić od otprilike 20 godina. Stariji je muškarac zaljubljen u mladića, što pokazuje dijeleći dim cigarete s njim kroz slamku.

Nakon što čuvar to primijeti, on ulazi u ćeliju "Alžirca" i istuče ga, a nakon toga natjera "Alžirca" da stavi njegov pištolj u svoja usta.

"My favorite movie male-on-male love scene is one in which the male couple are separated by a cell wall but brought together by a straw and a shared lungful of smoke. Is this is a bad sign? Jean Genet's Un Chant D'Amour, his only movie, is set, of course, in a prison. A middle-aged prisoner knocks on his cell wall, frantically trying to attract the attention of his younger neighbor, who is dancing with himself in a dirty vest with a face as tender as it is tough. The old lag lights a cigarette, inserts a straw through a tiny hole, and blows smoke through it into the next cell. After studiously feigning disinterest, the young brute finally kneels at the wall, closed-eyed and open-mouthed, and receives the billowingn white smoke. It's a great, exquisitely poetic representation of the impossibility of romance—and even desire itself. To paraphrase Joni Mitchell, I've looked at glory holes from both sides now, from blower and inhaler, from younger and older, and still it's glory holes' illusions I recall."
Mark Simpson, writer, Metrosexy


03 December 2014

Sexy’s Back on Old Dogs & New Tricks' Latest Episode “To Have & Have Not”

Sexy’s Back on Old Dogs & New Tricks' Latest Episode “To Have & Have Not”

od1Love, sex and work are the focus Old Dogs & New Tricks’ latest episode, “To Have & Have Not,” now playing at Youtube.

Romance is in the air for Nathan and Muscles (Leon Acord, Jeffrey Patrick Olson), as they bond with their respective new boyfriends, Jake and Lucas (Curtis Wayne Brown, Dan Oliverio).

Ironically, resident horn-dog Brad (Curt Bonnem) is too busy to get laid. He’s throwing himself into a job search with less than spectacular results. How does a man with 25 years of no experience get a job?


Meanwhile, on the set of his new TV movie, Ross (David Pevsner) is trying not to bond with his new co-star, Tanya Dickson (special guest star Marisa Petroro). Seems Tanya has the hots for Ross, and she’s not the kind of girl who takes ‘no’ for an answer!

“Marisa was a great sport,” says Leon. “Her second scene with Ross is one of the funniest scenes of the series!”

od3“David Pevsner was such a joy to work with,” says guest star Petroro. “We put our modesty aside, dove into the scene and had a blast. It was hot, it was sweaty, it was fast… and then my nightie ripped. I knew in that moment, we had something really fun for the audience.”

“To Have & Have Not” is directed by Stephen Curtis. The series returns next Wednesday with its fifth new episode, “Ginger Snaps,” also directed by Curtis.

In Bloom (2013)

In-Bloom-ccIn Bloom (2013)

Director: Chris Michael Birkmeier
Writer: Chris Michael Birkmeier
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 87 min
Year: 2013

Stars: Kyle Wigent, Tanner Rittenhouse, Adam Fane, ake Andrews, Steve Casillas, Emma Blyth

In-Bloom1Gay Drama of a Relationship that is dying
Author: t-dooley-69-386916 from London, IMDB

This indie, gay based drama has been compared to Brit, indie hit 'Weekend'. I can see the comparisons but actually found this to be a better story. It is about two men Paul and Kurt, the film starts out with them meeting at a party and it is clear that they are somewhat 'estranged'; we then go back seven months to when their love was clearly 'in bloom' and find out how they got to this stage.
In-Bloom-206Whilst Paul worked in a supermarket to pay the bills, Kurt was a drug dealer and got to meet a lot of laid back people – some might say too laid back. A chance encounter then starts the clock ticking on the road to separation. We also have a back story of a serial killer who is targeting lone men. What we then have is the painful deterioration of the two lovers relationship and I have to sat it was done completely convincingly. Things never just end and this was like watching nails being hammered into the coffin of their shared love.
Two young men find their seemingly great relationship threatened when temptations and unease begin to pull them apart. A knowing, powerful look at modern gay love.
IIn-Bloom-3 found this completely absorbing even though it was far from being a 'feel good' movie. Quite the contrary; it dealt with an aspect of relationships that is all too often ignored and that is the breakdown. Director Chris Michael-Birkmeier has made a very good film and has also got two excellent performances from his leading men Kyle Wigent as Kurt and Tanner Rittenhouse as Paul – both of them virtual unknowns but both showing great ability. Not a bedroom fest more a study of a relationship past its best and if you are up for a challenging, intelligent and very human story then you could do a lot worse than giving this one a chance – recommended.

In Bloom

02 December 2014

THREE - The Web Series

THREE - The Web Series

THREE - The Web Series

Director: Jeffrey Swafford
Writter: Jeffrey Swafford
Gentre: Web series
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2014

Stars: Justin Hand, Kevin Thornton, Derek Whittaker, Daniel Mark Collins

Websites: Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Official

Three is a funny, yet poignant exploration of monogamy in gay life and what happens in a relationship when the thrill is gone but the love remains

THREE is produced by Woodland, a production company based in Nashville and headed by writer/director Jeff Swafford. THREE is inaugural production and it will cover two seasons. Season one will be completed by December 2014 and the second season will be shot in spring 2015.

30 November 2014

Tonight It's Me (2014)

Tonight It's Me (2014)Tonight It's Me (2014)

Director: Dominic Haxton
Writers: Dominic Haxton, Eric Jett, Charles
Mallison, Jake Robbins
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
LAnguage: English
Duration: 13 min
Year: 2014

Stars: Neil Elliot, Caleb James, Christian Patrick, Jake Robbins

A hot young hustler finds himself in uncharted waters when he spends the night with a client who’s far from the “johns” he’s used to servicing.

Visit my New Site:: http://orvel.me