Director: Eytan Fox
Writer: Avner Bernheimer
Genre: Drama, Romance, War Country: Israel
Year: 2002
Duration: 65 min
Stars: Ohad Knoller, Yehuda Levi and Assi Cohen
Odnosi medju drugovima u sredinama kakva je vojnička su nevjerovatno kompleksni, a zasnivaju se na iskrenosti i uzajamnoj želji za drugarskom podrškom da se istraje i opstane.
Granica koju postavljamo u toj iskrenosti kao i svudgje drugo ipak zavisi od toga ko stoji ispred nas i koliko povjerenje imamo u nekoga. Yossi i Jagger nam pokazuju kako ljubav može biti lijepa i teška u isto vrijeme. Tvrd vojnički stav i pravilo da je pokazivanje emocija znak slabosti je nešto sa čime se njih dvojica nose tokom cjelog filma. Medjutim postoje trenuci kada zaboravimo na sve oko sebe i požalimo što nismo ponekad jasno rekli najljepše riječi na svijetu.
Film me je podsjetio na mnogo momenata iz mog života. Jedan od njih je moj odlazak sa Splitske željezničke stanice. Pratio me je najbolji drug, noseći mi jedan ogroman kofer. Ćutali smo dok smo išli prema stanici. Tek kada je voz stigao na peron rekao je: " Neke stvari naprosto znamo i ne treba o njima govoriti, pazi se!"
I kod većine nas koji "znamo", a o tome ne govorimo ponekad se nametne pitanje: - Jesam li trebao reći?
Film sa titlom pogledajte OVDJE
I kod većine nas koji "znamo", a o tome ne govorimo ponekad se nametne pitanje: - Jesam li trebao reći?
Film sa titlom pogledajte OVDJE
Based on a true story and written for the screen by Avner Bernheimer, "Yossi and Jagger" captures the camaraderie and nervous energy of young soldiers at war. At a snowy outpost on the Israel-Lebanon border, the quarters are cramped, danger lurks around every corner, and sexual high jinks and general silliness take precedence over preparing for battle.
Spirits run high despite the troops' exhaustion. "It's biological warfare! " an army cook cries upon discovering the food in the camp fridge has spoiled. Two soldiers, crouched and ready to take on the enemy, kill time with a game of "who's better": "Popeye or Brutus?" "Michelle Pfeiffer or Sharon Stone?"
Levi brings an impish charm to Jagger, but the character (nicknamed after the rock star) is more described than he is played. His fellow soldiers talk about how great he is, but he doesn't talk much himself, and when he does, it's mostly to berate Yossi about being closeted. Levi is a big soap star in Israel, so maybe his character's charms could be assumed when the film played in his home country.
Another soldier fancies a female colleague, but she's got a big crush on Jagger. Assi Cohen makes palpable this fellow's sexual frustration and his anger at having to compete with "sensitive" Jagger. The Betty Grable of the outfit, a saucy radio operator named Goldie, is shtupping the unit's married colonel -- an affair conducted practically in the open. Illicit heterosexuality, apparently, is far preferable to committed homosexuality in the Israeli military.
-- Advisory: This film contains raw language, violence, sexual situations.
-- Carla Meyer
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