Director: Michael Cuesta
Writers: Stephen M. Ryder, Michael Cuesta
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 97 min
Stars: Brian Cox, Paul Dano and Bruce Altman
Mnogo roditelja misli da su dali sve os sebe ako su djeci pružili hranu, školu, odijeću i obuću, po koju sitnu ili krupniju materijalnu stvar.
Ono što najčešće izostane to je razumijevanje, pomoć u sazrevanju i pronalaženje sopstvenog identiteta.
Ništa neobično niti nesvakidašnje, reći će te, ali sve to mogu da iskoriste razni pedofili i bolesni umovi koji se uvijek nađu tamo đe se najmanje nadamo.
Na žalost u jednom nesretno sklopljenom trenutku upoznaje se sa matorim pedofilom koji sebe naziva Big Jon.
Sa nedozrelim Howiem izgrađuje “specifičan” odnos, u kojem je dominantan njegov seksualni interes spram diječaka. Režiser nam srećom izbjegava prikazivati scene seksualne izopačenosti , ali možemo naslutiti koliko daleko može da ide bolesni um.
Neću vam prepričavati cjeli film, jer to možete pročitati na drugim mjestima.
Ono što me nakon film zateklo je razmišljanje koliko ljudi zbog likova kao što je Big Jon, poistovjećuje homoseksualnost sa izopačenošću pedofila?
Gledao sam klince od po 16, 17 godina kako po nudističkim plažama međusobno svašta rade, i to pred matorim pederima koji bez imalo srama uspaljeno balave gledajući nihove “igrarije”.
Neke stvari klinci moraju sami otkriti, a ako im pri tome zatreba pomoć postoji porodica, škola i vršnjaci. Ostali bi trebalo da se klone maloljetnih lica. Iako je zakonom predviđeno da se pedofilijom smatra seksualni odnos sa maloljetnim licem od 14 ili manje godina, mislim da je to previše uopšteno jer po meni je pedofilija ikad neko ko ima 40 godina ima seksualni odnos sa licem od 16 godina.
U svakom slučaju svako bi trebalo da se drži svoje generacije, mada sam siguran da bi me i str8 i gay i pravnici razapeli zbog ove formulacije.
Howie Blitzer is deeply affected by the death of his mother in a car accident on the Long Island Expressway and finds solace in the company of his best friend Gary (Billy Kay), a juvenile delinquent and hustler. Gary is attracted to Howie, but Howie is unsure of his sexuality. They have two other 15-year-old friends, one of whom, Kevin, has an incestuous relationship with his sister. The four boys regularly break into neighborhood houses.
John confronts Gary over the burglary and Gary names Howie as his accomplice. John is manipulative in his pursuit and grooming of Howie. He does research on Howie then approaches him at a diner, speaking French because he knows the boy speaks French and he pretends that he knew his mother. He offers the boy a lift home and Howie is impressed that Big John happens to drive Howie’s dream car. Once he has gained Howie’s confidence he pulls out the torn pocket and demands that Howie returns the guns. Howie manages to get one gun back from Gary’s room, and returns it. When he arrives at the house, John has a photograph of a shirtless pre-pubescent boy upon his laptop. John wants $1000 for the other gun and Howie offers to work for him to pay off the debt.
John has a 19-year-old live-in lover called Scott who says to John as Howie leaves, “You should be ashamed of yourself.” John responds, “I am. I always am.”
When he returns home, Howie masturbates to a fantasy involving both John and the girl in the video. Gary then steals money from Howie’s distant father (Bruce Altman) and disappears to Los Angeles. This affects Howie and his confusion over his sexual identity increases. Michael Cuesta has said that this sexual ambiguity is at the heart of the film. Howie doesn’t know if he is gay or straight
Howie stays over at John’s house and John asks Scott to go and stay in a motel for a few nights. Howie wanders round the house and, while picking up a toy drum on a mantelpiece discovers a stash of pictures of semi-naked boys. Some are pictures of a younger (and naked) Gary and others are of a shirtless blond 11-year-old boy, confirming, as with the image on the laptop, that John is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent boys as well as adolescents and older teenagers. Scott comes into the room and warns Howie off taking what is his, i.e. John.
In the way he treats Howie, John demonstrates behavior that is like his public persona, rather than the dark sexual predator that he also is, but after dropping Howie off, he still returns to the place where boys wait for chickenhawks. As he sits in his car, Scott, who is devastated by the attention John is giving to Howie, drives by and shoots him dead.
At the end, everyone Howie has ever loved has left him: his mother and John are dead; Gary has run away, and his father is in prison and in the final scene he is contemplating the expressway, vowing he won’t let it get him too.
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