Director: David Gleeson
Writer: David Gleeson
Genre: Drama
Country: Ireland
Language: English Year: 2003
Duration: 89 min
Stars: Michael Legge, Allen Leech and Amy Shiels
Kako nastaju prijateljstva?
Još ako u sve to iskljucimo seksualnu privlacnost eto predpostavke za iskrena i dobra prijateljstva. Na žalost mnogi pederi griješe i ne vide dalje od ogledala. Upoznavaju se i druže isključivo sa drugim pederima, a ostale prihvataju samo iz ličnog interesa. Ako imaju str8 prijatelja to je obično neko iz djetinjstva ili škole, a i tada je neiskreno jer je obučeno u laži i tajnama.
Mnogi mi se žale da se osjećaju prazno i iskorišćeno. Iz dana u dan traže neko prijateljstvo i nadu da će se to pretvoriti u neku romasu, a svaku novu osobu koju upoznaju prvo odvuku u krevet!
Jedan mi je rekao da se ne može družiti sa nekim ko mu se ne sviđa fizički.
Drugi da su mu najbolji prijatelji gejevi ali isključivo oni sa kojima ne dijeli isti ukus po pitanju muškaraca. I tako redom, pogubljeni u svom pederskom svjetu izgube pojam o ljudima koji ih okružuju. Svakome nalaze manu i neku lošu karakteristiku.
Na kraju veći dio okruženja naprosto kaže: "Ma to je obična pederčina" pri tome ne misleći na seksualnu orjentaciju!
Ovaj film nam govori o jednom lijepom prijateljstvu koje se svakako ne zasniva na pederskim predpostavkama.
Anyway, Shane is looking for a flat closer to the city, where he works in a boring desk job. All the good places are taken, and he spots a two-bedroom the same time that Vincent does. They agree to room together, and things are initially pretty chilly because the two are so different. Vincent is in school to be a fashion designer, and picks up men for one-night stands. Shane just sits at home, bored. It turns out the two went to school together a long time ago, and as they spend more time together, they begin to open up. Shane has a huge crush on Gemma (Amy Shiels, Veronica Guerin, The Abduction Club), Vincent's good friend.
Legge and Leech give two very natural performances. They look and feel very comfortable in their characters, and Gleeson's decision to omit the homophobia aspect that every other film would include is a really nice touch. It allows him to delve further into the friendship between these two guys, and he spends enough time with the characters to make the friendship believable. Shane basically lost his childhood. He had to work quickly after high school to support his family. He doesn't have a real concept of how to have fun, or what his dreams were. Vincent is the person who changes all of this. There's nothing profound going on here, it's just a nice small movie. - Haro Online-
Visit: Orvel.ME
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