Our Lady of the Assassins (2000) La virgen de los sicarios (original title)
Director: Barbet Schroeder
Writers: Fernando Vallejo (novel), Fernando Vallejo (screenplay)
Genre: Drama
Country: Spain, France, Colombia Language: Spanish
Year: 2000
Duration: 101 min
Stars: Germán Jaramillo, Anderson Ballesteros and Juan David Restrepo
Ovaj film reditelja Barbet Schroedera je rađen po autobiografskoj noveli Kolumbijskog pisca Fernanda Valleja.
Fernando se vraća u Kolumbijijski grad Medellin u kojem je rođen i proveo djetinjstvo u vremenu kada trgovina drogom nije bio dominantan biznis u tom gradu. Namjera mi je da to provede svoje poslednje dane. Upoznaje 16-godišnjeg Aleksisa kojega dovodi u svoj stan i sa njim doživljava pravu romansu. Neću sada govoriti o moralnim i etičkim aspektima romanse između jednog 60-godišnjeg geja i tinejdžera od 16 godina jer se time ne bavi ni ova filmska priča.
Alexis je odrastao u siromašnoj četvrti u kojoj se razne bande svakodnevno međusobno ubijaju za šaku dolara i gdje dijete već u pubertetu uči kako se puca iz pištolja i ubija. Ove "vaspitne mjere" su uobičajene u Medellinu u kojem je ubiti čovjeka isto kao otići u prodavnicu i kupiti hljeb. Čak se i priroda štiti na način da se postavljaju table sa natpisom: "Zabranjeno bacanje leševa". Naravno i Aleksis sa sobom uvjek nosi pištolj i sa lakoćom ubije svakoga ko mu stane na putu. Kuriozitet je da kada god neka pošiljka droge uspješno bude isporučena u Ameriku u gradu se to označi vatrometom. Fernando koji je u sve to upao iz nekog sasvim drugog svjeta to traumatično preživljava. Alesis koji ga voli i kao ljubavnika i kao saputnika, pomaže mu da shvati surovu stvarnost koja je zadesila taj grad. Zajedno obilaze brojne crkve koje nijemo posmatraju patnju posjetilaca moleći se da prežive još jedan dan ili umru brzo.
Nebih da vam završim priču do kraja pa ću samo primjetiti da se i u tom svjetu njihova romantična ljubav i odnos ne prihvata blagonaklono, ali koga je briga? Ne treba se previše buniti i uznemiravati nekoga ko pištolj sa lakoćom upotrebljava, zar ne?!
After an absence of thirty years, writer Fernando Vallejo returns to Medellín, the city where he was born and raised. Little remains of what he had left behind. His parents are dead and so are his siblings and most of his friends.Half the city has been destroyed to make room for an elevated subway. The cocaine Mafia - the Medellín Cartel - sows terror with gangs of assassins: boys from the city’s poor neighborhoods employed as hired killers who are often doomed to die at the hands of rival gangmembers.
One of these boys is Alexis, a sixteen-year-old who despite his youth already has a few murders on his conscience. Fernando has just gotten into town when
he is introduced to Alexis by a childhood friend in a male brothel. Fernando and Alexis fall in love. In this city ruled by horror, chaos and hate, where blood-debts are passed on
from brother to brother and from one friend to another, as if the fate of the living were in the hands of the dead.In this city where the only oases of peace are the churches... they fall in love.
A hopeless love, destined to fail through no fault of their own, but for the circumstances they are caught up in. A stereo Fernando buys Alexis is the motive for a first squabble, as the latter has the habit of leaving dance music on at a deafening volume at all hours of the day and night. But soon they are at odds over a greater issue as Alexis murders anyone who happens to cross their path or bother Fernando. At the slightest provocation, Alexis, like a new Exterminating Angel, unhesitatingly whips out his gun and fires. Condemned by the emptiness of their lives, they go aimlessly from church to church and murder to murder, a more confident love growing between them, until one day Alexis is killed in a drive-by shooting. Wrought with grief, Fernando goes to the barrio slums of Santo Domingo Savio to meet Alexis’s mother, a poor woman with several children. She tells him that her son was killed by a boy from the neighboring barrio of La Francia. She only knows the murderer’s strange nickname: « The Blue Lagoon ».
Walking alone and losing himself in the noisy and violent streets that once witnessed his transient moments of happiness, Fernando bumps into someone he at first mistakes for Alexis, as if the boy were still alive. Or as if the horror of life had induced a grotesque hallucination. The boy in question isWílmar.He resembles Alexis on more than one count: he’s the same age, wears a similar jacket, is just as devoted to Our Lady Help of Christians, whose scapularies - tied around his neck, right wrist and left ankle - he never doffs. But the most poignant similarity of all is the gun he always carries with him. So the series of murders Alexis had started continues with Wílmar, while Fernando begins a new love affair. It seems that the world of Medellín has gone insane, going around in circles and creating live replicas of the dead.
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