31 October 2012
My Queer Samsara (2010)
Director: Mazen Khaled
Writer: Mazen Khaled
Genre: Short movie
Country: Canada
Year: 2010
Duration: 11 min
Stars: Sebastien Blais and Marc Pelletier
Premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival 2010, screened at Cork International Film Festival 2011. "In My Queer Samsara, I set out to discover what is perceived, a stereotype, and to dig vertically down from that stereotype in order to uncover an underlying feeling about who we really are beneath the appearance in relation to that moment." "My Queer Samsara is a critical look at a constructed social identity that hides underneath it a gnawing want; a need to 'go back home'..."
28 October 2012
The Love Within (2006)
Director: Corey Ziemniak
Writer: Corey Ziemniak
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2006
Stars: Rory Kozoll, Charlene Amoia and Vartan Latyre
Pijmo u to ime i sretan ti rodjendan brate! Potresle su me jako te riječi i nisam znao šta da kažem. Jedva sam se suzdržao da ne zaplačem, bilo me sramota pred svim tim prijateljima. Naravno svi srejt.
Kada smo se vratili u sobu na spavanje "Toni" je uskočio u moj krevet zagrlio me i šapnuo: ‘Vidio sam sve i sve znam. Volim te jako i tako će ostati, ali molim te nikad nemoj pomisliti...’
Naravno da nisam nikad pomislio, ali trebalo je tako malo!
Neka prijateljstva ostaju to zauvjek!
Three college students - Ethan, Meg and Josh - share an intense friendship that turns emotionally cataclysmic when unspoken attractions come to light. The inescapable truths of the heart will either strengthen or destroy their seemingly fragile bond, but only if they can overcome the fears of trusting each other -- and themselves.
Visit: Orvel.Me
27 October 2012
Man in the Mirror (2011)
Director: Joel Schumacher
Writer: Treviny Marie Colon
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2011
Duration: 17 min
Stars: E.J. Bonilla, Delia Carino and Joshua Cruz
Još jedna priča o seksualnom identitetu. Jason je portorikanac iz New Yorka kojeg u školi ogovaraju da je možda gej iako mu je djevojka jedna od najboljih cura u školi. Potajno se viđa sa jednim momkom iz škole, ali to je samo jedan momak, što bi trebalo da znači da nije gej. Naravno glupa priča u koju i sam sumlja. Treba li se odrediti da li je gej ili ne i da li je to uopšte bitno dok radi ono u čemu uživa? Ono što je slično kao i kod nas na balkanu je da se o nekim stvarima ne priča. Ono što niko ne zna , nikoga i ne boli, ali šta ako se ipak sazna. Kako se onda odrediti i postaviti prema takvoj situaciji? FIlm na kraju vrlo brutalno postavlja to pitanje? Imamo li zaista izbor?
Podsjetilo me na jednog momka ovdje u gradu. Poprilično je feminiziran, a ja takve ljude naprosto izbjegavam. Niti me privlače seksualno niti želim da me vide u društvu "takvih". Tog momka nekim okolnostima vezanim za posao i društvo u kojem se krećem ipak poznajem i javljam mu se kada ga sretnem u gradu. Iako on pokušava da uspostavi neki kontakt samnom, za mene je to ipak nemoguće. Jednom prilikom dok sam sa prijateljima sjedao u jednom kafiću on se javi!Iako je bio u društvu jedne jako dobre ribe njegova pojava je djelovala ženstvenije od nje. Javio se kao da smo najbolji prijatelji.
Društvo me zajebavalo u vezi toga, a ja sam im samo rekao: Mislim da ovo nije za zajebavanje, imamo svi đecu i ko zna šta nas sutra čeka. Ućutali su odmah i promjenili temu.
Watch full movie Here (http://youtu.be/-XD6ECQdvb8)
Jason Gutierrez is a Puerto Rican from New York City and the quintessential all-American guy. Status comes at a price as rumors spread that Jason is gay. With his identity questioned, Jason is pushed to understand who he is and prove how far he will go to prove that he's just “one of the boys.” This film was written by Treviny Marie Colon and directed by Joel Schumacher.
26 October 2012
In The Light ( 2011)
Director: Glen Wood
Writer: Danijel Margetic
Genre: Short movie
Country: Canada
Duration: 6 min
Stars: David Light, Paulino Nunes
Pili smo kafu i nešto je pričao kako mora ići , izbjegava pogled... Sve ga nešto sramota!
Ja mu rekao: Druže vidi, meni nemoj da se pravdaš, bilo mi je super druženje sa tobom i volio bih ovo ponoviti, a ti ako imaš problem sa sobom sjeti se one narodne - Poslije jebanja nema kajanja!
25 October 2012
Otra película de amor (2012)
Director: Edwin Oyarce
Writer: Edwin Oyarce
Genre: Romance
Country: Chile
Year: 2012
Duration: 108 min
Stars: Mara Solís de Obando, Beba Koenig-Robert and Eyal Meyer
Film me jepodsjetio na moje tinejdžerske dane i proispitivanja samog sebe sa školskim drugovima. Imao sam jednog druga sa kojim sam tumarao po okolnim mjestima, obilazeći obližnje planine, potoke, obalu, skrivene plaže itd. Jednom prilikom smo se krenuli da vidimo kakav se to vodopad vidi sa puta nakon obilnig kiša. Namučili smo se dok smo došli do željenog mjesta. Vodopada nije bilo ali malo jezerce ured neke stijene nam je bilo nekako neobično i prosto nas je mamilo da se okupamo u njega. Skinuli smo se i uvalili u vodu koja je bila pomalo prohladna , ali nam je ipak prijala. Kada smo izašli vanka legli smo na jednu stjenu da se ugrijemo na suncu!
Kada je on tražio da i ja isto uradim bilo mi gadno i rekao sam da ću ti neki drugi put. Vidio sam da mu je bilo jako krivo. Obukli smo se i otišli! Nakon nekoliko dana šetajući pored mora kaže on: ajmo se spustiti dolje da zapalimo cigar. Zavukli smo se između neki stijena uz samu ivicu mora i zapalili. Vrlo brzo smo izvukli i kite da drkamo. Ovaj put kaže: Sad si ti na redu! Ja se sagnuh i tada sam prvi put u životu progutao spermu. Bila mi je nekako gadna i tjerala me na povraćanje!
If there is a film that teases, this is the one. Director Edwin Oyarce is a film about the reconnection of two childhood friends Diego and Sebastian. They swim, strip, get drunk but nothing really transpires. The boys are very good looking. Will love develop? Will there be a hot sex scene? The only way to find out is to sit through the entire 110 minutes of sexual tension – Oyarce style. Not that there is anything wrong with the film – the film is beautifully shot, well acted and laid out, but the film is downright boring since nothing happens. The only break comes from the character of Deigo’s half crazed mother, who provides a bit of the much needed humour. A subplot involves a neighbour in a coma, as situation again in which everyone is waiting for something to happen.
Visit: Orvel.Me
24 October 2012
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
Directors: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa Writers: John Requa, Glenn Ficarra, Steve McVicker
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Year: 2009
Duration: 109 min
Language: English
Stars: Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor and Leslie Mann
Onda sav srećan jer je napokon postao slobodan od svih mizernih Str8 ljudi koji ga okružuju napusti posao i Debbie i počne da uživa u sretnom gay životu. Našao partnera, obilazio gay barove, saune, gay hotele, resorte, ma sva gay lijepa i skupa mjesta! Njegova sreća je što je tokom svoh str8 života naučio da dobro laže pa je tu svoju sposobnost iskoristio da po nekoliko puta završi u zatvor zbog prevara. Uvjek postoji dobar izgovor za njegovo ponašanje - zaljubljen je u Phillipa Morisa kojeg je upoznao u zatvorskoj biblioteci krijući se od opakih zatvorenika koji vole mlade plavušane koji dooobro puše!
Jednom sam dobio email čija sadržina izgleda otprilike ovako:
Dragi moj prijatelju Orvel,
neznam ko si ali redovno čitam tvoj blog. Otišao sam sa balkana jer nisam htio da patim i krijem da sam gej. Sada živim u Americi. Nisam se odmah dobro snašao, ali sada je sve Ok. Uživao sam u svakodnevnom seksu, probao sam i sa crncima i sa kinezima, japancima , meksikancima, orgije i zabave. Sada sam opet nekako nezadovoljan. Nedostaje mi moj rodni grad, ljudi koje sam lagao i za koje znam da me i dalje vole.....
Based on a real-life story and the novel by onetime Houston Chronicle reporter Steve McVicker, "Phillip Morris" (the cigarette maker spells it with one L) is largely a portrait of a born criminal: During his larcenous lifetime, Steven Russell (Carrey) masquerades as a lawyer and a CEO, passes bad checks, and commits bank fraud, insurance fraud and credit card fraud.
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23 October 2012
You're My Thrill (2011
Original Title: You're My Thrill
Director: Antonio Calvo Elorri Genre: Short movie, Romance Country: Spain Year: 2011 Duration: 13 min Language: Spanish (with eng. subtitles)
Stars: Antonio Calvo, Javier Gabrielsson
Nakon nekog vremena vratim se na chat i vidim poruku: Izvini na onako glupom razgovoru, ako hoćeš da me upoznaš evo ti moj broj...
Dođe momak kod mene ,kafa, sok... Upoznavanje i priča. Pitam ga oće li prespavati kod mene? Nakon tuširanja legnemo jedan pored drugoga i počnemo se ljubiti i maziti dok nismo zaspali, bez seksa!
Ujutro popili kafu i kaže: Ono sinoć možda nije to što si očekivao, ali trebao mi je samo neko ko će me razumjeti.
Drago mi je što sam ga upoznao, ali mi je krivo što se nikad više nije javio!
22 October 2012
Sexual Tension: Volatile (2012)
Sexual Tension: Volatile (2012) Tensión sexual, Volumen 1: Volátil (original title)
Directors: Marco Berger, Marcelo Mónaco Writers: Marco Berger, Marcelo Mónaco Genre: Short movie ( Compilation )
Country: Argentina
Year: 2012
Duration: 85 min
Stars: Lucas Lagré, Mario Verón and Guido Gastaldi
Vjerovali ili ne kod muškaraca sa dosta iskustva dobre sise i dupe nisu znak da im se osoba dopada već je samo znak da se valja potruditi pojebati nešto! Kod mladih pedera je obrnuto. Oni se naprosto zaljube u veliki kurac ili dobro građenog momaka, a da ne znaju ni da li pije kafu sa ili bez šećera! U svakom slučaju neko će se naći u ova dva primjera!
Često vidite super zgodnog momka kako šeta ekstra ružnu ribu ( ili tipa)pa se zapitate šta je ovaj vidio u onoj rugobi? To znači da ste još uvjek nedovoljno sazreli kao muškarci i ljudi i da vaše veze treba da tražite po saunama, teretanama i gay klubovima. Nije to loše niti nešto za osudu, naprosto svaki čovjek mora da prođe kroz to!
Ova kompilacija kratkih filmova me je podsjetila na jednog od najstarijih muškaraca sa kojim sam bio! Imao je oko 55 godina i prodavao je voće i povrće na pijaci. Ja svake subote obiđem pijacu , više da bih vidio kakve ribe ima nego radi nečeg drugog. Zastanem kod jednog šta je svašta prodavao, između ostalog i akvarijume! Gledam one ribice i sviđelo mi se kako bi to parilo u mom stanu. Dogovorimo se da dođe u mene i da napravi jedan akvarijum. Došao jedno poslije podne ali ništa nije donio. Kaže da vidi di ja to oću stavit pa da napravi kako treba. Ja mu pokazah mjesto, skuvah kavu i sipam domaćeg vina.. Pričali o svemu i svačemu o porodici, dijeci, ženama, ribanju, vinu itd. Šta smo duže pričali više me privlačio. More bit od vina, ali dizao mi se na njega, a vidim i njemu nešto krupnije u gaćama! Da ne dužim puno nakon nekoliko dana pravljenja akvarijuma i druženja čovijek me je tako dobro jebao da ni dan danas to ne mogu zaboraviti! Žao mi je bilo kad sam morao odseliti! Tada sam imao samo 23 godine, a on više nego duplo stariji.
From Marco Berger the young director of Plan B and Ausente and Marcello Monaco comes this special Work-in-Progress Sneak Preview screening. Sometimes you don't always get the guy but you can always lust after him! Six short stories of gay men not always getting what they want. TLA will ask for audience feedback after the screening.
Have you ever met someone who made your body heat up, get a little nervous and sweaty, and made your crotch stir a bit? Sexual Tension will reignite those lustful feeling s as it weaves six scintillating experiences of men in various stages of nudity and many forms of erotic male bonding. A pulsating, sexually-charged thrill ride, Sexual Tension begins as a young man feels the adrenaline rush of his sexy tattooist’s needle in “Ari” while in “The Cousin,” a geeky, cute boy finds a hot Summer afternoon triggering his taboo desire for his Speedo-clad cousin.
Two straight buddies literally show each other how to make love to a woman in “The Other One,” while a man with ‘Broken Arms’ receives a sensual sponge bath from a male nurse. ‘Love’ is questionable when a broken shower brings a married man and a hairy, innkeeper together when they least expect it and in “Workout” two muscular men, ‘sexting’ pictures to some hot chicks, begin to shed their clothes and inhibitions. Argentinian filmmakers Marco Berger and Marcelo Mónaco omnibus film, where sex links each story, offers voyeuristic pleasures as the camera penetrates and caresses the men’s bodies, but also turns a sharp eye to the mysterious, taboo and electrifying nature of male intimacy. (Spanish with English subtitles) -- Lewis Tice
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21 October 2012
Going Down in LA-LA Land (2011)
Going Down in LA-LA Land (2011)
Director: Casper Andreas
Writers: Casper Andreas (screenplay), Andy Zeffer (novel)
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Duration: 104 min
Stars: Matthew Ludwinski, Allison Lane and Michael Medico
Casper Andreas, director of Slutty Summer and The Big Gay Musical, returns with Going Down In La La Land, a dramatic comedy based on a novel by Andy Zeffer, looking at the highs and lows of trying to find success in LA.
Adam (Matthew Ludwinski – who looks like he just fell out of a Calvin Klein advert) arrives in Los Angeles to live with his friend Candy (Allison Lane). Like Candy, Adam wants to find La La Land success in the world of film and TV, but with no credits or contacts, even getting a side job to pay the bills proves incredibly difficult. After a stint at a very anal talent agency, an increasingly cash-strapped Adam agrees to take a job at an assistant at a gay porn firm.
Initially Adam is certain that he’ll only work behind the scenes, but soon the lure of cash leads to nude photos, then a solo jerk-off video, a porn scene and prostitution, each of which he knows will make it more difficult if he ever hits the legit big time. Just as he’s about to become a big shot in porn, he gets a high paying deal to sleep with a TV star, which leads to love and all the problems of trying to have a relationship in the closet. If that weren’t enough to deal with, there’s also Adam’s sometime boyfriend Nick, who’s getting ever deeper into drugs.
There’s certainly a lot going on in Going Down In La La Land. Indeed at times it’s a bit too much, so that it has a tendency to be a bit too episodic for its own good, with plot threads and characters that don’t really go as far as they perhaps should have, simply because there isn’t time. It’s also similar to Andreas’ Big Gay Musical in that it has a propensity for after-the-fact emotional exposition, so that you only really learn the character’s motivations and the journey they’ve been on after they’ve been on it, and the character then announces what it’s meant to them.
While these might sound like major flaws, they’re not that bad really. While a lot of films leave you wondering what you’re meant to be thinking or speculating how someone emotionally got from A to B, Going Down In La La Land never does that, even if it sometimes leaves the explanation a bit late. On the plus side it’s often witty, fast-paced and has an entertaining if slightly well-worn plot (although given a slightly fresher feel by its gay slant). It also has plenty of sexy guys, with Matthew Ludwinski spending about half the movie in various states of undress.
On its own, Adam going from fresh faced new boy in town to prostitute would have been rather underwhelming – largely because it’s meant to be a major emotional downward spiral for the character as his dreams get further away even while the cash gets ever better, but it doesn’t really feel as big an issue for the character as it supposedly is. However once he starts his romance with a major TV star, the film’s emotional punch kicks up a gear and it becomes increasingly involving. Allison Lane as Candy is also a lot of fun, who has her own descent into the sexier side of LA when she tries to sell her panties and gets her own slave.
If nothing else, I could have happily watched Matthew Ludwinski doing nothing but hanging around with his shirt off (indeed quite how sexy he is on the DVD cover is worth more than a glance), but luckily there’s more to Going Down In La La Land than that, making it well worth a look.
Overall Verdict: It may have flaws and the plot adds little to the trying-to-find-success-in-LA subgenre, but Going Down In La La Land’s got a good sense of humour, some sexy moments, hot guys and towards the ends becomes very involving.
[imdbltid]1599296[/imdbltid]18 October 2012
In Between Men (2010– )
Director: Jennifer Gelfer
Country: USA
Genre: TV Series, Drama, Comedy
Year: 2010
Stars: Nick Mathews, Ben Pamies, Chase Coleman, Max Rhyser, Sydney Erik Wright, Michael Sharon, Margot Bingham, Noam Harary, Michelle Clunie
In Between Men je gay serija emitovana 2010. godine na američkom i kanadskom tržištu. Snimljeno je samo 6 epizoda. Radi se grupi američkih momaka koji žive izvan uobičajenih klišeja. Uspješni, lijepi, maštoviti upadajući u razne avanture istražuju sebe i svjet oko njih tražeći mjesto u kojem će se uklopiti.
Seriju pogledajte OVDJE
From Querty.Com
17 October 2012
Autopsy (2007)
Director: Jérôme Anger
Writers: Jérôme Anger, Gérard Carré Genre: Drama
Country: France
Language: French
Duration: 90 min
Release Date: 10 November 2007 (France)
Stars: Stéphane Freiss, Thierry Neuvic and Sara Martins
Zaista nevjerovatno čak i za filmsku priču. Haos koji preživljava Rico se u filmu prikazuje kroz njegova noćene more u vidu horror scena. Rico napušta porodicu i odlazi da živi sa doktorom Emanullom. Nastavljajući da istražuje ubistvo Rico posumlja da Emanule umješan u ubistvo manipuliše sa njim...
14 October 2012
Howl (2010)
Directors: Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman
Writers: Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman
Genre: Biography
Country: USA
Year: 2010
Language: English
Duration: 84 min
Stars: James Franco, Todd Rotondi and Jon Prescot
Tekst poeme možete naći OVDJE.
Nothing Is Holy (Holy! Holy!) in Howl
By J. Hoberman Wednesday, Sep 22 2010
11 October 2012
Latch Key (2005)
Director: Garth Bardsley
Writer: Garth Bardsley
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2005
Stars: Ren Casey, William S. Caleo and Carey Macaleer
by Arcadio Bolanos (Peru) – IMDB
James (2008)
James (2008)
Director: Connor Clements
Writer: Connor Clements (screenplay) Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: English
Year: 2008
Duration: 17 min
Stars: Niall Wright, Matt Jennings and Margaret Goodman
James je naučio da živi povučeno i sa drugima ne dijeli svoje životne dileme i tajne. Zbunjen i konfuzan pokušava da nađe nekoga sa kim bi pričao o sebi i svojim strahovima da bi mogao biti gay. Kada mu u jednom javnom WC priđe stariji čovjek ( moguće pedofil, prm.aut) James biježi i poziva majku da dodđe po njega. Naravno ni njoj nije mogao reći o čemu se radi. Razočarenja se ređaju jedno za drugim. U jednoj svađi između roditelja čuje oca kako kaže majci: Ako nešto loše pođe sa Jamesom, ti si kriva, znaš da ja ionako nikad nišam želio djecu!
Nakon toga pokušava da razgovara sa svojim učiteljem za koga predpostavlja da bi mogao biti ovjek koji će ga razumjeti. Učitelj očito uplašen da se ne upetlja u takve priče sa maloljetnim licem, govori mu da posjeti školskog savjetnika ili da ode u neku od crkvenih gripa. Takođe mu kaže da ne može više biti prisutan na njegovim časovima. Beznadežno očajan nailazi na onog prepredelnjaka iz WC i odlazi sa njim u autu.
Koliko su škole krive za ovakve situacije u kojima 13-godišnjaci mogu postati žrtve duštva, drugih učenika, roditelja i prijatelja? Što je najgore mogu postati i žrtve pedofila!
James has learnt to be withdrawn and secretive in a family with long buried secrets. Lonely and confused, he is drawn to one of his schoolteachers, Mr Sutherland, focusing on him as the one person who might understand his inner turmoil. When an older man approaches him in a public toilet, James panics and calls his mother, but refuses to tell her what happened. Late that night, James listens to his parents arguing about him. His fathers offhanded dismissal of his mothers concern results in a vicious row. When a devastated James turns to Mr Sutherland for help, the teachers response leads James to take an irrevocable step.
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