Director: Todd Verow
Writers: Jim Dwyer, George LaVoo Genre: Drama
Country: USA Language: English
Duration: 88 min
Stars: Michael Gunther, Jaie Laplante, Craig Chester, Parker Posey, Alexis Arquette, James Lyons
Frisk je urađen po kontroverznoj noveli Dennis Coopera iz 1991. godine, u režiji meni nimalo dopadljivog Todd Verowa čiji se filmovi graniče sa pornografijom, i u osnovi prikazuju život kao mozaik malih i velikih priča o pražnjenju jaja i zadovoljavanje nezajažljivog rastućeg apetita sopstvenog čmara.
Film je priča o mladom pederu koji je opsjednut sadom-mazohističkim seksom koji nam prepričava kroz pisma koja piše svom fuck buddy prijatelju i njegovom bratu. Mala je granica od želje da u nečijim očima vidite neopisivi strah i patnju do čina kojim nepovratno prekidate taj trenutak. Povezivanje S/M igara sa psiho trilerima nije nepoznata tema u filmskoj industriji,a kada je u pitanju gay S/M onda dobijamo nešto od čega većina pedera javno povraća, dok u svojim glavama kriju nebrojene priče o silovanju i prisiljavanju na onakav seks kakav se nikada neće usuditi da imaju.
Uredno skinemo farmerice i zavalimo se u fotelje, povremeno se kuckajući čašama punim crnogoske loze. Pričam o tome kako je napaljivo umočiti kitu u lozu i nazdraviti.
Napaljeno gledajući jedan drugog kako drkamo kite on umoči svoju u čapu loze i ponudi mi. Nastavak znate.
Tokom prilično grubog seksa u kojem je neprekidno izgovarao naredbodavne rečenice odlučim da promjenimo uloge. Igrajući se sa njegovim dupetom toliko se napali da je potpun izludjeno zamjenio svoj čmar sa napaljenom pičkom.
Vremenom su se naši susreti pretvorili u rvanje, šamaranje pljuvanje , drsko jebanje, napušavanje itd. A najčudnije od svega toga mi je bilo kada bi prije nego se onako izjeban vrati kod žene u krevet kazao: Sjajan si čovjek, drago mi je da nisi peder!
FRISK-1996 Dir. Todd Verow (USA) by psRanger
The hostile response recalled that for William Friedkin’s Cruising (1980), in which gay s/m practices were depicted as perverse, pathological, and criminal. As the documentary adaptation of The Celluloid Closet (1995) shows, by the time of Cruising‘s release queer audiences were tired of pervasive stereotypes of queers as killers and hairdressers. Hollywood movies repeatedly reinforced heterosexuality at the expense of gay and lesbian characters, whose individual psychoses were related their “pathological” sexuality.
Following a group of disaffected queer men involved, to various degrees, in s/m sexuality, the film is set mostly in San Francisco. Frisk unravels in flashbacks from the perspective of Dennis (Michael Gunther), establishing right away that he hungrily consumed a steady diet of gay porn as a teenager. The most memorable imagery he saw was “snuff” photographs, featuring what appeared to be a young dead man, wrapped in plastic.
As Julian is tiring of Dennis’ deepening sexual obsessions, he follows a new lover to Paris, leaving Dennis unfettered by a conventional boyfriend. In an attempt to satisfy his fantasies, Dennis rents German gay-for-pay porn star and hustler Uhrs (Michael Stock), then begins writing sexually charged letters to him. The only other person to whom Dennis writes is Julian, though Julian’s younger brother Kevin (Raoul O’Connell) spends more time poring over the descriptions of sexual violence than Julian does.
It’s not hard to imagine why Frisk might have upset queer audiences. The scene where Dennis fucks the hustler without a rubber, then helps to slash him to red ribbons can be heavy going. But is the knee-jerk reaction we might have to such images the result of political correctness being so inextricably linked to AIDS, as if the depiction of unsafe sex be blamed for furthering the spread of AIDS?
Films about killers are supposed to be disturbing. Is it less disturbing if the killer in question is heterosexual? As soon as he’s gay, alarm bells go off the world over, because the image appears to “equate” homosexuality with criminality and blood. Frisk demonstrates that blood and violence in the age of AIDS represent something more specific than some abstract “evil,” but instead, amoral horrors, like infection and disease, along with perversion and madness.
The hostility directed at Frisk suggests that gay audiences, at least in 1996, expected gay filmmakers to make “safe” gay films. If this were true, depictions of s/m would become off-limits, because the performance of risk is central to such practices. By invoking the specter of AIDS in relation to s/m, Frisk might still be an uncomfortable experience for some viewers. But it shouldn’t be dismissed simply because of audience expectations, as these have surely changed since 1996. In retrospect, it is easier to acknowledge that the terms are more complicated than “negative” and “positive” portrayals, and that cinematic merit cannot be judged through the blind spots of political correctness.
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