Director: Lab Ky Mo
Writer: Lab Ky Mo
Genre: Comedy
Country: UK
Year: 2002 Duration: 83 min
Stars: Glen Mulhern, Brendan Mackey and Steven Berkoff
Radi se o dva prijatelja koja sebe deklarišu kao str8 i koji svoju "muku" utapaju u alkoholu. problem je kako zaraditi novac, a da to ne bude neki mučni osmočasovni posao. Byron (Brendan Mackey)otkriva način kako lako doći do para. U lokalnom gay baru nije problem odraditi blow job nekom matorom pederu za dvadesetak funti. Naravno to ga ne čini pederom jer to je ipak samo posao kao i svaki drugi. To isto predlaže i svom prijatelju - cimeru Kenny (Glenn Mulhern).
Nevolja počinje kada shvate da pederi sa kojima odrađuju posao jedan za drugim umiru...
Priča bi se zaista mogla pretvoriti u neku horror komediju da je režiser imalo talentovan...
Dogovorim se sa jednim diskretnim oženjenim likom da se nađemo u iznajmljenom stanu, ali da on plati stan jer je meni jednaki trošak doći do Podgorice. Tako i bude, odem, iznajmim stan i eto njega, kad ured seksa počne rukometna utakmica Crna Gora - Srbija. Ja se jadan sve upinjem da vidim utakmicu , a on nesretnik samo hvata trenutak da uvali kurac. Padaju golovi na sve strane.
Srećom pobjedili smo, sutra dan smo postali prvaci evrope.
Kada sam nakon utakmice ostao sam u stanu , na stolu vidim stoji 35 eura. Baš sam se glupo osjećao. Ćovjek platio stan i otišao, a ja ko kurva trpam pare u džep i gledam koga da pozovem da popijemo piće.
It's about two young Irish fellows, self-identified as straight, who are trying to finance their alcoholism without resorting to gainful employment. Byron (Brendan Mackey) stumbles onto a sure source of revenue -- performing sex acts on aging men at the local gay bar -- and he talks Kenny (Glenn Mulhern) into doing the same. Does this sound funny? Is it zany yet? Then they notice that their male johns keep dropping dead. What could it mean?
After 20 minutes, only two of the nine victims have gone to their reward, and a grim inexorability sets in. Seven more. Now six more. Now five more ... Director Lab Ky Mo apes the fast-paced style of Guy Ritchie (imagine actually wanting to imitate the man who made "Swept Away"), but for all the quick cuts and flashbacks, the film is dreadfully slow, consisting mainly of long expository passages in which one character explains some aspect of plot to another.
Even with that, Lab Ky Mo manages to eclipse his directorial ineptitude with his utter helplessness as a writer. His film is an amalgam of plot strains -- strain is a good word -- involving a gay Hasidic Jew with money hidden in his apartment, a sexually frustrated dwarf and other supposedly colorful characters.
The filmmaker claims that all the characters in "9 Dead Gay Guys" are based on -- get this -- people whom a friend of his actually knows. That's exactly what this movie seems like: a bunch of disparate real-life elements sewn together into a nonsense plot by someone who has no firsthand knowledge of what he's talking about. .
Advisory: Lots of sex talk, sex situations and strong language.
Visit: Orvel.Me
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