Director: Ben Peters
Writer: Peter Forbes
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: English
Year: 2011
Stars: Jamie Brotherston, Ross William Wild and Krystina Coates
Današnji urbani tinejdžeri sazrijevaju u jednoj prilično ekstremnoj sredini u kojoj su mjerila dokazivanja izmjenjena u odnosu ne neka ranija vremena. Vrlo često je uspjeh u školi, sportu, kulturi, odnos prema prijateljima, porodici, prirodi i svemu onome što čini socijalizovanog čovjeka zamjenjen nekim vrijednostima koje nemaju blage veze sa trenutkom u kojem živimo. U takvim okolnostima prirodno buntovni tinejdžeri čine razne gluposti koje treba da prikriju njihivu nesigurnost, strah, pa i sopstvenu seksualnost. Kroz to su manje više prošli svi odrasli ljudi. Dio tog tinejdžerskog nedozrelog ponašanja možete vidjeti i u ovom kratkom filmu.
Teenagers are idiots, manipulative and do stupid things. It’s surprising this basic truth isn’t often dealt with well in films. In Downing, isolated gay lad Jason heads to a house party with his friend. At the shindig is Daniel, a popular, incredibly handsome lad Jason seems to both love and loathe, something Daniel seems well are of and likes to play with. However when Daniel makes a move on Jason’s drunken female friend, he sees a way to get revenge and perhaps reveal a few home truths. Downing has a great feel for the mix of arrogance, selfishness, insecurity and sense of infallibility many teenagers have. Nobody comes out of this exactly smelling of roses but it feels true to the teen experience. My only issue is that sometimes it feels a bit too clever for its own good, so that there appears to be a lot more going on than we’re being told. It’s still a very strong and rather sexy end to the disc though.
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