30 April 2012

North Sea Texas (2011)

nstNorth Sea Texas (2011) Original title: Noordzee Texas

Director: Bavo Defurne Writers: André Sollie (novel), Bavo Defurne, Yves Verbraeken Genre: Drama, coming out
Country: Belgium
Year: 2011 Language: Dutch

Stars: Eva van der Gucht, Jelle Florizoone and Mathias Vergels

Belgijski režiser Bravo Defurne nas nije razočarao svojim najnovijim filmom 'North Sea Texas'
Pim je 15-godišnji dječak koji odrasta uz nemarnu majku, izgubljenu u moru životnih neuspjeha koje je sama kreirala u malom graću na belgijskoj hladnoj obali.
Svoje snove izražava crtajući na komadima papira i skupljajući predmete koji karakterišu događaje koje želi da zapamti.
Njegovi snovi postaju djelimično stvarnost kroz druženje sa dvije godine starijim Ginom, dječakom iz susjedstva sa kojim kroz malo riječi dijeli svoje skrivene emocije. Zajedničke vožnje na motoru, spavanje u šatoru na pješčanoj plaži, prvi poljubac i prva seksualna iskustva ih vežu u nešto više od običnog drugarstva, a Ginova majka i sestra Pima smatraju djelom svoje porodice.
nst2Problem nastaje kada Gino nađe djevojku, a Pima počne da razdire ljubomora.
Lijepa priča koja će kod mnogih gledalaca probuditi sjećanje na djetinjstvo i prve ljubavi koje se definitivno nikada ne zaboravljaju.
Film me je podsjetio na jednog rođaka sa kojim sam se družio na tavanu njegove kuče učeći me kako da se ljubi, ali i ono što ide uz sve to. Odrastemo i kroz naše živote prođu neki drugi ljudi koje izljubimo, ostavimo ili budemo ostavljeni ali svako ima neki tavan kojeg se rado sjeća.
Ovo je film koji svakako vrijedi pogledati.

l_1625150_444829faBavo Defurne’s debut feature is a beautifully measured coming-of-age drama based on André Sollie’s novel, This Is Everlasting. He built up an international reputation with his highly stylised shorts such as Campfire and Particularly Now, In Spring.
Pim lives in a small town on the Belgian coast, together with his single mother Yvette, a local accordion starlet. It’s an ordinary existence which Pim brightens up by dreaming of princesses, beauty queens and handsome Gino, the boy next door. But when hunky traveller Zoltan blows through town, Pim’s life takes an exciting and unexpected turn.
Influenced by filmmakers such as Carl Dreyer and Eisenstein as well as photographers such as Herbert List and Pierre et Gilles, North Sea Texas celebrates the heartache of first love.

Visit: Orvel.Me

25 April 2012

Winner Takes All (2011)


Winner Takes All (2011)

Director: Camille Carida
Writers: Hunter Lee Hughes (story), Hunter Lee Hughes
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2011

Stars: Hunter Lee Hughes, Alec Mapa and Gavyn Michaels

Winner Takes All, self-involved but seductive beauty Ryker (Gavyn Michaels) convinces his two lovers (Hunter Lee Hughes and Adrian Quinonez, pictured above) to fight over him. And we mean, really fight.
Performance artist Ryker forces his self-appointed slave Simon (Alec Mapa) to convert his critically drubbed one man show into a fighting ring for the modern day duel between successful songwriter Brian (Hughes) and former champion fighter Ernesto (Quinonez).

Video embeded from blog Petits Film...
Author: steven
(From IMDB user comments)
Thank God not another coming out story or about how oppressive being gay can be. This is a straightforward short that tackles gay relationships with dark humor. This goes beyond seeing a bunch of hot guys on the screen...though there is that too. The boxers in this are hot but don't think this is about getting sweaty for the sake of sexy shots. They're fighting for a reason--their ex has arranged it. The cinematography is amazing without being too obvious. Great performances by everyone involved. We all know Alec Mapa and love him but it's hard not to love him more after this film. It's clear the writer knows the psychology of gay relationships.

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24 April 2012

You Can't Curry Love



You Can't Curry LoveYou Can't Curry Love (2009


Director: Reid Waterer
Writer: Reid Waterer
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK, USA, India
Runtime: 23 min

Year: 2009


Stars: Ashwin Gore, Rakshak Sahni and Russell Reynolds



Zgodan Indijac iz Londona je u poseti Indiju, zaljubljuje se u lokalnog momka, sreće transrodnu „hijru“ i otkriva zemlju koju je samo mislio da poznaje. Film je dobio nagradu za najbolji kratki film u San Diegu na „Film Out“ filmskom festivalu i specijalnu nagradu žirija na Fargo – Moorhead LGBT Filmskom festivalu.

Film je zaista sjajno napravljen, veseo i pun boja, vjerujem da čć te ga lako odgledati uz jutarnju kafu.


YOU CAN'T CURRY LOVE - India gay short film. full version. from Ezreader on Vimeo.


A handsome East Indian from London visits India, falls for a local guy, meets a transgendered “hijra”, and discovers a country he only thought he knew. The film won the best short film prize on San Diego “FilmOut” LGBT Film Festival an Special Jury Prize on Fargo-Moorhead LGBT Film Festival.


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22 April 2012

Diccups (2007)



Director: Matt Thiesen, Justin Lee
Writer: Matt Thiesen, Justin Lee
Genre: Short movie,comedy
Country: USA
Runtime: 02:50 min


How would you get rid of your hiccups?



Oranges (2004)

Oranges (2004)
Director: Kristian Pithie
Genre: Short movie
Country: Australia Runtime: 12 min Language : English
Stars: Thomas Blackburne, Brad Flynn and Robyn Nethercote
Kad prvi poljubac ima ukus naranadža! Kakav je bio vaš prvi poljubac?

Two boys are talking after a bicycle accident. The older is bragging about his experience with girls, but is that just a boast?

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20 April 2012

The Clock (2008)

The Clock (2008)
Original title: El reloj

Director: Marco Berger
Writer: Marco Berger
Genre: Short movie Country: Argentina Year: 2008
Runtime: 15 min

Stars: Javier Morea, Ariel Nunez Di Croce and Nahuel Viale

Pablo offers Javier a taxi ride to his place and once there, invites him in. After watching television with his cousin, Pablo asks Javier to sleep over. Once in bed, almost naked, they get ready to go to sleep.

El Reloj [short].[2008].[spanish]... by xilegay

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Just (2007)

justJust (2007)

Director: David Maurice Gil
Writer: Edward Gunawan (screenplay) Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Runtime: 12 min

Stars: Keo Woolford, Edward Gunawan and Jeffrey Walker

Kratki film o dva momka koja se se našla preko interneta. Nakon počete privlačnosti koja je rezultirala seksom, Wayne vidi sliku Claydovog dečka. Počinje debata o mogamiji , vjernosti i povjerenju...
Vjerovatno je skoro svaki peder upadao u seks varijante za jednu noć. Koliko puta vam se učinilo da iz tog jednog susreta može da nastane i nešto više od običnog trpanja, ali i pored svega završi se baš onako kako je i počelo.
Lično ne vjerujem u mušku “vjernost” u vezama bilo kakve vrste. Naprosto to nije u muškoj prirodi. Ta vrsta vjernosti traje samo onoliko koliko traje početna strast i zaljubljenost. Kad sve pređe u naviku, aktiviraju se neke nove želje za avanturana i slično. Pošto je to sve neizježno, onda jedino ostaje nešto što se zove povjerenje i iskrenost. Ako dvije osobe koje dijele jake emocije uspiju da budu iskrene jedna prema drugoj onda ta veza može biti dugotrajna bez obzira na avanture za koje predlažem da budu zajedničke.

The short film begins as the two strangers who met online engage in a slow and awkward dance of getting to know each other after a passionate hook-up. Clyde, the older of the two and the owner of the house, attempts to make Wayne comfortable. Out of politeness, Wayne obliges him in small talks before picking up his clothes and leaving. Upon discovering commonalities between the two, their attraction in each other grows. They flirt and share laughs, and they gradually let their guard down. The turning point of their relationship happens when Wayne finds a photograph of Clyde and his boyfriend. Shocked and incensed, he relentlessly interrogates Clyde, and their exchange deteriorates into a heated and explosive debate as the two men stake out their positions on love, trust and monogamy. As Wayne puts on his final piece of clothing, covering himself up completely, he finally reveals his recent past that explains his impassioned disdain for infidelity...

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19 April 2012

Audit (2001)

8436Audit (2001)

Director: Brian To
Writers:Spencer Beglarian, Brian To
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2001
Runtime: 27 min
Stars:Alexis Arquette, Judy Greer and Michael G. Kelley

A young actor and his wife undergoing an IRS audit have more to worry about than the usual cheating when the IRS secretary turns out to be hot for the wife and the auditor turns out to be an ex-trick of the actor.

Visit: Orvel.Me

18 April 2012

The Postcard (2007)


postcardThe Postcard (2007)


Director: Josh Kim
Writer: Josh Kim
Genre: Short movie
Country: South Korea
Year: 2007
Runtime: 15 min


Stars: Suh Inwoo, So Yun Park and Sun Zoo Park

Lijep momak svaki dan šalje sam sebi razglednicu, paket ili pismo kako bi mu ga donio poštar u kojega je potajno zaljubljen. Na jednoj razglednici je napisao: "Tvoje oči, tvoja kosa, tvoj osmjehi uniforma su lijepi." Službenice u pošti nagađaju kome je to namjenjeno....
FIlm je je podsjetio na jedan događaj od prije nekoliko godina. Svaki dan sam nakon posla u jednoj trafici kupovao cigare. Radio je jedan lijep momak koji bi je uvjek djelovao nekako zbunjeno. Jedan dan dok sam sjedao sa drugom u kafiću i pio kafu on naiđe , nasmije se i kaže: "Drago mi je da vas vidim ovdje" i produži.
Ja isti dan poslije podne na trafici kupujem cigare i kažem mu: "Drago mi je da te vidim ovdje, a biće mi još draže ako sledeći put popijemo kafu zajedno."



A post office clerk mistakenly thinks that a customer is trying to get her attention by writing open love letters on postcards he sends out. However, although he is trying to catch someone's attention with these missives, they are actually meant for another postal worker.

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17 April 2012

Drowning (2009)

Drowing (2010)Drowning (II) (2009)

Director: Craig Boreham Writer: Craig Boreham
Genre: Short movie
Country: Australia
Runtime: 20 min Year: 2009

Stars: Miles Szanto, Xavier Samuel and Tess Haubrich

Things are changing for Mik. His world has been turned upside down by the sudden death of his big brother forcing him to redefine his place in his family and the world. The one solid thing in Mik’s life is his best friend Dan. But Dan has a new girlfriend. Drowning is a journey through the final moments of childhood as two friends are dragged Visit:  Orvel.Me

15 April 2012

The Dead Boys' Club (1993)



The Dead Boys' Club (1993)



Director: Mark Christopher
Writer: Mark Christopher
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Runtime: 25 min

Stars: Nat DeWolf, Erik Van Der Wilden and Matt Decker

dbcThe Dead Boys' Club je priča o momku uhvaćenom u svijetu jedne generacije koja je zbrisana pojavom AIDS-a.
Nespretan i stidljiv dolazi u New York da posjeti rođaka Packarda kojki mu daje na poklon par cipela njegovog nedavno preminulog ljubavnika. Kad obuče cipele Toby se vraća u vrijeme prije AIDS-a, vrijeme diskoteka, promiskuiteta i seksualnog oslobođenja.

Da budem iskren mislio sam da su ta vremena "razvrata" i neobuzdanog promiskuiteta odavno iza nas. Pojavom AIDS-a nestali su mnogi klubovi u kojima je seks sa nepoznatim uz čašicu pića bila uobičajena i skoro svakodnevna stvar.
Međutim, moram priznati da sam se iznenadio u zadnje vrijeme kao da su se pederi umorili od ove boleštine i da sve manje mare za to. Pojavom novih ljekova koji omogućavaju HIV+ ljudima da normalno žive iako su i dalje prenosnici ovog virusa, mnogo pedera se opet odalo promiskuitetu, ne mareći ni za sebe ni za druge.
Zato pazite i nikada ne zaboravite da jedan običan kondom može da vas poštedi ovog virusa. Naprosto nemojte izgubiti naviku da koristite zaštitu, pa makar imali seks isključivo sa životnim partnerom jer u prirodi svih muškaraca, ne samo pedera je da želja za nekom novom avanturom pobjeđuje sva pravila ponašanja.



The Dead Boys' Club is the story of a young man in a world haunted by the absence of an entire generation of men that have gone before him: a generation that he should have known but, because of AIDS, is a generation that he can only imagine. Awkward and shy, Toby is visiting his New York cousin Packard, who gives him a pair of shoes previously owned by Packard's recently deceased lover. When Toby dons the shoes, he is transported to the pre-AIDS 1970s world of promiscuity, hot guys and glitter balls. The Dead Boys' Club is an evocative, sexy and humorous exploration of a young man's coming out, and an homage to the generation that paved the way - some with their lives - before him.


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Making Love (1982)

making_love-1982-dvdcover2Making Love (1982)

Director: Arthur Hiller
Writers: Barry Sandler, A. Scott Berg (story)
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Year: 1982
Runtime: 113 min
Stars: Michael Ontkean, Kate Jackson and Harry Hamlin

Watch online HERE ( English –without subtitles)
OVDJE ( sa titlom )

02 MATRIMONIO PERFECTOJoš jedan film za nedeljno poslije podne u gay porodičnom krugu. Zach je uspješan doktor koji je već osam godina u vezi sa Clare, takođe uspješnom ženom. Planiraju da kupe kuću, stupe u brak, imaju djecu i budu sretni do kraja života. Dosadnooooo! Ali i Zach osjeća da je to dosadno, mada nije siguran i zašto ima takav osjećaj. Onda upoznaje Berta, starijeg momka, pisca, novelistu koji je gay.
Svaki "str8" kad tad naleti na nekog pedera i to je neminovnost. Ono što razlikuje pedera od str8 čovjeka je iskrenost. Pederi su naučili da lažu, petljaju, uskaču u tuđe krevete koliko god mogu ili u svoj krevet mjenjaju likove češće nego čaršave.  Nemojte se ljutiti ako ste se prepoznali u ovome, pomirite se sa sudbinom da ste takvi.
03 BURTZach naravno ove osnovne pederske činjenice ne zna, pa očekuje da su emocije , iskrenost i uzajamna podrška nešto što treba da krasi svaki ljudski odnos.
A peder ko peder, uvjek nađe neko obrazloženje da odgurne nekoga ko insistira na tome. Najbolji razlog je - strah da ne bude opet povrijeđen!
U zadnjih pola godine sam opet sebi dopustio da se upetljam u vezu sa oženjenim čovjekom. Ista priča on iskren toliko da ne umije da sakrije ama baš ništa. Insistira na ljubavno-prijateljskom odnosu koji bi mu omogućio da zadrži dosadašnji život , ali i mene. A ja? Da li je to ono što meni treba? Znam da nije, ali kako da ga ostavim kad sam mu već rekao da ga volim?! Ma sranje, znam da i on mene voli, ali već znam kraj naše priče, a po dosadašnjnem iskustvu nikad nije happy-end!
Film sam titlovao i barem mi se zahvalite na tome jer sam se dobrano namučio pošto je film na youtube isječen na 8 djelova.
Možete ga pogledati OVDJE.

makingloveA successful young L.A. doctor and his equally successful television-producer wife find their happily-ever-after life torn assunder when he suddenly confronts his long-repressed attraction for other men. Zach and Claire live a comfortable life secure in their love for one another when Bart, a swinging L.A. novelist, walks into Zach's office and awakens unfamiliar feelings in him. In a move which leaves him wracked with guilt, Zach cancels dinner with his wife in order to go out with Bart. He is inexplicably drawn to this man who seems intent on keeping him at arms distance. Why can't Bart allow their relationship to grow? he wonders.

07 ENCONTRANDO LA PAZExasperated, he asks Bart, "Do you snore? Does anybody ever get a chance to find out?" As Zach's absences become more and more frequent, Claire's concern manifests itself in the suspicion that he is having an affair with another woman. Jilted by Bart and feeling alone for the first time in his married life, Zach resolves to tell Claire the truth about himself. Predictably, Claire is shocked that she could have known so little about the man she has loved for so many years and accuses him of deceiving her from the very start. Written by Mark Fleetwood mfleetwo@mail.coin.missouri.edu

Watch Online HERE

01 MAKING LOVE  Visit: Orvel.Me

14 April 2012

The Reunion (I) (2004)


The Reunion (I) (2004)

Director: Kristopher Dolphin
Writers: Kristopher Dolphin, Bob Madia
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2004
Runtime: 16 min

Stars: Chriss Anglin, Sameer Bhavnani and John F. Henry II

This is the true story about a man named Tom, who suffered from HIV. after suffering from a stroke while on a jog. His last wish was to have his four other best friends "The Light Fingered Five" come together one last time to celebrate their good times, without the knowledge of his death.


The Reunion from Kristopher Dolphin on Vimeo.

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13 April 2012

Home (2011)


Home (2011)

Director: Tom Pyron
Writer: Tom Pyron
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Runtime: 10 min

Stars: Elizabeth Kissinger, Chris McNamara and Rick Pierson

A Vietnam veteran must reconcile his relationship with his young son, a U.S. Army soldier, after he finds him with his boyfriend in their home.



Logo Template - Logo_11_j

12 April 2012

The Gay game (2009)



The Gay game (2009)


Director: Klif Kinnamon, Adam Perry
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Runtime: 05:41

A sketch comedy about a questionable jock and his football mates. Are they realy gay?

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11 April 2012

Rock Bottom (I) (2002)

Rock BottomRock Bottom (I) (2002)

Director: Mary Feuer
Writers: Mary Feuer, John Militello
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA Year: 2002 Runtime: 22 min

Stars: Timothy Lee DePriest and John Militello

ROCK BOTTOMJohn Militello, nesiguran u sebe zbog svoje prekomjerne težine dovodi u kuću uličnog hustlera, koji traži da zapali crack. ( nekakva droga ) I jedan i drugi ispoljavaju svoj očaj zbog situacije u kojoj su se našli, ali na kraju to ih i zbliži.
Ima dosta ljudi koji pate zbog debljine. Vremenom se sve više otuđuju od ljudi i postaju nesigurni u sebe, stvarajući jedan poseban svjet u kojem žive.
A ne treba da bude tako. Ima samo dva načina da se izvuku iz takve situacije, jedan je da upornošću dovedu svoj izgled u za sebe prihvatljivije stanje, a drugi je da sebe prihvate onakvim kakvim jesu. Prihvatiti da ste debeli gay.
Mislite da takvi ne mogu naći sebi prihvatljivog partnera? Varate se, mnogi ljudi samo takve i traže.
Jedan moj dobar prijatelj, koji redovno ide u teretanu, bavi se sportom i izgleda kao muškarac sa naslovne strane je već 4 godine u vezi sa jednim momkom koji ima preko 100 kg , a visok je oko 175. Obožavaju jedan drugog, a jedina primjedba od strane mog prijatelja je što ovaj uporno nastoji da smrša. Kaže da ga on voli debelog i da ne želi da ovaj smanjuje kilažu, već naprotiv.
Zato prihvatite sebe takvim kakvim jeste, pa će vas i drugi prihvatiti.

Overweight and lonely, Billy (cowritier John Militello) is too shy to inquire about Jason’s services after driving past the skinny youth’s street corner until Jason (Timothy Lee DePriest) knocks on Billy’s window and convinces the otherwise eager driver to spend the night with him. Both characters are written with care and played with affection, making their few moments of connection both heartbreaking and alarming. When Billy finds that the only way he can spark Jason’s sexual interest is to allow Jason to smoke crack, their shared desperation speaks volumes about contemporary gay culture that few in this compilation have managed.
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10 April 2012

Scarred (2007)


scarredScarred (2007)


Director: Damien Rea
Writers: Damien Rea, Gordon Beeferman (short story "Scar Tissue")
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2007
Runtime: 10 min

Stars: Chris Anderson, Lara Cazalet and David Durham


scarred3Momak koji je susreće sa prišlošću, kada je bio zaljubljen u neobičnog ljubavnika.

Neprijatnih doživljaja niko nije pošteđen. Jedan takav doživljaj koji pamtim mi se desio prije desetak godina, kada je momak koji je bio zaljubljen u mene nazvao moje doma i rekao mom bratu da sam peder. Moj brat mu je odgovorio: "Slušaj momak, neznam ko si ali ako moj brat neće da te jebe, onda je to tvoj problem,  ne njegov, a moj ponajmanje"
Ovaj momak je i dalje zvao dok ga jednom nisam našao i prebio ko poslednju džukelu.
Nekoliko godina nakon toga sam ga zatekao na jednoj plaži gdje ga neka dva lika jebu. Dok sam prolazio pored njih, jedan od njih mi reče: Pridruži nam se, ako oćeš. Prošao sam ne rekavši ništa.


From Imdb User
27 July 2011 | by so_cold

scarred5The first time when the viewer sees this film, they may freak out, but they will be driven to see it again guaranteed. Scarred, directed by Damien Rea, is about this guy called Rafi who despite being an attractive guy has a scar on one side of his face. How he got the scar is carefully shown through flashbacks. Trying to forge a relationship or even a date proves difficult for him, as it attracts the wrong sort of attention. He helps a friend out, by letting her use his face as her project. This gets noticed by an admirer and his friend persuades him to take a chance, which may end up changing his life forever. The viewer is drawn to believe a certain line of thinking throughout the film until the end when the gritty flashbacks reveal how Rafi got this scar in the first place. It leaves the viewer


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09 April 2012

Little Love (2010)


Little Love (2010)

Director: Quentin Lee
Writers: Derek Efrain Villanueva, Michael Turner
Genre:Short movie
Country: USA
Runtime: 10 min

Stars: Travis Oakden, Derek Efrain Villanueva and Michael Massei

Markus, new to the city, is looking for a place to belong. He is delighted when he befriends work colleague Andy.
Andy is on top of the world, and mostly wants to keep things exactly as they are. Andy extends friendship to Markus, including him in his close circle of friends, cultivated over many years.
This close circle of friends includes Andy's younger boyfriend, Rafael. The three hit it off immediately, and become a tight-knit "inner circle" within the group of friends. Rafael has been enjoying the life that comes from living with his successful older boyfriend, but feels as if he's fallen into Andy's life and forgotten about his own goals. He's beginning to feel trapped in his life and far away from his potential and destiny.

ll3 Visit site: Orvel.Me

08 April 2012

Working It Out (2007)

Working It Out (2007)
Director: Tim Hunter Writer: Tim Hunter Genre: Short movie Country: USA
Runtime: 6 min

Stars: Simon Kearney, Paul Ross and Glaston Toft

Peter i Markus, kao i svaki drugi par, rade sve zajedno uključujući i odlazak u teretanu. A u teretani je nekad uzbudljivije i zanimljivije od samog seksa.
Ko ne vjeruje neka ode.

Peter and Marcus, like any good couple, do everything together, including going to the gym... so where exactly does gym bunny Jeremy fit in? Working it out may not be that easy.
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07 April 2012

Twoyoungmen, UT. (2009)

tymTwoyoungmen, UT. (2009)

Director:Sam McConnell
Writers:Sam McConnell (story), Nick Citton (screenplay)
Genre: Short movie
Year: 2009
Runtime:17 min

Stars: Art Gager, Brant Kaiwi and Jordan Klumper

Will je gay momak koji dolazi u jedan gay bar i tamo upoznaje dopadljivog Elija koji tamo radi kao konobar. Eli ga poziva da izađu i odu neđe na zabavu.
tym2Dva mlada momka, svako sa svijim nakanama kreću na put sa kojieg se neće vratiti isti. Kako vrijeme prolazi, vozeći se kroz neku pustaru koja djeluje pomalo zastrašujuće, njihov odnos se razvija u smjeru za koji niko ne očekuje da će se dogoditi. U momentu kada je Will pokušao da Elija uhvati za kurac dok je ovaj pišao pored puta, Eli kaže da nije gay. Možda do tog jutra kada shvati da iz zabave u koju se upustio vrlo lako od samouvjerenog momka može postati nesiguran peder.
Film me je podsjetio na jednu noć provedenu po novosadskim kafićima sa jednim panonskim mornarom. Isprva mi je rekao da ja nisam njegov tip, zatim tokom noći da uopšte nije peder, a ujutro dok smo sjedali na jednoj klupi ispred neke škole, gledajući kako izlazi sunce, rekao mi je da bi volio da zagrljen samnom u toplom krevetu zaspe. Nikad ne znaš kakav će te sutrašnji dan dočekati, a posebno ne ako noć provedeš sa neznancem.

From IMDB:
Author: rjobrien_1943 from United Kingdom

tym3While the title smacks of affectation - or just plain attention-seeking, Sam McConnell's short film, now on the festival circuit, is stylish, funny and charming. The main characters, Will and Eli, meet by chance in a bar and head to the salt flats searching for a party. In the process, however, they take the first steps towards finding and accepting themselves. McConnell develops small yet revealing tensions between his characters, who at the start appear to inhabit different worlds. The shy Will expresses sexual desire, perhaps for the first time, while motormouth Eli, who seems full to bursting with self-confidence, exposes his vulnerability, leading to a surprising, unexpected bond. 'Twoyoungmen, UT' is very well written, acted and directed by this up-and-coming filmmaker. The only complaint is that one wishes the film was longer, as the material seems ripe for expansion. Hopefully, 'Twoyoungmen, UT' will become more widely available, despite the hurdles facing any short independent film in terms of theatrical, television and home video distribution.
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