Director: Seamus Rea
Stars: Adrian Bouchet, Andrew Hinton-Brown and Alex King Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Year: 2003 Runtime: 11 min
Koliko ste puta izašli iz nekog bara razočarani jer niste našli nikoga sa kim bi se uzajamno dopadali. Nekome ste bili previše mršavi, nekome debeli, nekome ženstveni, nekome stari, nekome mladi.... Da li bi ste voljeli da možete da budete upravo ono što predmet vašeg obožavanja želi i traži. Mislim da bi ste se grdno razočarali kada bi znali šta sve ti "sjajni" momci žele.
Ipak je najbolje da budete ono što jeste, pa kome se dopadate Ok, kome ne opet OK.
John is a rather shy guy. He goes to a hot, sweaty club late on a Saturday night and spots a guy he fancies. He takes his courage into his hands and tries to chat him up at the bar but gets a brutal put-down. Retreating to the toilets to recover, John meets an Angel (it happens all the time). The Angel gives him a magic ring and tells him how to use it to get his revenge on the guy at the bar. Think of someone you fancy, turn the ring around your finger three times and you’ll be transformed into that person’s ultimate fantasy figure... until 2 minutes after midnight!
Visit: Orvel.Me
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