Juste une question d'amour (2000) aka Just a Question of Love
Mislio sam da sam ovaj film ranije stavio na blog, al danas sam ga tražio i nema ga! A film je vrijedno pogledati, posebno za ove mlade pedere koji razmisljaju da li da svojima kažu sve o sebi ili ne! Nekako roditelji zadnji saznaju da im je sin peder! Mnogi i kada saznaju, prave se kao da ne znaju to, jer ne mogu da prihvate takvu činjenicu! Zaista, oni i nemaju mogućnost da izaberu hoće li da saznaju da im je sin peder ili ne, to ipak u većini slučajeva biraju sinovi!
Director: Christian Faure
Country: France, Belgium
Year: 2000
Genre: Drama
Actors: Cyrille Thouvenin, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié, Eva Darlan, Daniele Denie, Idwig Stephane, Caroline Veyt, Laurence César, Jean-Pierre Valere, Raphaëlle Lubansu, Jean-Baptiste Lefevre, Aurélie Godichal, Jonathan Fox, Marcel Dossogne, Bruno Georis, Diego Vanhoute
Moja generacija uključujući i mene je u većini slučajeva birala da to ipak sakrije od svijeta! Lijepo se oženiš, zaposliš i živiš kako drugi oće i kako je to zapisano u knjigama "Narodni običaji" I miran si, napreduješ na poslu, poštovan si u društvu i sve funkcioniše savršeno! A da li je tako? Kako se podnosi ta silna laž koju si sam ispleo oko sebe? Kako sakriti kada se zaljubiš? Kako ukrasti trenutak i pobijeći u mrak gdje ćeš zadovoljiti svoje drugo ja! I što više pokušavaš da se snađeš, sve si prazniji. Poneko i nadje srodnu dušu i onda broji dane kada će je vidjeti, doživjeti....
Pričam vam iz ličnog iskustva. Sve moje ljubavi sam uklapao u svoj način života kako sam znao i umio, da sve izgleda normalno spolja, a da samo on i ja znamo pravu istinu! Da li je to moguće to će te morati saznati sami!
Današnji klinci me plaše jer ne razmišljaju kao ja! Drugačiji su! Brzopleti, naivni, slušaju svoje srce pa srljaju u pustolovinu zvanu coming-out! Nema bezbolnog outovanja! A društvo nam se nije toliko promijenilo da sve prihvata slakoćom!
Uostalom pogledajte ovaj film! I da li je to samo pitanje ljubavi ili pitanje načina na koji će te živjeti svoju sudbinu!
Film pogledajte OVDJE
"Juste une question d'amour" (Just a Question of Love), directed and cowritten by Christian Fauré (Un amour ŕ taire) aired on French television in 2000. It is a coming-out (as gay) story that focuses as much on the parents as on the young men who are in love with each other.
Parents sometimes surprise their gay and lesbian offspring by accepting them. But sometimes the children are right to fear the reactions of their parents. Laurent (Cyrille Thouvenin, "La confusion des genres") loves his parents(Daničlle Denie) and Pierre (Idwig Stéphane), who run a mom-and-pop pharmacy in Paris and is very afraid that they will reject him if they find that he is gay. This is unlikely to happen while he is having sex with men, but not in love with anyone. Moreover, he has the cover (a "beard") of a female room-mate (it seems that rather a lot of young gay men in recent French movies are living with straight women, but I vaguely remember that so was I between my long-term lovers). Laurent's parents dote on Carole (Caroline Veyt). Visions of grandchildren dance in their heads, though Carole is growing weary of having the name (Laurent's partner) without having the game.
Laurent does not have to guess about what will happen, because it pretty much already has happened—to a cousin with whom he was very close. Marc's parents (Laurent's mother's sister and her husband) cut off all communication with Marc, when they learned he was gay. Laurent's parents refused to take Marc in, and when Marc's parents heard that Marc was dying, they proclaimed that AIDS was a just punishment for him (though Marc was dying of acute hepatitis picked up in Vietnam rather than AIDS).
The status quo of Laurent and Carole pretending to be a couple has been destabilized by Laurent's failures (in agricultural school) since Marc's terminal illness. Laurent is dispatched to a field station near Lille in which Cédric (Stéphan Guérin-Tillié) is experimenting on developing vegetables resistant to (((ever-increasing) pollution. Cédric is an intense, bearded hunk. He and Laurent quickly fall into each other's arms.
Cédric took over the family business (a nursery along with the field station) when his father died, which Laurent's father finds exemplary (he is displeased that Laurent has not studied to become a pharmacist) and Laurent's mother likes the Cédric lives with his mother (Emma, played by Eva Darla (Une histoire simple). Emma realized she could accept that Cédric was gay or lose him—immediately after having lost her husband.
Cédric does not want to live the lie of just being Laurent's boss and participate in the Laurent/Jeanne charade. He pushes Laurent, though Emma tells him he should not expect Laurent to move faster than Cédric himself had. She is very maternal to Laurent. Laurent wishes that his mother was like Emma,,, but knows she is not.
Then the melodrama kicks in and most everyone is furious with everyone else (except Cédric and Carole, both of whom push Laurent to come out, and Marc's lover, who is sympathetic to everyone). I do not want to spoil what surprised me in detonating the explosions—which is to say that the trajectory is at least somewhat unpredictable even for someone who has heard and seen many coming-out stories. (I might note that neither Cédric nor Laurent has any connection to politicized gay identity: the message they articulate is "I love him and he loves me and we are going to be together.")
The cast is uniformly excellent, with Eva Darla particularly standing out. The cinematography, music, and editing are unobtrusively effective. Thouvenin and Guerin-Tillie have a palpable chemistry. They can be playful with each other, but both are passionate, not only in love, but in quarrels. (Both can also sulk, too.)
Unlike the other French coming-of-age movies I've seen in the last few years, there is no frontal male nudity (drat!), no bared female breasts, and no simulated coitus (there's kissing and post-coital bed scenes).
There are trailers for eight other French movies, but no bonus features about this one. The (widescreen) visual and audio transfers are excellent, the subtitles legible and devoid of peculiar grammmatical constructions.
Although not breaking new cinematic ground, I can't think of any way the story of these characters, none of whom is one-dimensional, could have been shown. What it is showing parents also seems very valuable, t, though those who most would most gain from watching it are the least likely to undertake a subtitled French tv movie with two young men in love with each other, neither of whom wants to lose his parents.
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