18 January 2009

Tiresia (2003)

Tiresia (2003)

Po Grčkoj mitologiji Tiresias je bio slijepi prorok od Thebe, poznat po tome što je u isto vrijeme bio i muško i žensko! Kako i zašto je oslijepio ima mnogo priča, a jedna od njih je da ga je Zeus oslijepio jer je smrtnicima pričao budućnost. Druga priča je da je boginja Athena prekrila oči kada ga je vidjela nagog u šumi i bila iznenađena kada je vidjela muško i žensko tijelo spojeno u jedno!

U ovom filmu Tiresia je tranvestit koji uzima ženske hormone i bavi se prostitucijom. Emigrirao iz Brasila u Francusku i kurvao se da preživi. Terranova je njen obožavalac, i otima je iz Bolonjeske šume u Parisu. Zarobljenu je drži u jednoj napuštenoj kući. Međutim kako vrijeme prolazi, a Tiresia ne uzima hormone, njegov san se pretvara u košmar. Tiresia postaje muško. Terranova zatim oslijepljuje Tiresiu i ostavlja je u šumi , gdje je pronalazi nijema katolkinja i odvodi kod sebe na selo. Tiresia, sada već muško otkriva u sebi moć da proriče budućnost. Terranova kao sveštenik ga posjećuje. Ono što je učinio Tiresiji ga proganja i muči...

Da ne nastavljam dalje prepričavanje filma. Tiresia u ovoj priči nam otkriva sebe, svoj život i kako je postao/la to što jeste. Jednostavno prihvaćajuči svoj život onakav kakav jeste, govoreći da on/ona nije to sama birala.

Da ne nastavljam dalje i filozofiram bespotrebno, bolje pogledajte film. Nije najbolje kvalitete ali je ipak gledljiv!

Year: 2003
Genre: Drama
Director: Bertrand Bonello
Duration: 116 min (Cannes Film Festival)
Country France, Canada

Actors: Laurent Lucas, Clara Choveaux, Thiago Telčs, Célia Catalifo, Lou Castel, Alex Descas, Fred Ulysse, Stella, Marcelo Novais Teles, Olivier Torres, Isabelle Ungaro, Abel Nataf

A Brazilian transsexual prostitute living in Paris gets abducted and imprisoned by a mysterious loner, who's obsessed by his captive's beauty. It's an interesting enough premise, but sadly writer/director Bertrand Bonello's third feature turns out to be an irritatingly ponderous reworking of the Greek myth of the soothsaying Tiresia. In a puzzling casting decision Laurent Lucas is given a pair of roles - that of kidnapper and parish priest - whilst the character of Tiresia is incarnated by Clara Choveaux and Thiago Telcs.

Tiresia is split into two distinct halves, both of which unfold at the same funereal pace and end in tragedy. In the first Terranova (Lucas) abducts Tiresia (Choveaux) from the Bois de Boulogne only to see the streetwalker's beauty wither without 'her' regular hormone pills. Later the story switches to the countryside, where the now blinded Tiresia (played in this section by Teles) is cared for by a devout Catholic girl Anna (Célia Catalifo), who is angelically beautiful and conveniently mute. And it's in this rural milieu that Tiresia discovers 'his' own premonitory gifts.


There are plenty of ideas here: our obsessive pursuit of perfection, the artifice of gender, the conflict between individual belief and organised faith. Yet Tiresia always seems to be striving for profundity, with its excerpts from Beethoven's 7th Symphony on the soundtrack, the repeated footage of molten lava, and the blurring of fantasy and memory. Bonello seems to have little interest in the psychology of his characters, and the combination of the unwieldy symbolism and the oppressive mood help drain the life out of the film.

In French and Portuguese with English subtitles.

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