Borstal Boy (2000)
Radna akcija 81' Na Užarenom suncu kopamo neke kanale i jedva čekam da se vratimo u brigadirsko naselje. Mrzio sam kramp i lopatu više nego bilo šta! Jedan slovemac me stalno zajebava! Mrzim ga, zašto li me stalno zadirkuje!?
Sutradan sam određen za dežurnog u naselju, nemoram da idem na trasu! Niko sretniji od mene. Kada sam vidio slovenca da je dežuran , pomislio sam kako me neko gadno mrzi! Zašto on. Naravno kako je bio stariji odredi me da noću idem na stražu kod nekih kupatila uz sam rub šume koja su se rijetko koristila. Vidio sam mu po očima kako uživa u svojoj podlosti!
Pala je noć i prilično zahladnilo! Uđem u kupatilo da se ugrijem. Gomila tuševa poređanih jedan do drugog me posjetila na zatvoreničke filmove. Otvorim dva da teku , pa ona para zagrijava prostoriju!
Taman sam se namjestio da zakunjam malo kad evo ti slovenca. Pita me spava li mi se! Rekoh da nisam naučio da budem budan noću. Kažeon praviću ti društvo. Prvo mi se gadila pomisao da sa njim provodim vrijeme ali bolje i on nego da sam sam!
I malo po malo smo se upoznali uz priču o svemu i svačemu, sve do jutra kada je počelo da sviće. Krenuo je da ide, pa se vratio i na moj šok poljubio me je. Onako strasno i jako! Taman sam se prepustio tom vrtlogu , a on se izmakne , zagleda se u mene i kaže: " Nisam nikada poljubio muškarca, ali poželio sam da ti pokažem kako je lijepo kada možeš biti ono što jesi!" Nisam ga tada shvatio šta je želio da mi kaže!
Ovaj prelijepi film je podsjetio na taj događaj! Šteta što nema prevoda, bio bi poučan za naše gledatelje!
Priča inspirisana novelom Brendana Behana "Borstal Boy" .Tokom drugog svjetskog rata, šesnatestogodišnji Brandon , zaneseni Irski fanatik, bude uhapšen zbog pokušaja podmetanja bombe. Kao maloljetnik bude upućen u Borstal, popravni dom na istoku Engleske, gdje bude primoram da se suoči sa samim sobom i da nauči da živi sa onima koje mrzi! Tu upoznaje Charlie Milwala , mladog prilično open gay engleza sa kojim se sprijateljuje i stvara jedan humani, emocionalni odnos kakav nije imao u svom životu! Otkrivši sebe u jednoj sceni Brandon kaže:
Naučili su me da mrzim Engleze. Došao sam ovdije da naučim šta je ljubav.... I to mogu sada na oba načina, baš kao Oscar Wilde!
Film nam priča pomalo poetičnu priču o tome kako mržnja može biti pobijeđena ljubavlju. Baš kao kada dobro pobijedi zlo!
Brandon je po povratku u Irsku napisao ovu novelu po kojoj je napravljen ovaj film. Umro je 1964. od diabetesa izazvanog alkoholom u svojoj 41. godini.
Year: 2000
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: Peter Sheridan
Duration: 93 min
Country UK, Ireland
Actors: Shawn Hatosy, Danny Dyer, Lee Ingleby, Robin Laing, Eva Birthistle, Michael York, Mark Huberman, Jim Byrne, Garret Deady, Darren Donohue, Ronnie Drew, William Fitzpatrick, Luke Griffin, Trevor Hanly, Lukas Hassel, Luke Hayden, Patricia Levento, Ian McElhinney, Keith Murtagh, Viko Nikci, Jer O'Leary, John O'Toole, Arthur Riordan, Owen Sharpe, Eoin Slattery
A drama "inspired" by Irish writer Brendan Behan's autobiographical book of the same name, "Borstal Boy" mixes a rites-of-passage story with political and sexual elements to solid but finally uninvolving results. This feature debut by theater director Peter Sheridan (brother of helmer Jim Sheridan) will likely get its longest parole on the small screen, where its unadorned shooting style and unremarkable dramatics will play best.
During the early days of WWII, 16-year-old Brendan (Shawn Hatosy), a staunch Irish republican, is arrested in Liverpool after disembarking with some sticks of dynamite strapped to his legs. His bombing mission thus thwarted, he's sent to a reform school for youngsters ("borstal") in the flatlands of East Anglia, in the backside of England.
Fanatically anti-British, Brendan finds himself living side by side not only with the perceived enemy but also with an assortment of juvenile delinquents, including a Polish Jew who tried to escape to Palestine; a Cockney sailor, Charlie Milwall (Danny Dyer), who dreams of fleeing to Singapore; and a Scottish lad, Jock (Robin Laing).
Life in borstal slowly forces Brendan to learn to live with others, and at least mitigate his blind hatred of the Brits, without losing his principles.
The revelation of one of the boys' closeted homosexuality is sympathetically dealt with, though Brendan's incipient romance with the daughter, Liz (Eva Birthistle), of the institution's tough but fair governor (Michael York) is just too schematic.
Part of the film's problem is that it tries to overload the story with meaning at the expense of character. Dialogue is often over-explanatory, as in Brendan's exchange with Liz: "I was brought up to hate the English. I had to come here to learn about love ... I had it both ways, just like Oscar Wilde!" Quite.
Still, Hatosy is good in the lead, starting out as an unsmiling teenage fanatic and slowly morphing into a more rounded young man. A scene with York in which he finally agrees to postpone the republican fight until the end of the war is much more powerful emotionally than any of those among the borstal boys.
Other players are well cast, with the exception of York, who overdoes his period-Brit accent. Irish locations are not always convincing as East Anglia, though Ciaran Tanham's lensing does capture its bleak, wintry light. Production values and period detail are OK on a budget, and Stephen McKeon's score is a help in bringing some warmth to the drama.
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