28 January 2009

Freunde (2001) The Whiz Kids

Freunde (2001) The Whiz Kids

Zadnjih dana imam problema da uploudujem video na blog. Ne znam sta se desava! Dok ne riješim taj problem iskoristio sam daillymotion.
Da li ste sebe uhvatili kako se dokazujete pred drugima, al malo više nego je potrebno? Znate ono " Neću ja prvi da zovem.., neka on učini prvi korak..., zašto bi se ja izložio riziku poruge..." i slično.
Gledate se u oči, pomislite kako bi mu rekli da ga volite, al na kraju kažete nešto u stilu "Danas sam upoznao strašnu ribu" ili neku drugu glupost.
Imate li kada osjećaj da vam vaš najbolji prijatelj želi nešto reći pa odustane ?
Sve su to simptomi nečega što je jače od obične privlačnosti. Izraženije je kod tinejdžera nego kod starijih koji uglavnom uvijek stave do znanja šta hoće!

U kojim dvadesetim imao sam jednog druga, sa kojim sam volio izlaziti, družiti se, obilaziti grad, otkrivati nova mjesta i slično. Jednom smo tako otišli na jedan otok na jednu nudističku plažu. Ležali smo jedan pored drugog i piljili u more. Odjednom on reče: Znaš ponekad se uzbudim bez razloga i mislim da je to zbog tebe. Ima nešto u tebi pto god mene budi neku moju drugu stranu. Ne znam da objasnim. Iako sam bio svjestan o čemu priča nisam mu odgovorio na to. Samo sam prokomentarisao, svi mi imamo i svoju drugu, skrivenu stranu ličnosti. Ostalo je na tome. Navečer smo večerali goli, spavali goli, šetali se kroz stan goli, ali nikada nismo prešli tu tanku liniju koja nas dijeli od te druge strane!

U ovom kratkom filmu dva šesnaestogodišnjaka su prešla tu tanku liniju i to je počelo da ruši njihovo prijateljstvo!

Year: 2001
Genre: Short, Drama
Director: Jan Krüger
Duration: 21 min
Audio: Germany
Subtitle: English
Country Germany
Actors: Martin Kiefer, Marlon Kittel, Rose Bender, Iris Minich, Britta Jatzwauk, Benno Günther, Phillip Nilgen, Lukas Nilgen, Ulrike Will

Part 1

My friend 1
Uploaded by orvel04

Johannes and Marco are both adolescents but extremely diverse: the former is good-natured whilst the latter is naturally daring. The two become very close friends and spend time hanging out, competing, watching videos and playing overnight. They test the scope of their interaction between cool distance and intimate proximity but up close is a danger of hurting one another, both physically and emotionally.

Part 2

my friend 2
Uploaded by orvel04

26 January 2009

Prayers for Bobby (2009) (TV)

Prayers for Bobby (2009) (TV)

Da li možda griješim što na ovom blogu stavljam ovoliko filmova koji na neki način podstiču coming out? Dobio sam dosta mailova u kojem me tinejdžeri pitaju o tome. Uglavnom me pitaju da im predložim neki film, a često isključivo traže filmove na temu coming out-a. Mislim da ovi filmovi uglavnom nisu prilagođeni balkanskim pravilima života. Gledajuči većinu ovih filmova možemo steći sliku da če naša okolina nakon početnih teškoća sa lakoćom prihvatiti pedere kao dio svog okruženja. To ipak u većini slučajeva nije tačno. Prije će biti da će okolina odbaciti i izložiti ruglu svakoga ko se javno deklariše kao peder. Tolerisaće samo one koji o tome ne pričaju i ponašaju se u skladu sa njima prihvatljivim moralnim načelima.
Pa vi vidite šta će te uraditi. Taj korak ipak ne treba učiniti nepromišljeno. Većina ljudi koje poznajem je to učinila samo u okviru svoje porodice. Za to treba imati stabilnu i jaku familiju, koja vas iskreno voli i podržava. Važno je i to u kakvoj sredini živite, obrazovanje, religija....

Možda savijet od psihologa nije bespotrebno potražiti.
Razmislite o svemu prije nego uradite nešto takvo. Svaki slučaj je drugačiji i na svoj način jedinstven.
Prayers for Boby je još jedan u nizu tragičnih coming out filmova, istinita priča, poučna za mnoge.

Ovo je film koji preporučujem roditeljima. Jedna moja prijateljica je jednom prilikom rekla: Ne bih voljela da je moje dijete peder, ali ako to i bude jednako ću ga voljeti i podržavati. Svidjelo mi se to što je rekla, al da li je to zaista tako?
Mislim da se tradicionalne predrsude mogu ublažiti ili razbiti samo obrazovanjem i savjetovanjem roditelja. Da li se o tome priča na roditeljskim sastancima, da li postoje brošure za roditelje o tome? Oslonimo se na to da je roditeljska ljubav ipak najjača i najtrajnija ljudska emocija!

Prayers for Bobby ( Molitve za Bobija ) je istinita priča i samo jedna od nebrojenih primjera coming out-a koja je na žalost završila tragično!
Mladi ljudi, tinejdžeri posebno, bolje da se predhodno savjetuju sa nekim starijim ili potraže pomoć psihologa ili psihijatra, prije nego se odluče da svojim najbližim objave svoju prirodu! Na žalost za 20-togodišmjeg Bobija sve je kasno! Kajanje, osude, izgovori, molitve i sve ono što možemo uraditi da olakšamo grijeh što smo bili slijepi
i nemoćni da prihvatimo svog najbližeg onakvim kakav jeste ne može vratiti izgubljeni život, ali može nam ostaviti pouku za budućnost!

Year: 2009
Genre: Biography, Drama
Director: Russell Mulcahy
Duration: 88 min
Country: USA
Subtitles: NO
Actors: Sigourney Weaver, Henry Czerny, Ryan Kelley, Dan Butler, Austin Nichols, Carly Schroeder, Shannon Eagen, Scott Bailey, Rebecca Louise Miller, Anna Badalamenti, Ele Bardha, Linda Boston, David G.B. Brown, Kyle Clarington, Rusty Daugherty, Ber Fox, William C. Fox, Axel Harney, Chris Hendricks, Steve Jasgur, Patrick Michael Kenney, Sam Khaleghi, Madge Levinson, Tevis R. Marcum, Brent Mata, Marshall McClean, Alyssa McMillan, Rusty Mewha, Julia Mogerman, Anthony Moscato, Jaime Moyer, Janice O'Neill, Susan Ruttan, Amanda Ryskamp, Sean Scarlett, Lauren Mae Shafer, Dan Wells, Billy Whitehouse, Melanie Wilson

Filmed in Detroit by Once Upon a Time Films in association with Permut Presentations and Sladek Taaffe Prods. Executive producers, Stanley M. Brooks, David Permut, Daniel Sladek, Chris Taaffe; producer, Damian Ganczewski; co-producers, Steve Longi, Silvio Muraglia, David Steinberg, Mary Griffith, Leroy Aarons; director, Russell Mulcahy; writer, Katie Ford, based on the book by Aarons. Mary Griffith - Sigourney Weaver, Bob Griffith - Henry Czerny, Bobby Griffith - Ryan Kelley, Ed Griffith - Austin Nichols, Joy Griffith - Carly Schroeder, Nancy Griffith - Shannon Eagan, David - Scott Bailey, Jeanette - Rebecca Louise Miller, Betty Lambert - Susan Ruttan, Reverend Whitsell - Dan Butler
Sigourney Weaver's TV movie debut proves worth the wait, as Lifetime's fact-based "Prayers for Bobby" revisits ground similar to that which the AIDS-themed "An Early Frost" broke nearly 25 years ago and -- thanks to enduring religious-based bigotry toward gays -- still feels fresh and poignant. Lifetime doesn't often aim this high with its made-fors, yet barring some minor questionable stylistic choices by director Russell Mulcahy, this message movie proves powerful without being unduly preachy. The year is 1979, and Mary Griffith (Weaver) has what looks to be a family plucked from a Norman Rockwell painting, until teenage son Bobby (Ryan Kelley, simply terrific) confides to his brother ("John From Cincinnati's" Austin Nichols) that he dreams of boys, not girls. Refusing to accept that her son might be gay, the God-fearing Mary begins a campaign to "cure" him -- posting passages of scripture on his bathroom mirror and forcing him into uncomfortable therapy sessions."There's no doubt in my mind that God can handle this," she announces to her husband (Henry Czerny), who's mostly a passive observer, other than dragging Bobby along on a camping trip, presumably to help butch him up.So it goes, until Bobby -- in an act of pain and desperation -- flings himself off a freeway overpass at the age of 20. What follows is Mary's spiritual quest to understand what transpired -- a tormented, tear-stained journey for which three hankies won't be nearly enough.Beautifully adapted by writer Katie Ford from Leroy Aarons' book, the movie takes dialogue that has doubtless been expressed from children to parents countless times before -- "Why would I choose this?" an exasperated Bobby pleads to his mother -- and sharpens its edges to unleash the heartbreak within. That's largely due to the fine performances, which zero in on the characters' shared suffering, frustration and confusion. Mulcahy does indulge in a few unnecessary flourishes, from using what are essentially camera tricks to accentuate Bobby's emotional distress to having one extended speech delivered directly into the camera. Yet these amount to quibbles in what's otherwise a class act, one that tackles its subject matter with the sort of uncompromising passion not readily associated with Lifetime titles like last year's "Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal."The common thread among Lifetime's disparate movies is that they pivot on a recognizable actress in a central role. "Prayers for Bobby" certainly has that, and in Weaver a leading lady whose prayers for a part worthy of her talents have been forcefully answered.

25 January 2009

Blue (2007)

Blue (2007)

Ne znam za jaču bol od one kada izgubiš nekog koga najviše voliš! To boli dok god zivis! U grlu nekako zapne, pa nema lijeka da je makneš odatle!
Blago onom ko takvu bol ne doživi, al na žalost ne poznajem nikoga ko je nije iskusio!
Svi nastavimo i dalje da gledamo u budućnost, podignute glave, skrivajući taj unutrašnji nemir sve dok ga na kraju ne sakrijemo sami od sebe!

Title: Blue
Director: Remy Schepers
Runtime: 10 min
Genre: Short
Country: Netherland
Language: none
Subtitles: none

A fictional silent film about a boy struggling with his feelings since his relationship is on the verge of breaking-up.

24 January 2009

Dupe od mramora (1995) AKA Marble ass

Dupe od mramora (1995) AKA Marble ass

Žao mi je što za ovaj film ne mogu da nadjem titl na engleskom jeziku! Bilo bi dobro da čitaoci ovog bloga koji nisu sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije mogu da ga pogledaju, mada nisam siguran koliko bi bili u stanju da shvate balkanski mentalitet 90-tih godina pošto ga nija dobro ne razumijem!
Dno dna pederskog dijela Beograda, ograničen ratnim pustošenjem, izgledao je baš kao na ovom filmu. Tada ni tanvestiti bisu bili lijepi!
Međutim i pored svega toga ovaj film ima dušu. U svom jadu i bijedi Merlynka nam pokazuje da možemo zadržati "ono malo duše" bez obzira šta nas snašlo u životu. Radeći kao prostitutka na Beogradskim ulicama , spašava poštene žene i djevojke od isfrustriranih nasilnika i zarađuje za život , sanjajući o bogastvu i sjaju koji je vidjela samo u Hollywoodskim filmovima je uobičajen profil prostitutki koji nije zaobišao ni Merlynku. Živeći sa Sanelom, prijateljicom i koleginicom na marginama društva pokušava da opstane i ostane Dama u zemlji čuda u kojoj je jedino čudo preživjeti i dočekati sutrašnji dan!
S druge strane zgodan, lijep al poremećeni nasilnik i ubica Johny sanja o novcu koji će zaraditi prevarom i nožem. Psihički izopačen , povratnik sa ratišta, ogrezao u krvi jedino seksualno zadovoljstvo može da postigne sa ženom koja ga onako sirovog može potčiniti. Nenad Racković ga je odlično odglumio. Šteta što ima mali kurac inače bi bio pravi frajer! Završava život onako kako ga je i živio, po zakonu nasilja i noža. Njegov profil je prilično čest na prostorima EX YU, a prepoznaćete ga u liku koji bi vam za rođendan poklonio neki dobar nož ili utoku, a tokom seksa tražio da ga izjebete do srži, davite , udarate i ponižavate. Ako niste dovoljno jaki za to postaćete njegova žrtva!

Merlynku i Sanelu u filmu igraju prostitutke koje su za film pokupljene sa ulice. Tako da im je gluma u ovom filmu predstavljala kopiju njihovih stvarnih života u kojima su obadvije nastradale nekoliko godina nakon premijere ovog filma!

Merlynka je ostala upamćena po izjavi:

"Evo ja radim u ul. Gavrila Principa. Šta je on doneo Srbima? Rat, glad, nevolje...
A ja? Ja sam hiljade i hiljade Srba usrećila - ova ulica treba da se zove po meni!"

Year: 1995
Genre: Drama, War
Director: Želimir Žilnik
Duration: 86 min
Country Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Actors: Aleksandar Brujić, Vjeran Miladinović, Milja Milenković, Nenad Milenković, Nenad Racković, Lidija Stevanovic, Miodrag Susa, Miljen Vojnovic, Gordan Zabaljac, Suzana Zlatanovic

This film about drag queens in Beograd won a special Teddy prize at the Berlin festival in 1995. The heroines are 2 transvestite prostitutes, and they're much more together than their old boyfriend Johnny who returns from the war and screws everything up. Imagine a politicized Priscilla.

The aging (37) Merlin (Marylin? -- she's blonde) teaches Sanela everything she knows. Sanela "marries" a body-builder, Johnny ends up dead. There's also a wonderful scene in which Merlin tries to teach a "real" woman how to turn tricks.

Merlyn has been pacifying the Balkans, turning tricks with countless, more or less Serbian guys every year. Merlyn is a lighting rod sheltering Belgrade, calming violent nighthawks, swanky big spenders, miserable loners and horny young studs, taking on the charge that would otherwise befall little girls, unprotected mothers and helpless old women. Combined with guns, this unbridled energy would eventually lead to bloodshed. Acting as a mighty Djerdap dam and the Wailing Wall at the same time, Merlyn cools the boiling blood of violent Dinarides and enriches it with love. Johnny comes home to Belgrade, from the war. His motives are apparently similar, he also wants to cool the boiling blod, but he does it by letting it through the holes in the human body, which he makes with bullets or knives. This film is a treatise on the different methods of resolving conflicts, resorted to by Marlyn and Johnny. Festivals in Berlin 95, Moscow 95, Montreal, Sao Paolo, Troia, Warszawa, Kyiv, Hamburg, Ljubljana

21 January 2009

Kali Ma (2007)

Kali Ma (2007)

Jeste li se kada susretali sa majkama svojih ljubavnika? Mislim na okolnosti da majka zna da ste peder i vi i njen sin! Meni se desilo da me moj tadašnji ljubavnik upozna sa svojom majkom u stilu : Mama, ovo je moj dečko! Ja propadoh u zemlju, da sam moga nestao bih sa mjesta zločina odmah.
A majka me lijepo uhvati pod ruku i reče idemo u pozorište. Usput mi reče kako joj je drago da joj je sin našao nekog našeg čovijeka, a ne nekog belosvetskog probisveta! To se zove super mama! Žena ima srca i za sina i za sebe!

Ova kratka priča me je jutros slatko nasmijala. Poluđela majka ide da brani sina pedera! Nakon što joj Londonski mangup isprebija sina, mama se baci u osvetničku akciju!
Cjeli film imate u blogu a kvalitetniju verziju skinite sa ponuđenog linka!

Year: 2007
Genre: Short, Thriller
Director: Soman Chainani
Duration: 14 min
Country USA, India
Actors: Brendan Bradley, Manish Dayal, Kamini Khanna, Trevis Waters

When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice. Part electric action thriller, part exhilarating comedy, KALI MA finds the secrets that divide mothers and sons and the love that brings them together.

Screamingly funny short. Santosh is in gym class and peeking as hunky Peter comes out of the shower. Santosh is embarrassed, but thinks he was not caught. As he's at his locker getting changed, Peter attacks, pins him down, and writes rude comments all over his body. Meanwhile, Santosh's mother, Kali Ma (a huge woman), is in the kitchen making an elaborate Indian mean while singing and dancing to a Bollywood soundtrack. Santosh comes home and goes right up to his room, refusing to eat. Ma goes up to his bedroom to see what's wrong, finds Santosh cowering in the closet, sees that he's bruised and marked up, and finds out who did it. Then, Kali Ma goes out for revenge.

18 January 2009

Tiresia (2003)

Tiresia (2003)

Po Grčkoj mitologiji Tiresias je bio slijepi prorok od Thebe, poznat po tome što je u isto vrijeme bio i muško i žensko! Kako i zašto je oslijepio ima mnogo priča, a jedna od njih je da ga je Zeus oslijepio jer je smrtnicima pričao budućnost. Druga priča je da je boginja Athena prekrila oči kada ga je vidjela nagog u šumi i bila iznenađena kada je vidjela muško i žensko tijelo spojeno u jedno!

U ovom filmu Tiresia je tranvestit koji uzima ženske hormone i bavi se prostitucijom. Emigrirao iz Brasila u Francusku i kurvao se da preživi. Terranova je njen obožavalac, i otima je iz Bolonjeske šume u Parisu. Zarobljenu je drži u jednoj napuštenoj kući. Međutim kako vrijeme prolazi, a Tiresia ne uzima hormone, njegov san se pretvara u košmar. Tiresia postaje muško. Terranova zatim oslijepljuje Tiresiu i ostavlja je u šumi , gdje je pronalazi nijema katolkinja i odvodi kod sebe na selo. Tiresia, sada već muško otkriva u sebi moć da proriče budućnost. Terranova kao sveštenik ga posjećuje. Ono što je učinio Tiresiji ga proganja i muči...

Da ne nastavljam dalje prepričavanje filma. Tiresia u ovoj priči nam otkriva sebe, svoj život i kako je postao/la to što jeste. Jednostavno prihvaćajuči svoj život onakav kakav jeste, govoreći da on/ona nije to sama birala.

Da ne nastavljam dalje i filozofiram bespotrebno, bolje pogledajte film. Nije najbolje kvalitete ali je ipak gledljiv!

Year: 2003
Genre: Drama
Director: Bertrand Bonello
Duration: 116 min (Cannes Film Festival)
Country France, Canada

Actors: Laurent Lucas, Clara Choveaux, Thiago Telčs, Célia Catalifo, Lou Castel, Alex Descas, Fred Ulysse, Stella, Marcelo Novais Teles, Olivier Torres, Isabelle Ungaro, Abel Nataf

A Brazilian transsexual prostitute living in Paris gets abducted and imprisoned by a mysterious loner, who's obsessed by his captive's beauty. It's an interesting enough premise, but sadly writer/director Bertrand Bonello's third feature turns out to be an irritatingly ponderous reworking of the Greek myth of the soothsaying Tiresia. In a puzzling casting decision Laurent Lucas is given a pair of roles - that of kidnapper and parish priest - whilst the character of Tiresia is incarnated by Clara Choveaux and Thiago Telcs.

Tiresia is split into two distinct halves, both of which unfold at the same funereal pace and end in tragedy. In the first Terranova (Lucas) abducts Tiresia (Choveaux) from the Bois de Boulogne only to see the streetwalker's beauty wither without 'her' regular hormone pills. Later the story switches to the countryside, where the now blinded Tiresia (played in this section by Teles) is cared for by a devout Catholic girl Anna (Célia Catalifo), who is angelically beautiful and conveniently mute. And it's in this rural milieu that Tiresia discovers 'his' own premonitory gifts.


There are plenty of ideas here: our obsessive pursuit of perfection, the artifice of gender, the conflict between individual belief and organised faith. Yet Tiresia always seems to be striving for profundity, with its excerpts from Beethoven's 7th Symphony on the soundtrack, the repeated footage of molten lava, and the blurring of fantasy and memory. Bonello seems to have little interest in the psychology of his characters, and the combination of the unwieldy symbolism and the oppressive mood help drain the life out of the film.

In French and Portuguese with English subtitles.

Si Nos Dejan (2008) short

Si Nos Dejan (2008)

Jeste li kada poželjeli da poljubite svoh dragog na javnom mjestu.
Jednom u Beogradu u jednom restoranu sam bio sa jednim momkom koji mi se simpatično nabacivao.Smijao se, djelio mi komplimente i bilo je očito da se momak trudio oko mene. Što se mene tiče bio je simpatičan i to je sve. U jednom momentu mi je rekao: "Da smo sami sada bih te poljubio tako strasno i siguran sam da bi bio moj" U tom trenutku se jedna cura koja je sjedala za drugim stolom odmah iza njega nasmijala, okrenula prema njemu i rekla:" Pa poljubi ga već jednom, da mene toliko muvaš, bila bih tvoja 100 posto!

Uz jutarnju kaficu ovaj kratak filmčić je sasvim dovoljan da vam dan počne lijepo!

County: Mexico
Year: 2008
Director: Alejandro Murillo

17 January 2009

Gefangen (2004) aka Locked Up

Gefangen (2004)

Nisam očekivao da ovaj film već nisam stavio na blog, al nikada nije kasno. Nemam kad da ga ponovo gledam, al ću napisati po sjećanju od prije godinu ili više dana.
Mnogi pederi maštaju o tome kako ih siluju u zatvoru! Ne vjerujete mi? Popričajte malo po chatovima i uvjeriće te se!
No , svi mii mamo neke želje koje mogu biti čudne za nekog drugog, tako da moramo biti tolerantni, čak i kada nam se to ne sviđa.
Ovo je priča za baš za one koji imaju fetiš zatvora!
Mladi momak zaglavi u zatvor i tamo se susreće sa svim onim kriminalcima koji žele ili da ga ubace u njihovu grupu ili da im budete "devojčica"
Kako se radi o nekom Njemcu, naravno prvo ga vrbuju nacisti. Momak im baš i nije naklonjen, a dopadne mu se jedan crnac. I tu se rađa zabranjena ljubav! Nije problem u tome što je to ljubav između muškaraca , nego što je to ljbav između crnca i bijelca, uz to i Njemca!
Zanimljivo koncipiran film, mada je meni prilična nepoznanica sva ta priča. Inače u filmu su sve samo porno glumci, koji su iznenađujuće dobro odglumili ne porno scene, a kakvi su u porno scenama možete vidjeti u x-rated verziji.
Film obiluje scenama nasilja, silovanja, muške erotike, a o psihi glavnih karaktera prosudite sami. Da li zaista ljubav može biti toliko jaka da poželite da se vratite u zatvor? Sve je moguće!

Film je napravljen u dvije verzije, x-rated version je porno verzija filma. Ne očekujte u toj verziji priču i emocije koju vam pruža regularna verzija. Ipak je to pornić sastavljen samo od scena sirovog seksa i ništa više! R rated verzija je sofisticiranija i sa prevodom! Šteta što to nisu montirali malo bolje i dobili "pornić sa dušom"

Još nešto: među glumcima se nalazi i ćovijek naše gore list Danijel Mitić, al ne znam ništa o njemu! Ima ga na facebook!

Year: 2004
Genre: Drama, Romance

Director: Jörg Andreas
Duration: 92 min (cut)
Country Germany
Actors: Marcel Schlutt, Mike Sale, Ralph Steel, Andreas Bernhardt, Michael Busch, Fred Faurtin, Gil, Chris Holland, Erik Lenn, Marc Lindinger, Lorenz Michel, Daniel Mitic, David Parstein, Mike Power, Goran Rakonjac, Mats Riem, Ulrike Schirm, Pedro Sobisch, Henning von Berg

Shot almost entirely in an abandoned Eastern German prison, Locked Up is a full-blown prisoner romance featuring lots of nudity and plenty of studs in (and out of) prison garb. The incredibly adorable Dennis (Schlutt) is sent to prison after he's caught using fraudulent credit cards. He's reticent to get involved with the low-life drug dealers on his cell-block, but there seems little choice -- it's either that or rape. Getting tired of pacing his cell, he looks out the window as a hunky black man is digging a hole in the ground. Our hole-digger, Mike (Sale) is on another block and he's instantly attracted to the adorable Dennis and who wouldn't be? They manage to hook up during recreation period and their first kiss scares Dennis off, but he goes back for more.

What kind of prison is this? There are voyeuristic gay guards (inspired by Genet's Un Chant D'Amour,) a punk who likes to be spit on and the warden entertain requests for lovers to room together! With plenty of sexual energy between the two leads, their romance develops through motherly visits, drug deals and a nasty prison rape scene. Locked Up is an enjoyably romantic and erotic debut non-adult film from Jörg Andreas

In x-rated version you can not see story with character and emotion like in R rated version! X-rated version is porn in German without subtitles, but do not bother as it is pure sex.

16 January 2009



Priča o biseksualcima ima koliko god oćeš. ali sve se svode na to da ko po nekoj matemačkoj definiciji prelaze iz muškog u ženski tabor pa opet natrag! Tri moje najveće ljubavi pripadaju toj skupini. Po pravilu to su najjače i iz početka najiskrenije veze. Naprosto ne mogu se te veze ni stvoriti ako se krije brak ili verenica. Na žalost uglavnom se sve te životne priče završe vrlo tužno. Provede čovijek neko vrijeme u braku , pa se razvede ili provede čitav život upetljan u sopstvene laži, rastrgnut između pičke i kurca! Ne znam kako će se završiti ova moja zadnja romansa, ali predhodne dvije su završile vrlo jadno. Oženili se, dobili đecu, žive po pravilniku društva, al noću se iskradaju iz kreveta i trče u naručje muškarca ili se smucaju po koje kakvim mjestima tražeći dobar kurac! Jednog redovno viđam po pederskim sajtovima, a za podvige ovog drugog čujem iz okruženja druge države!
Najveće zaprepaštenje sam doživio kada mi je jedna cura došla u posjetu i započela priču:
- Znam sve o vama, rekao mi je!
-Šta ti je rekao? ( crvenim)
- Sve!
-( čutim i propadam sa 4 sprata u podrum)
- Znaš šta ja mislim? Mi smo predivna trojka, svi se volim, On voli i mene i tebe , ti voliš i mene i njega, a ja vas volim obadvojicu!

Ovaj film govori upravo o tim odnosima. Kako peder postaje str8 pa onda opet peder, a jadna cura se u čudu našla! I sve to začinjeno na španski način.
Pa ako vam odgovara tema , pogledajte ovaj prilično zabavan film, koji bi po meni trebalo da bude komedija, a ono se pretvorilo u pravu dramu i romansu.
Inače režiser ovog filma je več poznat po sličnim filmovima. Pogledajte I love you baby!

Year: 1999
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Director: Alfonso Albacete, David Menkes
Duration: 102 min
Country Spain

Actors: Emma Suárez, Juan Diego Botto, Mirta Ibarra, Rosana Pastor, Manuel Manquińa, Ŕlex Brendemühl, Javier Martín, Adriŕ Collado, Elena Irureta, Alberto San Juan, José Manuel Cervino, Maite Blasco, Elena Ballesteros, Montserrat Alcoverro, Carmen Arbex, Pedro Aunión, Libby Brien, Omar Butler, Manel Castillejos, Ramón Enrich Borrellas, María Esteve, Lucía Etxebarría, Quique Guaza, Fernando Guillén, Angelita Heredia, Philip Hersh, Valentín Hidalgo, Inma Isla, Raúl Jiménez, Duna Jové, David Laborda, Esperanza López Tamayo, Carlos Lucas, Dani Martín, José Antonio Menchen, Patricia Mendi, Maite Merino, Ivan Nieto-Balboa, Pilar Ordóńez, Francesc Pagés, Gustavo Pastor, Pepe Patatín, David Pomares, Juan Prado, Núria Prims, Ana Rayo, Montse G. Romeu, Raúl Sánchez, Ruth Sánchez, Paula Soldevila, Marta Suárez, Fausto Talón, Fernando Tejero, Paz Vega, Alfredo Villa

Marga is a feisty young woman who has sought to slip out from under her parents' control her entire adult life. Slowly, and with significant help from her best friend Trini, she begins to come into her own. Just when it seems Marga has her life together, tragedy comes calling with a vengeance. First, she loses her job when Trini sells her out to the adulterous boss (whom the gal pal is sleeping with). The layoff causes financial problems, but at least Marga has her main man Roberto. Without warning, said boyfriend is killed in a car accident, leaving Marga alone and pregnant with his son. Hoping to make ends meet, she takes a job at a local video store. As time passes and her child grows, she ends up owning the establishment.

One day, Ińaqui walks into her store and the attraction is instantaneous. Marga falls head over heels for the dark and mysterious hunk. And he seems to really like her. But there is a problem. Ińaqui is gay. Or perhaps, it is better to say he is a very confused homosexual. Whatever the case may be, he adores Marga and they seem to make a perfect couple. But biology and psychology have a way of messing up even the most promising love affair, and as their level of commitment deepens, the potential pitfalls to Marga and Ińaqui's relationship grow wider. Can the lifestyle-crossed lovers find a way to make their devotion work? Or will they only find themselves alone again, filled with despair and thinking to themselves "I Will Survive" as their hearts slowly break?

A little unfocused as it starts, and slow to unfold its eventual delights, I Will Survive (translated from the original Spanish title Sobreviviré) is kind of a motion picture irregularity. It wants to be a romantic comedy, but it keeps injecting tragedy and despair into the plot to provide obstacles to the "happily every after." This makes the movie a little disconcerting at times. It also wants to be a politically sensitive exploration of the differences and the possible interpersonal interactions between men—specifically gay men—and women. But it appears to be afraid to tackle such issues head-on, and instead hints and insinuates at the possible problems and considerations.

In essence, I Will Survive is an overly cautious cautionary tale, a tricky testament to the very fickle and fated nature of love and lifestyle choice. It uses the basics of quixotic pleasantry to say some serious things about sexual identity and societal roles (especially in the highly religious nation of Spain) while occasionally perverting those principles for its own interests (especially in the surprisingly frank ending). But the overall effect is less than enlightening. We never really get to understand our lovers and the reasons for their infatuation/frustration. Potentially provocative subplots (Trini's infidelity with the boss, Marga's son, Ińaqui's ex-boyfriend and the art community) are tossed by the wayside for meaningless montages to life and lust. We wonder how a practicing homosexual, obviously ensconced in the entire way of life, can suddenly stop with the sodomy and enjoy sex with a woman. And we conjecture on what it says about Marga's self-esteem that she sleeps with a gay man and assumes she has both "cured" him and deserves nothing better herself. I Will Survive cannot answer these questions and, frankly, it never really wanted to try. It is using hot-button issues to push along a passive narrative, and that is never a good cinematic idea.

This simple movie—with intricate issues inside—is good, but not great. It fails to pull off the emotional hat trick of having us care for Marga, Ińaqui, and their relationship. We do tend to root for the miserable widow, especially as played by Emma Suarez with a wide face of fragile honesty. But Juan Diego Botto takes his role of the gay Romeo too seriously, balking with unavoidable angst every time situations get serious or sincere. As a couple, there is a nice chemistry between the two, and each can portray both strength and vulnerability in completely believable fashion. Indeed, the best part about I Will Survive is the performances. Even with characters that should resonate as clichés or archetypes, the actors manage to overcome the formulaic to create winning individuals. Never once is a stereotype stationed among the other homosexuals, and principles that should be annoying (like the Grand Dame of Cuban kookery Rosa, as played by Mirta Ibarra) find the decency behind the disheartening.

But good performances alone cannot save I Will Survive. The movie needs more of a heavy heart and the filmmakers cannot craft such somber sentiments. Co-directed with far too much self-awareness by the team of Alfonso Albacete and David Menkes, there are too many camera tricks and fancy fade-outs to keep the story from shifting. The duo keeps trying to impose dreamy and wistful elements onto their topical tale to keep it light and airy. Yet their use of the beautiful Henry Mancini standard Moon River seems cute and cloying, more of a fabrication than a relationship factor. I Will Survive is like a writer who keeps rethinking his story as he goes along. The lack of a clear atmosphere or tone turns what could have been passionate into just passable.

Doorman (2006) - short

doormanDoorman (2006) - short

Director: Etienne Kallos
Genre: Short movie Country: USA Year: 2006
Duration: 17 min

Actors: Chris Anthony, John Bryant Davila, Jamil Mena, Stephen Sheffer 

DM003Neke stvari u našim životima naprosto nemožemo kontrolisati. Da li Vam se dešavalo da uradite nešto iako znate da će vam to na neki način naškoditi?
Ova priča o portiru koji se našao u emocionalnoj krizi , nakon što je zaveden od mladog, neurotičnog studenta, nas može podsjetiti na to!
Podsjetila me na jedan događaj iz prošlosti kada sam za komšiju imao jednog zgodnog dalmatinca. Fascinirao me je svojom pojavom, držanjem, izgledom...
Kako smo živjeli u uskoj primorskoj ulici jedan naspram drugog, često sam ga posmatrao kako se polugo šeta kroz svoj stan, doručkuje, sprema na posao.
Naprosto bio je tu pored mene kao da živimo zajedno. Često je dovodio dijevojke u stan. Bilo mi je i to zanimljivo da posmatram i uživam gledajući ga kako se šepuri.

Jedno jutro je stao kraj prozora i poželio mi dobro jutro! Malo sam se zbunio jer sam imao osjećaj da zna da ga često posmatram. Nasmijao se i rekao 'bilo bi lijepo da ponekad skuvaš kavu i dođeš da me probudiš!'
U meni se danima nakon toga vodila bura od dileme da li da to uradim ili ne? Skuvam kafu, pređem ulicu i pozvonim na vrata. Iznenadio se kada me je vidio i bez riječi pustio me da uđem. Popili smo kafu bez mnogo priče, osjećao sam se glupo.
Prošlo opet nekoliko dana a on će: Nema ta da doneseš kavu?! Ja reko na tebe je red. On reče znam da češ mi je ti donijeti. Nasmijao sam se i rekao načekaćeš se! I ja opet popustim ! Skuvam kafu i opet kod njega! Sjednem na fotelju, a on me pita 'sviđam li ti se?' Pocrvenih , al ništa ne rekoh. On nastavi, volio bih da te jebem, nisam nikada jebao tipa! Ja skamenjen, ko da mi je šamar opalio.

doorman-2Gledam ga, priđem mu i tu krenu dodiri , pa seks.
Nakon seksa reče: 'Nije bilo loše, kad god poželiš dođi da te jebem. '
Mrzio sam sebe nakon toga i nisam više gledao kroz prozor!
Siguran sam da bi mi lakše bilo da sam to uradio sa nekim koga nikada prije nisam vidio u životu.
Malo sam udavio sa pričom koja nema veze sa filmom.
Ovaj portir u filmu je vrlo uredan, savjestan na poslu, prijatnog izgleda i čini mi se već izgrađena ličnost. Međutim ima nešto što nije mogao spriječiti, da se ponizi pred jednim neurotičnim narkomanom i sa njim na najodvratniji način izgubi nevinost! Siguran sam da bi mu lakše bilo da je to uradio sa nekim koga nikada prije nije vidio u životu. Baš kao i meni !
Ohladila mi se kafa, a još se nisam spremio za posao!

A Latino doorman is seduced and then coolly discarded by a well-to-do college student who lives in the New York apartment building where he works, only to find his life slowly unraveling as a result of the tryst in director Etienne Kallos' entry into the 2006 Sundance Film Festival short film program. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Visit: Orvel.Me

13 January 2009

Family Outing (2001) - short

Family Outing (2001)

Ovo je strašno!
Dešavalo mi se da na internetu flertujem sa nekim za koga neznam da mi je rođak. Dešavalo mi se i da u mladosti sa većinom rodbine zaglavim u krevetu!
Al nedaj bože da mi se desilo nešto kao na ovom filmu!
Ne znam koliko je ovo moguće , al sudeći po pričama koje sam slušao od mnogih sve je moguće!

Ova bizarna priča prati mladog pedera koji je po prvi put otišao u gay saunu! Pogledajte po čemu je drugačijea od mnogih sličnih priča!
Kad smo već kod gay saune, ima li toga u našoj zemlji?

Year: 2001
Genre: Short
Director: Ben McCormack
Duration: 5 min
Country Australia
Actors: Leo Bradley, Michael Churven, Rhett Mansel

Family Outing followed a young man into a Bowen Hills bathhouse taking the 'added experience' of the 'special tube' only to exit the room and run into his Dad!!!, a 'true story' and a dark little tale) which included a butterfly somewhere, however dubiously or contrived in the action, many of the other films embraced, nay revelled in some key themes associated with the central motif.

This simple black and white short is like watching an urban myth - in which a young man takes his first trip to a gay sauna and is so terrified of everything that he slinks into a tiny cubicle to hide, then discovers the glory hole. Then he gets a very big surprise. When the title "a true story" appeared at the end, the audience howled and applauded.

12 January 2009

David (2005) - Short film 15 min

David (2005)

Stariji posjetielji ovog bloga se možda sjećaju Meksičkog filma Broken Sky (El Cielo Dividido) iz 2006, godine Režiser tog filma Julián Hernández uz producenta Roberta Fiesca godinu dana ranije producirao jedan kratki film od 15-tak minuta pod nazivom David. Kao i Broken Sky ovaj film nema mnogo riječi, Međutim sve što se vidi na tom filmu je jasno razumljivo, upečatljivo i emocionalno blisko svakom gledaocu.
Nijemi student na putu do bioskopa susreće nezaposlenog čovijeka koji pokušava da komunicira sa njim. Kroz poruke pisane na papiru, i komunikaciju na jedan poseban način otkrivaju mnogo jedan o drugom.
Da ne pričam mnogo o ovom kratkom filmu na ovom blogu ga možete pogledati uz jutarnju kafu.

Director: Roberto Fiesco
Writers: Roberto Fiesco, Julián Hernández (writer)
Genre: Short

(Complete credited cast)
Jorge Adrián Espíndola ... David
Javier Escobar ... José
Salvador Álvarez ... Dependiente
Pilar Ruiz ... Mujer de la ventana
Fernando Arroyo ... Afanador

Runtime: 14 min
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish

Before two months you can find post about Mexicans movie Broken Sky (El Cielo Dividido) 2006.Director Julián Hernández is writer for one short movie with name David. Its realy great movie, without many words about mute student and unemploymed man who tries to comunicate with him. Through messages and game they will dicover many things about each other.
here you can see that movie

Circuit (2001)

Circuit (2001)

John, policajac u provincijskom mjestu SAD, napušta posao i odlazi u L.A. koji je mnogo otvoreniji za gay poplaciju. Za prvo vrijeme odlazi kod rođaka koji živi sa svojim partnerom.

Film pokazuje " New Age " style, urbane gay populacije, Gay barove, Droga, sex na neviđeno, ..

Upadajuc'i u začarani krug zabava sa gomilu sexa, droge, porno industije John traži nacčin da se izvucče iz beznaa!

Film vrvi od golotinje, scena iz diskoteka, zgodnih muških tijela….

Maybe as a heterosexual female, the allure of the gay male dance/drug/sex circuit is something I simply cannot fathom. But having grown up, and knowing, my fair share of homosexuals, I doubt Circuit would be that much more appealing to gay men than a brief glimpse of eye candy.

Coupling disgracefully written dialogue with flailing bodily movements that substitute for acting, Circuit is the awkwardly paced soap opera-ish story of John (Jonathan Wade Drahos), the new kid in Hollywood, learning about having fun as a gay man. He was a cop in his home state of Illinois until his boss mentions that nobody wants to work with him due to his lifestyle, has he thought about living elsewhere? Having grown up there, you’d think he’d be smart enough to move to a more comfortable environment anyway without a condescending conversation to provoke him.

So John is introduced to the seductively free environment of hookups and instant gratification through his cousin Tad (Daniel Kukan), a filmmaker who is documenting "the scene." Along the way he befriends the gruff hustler Hector (Andre Khabazzi) who is obsessed with his facial implants as he inches towards 30, and won’t have sex without pay. Watching Hector being groped at a dance club one evening, John suddenly decides to experience the rush of narcotics everyone is raving about.

Granted, it’s necessary for plot purposes that John succumb to peer pressure and work through his cleansing downward spiral, but his decisions are so sudden after being “the well-adjusted guy” that it makes the rest of his journey impossible to swallow. One minute he tries a drug, and the next those who have known him for a while are talking about what a waste he’s becoming.

Then there are the haphazard side plots that are thrown in, probably an attempt to display different commentary on the party lifestyle. The main problem of these lengthy, extraneous scenes is that there is no established motivation on the part of any of the characters involved to keep you interested as to where they might go next. The prime example is the absolute lack of a logical reason for Tad to break his seven-year, live-in relationship with the kind, thoughtful Gill (Brian Lane Green) for an affair with a DJ that never speaks. He’s a sniveling brat as he begs to allow him and his new boyfriend to stay in the same house, claiming artistic need.

The divergent paths don’t even bother to comment on John’s slowly deteriorating behavior, or their possible negative consequences, until the very end. By the time Circuit explores the necessity of respecting oneself, you’re too bored to appreciate its moral obligations.

The singular ray of interesting light that shines through is a brief cameo by Jim J. Bullock, dressed in drag, expressing quiet gratitude for John’s previous show of sympathy. If only half the other scenes were written with this simplicity.

While it’s unfortunate that filmmakers are shy to photograph men being intimate, Circuit loses its daring appeal through using characters and situations that just aren’t entertaining enough to sit through. And though it does acknowledge some individual intelligence in the long run, the wait through each person ignoring common sense is excruciating.

Year: 2001
Genre: Drama
Director: Dirk Shafer
Duration: 120 min
Country USA
Actors: Jonathan Wade-Drahos, Andre Khabbazi, Brian Lane Green, Kiersten Warren, Daniel Kucan, Jim J. Bullock, Darryl Stephens, Bruce Vilanch, Randal Kleiser, Paul Lekakis, William Katt, Nancy Allen, Stanton Schnepp, Michael Bailey Smith, Brian Beacock


Beautiful Thing (1996)

Beautiful Thing (1996)

Još jedan coming out film. Tinejđerska priča, kakvih je danas sve više. Heh u moje vrijeme toga baš i nije bilo.
Neču vam mnogo pisati o ovom filmu tim prije što odličan opis ovog filma možete naći ovdje.


Beautiful ThingUloge: Glen Berry, Linda Henry i Scott Neal

Režija: Hettie Macdonald

Film Beautiful Thing ima osećaj za socijalne teme kao filmovi kasnijih 60-tih I radih 70-ih. Film istražuje reperkusije koje doživljavaju dvojica tinejdžera, koji su otkrili ljubav jedan prema drugome. Film poziva na toleranciju, koji pokazuje strah ali malo od homofobije koju ovi karakteri mogu doživeti u društvu.

Film se fokusira na Jamie-a, tinejdžera čija majka Sandra je menadžerka u jednom pabu, koji veruje da je netalentovan za sport i koji otkriva da je gej. Jamie, živi pored Ste-a, školskog sportskog heroja, čija je mračna tajna da ga pijani otac tuče svakog dana. Posle jednog takvog prebijanja, Sandra je uvela Ste-a u njihov stan i počinje da deli krevet sa Jamie-em. Ste je postao regularni posetilac, tako da se između njih razvila međusobna privlačnost.

Ste je zabrinut da njegov otac i brat ne saznaju za to, dok Jamie navaljuje da njihova veza bude otvorenija, tako da ga odvodi u lokalni gej bar. Svoju vezi kriju od Sandre sve do trenutka kada je krenula da ih prati do gej bara jer je dobila anonimnu dojavu.

Film je baziran na pozorišnoj predstavi Jonathan Harvey-a, koji je pisao i scenario za film koji se fokusira na njihova osećanja koja gaje jedan prema drugome i koja koriste kao odbranu od svih aspekata netolerancije koje doživljavaju.

Ovo je prvi film Hettie Macdonald sa veoma dobrom glumom Geln Berry-a (Jamie), Scott Neal-a (Ste) i Linde Henry (Sandru). Ben Daniels se pojavljuje kao Sandrin zanimljivi ljubavnik, koji joj preporučuje da se ne obraća ženama kao da su ptice jer takve reči joj oduzimaju moć. Film Beuatiful Thing uspeva da pokaže realni strah s kojim su suočeni gej tinejdžeri, iako je rešavanje problema prikazano u jednom optimističkom maniru.


Film je lagan za gledanje i slobodno ga možete pogleati čak i u krugu familije. Za neke roditelje bi bio izuzetno poučan.

1996, 90 min
Country: Great Britain
Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Cast: Linda Henry, Glen Barry, Scott Neal, Tameka Empson
Director: Hettie MacDonald
Screenwriter: Jonathan Harvey


This tender story of two teenager's sexual coming of age in a working-class development in London is an inspiring, tender, emotional tale. Jamie is a reserved teen, close to his pub manager mom, who prefers old Hollywood musicals to sports. His friendship with his hunky neighbor Ste, a fellow student who suffers through a troubled family life, soon develops into a sexual and eventually a loving relationship. How the two boys tentatively handle their nascent sexual drives and how it affects their family and friends is handled in both a fresh and surprisingly upbeat fashion. A wonderful comedy-drama and possibly the best coming out film to date.

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