Film govori o prijateljstvu izmedju gay advokata Ramona i Esperance! Lijepa komedija-Drama koja će vam jutarnju kafu učiniti prijatnijom!
Film je uradjen u tipično Španskom prepoznatljivom stilu što mu daje još više šarma.
Moto ovog filma bi bio : Sve ljubavi su prolazne ali pravo prijateljstvo uvijek ostaje.
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Year: 1997
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Director: Yolanda García Serrano, Juan Luis Iborra
Duration: 88 min
Country Spain
Actors: Loles León, Andrea Occhipinti, Pedro Mari Sánchez, Armando del Río, Roberto Álvarez, Romŕ Sánchez, Jesús Cabrero, Sergio Otegui, Martijn Kuiper, Joaquín Luna, Manuel Tiedra, Daniel Gutiérrez, Jimmy Heino, Carlos Ucar, Aitor Tejada
Ramón is a sexually active gay man with men coming and going from his bedroom. His best friend Esperanza is a single woman who can't seem to meet or like any men unless they are gay. Some would call Esperanza a fag hag, but she simply has great taste in men, she likes them gay! They go out together to the bars and Ramon always brings a man home while Esperanza goes home to an empty bed. She doesn't mind because she knows that she has Ramón's heart. That is until Ramón meets her fellow teacher, Roberto. Their relationship endangers the precious bond these two have formed.
This colorful and somewhat hyper-active film is in the style of Almodóvar. There's always plenty of on-screen action, dialogue and color to keep the eyes and ears happy. It's a tender and intimate peek into the lives of two people that one seldom sees on screen. It seems as if Madrid is teeming with gorgeous gay men, after seeing Amor de Hombre it should be a stop in every gay man's life.
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I can't find english subtitle for this movie.