25 February 2014




Director: Omar Zúniga Hidalgo
Writer: Omar Zúniga Hidalgo
Genre: Short Film
Country: Chile | USA
Language: English
Duration: 15 min
Year: 2012

Stars: Ryan Leach, William Moody, Kathryn Danielle

Patke su ptice selice. Dolaze nam svako proljeće i odlaze na jesen. Jednog proljeća je došao patak i ja sam ga zavolio. Otišao je na jesen i ostao sam sam. Čekao sam ga ali nikad se nije vratio.

Dva prijatelja, Jeremy i Alphonso provode nekoliko sedmica u Bruklinu. Jeremy opsjednut patkama i njihovim migracijama piše školski rad o tome, a Alphonse radije provodi vrijeme vozeći biciklo.
Alphonso se vratio u Paris, Jeremy ostaje u Brooklynu, ali obadvojica znaju da neke stvari više nikad neće biti iste.

“The Ducks’ Migration” is a fiction short film about the sexual discovery and growth of two teenage boys who coincide in contemporary New York City.

“Two boys and close family friends, Jeremy and Alphonse, American and French, spend a few weeks together in Jeremy’s house in Brooklyn. Jeremy is confused about his understanding of the friendship, while obsessed with the ducks in the Prospect Park’s lake and finishing a school paper about their migration. Alphonse likes to ride bicycles and doesn’t want to leave town. The ducks inevitably leave, Alphonse goes back to Paris, and Jeremy stays in his house, but all of them depart to something new.”

"The Ducks' Migration" is a short film about the sexual discovery and growth of two 15-year-old boys who coincide in contemporary New York City. The project will be shot in HD (High Definition) format in location, both in a brownstone house in the neighborhood of Park Slope and in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. It will also include archival footage shot in Paris, France.

23 February 2014

Date and Switch (2014)

ccDate and Switch (2014)

Director: Chris Nelson
Writer: Alan Yang (screenplay)
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2014
Duration: 91 min

Stars: Nicholas Braun, Hunter Cope, Dakota Johnson, Nick Offerman, Gary Cole, Megan Mullally, Sarah Hyland, Brian Geraghty, Zach Cregger, Aziz Ansari


Date1Date and Switch je tinejdžerska komedija u kojoj se dva prijatelja dogovaraju kako i na koji način da izgube nevinost prije maturske večeri. Zgode i nezgode se ređaju sve dok jedan od njih ne prizna da je gej. I kako to biva u Americi str8 drugar ne želi da izgubi gej prijatelja i pokušava na sve načine da mu dokaže da se među njima ništa nije promjenilo sve dok stvari ne počnu da se komplikuju.
2Filmska priča kakvih je holivud snimio na stotine  u suštini je vrlo dosadan za staije gledaoce. Razlikuje se samo po poruci koju nosi, a to je da seksualna orjentacija nije bitna, bitno je kakav si kao čovjek.
Najupečatljivija scena je ona gdje otac pokušava da razgovara sa sinom dok se na monitoru kompjutera vrti gej pornić sa glasnim uzdasima tipa: “uh jebi me tvojim velikim kurcem” Sin zaklanja ekran, a otac mu govori da je spreman da ga podrži ma šta mu se desilo u životu.

Mene je podsjetila na jednog mog školskog druga kojemu je rođeni gej brat rekao da sam gej. Došao kod mene, pa izašli vanka, išli po kafićima i tek sutradan mi je rekao šta je čuo. Ja mu rekao da jesam gej i da to ništa ne mjenja među nama, a on me počeo bomardovati pitanjima koje ni pristojan peder nebi postavljao tipa: Boli li te? Zašto radiš to ako boli? Jesam li mazohista? kakvog je ukusa sperma? Kakvi mi se muškarci sviđaju?
Napih se dok sam odgovorio na sva ta silna pitanja i na kraju ga pitam: Oćeš da se ti i ja pojebemo? Nakon početnoš šoka prestao je da ispituje.

1High school seniors Michael and Matty have been best friends since 3rd grade. Still virgins, they make a pact to help each other "score" before Senior Prom - but their mission suddenly takes an unexpected turn when Matty announces that he's gay.


22 February 2014

Love Is All You Need? (2011)

Love-is-all-you-need-fiLove Is All You Need? (2011)

Director: Kim Rocco Shields
Writers: Kim Rocco Shields, David Tillman
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 20; min
Year: 2011


Web: http://www.loveisallyouneedthemovie.com/


Stars: Louis Bottino, C. Ashleigh Caldwell, Patrick Charles,Brian Deming, Lexi DiBenedetto, Josh Feldman



Preuzeto sa GAYECHO.COM
Možete li da zamislite stvarnost u kojoj su heteroseksualci marginalizovani u društvu, a homoseksualnost se otvoreno podržava? Kratki film "Love Is All You Need?" ("Ljubav je sve što ti je potrebno"), koji je snimljen prošle godine, prikazuje takav imaginarni svet u kome dominiraju homoseksualne porodice, dok se heteroseksualnost smatra "bolešću".
Glavna junakinja je strejt devojčica koja živi u okruženju u kome su svi ostali gej. Kada u školi pokuša da uhvati za ruku jednog dečaka, njegov brat i ostala deca je prebijaju. Autori filma navode da je osnovna poruka je da ljubav može da promeni svet i prekine diskriminaciju zbog koje pati veliki broj nedužnih ljudi.
"Ovaj film je posvećen svakom detetu koje je upalo u tamu zbog tuđe mržnje i nerazumevanja. Nikad ne bi trebalo da se osećate loše ili usamljeno zbog onoga što jeste... jedinstveni", glasi poruka je na kraju filma.
Ostvarenje obrađuje i druge važne teme kao što su vršnjačko maltretiranje i samoubistvo, a vredi ga pogledati i zbog iskrene glume i jakih emocija kojima scene odišu.


"Love is All You Need?" tells the story of Ashley, a young teen who is raised by the 'picture perfect all-American family' in the suburbs of California - with two moms, two grandpas, two uncles, and a little brother. But Ashley has a problem - she has a crush on a boy at school, which is against everything this world has ever taught her.

Ashley lives In a world where the terms "gay" and "straight" are switched, this young girl must face the fact that she is straight in a gay world. This undeniable attraction to the opposite sex causes her to be the constant target of verbal and physical abuse until she is driven to a tragic end.


18 February 2014

Wedding Plan (2013)

Wedding Plan (2013)


Director: Quentin Lee
Cast: Li Hong, Meng Ting Yi, Wei Jian Gang

Wedding Plan je kratki film američkog režisera Kuentin Lija (Quentin Lee) i govori nam o pritisku na gej ljude u Kini da živi u heretoseksualnim zajednicama kako bi prikrili svoju homoseksualnost.
Medjutim kao i ovom filmu naići ćemo na podršku od onih ljudi od kojih se to najmanje nadamo.

Wedding-PlanHong-Kong-Canadian film director Quentin Lee has made a short film highlighting the practice of ‘fake’ marriages, where a gay man and lesbian woman marry, in China.

The film, Wedding Plan, released on the Queer Comrades website last week shows a male-female couple preparing for their wedding and meeting the man’s mother. The twist is that she is surprised and asks her son what happened to his boyfriend. “Mom just wants you to be yourself,” she says. “Don’t worry what people say.”

Veteran Chinese gay rights activist Xiaogang Wei and actress Meng Tingyi star in the film.

Director Lee, who attended UCLA film school and has released six feature films, said in a press release:

“One of my Beijing lesbian friends told me that she was about to get married with a gay man because she wanted to get her parents off her back, and I was immediately inspired to do something about how young Chinese people, LGBT and beyond, are pressured to get married which is a really hot issue right now.

16 February 2014

100m Freestyle (2013)

100-metros-estilo-libre100m Freestyle (2013)
100 metros estilo libre (Originali title)

Director: Chucho E. Quintero
Writer: Chucho E. Quintero
Genre: Short movie
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Duration: 17 min

Stars: Óliver Rendón, José Juan Name, Eliott Reguera Vega, César Zegbe Jones, Carolina Gómez, Eric Reyes palafox

Polo and Domingo spend their last days together between Ciudad Mendoza and Cordoba, in Veracruz, Mexico, before Domingo moves to another city. Domingo has to say goodbye to his girlfriend, Mina; while Polo deals with his feelings towards his best friend in the little time they have left.


15 February 2014

Baby (I) (2001)

BabyccBaby (I) (2001)

Director: W.I.Z.
Writer: W.I.Z.
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: English
Duration: 12 min
Year: 2001

Stars: Ben Whishaw, Janet Mitchell, Clive Hayward, Alex Michael,Mark Moore

Author: heywood100 from Birmingham, England - IMDB
There is next to nothing in the way of a story contained in Baby. The film is based almost exclusively around the hypnotic visuals and sound, and it is very effective. Some of the shots set outside the swimming pool are a bit cliched (the pot smoking), yukky (the womans armpit hair - ugh!), or just plain indecipherable (the women in the street hitting him with inflatable phalluses), but when the boy goes swimming it's hard to tear your eyes away. It's a very sexual piece and offers no concrete questions or answers for anything but it's certainly worth a few minutes of your time.

Baby by cortosgay

10 February 2014

Men For Sale (2008

Man-for-sale-2008Men For Sale (2008)
Hommes a louer (Original title)

Director: Rodrigue Jean
Genre: Documentary
Country: Canada
Language: French (Eng. subtitles)
Year: 2008
Duration: 75 min

Eleven male sex-trade workers are followed over the course of a year, recounting their struggle to survive alcohol and drug-related addictions, abuse and stigmatization – but most of all, their troubled pasts. Trapped in a vicious circle of prostitution and drugs, they pursue their hardscrabble lives, knowing their prospects for the future are dim.

Hommes a louer
Man For Sale (2008)

08 February 2014

Looking (2014– )

cc300Looking (2014– )

Creator: Michael Lannan
Genre: TV series, TV Show, Comedy, Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2014

Stars: Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Bartlett, O.T. Fagbenle, Raúl Castillo

1HBO je 19.01. započeo sa emitiranjem nove TV serije pod nazivom "Loking". Već ste vjerovatno gledali trajlere i najave za ovu seriju, a mnogi su očekivali nešto poput "Queer As Folk". Medjutim odmah ću da vas razočaram, nema nikakve sličnosti sa serijom koja je po mnogima uspjela da prikaže gay svjet oko nas razbijajući sve tabue nametnute od konzervativnih televizijskih produkcija.
"Looking" je priča o iskustvima i životu tri gej prijatelja u San Francisku koji upadaju u različite  komične, romantične ili tragične situacije iz kojih izlaze uvjek drugačiji kao ljudi.
Na žalost mnogi od nas su očekivali malo više hrabrosti od HBO-a u prikazivanju seksi scena koje su bar u prve tri odgledane epizode na nivou porodične nedeljne TV serije, a ako je upoređujemo sa serijama kao što su "Game Of Thrones" ili "True Blood" onda se "Looking" može svrstati u priče za učenike balkanskih srednjih škola.

2U svakom slučaju vam preporučujem da pogledate ovu seriju u slobodnom vremenu kada vam dosadi chatovanje na gayromeu ili bespomučno drkaneje na skype, a dečko vam nije tu da vam uljepša dan.
Mnoge od priča će vas definitivno podsjetiti na neke iz vaših života, a mene je podsjetila na nedavno iskustvo sa jednim momkom iz Beograda.

22Nesiguran u sebe, predstavljao se kao čovjek koji ima dosta iskustva i zna šta hoće. Kako sam bio sam u stanu na proputovanju u BG pozovem ga i nadjemo se. Brzo smo popili kafu i završili u krevetu u kojem smo proveli 3-4 minute od kojih su dvije bile u stanju mirovanja uz rečenicu: Ne pomjeraj se, svršiću. Ja mu rekao zamisli da sam ružna baba tvog najboljeg prijatelja. Zažmurio je i rekao: Ne pomaže, jaoooooooo. Nakon što nije znao kako da zapakuje i baci upotrebljeni kondom, ćutljivo se obukao i rekao kako mu je ovo bio doživiljaj za pamćenje.
Ostao sam sam u stanu razmišljajući da li se nešto desilo ili sam zadrijemao.

33'Looking' offers up the unfiltered experiences of three close friends living -- and loving -- in modern-day San Francisco. Friendship may bind them, but each is at a markedly different point in his journey: Patrick (Jonathan Groff) is the 29-year-old video game designer getting back into the dating world in the wake of his ex's engagement; aspiring artist Agustín (Frankie J. Alvarez), 31, is questioning the idea of monogamy amid a move to domesticate with his boyfriend; and the group's oldest member -- longtime waiter Dom (Murray Bartlett), 39 -- is facing middle age with romantic and professional dreams still unfulfilled.
The trio's stories intertwine and unspool dramatically as they search for happiness and intimacy in an age of unparalleled choices -- and rights -- for gay men. 77Also important to the ‘Looking' mix is the progressive, unpredictable, sexually open culture of the Bay Area, with real San Francisco locations serving as a backdrop for the group's lives. Rounding out the ‘Looking' world are a bevy of dynamic gay men including Kevin (Russell Tovey), Lynn (Scott Bakula), and Richie (Raul Castillo), as well as a wide-range of supporting characters like Dom's roommate Doris (Lauren Weedman), Agustín's boyfriend Frank (O.T. Fagbenle), and Patrick's co-worker Owen (Andrew Law).
'Looking' was created by Michael Lannan and is executive produced by Sarah Condon ('Bored to Death') and Andrew Haigh, who wrote and directed the critically-lauded 'Weekend.'

06 February 2014

Hawaii (2013)

hawaii-300ccHawaii (2013)

Director: Marco Berger
Writer: Marco Berger
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Year: 2013
Duration: 102 min

Stars: Manuel Vignau, Mateo Chiarino, Luz Palazón, Antonia De Michelis, Manuel Martínez Sobrado

Hawaii04Martin se vraća u rodno mjesto iz kojeg je otišao nakon majcine smrti. Bez krova nad glavom, bez posla i bez para prezivljava trazeći posao od kuće do kuže! Spava u parku neke ruševne zgrade i jedina vrijedna stvar koju ima sa sobom je lančić sa malim krstom koji mu je ostao nakon majčine smrti.
Tražeći posao ne jednom velikom imanju zatiče pisca-novelistu Eugenija koji ga zapošljava da radi na održavanju kuće.
Eugenije ne krije da mu se Martin dopada ali ipak pred njim se trudi da ostavi korektan i prijateljski utisak. Daje mu odjeću, pruža smještaj i platu.
Hawaii01Marco Berger nam je na jedan specifičan način opisao seksualnu tenziju nastalu uslijed emotivne privlačnosti medju ljudima kroz trilogiju Sexual Tension: Volatile (2012), a kroz film Ausente nam je opisao opsjednutost učenika prema učitelju.
Na jedan suptilan način nam podiže tenziju kroz obične male ljudske priče, kroz dijaloge koji se ne razlikuju od svakodnevne uobičajene konverzacije medju ljudima.
Slično kao i u kratkom filmu The Clock (2008) emotivana napetost ali i ona u gaćama prisutna je tokom cjele priče.
U filmu Hawaii kroz jedan tihi i ne baš temperamentan odnos između Martina  i Eugenija raste napetost koja će svakog gledaoca prikovati uz ekran u isčekivanju nečega što se ipak mora desiti.

Hawaii is a film about a helpless man that is reunited with a childhood friend who helps him, thus creating a bond that goes beyond friendship.
hawaii_1_fullMartin seeks for an odd job at Eugenio's house. When Eugenio recognizes Martin as a childhood friend, and realizes his current situation, he decides to give him work for the summer. Unintentionally, a power & desire game is generated and a strange relationship starts to grow, but it cannot flourish mostly because of the social differences that grew between them since childhood. This kind of barrier typical in Jane Austen's novels is resignified in a contemporary story of social classes.
h7The film is about solidarity but also about the power game that is generated when one person is relying on another. The idea is to explore power, helplessness, social boundries, brotherhood, desire and love.
Similar to Plan B, Hawaii is a small & simple story, easy to shoot independently. All the film takes place in summer, in a countryside house, and only two characters carry the story forward.
Marco Berger was born in Buenos Aires in 1977. Studied at the University of cinema. His short film The Watch (2008) competed in Cannes and Sundance. 
h2His first feature film Plan B (2009) premiered in the official competition of the Rome Film Festival and participated in many other prestigious festivals. 
Absent (2011), his second feature film, premieres at the Berlinale where it won the prestigious Teddy Award (previously won by filmarkers such as Pedro Almodóvar, Francois Ozon, Derek Jarman, Todd Haynes, James Franco and John Cameron Mitchell). The film also recently won the Silver Condor (Cóndor de plata), the most prestigious award in Argentina for artistic inovation.
Both films are released commercially in France, Germany, England and America. Other highlights include: The short film A last will (2007), the short Platero, episode 2 of the film Five (2010) and the three short films Cousin, Broken arms and Training; Sexual Tension feature film, Volume 1: Volatile (2012). Hawaii is his first project as a producer. 

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