01 December 2013

Free Fall (2013)

ffccFree Fall (2013)
"Freier Fall" (original title)

Director: Stephan Lacant
Writers: Stephan Lacant (screenplay), Karsten Dahlem (screenplay)
Genre: Drama
Country: Germany
Language: German
Duration: 100 min
Year: 2013

Stars: Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt, Attila Borlan, Katharina Schüttler, Stephanie Schönfeld, Oliver Bröcker

3Još jedna priča o ljubavi geja sa oženjenom muškarcem. U ovom njemačkom filmu obadvojica rade u policiji. Jedan se zove Marc i oženjen je Betinom sa kojom očekuje bebu, a drugi se zove Kay. Priču smo vidjeli nebrojeno puta, a mnogi od nas je i preživjeli više puta. Uglavnom uvjek se završi sa razlazom i patnjom. Od početnog oduševljenja zatečeni neposrednošću i iskrenošću "str8" prijatelja koja se toliko razlikuje od pederluka koji nas okružuje do suza i bijesa jer je žena ta koja najčešće pobijeđuje u uzaludnoj utakmici za srcem koje kuca za dvije strane.
7Još kada ti kaže: "Ja nisam gay, nisam nikada ni bio, niti ću biti" onda je normalno da pobjesniš i osjetiš se ostavljeno, iskorišćeno i nekako bekorisno prazno.
Ali svaka priča ima dva kraja i sebično bi bilo sve posmatrati pederskim očima. Svaka ljubav i veza zahtijeva nešto čega se moramo odreći. Obično je to nešto na šta smo navikli ili neko ko nam je do tada mnogo značio. Ljubav nije krtola kako bi rekli naši stari i ne postoje jednostavna pravila kako se treba ponašati da bi nam se želje ispunile. A životna pravila koja nam nemeće porodica i okruženje u kojem smo odrasli definitivno nisu ona koja će nas usrećiti ukoliko ne poslušamo svoje srce.

German director Stephan Lacant employs gorgeous cinematography and well-drawn characters to craft this thoughtful and incredibly sexy meditation on bisexuality and adulterous temptation. Marc (Hanno Koffler) has a great family, a loving and supportive girlfriend with a bun in the oven, and a promising career lined up as a policeman.
4Everything seems to be on the right track... until he meets Kay (Max Riemelt) during his police academy training. A sexy, young blonde officer with a devil-may-care attitude and a penchant for drug use, Marc finds Kay intriguing. The two begin jogging together in the woods. Their relationship begins innocently until Kay starts coming on to Marc aggressively. Kay kisses him and slides his hand down Marc's pants without asking for permission, but it's not entirely unwelcome.
6As time goes by, Marc becomes more and more infatuated with his mysterious new admirer, and the two start having an intense secret affair. Pretty soon, though, Marc begins neglecting his pregnant girlfriend. He begins to feel crushed under the pressure of living a double life. His life is in free fall and Marc realizes that, try as he may, he can't make everyone happy - least of all, himself. Lead actors Koffler and Riemelt are masters at creating sexual tension. The early scenes between Marc and Kay have an almost palpable intensity - and their sex scenes are realistically cautious and excitedly awkward. If you're in the market for a sexy film about a naughty gay relationship, Free Fall won't let you down. (German with English subtitles)
-- Rob O'Neill

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