Querelle (1982)
Cijelu sedmicu se lijecim od ove upale grla i taman kada mogu izaći malo iz kuće, napolje počne kiša. Ništa od jutarnje kafe pored mora!
Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945. - 1982.) je njemački filmski režiser, scenarist i glumac, začetnik njemačkog novog vala, te jedan od najplodnijih režisera uopšte.
Čitajući njegov životopis čovjek nemože, a da se ne zapita da li mu vrijeme protiče ispunjeno ili ne.
Fassbinder je živio izuzetno brzo. Njegov život je proticao u stvaralaštvu, seksu, ljubavi i ponekad hedonizmu. Očito nije imao vremena za gubljenje. Deklarirani biseksualac, kokainski ovisnik i autodestruktivac koji se uvijek kretao između umjetnosti i stvarnosti, nije živio dovoljno dugo da ostvari sve svoje projekte. 1982. nađen je mrtav u hotelskoj sobi u Münchenu nakon što se predozirao.
Njemci ga nisu voljeli jer im je otkrivao istinu o njima samima. Razobličujući njihove skrivene fantazije, strahove, želje i pretvarajući ih u najobičnije ljude. Mit o krutoj i discplinovanoj njemačkoj naciji je razbijen.
Jednom sam se intezivno družio sa jednim njemcem koji je ljetovao u Rovinju. Bio sam šokiran sa pravilima po kojima je taj lik živio. Ovo mora ovako, a ovo onako. Kao neki robot kojemu je ugrađen neki program. Ushićenje, emocije i ono što čovijeka čini i lijepim i ranjivim za njega su bile osobina koje se moraju vješto zamaskirati ili potisnuti.
Fassbinderova dijela razgolitila su Njemačka Potemkinova sela.
Querelle je poslednji film ovog neumornog stvaraoca u kojem je okupio tada poznate glumce Brad Davisa, Franca Nera i Jeanne Moreau.
Film sa naglašenim homoseksualnim kontekstom je posvećen jednom Fassbinderovom ljubavniku Marokancu.
Querelle odlazi kod Nanoa i baca kocku.
Scena u kojoj Nano jebe Querella je nabijena energijom koju prepoznaju većina homoseksualaca. Izvanredan prikaz pederske potajne želje da bude kurva i pri tome izbjegne krivicu i moralnu osudu, prebacujući sve na onoga čiji je seksualni objekat postao.
Upravo takvog lika igra zgodni Brad Davis.
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Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Writers: Burkhard Driest (writer)
Rainer Werner Fassbinder (writer)
Release Date: 8 September 1982 (France) more
Genre: Drama
Plot Summary:
French sailor Querelle arrives in Brest and starts frequenting a strange whorehouse. He discovers that...
Plot Keywords: Surreal / Gay African American / Male Nudity / Gay Lead Character / Surrealism
Awards: 3 nominations
(Cast overview, first billed only)
Brad Davis ... Querelle
Franco Nero ... Lieutenant Seblon
Jeanne Moreau ... Lysiane
Laurent Malet ... Roger Bataille
Hanno Pöschl ... Robert / Gil
Günther Kaufmann ... Nono
Burkhard Driest ... Mario
Roger Fritz ... Marcellin
Dieter Schidor ... Vic Rivette
Natja Brunckhorst ... Paulette
Robert van Ackeren ... Betrunkener Legionär
Werner Asam ... Arbeiter
Isolde Barth ... Mädchen
Axel Bauer ... Arbeiter
Neil Bell ... Theo
Also Known As:
Querelle (UK) (USA)
Querelle - Ein Pakt mit dem Teufel
Runtime: 108 min
Country: West Germany / France
Language: English
The plot centres on the handsome sailor Georges Querelle (Brad Davis), who is also a thief and serial killer. When his ship, the Vengeur, arrives in Brest, he visits the Feria, a bar and brothel for sailors run by the madam Lysiane (Jeanne Moreau), whose lover Robert is Querelle's brother. Querelle has a passionate love/hate relationship with his brother; when they meet at La Feria, they embrace, but also punch one another slowly and repeatedly in the belly. Lysiane's husband Nono tends bar and manages La Feria's underhanded affairs with the assistance of his friend, the corrupt police captain Mario.
Querelle makes a deal to sell opium to Nono, and murders his accomplice Vic. After delivering the drugs, Querelle announces that he wants to sleep with Lysiane. He knows that this means he will have to throw dice with Nono, who, as Lysiane's husband, has the privilege of playing a game of chance with all of her prospective lovers. If Nono loses, the suitor is allowed to proceed with his affair. If the suitor loses, however, he must submit to anal sex with Nono first. "That way, I can say my wife only sleeps with assholes," Nono says. Querelle deliberately loses the game, allowing himself to be sodomized by Nono. When Nono gloats about Querelle's "loss" to Robert, who won his dice game, the brothers end up in a violent fight. Later, Querelle becomes Lysiane's lover, and also has sex with Mario.
Querelle falls in love with Gil, who closely resembles his brother (they are played by the same actor). Gil returns his affections, but Querelle betrays Gil by tipping off the police. Querelle had cleverly arranged it so that his murder of Vic is also blamed on Gil.
In parallel there is a plot line concerning Querelle's superior, Lieutenant Seblon (Franco Nero), who is in love with Querelle, and constantly tries to prove his manliness to him. Seblon is aware that Querelle murdered Vic, but chooses to protect him. Near the end of the film, Seblon reveals his love and concern to a drunken Querelle, and they kiss and embrace before returning to Le Vengeur.
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