31 March 2008

Drôle de Félix (2000) aka The Adventures of Felix

Drôle de Félix (2000) aka The Adventures of Felix

"Drôle de Félix" je film koji će te sa lakoćom odgledati. Felix je mladić, francuski arapin koji redovno uzima koktele ljekova protiv Aids-a. Njegov način života ne odiše nekom patnjom zbog bolesti sa kojom mora da se bori. Živi sa partnerom, izjutra voli da gleda jeftinu sapunicu i voli male stvari koje život čine ljepšim. Nakon smrti majke nailazi na pismo koje je nekada njegov otac poslao majci. Odluči da ga potraži i upozna. Na putu za Marselj upoznaje razne ljude. Uživao sam posmatrajući ga sa kakvom lakoćom prihvata ljude onakvim kakvi jesu, trudeći se da svakom od njih na neki način pokloni dio sebe! U svakom od nas se nalazi nešto dječije, al većina "odraslih" to krije! Felix spada u one koji svoje snove ne kriju i kojima je svaki običan dan nešto lijepo u životu!

Malo sam razmišljao i o svom odnosu prema ljudima. Neke odbacim , možda čak i zbog predrasuda, neke zbog straha, a prema većini sam suzdržan, bar dok ih ne upoznam! Većinom smo svi takvi. Feliks nam nenametljivo pokazuje da je naš odnos prema drugim ljudim usko vezan za naš odnos prema životu uopšte!


Year: 2000droledefelix1
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Director: Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau
Duration: 95 min
Country France
Actors: Sami Bouajila, Patachou, Ariane Ascaride, Pierre-Loup Rajot, Charly Sergue, Maurice Bénichou, Philippe Garziano, Didier Mahieu, Aliette Langolff-Colas, Arno Feffer, Clément Dupré, Clément Révérend, Daniel Lesur, Antoine Marneur, Lisa Guez

"Adventures of Felix," a French road movie, opens with an extended shot of the title character riding his bicycle along the boardwalk of Dieppe, a coastal town in northern France. Over the soundtrack, we hear the whimsical voice of American cabaret artist Blossom Dearie.

droledefelix2It's a distinctly French feeling -- an air of caprice and light expectations -- and a perfect prologue to a delightful film.

Felix, beautifully played by Sami Bouajila, is a gay dockworker who turns vagabond when he's laid off. He has a father he's never met, and so, with his boyfriend's (Pierre-Loup Rajot) blessing, he hits the open road in a pea coat and knapsack and hitchhikes to the south of France.

droledefelix15He's in no hurry, so he takes the back roads and connects with people in intimate, surprising ways. Jules (Charly Sergue) is a 17-year-old student who rapidly develops a crush on Felix. Mathilde (Patachou) is a sensual older woman who brings Felix home to move some furniture and invites him to stay, knowing that when she was younger she would have gladly bedded him.

It's typical that people confide in passers-by in ways they wouldn't with close friends: There's a lot less to lose. But with someone like Felix -- sexy, emotionally open, a man-child with no attitude -- that dynamic is accelerated.

droledefelix12There's an erotic encounter with a hunky railroad worker (Philippe Garziano), a madcap adventure with a single mom of three (Ariane Ascaride) and a lazy afternoon with a fisherman (Maurice Benichou) so mellow and comfortable that we start wishing he were the true father.

Each of these encounters is introduced with a title -- "Little Brother," "Cousin," "Grandmother" -- suggesting that Felix is creating his own family in his father's absence.

"Adventures" doesn't underline Felix's sexuality -- it just takes it for granted. His HIV status is treated casually, with a trip to a clinic and a daily regimen of meds, and when he kisses his boyfriend in public there's no sense of embarrassment or risk.

In that sense, "Adventures of Felix" is a tad dreamlike: Like the recent "Big Eden," it imagines a world in which gay men aren't marginalized, and everyone's better, sweeter nature is set free.

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Une robe d'été (1996) aka A Summer Dress

Une robe d'été (1996) aka A Summer Dress

Za ovo jutro vam predstavljam jedan kratak film od briljantnog François Ozon, koji je sa dva filma već predstavljen u ovom blogu.

Mislim da ću se potruditi da pronađem sve njegove filmove i pogledam ih bez obzira da li su sa gay tematikom ili ne.

Ovaj kratak film vam neću opisivati jer ga možete pogledati direktno na blogu.
U download fajlu možete naći film sa engleskim titlom.
Kolko ste puta do sada eksperimentisali sa svojom seksualnošću? Kako godine prolaze sve manje će te to raditi. Valjda znamo svi šta volimo i želimo! A ako neko još uvijek nezna vjerovatno je trajno zarobljen u biseksualnom lavirintu!

Director: François Ozon
Writer: François Ozon (writer)
Genre: Short
Plot Keywords: Summer / Gay Interest / Beach / Bisexual / First Sexual Experience more
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination


Sébastien Charles ... Sébastien
Frédéric Mangenot ... Luc
Lucia Sanchez ... Lucia

Also Known As: A Summer Dress (International: English title)
Runtime: 15 min
Country: France
Language: French

Une robe d'été (A Summer Dress) is a 1996 short film directed by François Ozon about a lagging gay relationship that is refueled in an unexpected way.

Luc (Frédéric Mangenot), a young man in his late teens / early twenties, spends his holiday at the sea together with his slightly older and decidedly more effeminate boyfriend Sébastien (Sébastien Charles). At the house they have rented, Sébastien's constant dancing and preening drives Luc crazy and so he heads to the beach, hoping to find some solitude.

There, he meets Lucia (Lucia Sanchez), who suggests for the two of them to have sex immediately. Luc obliges, perhaps also to find out if maybe he is heterosexual after all. During their encounter, Luc's clothes are stolen. After having sex Lucia learns that Luc is gay and has never been with a woman.

Lucia lends Luc her summer dress (hence the title), so he can go home by bike. Wearing a woman's dress improves Luc's mood as people whistle after him and he gets back a sense of freedom. Back at the house, Luc surprises Sébastien, and the two have passionate sex in the kitchen, with Sébastien referring to Luc as his "beautiful girl".

The next day, Luc brings Lucia, who is just leaving, back her summer dress, but she refuses, certainly knowing how important it will be in the sexual role play between the two men and then kisses Luc goodbye.

30 March 2008

Happy Birthday my Love - 2008 - Sretan ti rođendan Buco

Happy Birthday my Love - 2008 - Sretan ti rođendan Buco

Today is birthday of my love!

Brokeback Mountain (2005) - Sretan ti rođendan Buco!

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Sretan ti rođendan Batoooooo! Ovo je prvi film koji smo zajedno pogledali! I do današnjeg dana ostao je najbolji ! Ti znaš zašto! VOLIM TEEEEEE!
Ovo je priča o tebi i meni druže moj, nadam se da se neće završiti kao u filmu!

Ovo je film koji u meni još uvijek izaziva najjače emocije. Danas sam ga opet pogledao i potresao se kao prije dvije godine kada sam ga prvi put gledao. Na neki način odslikava moj život sada.
Film sam prije dva ljeta gledao sa čovijekom kojeg volim i voljeću dok sam živ. Daleko smo fizički, al u srcem smo uvijek blizu. On oženjen, ima svoj svijet, svoj život, ja opet isto tako, al živimo za dane kada čemo se opet sresti i zagrljeni čutati satima.
Zato kada god pogledam ovaj film nemogu a da ne zanijemim, a da nešto moram reći siguran sam da bi zamuckivao.
No da se vratim na film, da ne opisujem sebe i moj život na ovom mjestu.

Radnja drame se bazira na adaptaciji kratke istoimene priče američke kniževnice, dobitnice pulitzerove nagrade, Anne Proulx, a scenario napisali su Teksašanin Larry McMurtry i Anna Ossana. Film je zbog svoje specifične priče postao interesantan puno prije no što se zavrtio u kinima.

Priča počinje jednog jutra, šezdesetih u konzervativnim pustopoljinama Wyominga kad se Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) i Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) susrecću na dogovoru za posao kod lokalnog rančera Joea Aguirrea (Randy Quaid). Do tog trenutka obojica su bili prilično uvjereni u to da su stalan posao, žena i djeca sve što žele od života. Kad ih Aguirre pošalje da rade kao pastiri u pitoresknom okružjenju planine Brokeback, Ennis i Jack nađu se u situaciji o kojoj nisu ni sanjali. Duboko prijateljstvo i poštovanje ubrzo prerastaju u intimni odnos pun nježnosti. Po završetku ljeta, moraju se vratiti svojim životima.

Ennis ženi Almu (Michelle Williams), srednjoškolsku ljubav, dok Jacku za oko zapinje teksaška kraljica rodea Lureen Newsome (Anne Hathaway). četiri godine kasnije, Ennis, koji je kao i Jack u međuvremenu postao otac, prima razglednicu od svog brokebackovskog prijatelja koji je na proputovanju kroz Wyoming. Ubrzo se pokazuje da osjećaji s planine nisu bili samo mladenački hir, a njihova veza, koja je s godinama ojačala, više ne može ostati dobro čuvana tajna...

Film obiluje prelijepim pejzažima planine koja godinama čuva njihovu tajnu, na koju se se ova dva kauboja sretala dva tri puta godišnje.
Dobitnik 3 Oskara, sa šest nominacija, ovaj film predstavlja prekretnicu u gay kinematografiji i njenom ulasku u svačiji dom.

Director: Ang Lee
Writers (WGA): Annie Proulx (short story)
Larry McMurtry

Release Date: 16 December 2005 (USA) more
Genre: Drama / Romance more
Tagline: Love Is A Force Of Nature
Plot Outline: Based on the 'E. Annie Proulx' story about a forbidden and secretive relationship between two cowboys and their lives over the years.

Plot Keywords: Bar / Movie Theater / Lost Love / Gay Love / Thanksgiving more
Awards: Won 3 Oscars. Another 76 wins & 64 nominations


Heath Ledger ... Ennis Del Mar
Jake Gyllenhaal ... Jack Twist
Randy Quaid ... Joe Aguirre
Valerie Planche ... Waitress
David Trimble ... Basque
Victor Reyes ... Chilean Sheepherder #1
Lachlan Mackintosh ... Chilean Sheepherder #2
Michelle Williams ... Alma
Larry Reese ... Jolly Minister
Marty Antonini ... Timmy
Tom Carey ... Rodeo Clown
Dan McDougall ... Bartender #1
Don Bland ... Biker #1
Steven Cree Molison ... Biker #2
Anne Hathaway ... Lureen Newsome

23.01.2008. Iz današnjih novina:
Glumac Heath Ledger pronađen je mrtav u svom apartmanu, saopštila je njujorška policija. 28-godišnji Ledger je pronađen u svom stanu na Manhattnu, a tijelo je zatekla njegova kućna pomoćnica.

Dojavu o dogđaju primili su vatrogasci, koji su se odazvali na poziv u pomoć zbog navodnog srčanog udara, no u stanu su zatekli već mrtvo tijelo glumca.

Ledger je glumio jednog od dvojice kauboja koji su održavali tajnu homoseksualnu vezu u filmu "Brokeback Mountain" iz 2005. godine.

English: ( From IMdB )
Author: undone001 (undone001@yahoo.com) from Texas, United States

I'm 23, and I find it hard to write this review. I saw the film exactly one week ago today and not a moment has gone by when I don't ache. It finds me in the shower; it haunts me in bed; it has filled my mind and clings to my thoughts, and it won't let up. I try to lie to myself, to find some solace by saying that it's just a movie, but I know better. Jack and Ennis are alive, and they represent so many aching people, so many untold stories. There is no contrivance, no manufactured importance; there are no tricks. Brokeback Mountain tells, with painful honesty and frankness, the story of two men's lives and nothing more. Whether you are gay or straight, it doesn't hit close to home: it hits you. Brokeback Mountain is a place we all most desperately yearn to go. It's where we can be free. It feels funny to say that Brokeback Mountain is my favorite film of all time, because I think it almost an injustice to call it a film at all, or to critique its incredible technical sophistication. Somehow Brokeback Mountain transcends that. I could hear a thousand speeches celebrating diversity or read a hundred love stories and not be absolutely broken in just two hours as I was after this film. I've never felt waves of nausea come over me as I did sitting in that theater, my face contorted as I watched truth and honesty spill from the screen and onto moviegoers who had no idea what they were in for. I am usually the first to point out bias, so I know my words might be mistaken for favoritism or blind loyalty. They should not. This movie will change your existence. I find so many things in my life trivial now in the wake of this film---for me, watching it was truly like having a near-death experience. And am I better for it? Yes. Broken and undone, but better. For once in my life, I feel hope, and I've seen love

29 March 2008

Fresa y chocolate (1994) aka Strawberry and Chocolate

Fresa y chocolate (1994) aka Strawberry and Chocolate

Naša svakodnevnica je prepuna homofoba. Ustvari većina ljudi se može svrstati u tu kategoriju, ali neki su veći homofobi nego što je to normalno!
A ko su najveći homofobi? Upravo oni koji nisu sigurni u svoju seksualnost. Koji se boje da ne upadnu u zamku nekog ovejanog homoseksualca i preko noći postanu pederi.
Nekako kada razmislim sve moje velike ljubavi su ispočetka imale dvojbe prema tome. Prva ljubav je tu bila i najhrabrija te me je startovala riječima: "Šta kažeš poslije zdravo?"
Druga ljubav, je onako feminizirano rekla: " Nikada nisam bio sa muškarcem!"
Treća: "Možemo sve raditi osim seksa!" ( seks je pri tome smatrao samo anal - sve ostalo je dozvoljeno.)
I četvrta koja još traje i trajaće do kraja života mi kaže: " Želim samo da te zagrlim i da tako ležimo, ćutimo i češkamo se!"

Ovaj film , koji se prije nekoliko godina vrtio i na našim televizijama, snimljen je na Kubi u Špansko-Meksičko-Kubanskoj produkciji. Govori nam o prijateljstvu između mladog strejtera studenta Davida i feminiziranog homoseksualca, književnika i umjetnika Diega.
Priča počinje "slučajnim susretom", ta dva lika u jednoj Havanskoj poslastičarnici i sada već čuvenoj sceni u kojoj Diego opisuje Jagode i čokoladu kao nešto po čemu se prepoznaju homići.
Diego inače spada u one feminizirane pedere koji izgledaju jako dobro, zgodno i privlačno, te da nema te feminističke crte bili bi meta mnogih žena i muškaraca.
David, kome je pederluk velika nepoznanica, pomisli da je Diego špijun zapadnih kapitalističkih sila i da kao takav predstavlja opasnost za komunizam na Kubi.
Diego inicira prijateljstvo sa lijepim Davidom i zaljubljuje se u njega......
Film nam na jedan prelijep način opisuje kako se iskrenošću i neposrednošću razbija homofobija. Diego naravno nije uspio od heteroseksualnog Davida napraviti pedera, ali je uspio steći prijatelja koji ga prihvata i razumije takvog kakav jeste.

Directors: Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Juan Carlos Tabío
Writers: Senel Paz (screenplay), Senel Paz (story)
Release Date: 20 January 1995 (USA)
Genre: Drama / Comedy
Plot Summary:
Diego, a cultivated, homosexual and skeptical young man, falls in love with a young heterosexual communist full of prejudices and doctrinary ideas...

Plot Keywords: Havana Cuba / Loss Of Virginity / Male Full Frontal Nudity / Communist / Female Full Frontal Nudity
Awards: Nominated for Oscar. Another 22 wins & 1 nomination

(Complete credited cast)
Jorge Perugorría ... Diego
Vladimir Cruz ... David
Mirta Ibarra ... Nancy
Francisco Gattorno ... Miguel
Joel Angelino ... German
Marilyn Solaya ... Vivian
Andrés Cortina ... Santeria priest
Antonio Carmona ... Boyfriend
Ricardo Ávila ... Taxi driver
María Elena del Toro ... Passenger
Zolanda On'a ... Passenger
Diana Iris del Puerto ... Neighbor

Also Known As: Fresa y chocolate (Mexico) (Spain)
Strawberry and Chocolate

Runtime: 108 min
Country: Cuba / Mexico / Spain
Language: Spanish

Strawberry and Chocolate (Spanish: Fresa y Chocolate) is a Cuban-Spanish-Mexican co-produced film, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, based on the short story "The Wolf, The Forest and the New Man" (in Spanish, El Lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo) written by Senel Paz in 1990. Senel Paz also wrote the screenplay for the film.


The story takes place in Havana, Cuba, 1979. David (Vladimir Cruz) is a University student who meets Diego (Jorge Perugorría), an artist who is apolitical and homosexual. David's heterosexual classmate, Miguel, encourages the friendship, thinking David can then spy on a person they see as aberrant and dangerous to the communist cause, while Diego initiates the friendship with sexual intentions. Reviewer Roger Ebert comments that "nothing unfolds as we expect. Strawberry and Chocolate is not a movie about the seduction of a body, but about the seduction of a mind. It is more interested in politics than sex — unless you count sexual politics, since to be homosexual in Cuba is to make an anti-authoritarian statement whether you intend it or not."

The title refers to a comment by David that he knew immediately that Diego was gay when he chose strawberry ice cream even though chocolate was available.

Awards and nominations


* Goya Award for Best Spanish-Language Foreign Film (Mejor Película Extranjera de Habla Hispana)
* Premio ACE awards: Cinema—Best Film, Cinema—Best Director, Cinema—Best Actor (Perugorría), and Cinema—Best Supporting Actor (Cruz)
* Sundance Film Festival: Special Jury Prize:Special Mention


* Berlin International Film Festival: Silver Berlin Bear—Special Jury Prize, Teddy—Best Feature Film
* Gramado Film Festival (Brazil): Audience Award, Kikito Critics Prize, and Golden Kikito awards in the categories of Best Latin Film, Best Actor (tie between Cruz and Perugorría), and Best Supporting Actress (Ibarra)


* Havana Film Festival[1]: Grand Coral—First Prize, Audience Award, FIPRESCI Prize, OCIC Award, ARCI-NOVA Award, and the categories of Best Direction, Best Actor (Perugorría), Best Actress (Luisina Brando), Best Supporting Actress (Ibarra), and Best Screenplay.


* Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, 1995
* Golden Berlin Bear, 1994 Berlin International Film Festival

Echte Kerle (1996) - Regular Guys - Repost

Echte Kerle (1996) - Regular Guys

Napokon sam našao linkove sa engleskim titlom. Ranije sam skinuo preko torrenta pa sam ovaj film arhivirao!
U ovom postu sam dodao linkove za film sa engleskim titlom.

Ovaj film sam gledao prije 3-4 godine na HTV i dobro sam se ismijao. Kada sam ga pronašao na netu oduševio sam se, ali za kratko.

Film Regular guys je romantična komedija koju je zaista lako i neopterećeno pogledati. Dobra gluma, dobra senografija, sa mnoštvom komičnih ali i romantičnih scena.
Kada jednog policajca izbaci žena iz kuće on ode u obližnji kafić i tamo se u društvu lika kojeg prvi put sretne napije toliko da nije mogao da stane na sopstvene noge. Ujutro se probudio pored muškarca koji ga je zaglio . Šoku nije bilo kraja kada je utvrdio da su potpuno goli. Onako zaprepašten , uhavati ga mučnina zbog nastale situacije ustane iz kreveta da ode do kupatila. Kuća puna gay časopisa, u kupatilu nalepljene slike golih muškaraca jasno ukazuju da je spavao sa homoseksualcem. kada ga je pitao onako zbunjen, " Jesmo li mi to sinoć nešto radili" dobio je odgovor: " Ne brini nismo uradili ništa što ti nisi želiio".
Policajac i njegov novi prijatelj postaju prijatelji i cimeri. Ali da li se samo na tome završava?...

Director: Rolf Silber
Writers: Rolf Silber (writer) and Rudolf Bergmann (writer)
Release Date: 30 May 1996 (USA)
Genre: Comedy / Romance
Plot Keywords: Bathtub Scene / Stolen Car / Observation / Male Frontal Nudity / Shower Scene
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination


Christoph M. Ohrt... Christoph Schwenk
Carin C. Tietze ... Helen
Tim Bergmann ... Edgar
Oliver Stokowski... Mike
Rudolf Kowalski ... Kallenbach
Dieter Brandecker... Deichsel
Daniela Ziegler ... Iris
Ina Weisse ... Karin
Andreas Pietschmann... Marco
Heinz-Werner Kraehkamp ... Mofafahrer (Motorbike Driver)
Edgar M. Böhlke (as Edgar M. Boehlke)
Antonio Putignano... Pizzabote (Pizza Deliverer)
Martin Ankermann... Herr Tanner
Karina Marmann ... Ursula
Philipp Seiser ... Anton

Also Known As:
Regular Guys (Australia)
Runtime: 100 min
Country: Germany
Language: Russian / German


Belying its rather humorless national reputation, Germany has produced many great gay comedies: The Trio, Killer Condom and Maybe... Maybe Not to name just a few. Now add Regular Guys, this lively comedy to the list. Christoph (Christoph M. Ohrt) is a typical macho (read homophobic) Frankfurt detective who is dumped by his two-timing fiancée and thrown out of their apartment. He proceeds to get real drunk and wakes up in the morning in the bed of the very cute and very naked Edgar (Tim Bergmann), a gay auto mechanic. Confused at what lead him to Edgar's bed and what he may have done, the seemingly straight but homeless Christoph takes up Edgar’s offer and moves in with him.

Christoph Schwenk (Christoph M. Ohrt) plays a police officer in Frankfurt who finds his fiance with another man. He loses her, along with all of his belongings, his car, and his home. After a drunken night, he wakes up in an unknown bed, next to an unknown man. This new bedfellow, Edgar (Tim Bergmann), is a gay car mechanic who deals in stolen cars. Christoph can't find any other housing, so he has to stay with Edgar -- though Christoph is not pleased that Edgar has fallen in love with him. Along comes Cristoph's new colleague Helen (Carin C. Tietze), who is also attracted to him. And rumors fly at the office because he has been seen with the gay car-dealer.

The best scene of the movie takes place in the police station, when two other officers try to out Christoph as gay. He answers, "In this funhouse where one is beating his wife, the next one is blackmailing thieves, and the third is having sex with illegal immigrant girls; in this funhouse, I will play the gay one from now on."

Though Edgar's mother expresses the motto of the film ("These days, everything is possible isn't it?"), the end is not a happy one for gay audiences hoping that Christoph will fall in love with Edgar. On the contrary, Christoph gets Helen, and Edgar goes off with a colleague who had been only a minor character in the film. Except for the sudden and illogical ending, the film is very funny, and well-paced.

27 March 2008

Spelen of sterven (1990) aka To play or to die

Spelen of sterven (1990) aka To play or to die

Volim te Buco!

Ovih dana sam pogledao bar 10 filmova za koje mi se učinjelo da bi se mogli naći u ovom blogu. Za neke još nisam siguran , ali većina bi se mogla naći pod rubrikom smeće! Žalosno je koliko gay zajednica sama sebi nameće stereotipe koji ih čine prepoznatljivim i drugačijim od ostatka svjeta.
Lično sam protivnik toga. Seksualno opredeljenje nije nešto što treba da nam određuje načim života.

Jutros sam pogledao ovaj film u trajanju od 48 minuta. Ovaj Holandski film , na jedan tipično evropski način nam govori od tome koliko se
različitosti privlače, ali i koliko brutalno mogu da se suprostave.
Kees je povučen i prilično nedruželjubljiv momak koji stalno upada u konflikte sa školskim drugovima.Često je izložen sadističkom maltretiranju
od strane drugova iz razreda koji zaziru od njegovg totalno drugačijeg ponašanja i prirode.
Keesa privlači Charel, zgodan , seksipilan i sadistički nastrojen momak sa kojim sjedi u školskoj klupi.
Odluči da ga pozove kući da zajedno uče....

Director: Frank Krom
Writers: Anna Blaman (story) ,Frank Krom (writer)
Genre: Drama

Plot Keywords: Male Full Frontal Nudity / Male Underwear / Fall From Height / Homosexual / Sadism


Tjebbo Gerritsma ... Charel
Simon Gribling ... Math. Teacher
Joost Hienen ... Charel's friend
Geert Hunaerts ... Kees
Cock van der Lee ... Charel's friend
Diane Lensink ... Mother
Titus Muizelaar ... Phys. Ed. Teacher
Mike Starink ... Charel's friend
Wim Van Der Grijn ... Father

Hilde Van Mieghem ... French Teacher
Marc van Uchelen ... Charel's friend

Also Known As: To Play or to Die
Runtime: USA:48 min
Country: Netherlands
Language: Dutch

n this short motion picture, schoolboy Kees is intelligent, introvert and sensitive, but gets ridiculed verbally and physically at an all-boys school by mindlessly cocky class mates and even insensitive teachers, especially in gym, where his physical weakness is mercilessly abused to make him a defenseless laughing stock in front of his smirking peers. His awakening sexual interest goes to boys, and in particular to Charel, a beautiful athletic classmate who probably feels an undetermined interest but would never risk admitting (possibly not even to himself) having any gay or bi appreciation, least of all for a 'sissy', and thus remains unresponsive to shy Kees' overtures. When the hunk finally comes over to Kees' place while his parents are away, a desperate disappointment with a tragical twist is in the making... Written by KGF Vissers

25 March 2008

The DL Chronicles (2005)

The DL Chronicles (2005)

Na već dobro poznatoj gay televiziji HERETV se tokom prošle godine emitovala ova serija koja je po mnogo čemu drugačija od do sada nabrojanih u ovom blogu.
The DL Chronicles je serijal sastavljen od običnih svakodnevnih priča o ljudima koji su se kao i ja našli u situaciji da moraju da žive dvostrukim životom. Sa jedne strane porodica, dijeca, prijatelji, posao i okruženje kaoje u vama vidi sasvim običnog "normalnog" čovijaka, a sa druge strane jedan tajni život prepun strasti i ljubavi prema drugom muškarcu.
Ponekad pomislim da je lakse ovim Coming Out momcima koji ponosito nose suknje i šarene majice nego živjeti na dvije strane.

Serija je fantastično odrađena u nekom poludokumentarnom stilu, kao neki video blog u kojem sasvim obični ljudi otkrivaju svoje male tajne (velikh majstora kuhinje)

Nažalost serija nije urađena u megalomanskom trajanju kao queer as folk, a nevijerujem ni da će dostiči ni približnu popularnost ali je to zacijelo ne čini manje vrijednom!
Toplo vam je preporučujem !
Prve dvije epizodemožete naći na rs a druge dvije i bonus će te naći preko koje sam stavio u Fajlu.

Genre: Drama / Romance
Plot Summary: The DL Chronicles is a series of short stories about men of color who lead double sex lives. Episode; Wes introduces us to Wes Thomas...
Plot Keywords: Infidelity / Gay Interest / Deondray Quincy / Terrell Tilford / Jason Stuart more
Awards: 2 wins

Damian T. Raven ... Chadwick Williams (4 episodes, 2007)
Sheilynn Wactor ... Shirley (2 episodes, 2007)

T. Ashanti Mozelle ... Jesse (2 episodes, 2007)

Runtime: USA:30 min
Country: USA
Language: English

If you haven't heard of The DL Chronicles by Quincy LaNear and Deondray Gossett, you are missing out on some excellent storylines, good acting and hot bodies. Partners for over ten years, LaNear and Gossett have created a unique collection of stories about "men on the DL". Each episode is a different, unpredictable story: these are not simply tales of men who have wives and are sleeping with men. The complicated situations explored in the show transcend the generally one-note stories of "DL" men that we are used to seeing. For example, in one episode the character is "DL", but it is his daughter he is hiding from, not a straight female lover.

With a revolving cast, LaNear and Gossett manage to bust open the confines of what it means to be "DL" with fresh stories that prove that lives of paranoid secrecy are not limited to "shocking" episodes of Oprah ... more often than not the "DL" is a matter of not being sincere to oneself.

24 March 2008

Cachorro (2004) aka Bear Cub

Cachorro (2004) aka Bear Cub

Hehe neko me zove Medo! Nadam se da ipak nisam međed kao ovi u ovom filmu!

Španci su zaista nevjerovatni. Da budem iskren njihove filmove sam uglavnom povezivao sa Pedrom Almadovarom, tranvestitima i Antoniom Banderasom.
Ovaj film me je malo ostavio zatečenog.
Kada sam ga počeo gledati pomislio sam još jedna softcore komedija. U jednoj sobi tri podeblja međeda. Dvojica se krešu a trći ih požuruje da završe što prije jer treba da pospremi stan. Ovi potpuno zajapureni jebi se sve bolje no međedi u šumi. Onda scena nekog debljeg al kraćeg penisa i kurtona, pa dizanje nogu ..... dalje znate. Skoro pa hardcore.
Već sam filmu dao naziv Bear in action.
Kada su međedi napokon otišli, Pedro počne da posprema stan. Zvono na vratima i pojavljuje se Pedrova sestra sa osmogodišnjim sinom Bernardom.
Violeta sa svojim ljubavnikom hipikom ide u Indiju i moli Pedra da joj pričuva sina. Bernardo, jako vezan za majku ne želi da joj kvari odmor i ostaje sa ujakom u Madridu.
Od tog trenutka Pedro potpuno mijenja način života i potpuno se posvećuje svom nećaku. Dona Tereza , dijevojka prijatna oku mu pomaže i čuva ga dok je Pedro na poslu.
Bernardo uživa u njihovom društvu ali ipak broji dane kada će mu se majka vratiti iz Indije.
I da se film nebi završio tako brzo, jedan dan javljaju da je Violeta završila u zatvoru jer su joj na granici pronašli drogu.
Bernardo mora ostati kod ujaka.
Film obiluje dirljivim scenama u kojima Bernardo priča o majci, ali i o tome koliko voli ujaka.
Međutim Pedro koliko god se trudio da promijeni način života, nemože promijeniti ćud. I dalje traži načina da se povremeno kresne u mračnim sobama gay barova , i zabitima neuglednih parkova.
Kada bernardova Baka , sazna da je Bernardo kod Pedra pokuša na sve načine da dijete dovede kod sebe. međutim ni Berbardo , a ni Pedro to ne žele. Baba čak unajmi i detektiva da slika Pedra kako se pederiše po parkovima i ucijeni ga da joj da dijete. Međutim ništa joj ne uspjeva. tek kada sazna da Pedro ima AIDS uspjeva se dogovoriti sa njim da Bernardo pređe kod nje. Gledajući sce kada se njih dvojica rastavljaju napunile sumi se oči suza. zaista sjajna gluma.
Ono što mi je šokantno je to da se čovijek taman uživi i sa svim emocijama udubi u film, zaplaće, prestane da diše, kada već u sledećoj sceni ide bezobrazno pušenje kurca. Tako da sa suzama u očima direktno nastavi da gleda oral.
Da nije toga ovo ostvarenje bi bilo u samom vrhu. Ima prelijepu priču, odličnu glumu ,vrvi od emocija, a sve to zavijeno u prepoznatljivi stil savremenog španskog filma.
Naprosto neke scene su kao silom umetnute u ovaj film. Nije ni čudo da su ga Amerikanci isjekli prije prikazivanja na njihovom kontinentu.
Inače film je dobro primljen i nagrađivan na mnogim gay festivalima.

Fangoria - Hombres

Director: Miguel Albaladejo
Writers: Miguel Albaladejo (writer), Salvador García Ruiz (writer)
Release Date: 27 February 2004 (Spain) more
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Plot Summary: Pedro, a gay man with an active social life and big circle of friends, takes in his nephew Bernardo for a couple weeks..
Plot Keywords: Gay Bear / Hiv Positive / Gay Baths / Uncle Nephew Relationship / Gay Lead Character
Awards: 4 wins & 2 nominations

(Cast overview, first billed only)
José Luis García Pérez ... Pedro
David Castillo ... Bernardo
Empar Ferrer ... Dońa Teresa
Elvira Lindo ... Violeta
Arno Chevrier ... Manuel
Mario Arias ... Javi
Josele Román ... Gloria
Diana Cerezo ... Lola
Daniel Llobregat ... Bernardo, 14 Years Old
Juanma Lara ... Aitor
Jorge Calvo ... Antonio
Josep Tomŕs ... Juan Carlos
Juanjo Martínez ... Iván
Ramón Ramos ... Ricardo
Patxi Uribarren ... Quique

Also Known As:
Bear Cub (USA) (festival title)
Bearcub (Australia) (cable TV title)

Runtime: Spain:100 min / USA:99 min / Argentina:100 min (Mar del Plata Film Festival)
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish

This is a great little movie. I was pleasantly surprised that it avoided falling into predictability and that it kept the characters, including the prudish grandmother, three-dimensional. In some ways, her character is the most interesting--like Violeta and Pedro, we want to hate her, but ultimately she turns out to be neither truly "evil" nor fully irredeemable--but nothing in the plot forces us to come around to liking her, either. I appreciated the fact that the movie's gay characters are bears, and that this is largely unremarkable.

Other reviewers commented on the frank sex scenes. These appear to have been cut from the movie in commercial release--and the cuts were especially noticeable and choppy. They rendered at least a couple of scenes pointless. There is a little bit of irony in sitting in a theatre near the West Village, in an audience that was probably 90% gay men, watching a movie that focuses on a (very) sexually active gay man, yet finding myself "protected" from witnessing the movie's sex scenes.

For instance, the opening scene, which I understand from reading reviews and comments is fairly explicit, simply opens with three men in bed together, and Pedro telling the other two to hurry up because family is coming. The bathhouse scene shows Pedro and another man walking off together, and then a very choppy edit finds us at the next scene. We do see some kissing and fully-clothed groping, and Pedro and his friend from Paris rolling around in bed and later waking up and cuddling. I don't have a particular need to see erect penises (at least, not in movies), but I have no idea what else I might have missed with the editing out of these scenes. And, of course, more to the point, these are (or were) part of the movie, whether they make some people uncomfortable or not.

I don't know--perhaps these cuts may have been a necessary compromise to put the film in commercial release, but it still sucks (so to speak). I guess I'll have to wait for the release of the DVD to see the film in unexpurgated form. (And maybe it'll include some cool outtakes, too?--no, just kidding).

The Art of Touch (1992 ) 1,2 & 3

The Art of Touch (1992 ) 1,2 & 3

Cijelo jutro sam proveo u kancelariji sjedeći na stolici i radeći. I sada kad sam došao doma leđa me otkidaju. Prijalo bi mi jedno kupanje u jakuzi kadi i nakon toga masaža. Na žalost priuštiću si samo jedno lijenčarenje u kadi pune tople vode ! Dok napunim kadu skuvam si kavu i pripremim pepeljaru , nalijem malo soka u bokal. Nakon toga provešću sat vremena u kadi u nadi da neću zaspati!

Ukoliko volite da se bavite masažom ili ste profesionalni maser pozivam vas kod mene u goste! :)

Upravo iz tih razloga sam u ovom postu stavio ova tri "edukativna" filma The Art of Touch .

U erotskom okruženju zgodni maseri nam objašnjavaju različite tehnike masaže. Obična masaža, Taoist masaža i sportska masaža. Sa likovima kao što su na ovim filmovima bilo koja od ovih masaža bi mi prijala!
Pa uživajte i učite. Kada naučite javite se, a ja odoh u moju staromodnu kadu! :)))

1992, 45 min
Country: US
Studio: Greenwood/Cooper
Director: Craig Cooper

Not confining it self solely to massage, this video demonstrates the theraputic and pleasurable effects simple touching techniques can offer a couple. Six attractive male models engage in various forms of touch, caress and massage exercises as a narrator describes every move and New Age music intones in the background. The demonstrations should be of help to many couples interested in increasing intimacy and physical exploration, although the video does get a bit sappy at times.


The Art of Touch 2: A Taoist Erotic Massage

1993, 50 min
Country: Great Britain
Studio: Greenwood/Cooper
Director: Mike Esser

This instructional massage video demonstrates the tender, relaxing and erotic possibilities offered in the Oriental massage technique called Taoist Erotic Massage. With six unbelievably hunky instructors (nude and occasionally enjoying the massage a little too much), the video is ideal for gay couples who want to go beyond simple sexual intimacy. But what can be spiritual for some will be tantilizing and titillating for others as the beautifully sculpted men pull, stroke, caress and touch each other.

. .....

The Art of Touch 3: Sports Massage

1995, 50 min
Country: US
Studio: Greenwood/Cooper

Eight sculpted men push tehir muscles to the maximum in The Sports Massage: The Art of Touch 3. Once they've reached their peak, their sore and tender muscles need to be relaxed. The third installment of Greenwood Cooper's massage series takes you deeper into the fine art of releasing the tensions in your partner's body.


Crustacés et coquillages (2005)

Crustacés et coquillages (2005)

..It's the taste of salt on your skin I miss most,
the taste of the sea where we made love...
Your taste of shellfish.
I love you, I love you,I'll love you forever.
My future is with you.We'll stand up to others.
Our love is beautiful.....

Nikada nisam volio ponedeljak, pa tako ni ovaj! Kiša i dalje pada i više sam zaboravio kako izgleda sunce.

Kako se sinoc nisam spremio za posao , sada sam u totalnom haosu. Šta obući, trebam se obrijati...
Koje su mi obaveze... Najradije bi da se može vrijeme vratiti dan unazad pa da sve to pozavršavam. Prehlada je prošla i vrjeme je da se malo pokrenem.

Ovaj film sam sinoć odgledao pred spavanje. Lijepa romantična komedija sa mnoštvo likova.
Prikazuje naizgled srećnu i savršenu porodicu.
Béatrix i Marc, sa dvoje tinejđera dolaze na ljetovanje negdije u južnu Francusku .
Ubjeđeni su da je njihov sin Mathieu koji je tu sa njegovim prijateljem Martinom gay i žele da mu pomognu da to objavi. Međutim Mathieu nije gay , ali ne poriče to jer želi da zaštiti druga Martina koji to jeste i noću se iskrada iz kuće i odlazi u obližnji park na porcije seksa. Martin je i pored toga zaljubljen i Mathieua. Kčerka Laura je uglavnom odsutna sa filmskog platna jer kad ode sa jednim motoristom u provod do pred kraj filma se ne vraća .
Marc je opsjednut sinovom seksualnošću i posebno sa njegovim drugom. Stalno nešto radi u garaži, ponekad naviruje da vidi Martina kako se tušira i drka kurac. Njegova žena u najboljim godinama za sex ima ljubavnika koji joj namiruje seksualne apetite.
I sve bi to bilo poprilično idilično i dosadno da se ne pojavljuje vodoinstalater Didier. Upoznaje ga Mathieu koji je jednom prilikom potajno pratio druga Martina dok je ovaj išao na kres u obližnju šumu.
Uspostavlja se da je vodoinstalater bivši ljubavnik Marca. I tu stara ljubav vaskrsava. Iako se nisu viđeli toliko godina nikada se nisu prestajali voljeti. Didier je svo vrijeme čuvao jedno Markovo staro pismo u kojem piše:

..It's the taste of salt on your skin I miss most,
the taste of the sea where we made love...
Your taste of shellfish.
I love you, I love you,I'll love you forever.
My future is with you.We'll stand up to others.
Our love is beautiful.....

Nakon jednog seksa odluče da ne lažu više i da sve to objave. Nakon što od sina sazna da joj je muž peder Béatrix odluči da kaže Marcu kako ima ljubavnika.
Huh jedva ovo otkucah, a ako ste sve ovo razumjeli čestitam.
Ova lagana komedija sa happyendom je zaista opuštajuća i lakše ju je odgledati nego opisati.
Film je sa Engleskim titlom.

Directors: Olivier Ducastel (co-director) ,Jacques Martineau (co-director)
Writers: Olivier Ducastel (scenario) & Jacques Martineau (scenario)
Release Date: 30 March 2005 (France)
Genre: Comedy / Musical / Romance more
Plot Outline:
For summer vacation, Marc (Melki) and Béatrix (Tedeschi) take their two kids to the seaside house of Marc's youth, where their daughter takes up with a biker and their sons roams the beach with his best friend, who is in love with him. Things get steamier when Béatrix's lover Mathieu shows up, and Marc's old flame appears. more

Plot Keywords: Southern France / Shower / Mother Son Relationship / Masturbation / Homosexuality
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination

(Credited cast)
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi ... Béatrix
Gilbert Melki ... Marc
Jean-Marc Barr ... Didier
Jacques Bonnaffé ... Mathieu
Edouard Collin ... Martin
Romain Torres ... Charly
Sabrina Seyvecou ... Laura
Yannick Baudin ... Michaël
Julien Weber ... Sylvain
Sébastien Cormier ... Laura's New Friend
Marion Roux ... Billiard Player

Also Known As: Cockles and Muscles (UK), Cote d'Azur (USA)

Runtime: 96 min
Country: France
Language: French

COTE D'AZUR is a simply charming romantic comedy. A family of four escapes for a summer vacation at a seaside villa and find that romantic adventures are the main excursion. The film's director provides a light, magical tone that allows enchantment and reality to mix effortlessly. The performances are all first rate as well, giving us a realistic family unit without sacrificing individuality. The plot is both original and surprising, taking both the viewer and the characters in unexpected directions. The balance here is superb. Even a detour into musical comedy fits neatly into the fabric of this likable film. Credits roll over a surreal song and dance that will have the viewer wishing they, too, were visiting the COTE D'AZUR.

Summer holidays on the seaside provide plenty of fodder for a certain type of French cinema dealing with sexual awakenings wrapped with witty comedy. Eric Rohmer used the motif in his simple and mischievous A Summer's Tale (1996) and François Ozon explored the same narrative path with his career-making short A Summer Robe (1996). Cockles and Muscles, by the directing duo Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau (Drôle de Félix, Ma Vie), fits in with this small string of films, but expands the concept further to create a semi-idealised view of family life based on fluid sexualities and acceptance. The result is a feel-good, sparkling comedy punctuated with exclamation mark moments and hints of vaudeville. To top it all up, there is even a full-blown musical scene.

The characters are played by a real coup of a cast. Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi is a vision of languidness and debonair attitude as the liberal, pot-smoking Béatrix. She and her husband Marc (Gilbert Merki) are spending summer holidays in Marc's family cottage in the Côte d'azur with their two teenage children, Martin (Edouard Collin) and Laura (Sabrina Seyvecou). Martin's best friend, the openly gay Charly, joins the family and ignites a series of character entrances that mark the narrative shifts and plot twists that propel the film forward in a pleasant, rhythmic way. Charly, who represents the type of post-New Queer gay character whose sexuality is a given and not a source of conflict, nurtures a platonic love for Martin, who pretends to be gay to his parents so that they leave him alone. Meanwhile Laura, who is on screen only as a sporadic support, is more interested in copping off with her motorbike-straddling stallion.

Once the scene is set, after a few showers (an important motif in the film) and the recurring sounds of doors being slammed, a couple more characters enter the fray to protagonise new episodes. Saying exactly who they are and what they do would spoil the unexpected surprises that the script generously provide but what happens during the holiday changes the family dynamics for good as well as the notion of what makes a 'family movie'.

One of the pleasures derived from watching this film stems from the precise timing of the actors and the often quirky dialogue exchanges. Ducastel and Martineau prove with this new addition to their filmography that they definitely are a force to reckon with in French cinema, evidence of which was clear with the tender road movie Dróle de Felix (2000) and the experimental video diary Ma vraie vie r' Rouen (2002). In Cockles and Muscles, they use elements of gay culture, such as Charly's dress code, Jean Marc Barr's clone-ish Didier, trips to a cruising spot etc, and strip them of any political or moral connotation, something that comedy is more apt to do than drama. Clichés are used with a well-measured dose of irony and appear completely acceptable because of that as well as the comic effect they create.

There is no confrontation in Cockles and Muscles, only interaction and a sense of discovery that the characters find in each other, especially the older ones. Martineau said that when writing the script he tried to find a balance between Jacques Demy's action-ridden style and Rohmer's wit. It's safe to say that his intention to do that was accomplished.

23 March 2008

Le Temps qui reste (2005) aka Time to Leave

Le Temps qui reste (2005) aka Time to Leave

Ne volim gledati ljude kad umiru! A to sam radio gledajući ovaj film.
Kada je završio ostao sam zatečen. Čudan neki osjćaj, kao da sam u nekom praznom prostoru.
Šta bih ja radio da znam da ću umrijeti za tri mjeseca? Da li bih žalio za samim sobom ili bih beskompromisno juri da ostvarim neostvarene želje?
Jezivo ! Bože ne dozvoli da znam kada će mi biti kraj!
Uh, prije no nastavim da pišem idem da skuvam kafu i bacim pogled na more!

E sada da nastavim.
Ovaj film je režirao François Ozon, čiji se film Les Amants Criminels već našao u ovom blogu.

U filmu se radi o mladom fotografu, homoseksualcu Romanu , koji saznaje da ima rak i da mu je ostalo svega nekoliko mjeseci života. Odbija da se podvrgne hemoterapiji i zračenju. Roman odluči da nikome ne saopšti o svojoj bolesti osim svojoj baki.
Vrlo brutalno i sebično raskida vezu sa svojom momkom Sashom, a od svoje porodice se udaljava! U jednom trenutku dobija ponudu od jednog bračnog para koji nemože da ima djece zbog steriliteta supruga, da imaju seks, kako bi napravio dijete ! Ramon prihvati tek nakon dužeg razmišljanja i želje da iz sebe ostavi nekog. Još nerođenom djetetu ostavlja u naslijedstvo svu svoju imovinu!
Roman svoje poslednje dane provodi sa malim digitalnim fotoaparatom slikavajući trenutke koje bi zauvjek želio da zaustavi!

Dirljiva priča o životu i smrti pretočena u ovaj film zasigurno neće nikoga ostaviti ravnodušnog!

Director: François Ozon
Writer: François Ozon (writer)
Release Date: 24 November 2005 (Netherlands)
Genre: Drama
Plot Outline: A successful fashion photographer (Poupaud) is a gay man with terminal cancer. Slowly coming to terms with his situation he is cruel to his lover, has refused chemotherapy, nasty to his pregnant sister and uncommunicative to his loving and supportive parents.
Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords: Strangulation / Nudity / Threesome / Banging Head Against Wall / Sterility
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination

Le Temps Qui Reste
(Cast overview, first billed only)
Melvil Poupaud ... Romain
Jeanne Moreau ... Laura
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi ... Jany
Daniel Duval ... Le pc(re
Marie Rivic(re ... La mc(re
Christian Sengewald ... Sasha
Louise-Anne Hippeau ... Sophie
Henri de Lorme ... Le médecin
Walter Pagano ... Bruno
Violetta Sanchez ... L'agent
Ugo Soussan Trabelsi ... Romain enfant
Alba Gad(a Kraghede Bellugi ... Sophie enfant (as Alba Gad(a Kradhege Bellugi)
Victor Poulouin ... Laurent
Laurence Ragon ... La notaire
Thomas Gizolme ... L'assistant photographe

Also Known As:
Time to Leave (Canada: English title) (festival title) (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title) (UK) (USA)

Parents Guide: Add content advisory for parents
Runtime: 81 min
Country: France
Language: French

Melvil Poupaud gives an extraordinary, complex performance in TIME TO LEAVE (LE TEMPS QUI RESTE), written and directed by iconoclastic French auteur François Ozon (8 WOMEN, SWIMMING POOL). Poupaud stars as Romain, a selfish, self-absorbed fashion photographer who is suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer. Not wanting anyone to know about his illness, he brutally breaks up with his boyfriend, Sasha (Christian Sengewald), belittles his sister, Sophie (Louise-Anne Hippeau), and goes against his doctor's (Henri de Lorme) suggestion to give chemotherapy a chance. The only person he chooses to confide in is his grandmother, Laura (the legendary Jeanne Moreau), who has been estranged from the family for many years for what they considered inappropriate behavior after the loss of her husband. Knowing his time is running out, Romain travels around with a small digital camera, capturing tender moments that are very different from the high-profile fashion shoots he is used to. He finds solace with his beloved grandmother, but to everyone else he is cold and distant, seemingly going out of his way to not take the easy way out by rediscovering life and love in his final days. All the while, nearly everywhere he goes, Romain sees himself as a child (Ugo Soussan Trabelsi), as the past invades his temporary present. Beautifully acted and intelligently written, TIME TO LEAVE, the second in a proposed trilogy about life and death by Ozon (following UNDER THE SAND), is a challenging, compelling work with a simply magnificent ending.

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