23 January 2012

The Judas Kiss (2011)


The Judas Kiss (2011)

Original title: Judas Kiss )
Genre: Drama, sci-fi,
Country: USA
Director: J.T. Tepnapa
Writers:J.T. Tepnapa, Carlos Pedraza
Year: 2011
Language: English
Cast: Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Sean Paul Lockhart, Timo Descamps

Cast: Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Sean Paul Lockhart, Timo Descamps

Najbolji gay film 2011.

jk1The Judas Kiss je po meni najbolji gay film 2011. godine.
Zaista zapanjujuće koliko jedan niskobudžetni film može da vas natjera da razmišljate o sebi i svom životu.
Da li ste nekad napravili neku grešku koja vam je promjenila život? I da li bi voljeli da imate šansu da vratite vrijeme unazad i to promjenite. Ako jeste onda je ovo pravi film za vas, a ako niste ili ste previše mladi da bi o tome razmišljali onda pogledajte ovaj film, možda nešto promjenite u svom ponašanju i shvatanju životnih vrijednosti.

jk2Zachary Wells, je neuspješan režiser,nekadašnji pobjednik Keystone filmskog festivala, koga jedan prijatelj zamoli da umjesto njega ode u na taj festival kao sudija.
I tako se nakon 15 godina Zachary pojavi na festivalu na kojem je nekad dobio nagradu za kratki film 'Judass Kiss'.
Strastveni pušač, ljubitelj alkohola, seksa i zabave, Zack već prvo veče završi u krevetu sa jednim studentom.
Sutradan kao filmski ocjenjivač susretne se sa istim momkom, koji mu se predstavi njegovim nekadašnjim imenom i prezimenom, sa filmom 'Judas Kiss'

Zack malo po malo shvati da se seksao sa samim sobom. Nekim čudom vratio se u vrijeme kada je donio odluke koje će mu odrediti životni put. Može li to promjeniti?

jk3Podsjetio me je na neke moje davne dane kada sam silom prilika odlučio da odselim iz jednog grada i napustim najveću ljubav mog života i prijatelje.
Volio bih da mogu da se vratim u to vrijeme i nagovorim tog mladog ja da to ne učini.
Iako sam zadovoljan mojim životom, prepunim životnih priča, volio bih da znam šta bi se desilo da sam tada odlučio drugačije.

Joseph Airdo, Phoenix Movie Examiner
April 12, 2011

"Judas Kiss," the surprise hit at this year's Phoenix Film Festival, is certain to make most audiences feel a bit uncomfortable.

jk4The feeling will not necessarily come as a result of the film's LBGTQ themes (although it is advisable that one knows that before seeing "Judas Kiss"). Rather, the uncomfortable feeling will be directly associated with the movie's strange sci-fi twists. Revealing anything more specific would unfairly spoil surprises.

However, regardless of some events that may or may not be a bit too bizarre, "Judas Kiss" is an incredibly original independent feature film; an extraordinarily well-made one that completely transcends all genres and features some fairly solid performances from a few really charismatic actors.


Charlie David plays Zachary Wells, a failed filmmaker who is convinced by his hotshot director friend to replace him as a judge in Keystone Summit University's annual film festival. Upon arriving, Zach hooks up with a student at a bar only to discover the next morning that said student is one of the festival's entrants.

jk5Moreover, the student calls himself Danny Reyes (Richard Harmon) - a name Zach knows very well. And Danny's film "Judas Kiss" is also familiar. Zach made a film with the same title that won the festival years before. Then Zach, having received the mysterious advice of "Change the kid's past, change your future," sees Danny making his same mistakes.

It all leads up to Zach, still trying to determine his connection to the student, making a decision resulting in "Judas Kiss's" disqualification and a confrontation between Danny and his father about their family's dark past. Needless to say, there is much more to this story in the way of science-fiction.

jk6The final 30 minutes of “Judas Kiss,” when the puzzle pieces start to come together, are undoubtedly the most emotionally powerful parts of the movie. Writer/director J.T. Tepnapa and his co-writer Carlos Pedraza summon the delicate revelations in a way that is both beautiful and slightly haunting, yet satisfying through and through.

Still, just as “Judas Kiss” is not a film for intolerant persons, it is also not one for viewers who cannot handle a little awkward mind-bending much less those who prefer that their entertainment fits perfectly into a set genre. However, those who can handle feeling a bit uncomfortable will have found something spectacularly unique.


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