From Beginning to End (2009), Do Começo ao Fim (original title)
Director: Aluizio Abranches
Writer: Aluizio Abranches
Country: Brasil
Year: 2009
Genre: Drama
Stars: Júlia Lemmertz, Fábio Assunça~o and Jean Pierre Noher,Louise Cardoso,Lucas Cotrin,Gabriel Kaufmann,Rafael Cardoso,Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos,Eduardo Coutinho
Do Começo ao Fim ("Od početska do kraja", eng. "From Beginning to End") je brazilski dramski film iz 2009. godine u režiji Aluizio Abranchesa. Film prati priču dva polubrata, koji razviju veoma blizak odnos kao djeca, koji se pretvori u incestuoznu vezu kada odrastu. Reditelj filma je rekao da je namjeravao da napravi ljubavni film, bez obzira na okolnosti ljubavne priče.
Pisac i režiser ove filmske priče Aluizio Abranches nam je na jedan prihvatljiv način prikazao dvije taboo teme, homoseksualnost i incest.
Film počinje 1986. godine rođenjem Thomása. Šest godina kasnije film prikazuje veoma blizak odnos, obeležen obostranim zaštitničkim stavom, između braće, koji odrastaju sa majkom Julietom i njenim drugim mužem, Alexandreom, Thomásovim ocem. Nakon smrti majke, Francisco i Thomás, koji sada imaju 25 i 20 godina, iz bratske bliskosti razvijaju ljubavnu vezu. Thomás, kao talentovani plivač, dobija ponudu da ode na pripreme u Moskvu za Olimpijadu, koja će trajati tri godine. Ovo je prvi put da se njih dvojica razdvajaju.
Do Começo Ao Fim (From Beginning To End) (JJprods)
Ovo je bilo i previše za moralne čistunce pa je možda zahvaljući i njima film u Brazilu doživio nevjerovatnu gledanost, iako se radi o niskobudžetnom filmu.
Film je privukao veliki broj gledalaca i gledateljki, samo za prvi vikend pogledalo ga je preko 10.000 ljudi. Prikazivan u samo 9 bioskopa (u poređenju sa 550 bioskopa u kojima je prikazivan film 2012 ili više od 600 za New Moon), film je dospeo na 6. mesto po gledanosti samo za prvi vikend prikazivanja.
Inače film je nabijen emocijama, ljubavnim scenama i erotikom kojoj svakako doprinose dva sjajna glumca Rafael Cardoso i Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos.
Prije desetak godina sam bio u vezi sa jednim momkom koji ima brata blizanca. Jedan je str8 , drugi gay. Iako su jako vezani, na prvi pogled su jako suprostavljeni jednan drugom. Ovaj str8 otvorenije i iskrenije pokazuje ljubav prema svome bratu, a prema meni se odnosio kao vrlo bliskom prijatelju. Često sam imao osjećaj da sve zna o meni i njegovom bratu.
Kada je incest u pitanju moja iskustva se zaustavljaju na daljim rođacima u mlađim danima. Uostalom nevinost mi i jeste uzeo rođak na nekom prljavom tavanu.
From Beginning to End (Portuguese: Do Começo ao Fim) is a 2009 Brazilian drama film that premiered on November 27, 2009, starring Fábio Assunção, Júlia Lemmertz, Gabriel Kaufmann, Lucas Cotrim, João Gabriel Vasconcellos and Rafael Cardoso.
The film is considered low budget, not exceeding 2 million. Aluizio Abranches, creator and director of the film, took his idea to many entrepreneurs, some of them even suggested that it should be a relationship between a brother and sister or heterosexual, but Abranches was true to his idea and did not give up on it, until he got sponsorship from a small producer Marco Nanini.
The film's director claims it is not intended in any way to raise flags. Although the film deals with two types of relationships that are often considered "taboo" (homosexuality and incest), Abranches said that his only intention was to show a love story, regardless of conditions.
1986 - Thomás is born with his eyes closed, and he does not open them for several weeks following the birth. Julieta, his mother, is unconcerned, believing that when Thomás is ready and wants to open his eyes, he will. These events instill a strong belief in free will in young Thomás. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, Thomás opens his eyes, apparently to look directly at his five-year-old brother Francisco.
1992 - Julieta is a wife and a loving mother, working in a hospital emergency department. Her free-spirited youngest son, Thomás, is the product of her marriage to her second husband Alexandre. Pedro, her first husband and father of her eldest son Francisco, lives in Argentina. Pedro and Juliet remain good friends. During childhood, Francisco and Thomás are very close, perhaps too close according to Pedro, with whom they spend a summer in Buenos Aires.
2008 - Years later, when Francisco is 27 and Thomás 22, Julieta dies. The brothers become lovers and an unusual love story ensues.
by Jorge Ameer
Entertainment Film News
Even though the subject matter may repel some, as the film begins, "From Begining to end" immediately immerses the viewer into the family life of brothers Thomas and Francisco. This Brazilian import is fearless and daring in many ways as its touches on some very taboo subject matters. It slowly creeps up to you, but once this drama sees the boys as grown men, it takes a very nostalgic mood. There is a very haunting aspect to this film that will leave you lulled and wanting more. There is also a certain amount of sadness eminent from the fantastic performances from Rafael Cardoso and Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos. Both these men light up the screen, and their chemistry was incendiary with a very fierce dynamic relationship that takes twists and turns in many directions but ultimately leaves you yearning for what was once between them. The film is pretty much about life changes and how some of the best times are hard to let go as mere memories. Both brothers, in their own way, must deal with life's changes and its unexpectedness. Very poetic and always eloquent in its storytelling, dealing with such difficult subject matter was flawlessly handled sensitively in the very capable hands of Aluisio Abranches. Brazil should be proud to have this film. It represents very well the beautiful people of Brazil, their culture and it give you great insight of a culture that is filled with traditions as well as strong family and community ties.
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