30 January 2012

From Beginning to End (2009), Do Começo ao Fim (original title)

The Celluloid Closet DVD Artwork.inddFrom Beginning to End (2009), Do Começo ao Fim (original title)


Director: Aluizio Abranches
Writer: Aluizio Abranches
Country: Brasil
Year: 2009
Genre: Drama

Stars: Júlia Lemmertz, Fábio Assunça~o and Jean Pierre Noher,Louise Cardoso,Lucas Cotrin,Gabriel Kaufmann,Rafael Cardoso,Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos,Eduardo Coutinho



do_comeco_ao_fimDo Começo ao Fim ("Od početska do kraja", eng. "From Beginning to End") je brazilski dramski film iz 2009. godine u režiji Aluizio Abranchesa. Film prati priču dva polubrata, koji razviju veoma blizak odnos kao djeca, koji se pretvori u incestuoznu vezu kada odrastu. Reditelj filma je rekao da je namjeravao da napravi ljubavni film, bez obzira na okolnosti ljubavne priče.


brotherlylovePisac i režiser ove filmske priče Aluizio Abranches nam je na jedan prihvatljiv način prikazao dvije taboo teme, homoseksualnost i incest.
Film počinje 1986. godine rođenjem Thomása. Šest godina kasnije film prikazuje veoma blizak odnos, obeležen obostranim zaštitničkim stavom, između braće, koji odrastaju sa majkom Julietom i njenim drugim mužem, Alexandreom, Thomásovim ocem. Nakon smrti majke, Francisco i Thomás, koji sada imaju 25 i 20 godina, iz bratske bliskosti razvijaju ljubavnu vezu. Thomás, kao talentovani plivač, dobija ponudu da ode na pripreme u Moskvu za Olimpijadu, koja će trajati tri godine. Ovo je prvi put da se njih dvojica razdvajaju.

Do Começo Ao Fim (From Beginning To End) (JJprods)

timthumbssOvo je bilo i previše za  moralne čistunce pa je možda zahvaljući i njima film u Brazilu doživio nevjerovatnu gledanost, iako se radi o niskobudžetnom filmu.
Film je privukao veliki broj gledalaca i gledateljki, samo za prvi vikend pogledalo ga je preko 10.000 ljudi. Prikazivan u samo 9 bioskopa (u poređenju sa 550 bioskopa u kojima je prikazivan film 2012 ili više od 600 za New Moon), film je dospeo na 6. mesto po gledanosti samo za prvi vikend prikazivanja.

Do-Começo-ao-fim-From-Beginning-to-End-starring-Joao-Gabriel-Vasconcellos-and-Rafael-Cardoso17Inače film je nabijen emocijama, ljubavnim scenama i erotikom kojoj svakako doprinose dva sjajna glumca Rafael Cardoso i Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos.

Prije desetak godina sam bio u vezi sa jednim momkom koji ima brata blizanca. Jedan je str8 , drugi gay. Iako su jako vezani, na prvi pogled su jako suprostavljeni jednan drugom. Ovaj str8 otvorenije i iskrenije pokazuje ljubav prema svome bratu, a prema meni se odnosio kao vrlo bliskom prijatelju. Često sam imao osjećaj da sve zna o meni i njegovom bratu.

Kada je incest u pitanju moja iskustva se zaustavljaju na daljim rođacima u mlađim danima. Uostalom nevinost mi i jeste uzeo rođak na nekom prljavom tavanu.


DSC_0093From Beginning to End (Portuguese: Do Começo ao Fim) is a 2009 Brazilian drama film that premiered on November 27, 2009, starring Fábio Assunção, Júlia Lemmertz, Gabriel Kaufmann, Lucas Cotrim, João Gabriel Vasconcellos and Rafael Cardoso.

The film is considered low budget, not exceeding 2 million. Aluizio Abranches, creator and director of the film, took his idea to many entrepreneurs, some of them even suggested that it should be a relationship between a brother and sister or heterosexual, but Abranches was true to his idea and did not give up on it, until he got sponsorship from a small producer Marco Nanini.

The film's director claims it is not intended in any way to raise flags. Although the film deals with two types of relationships that are often considered "taboo" (homosexuality and incest), Abranches said that his only intention was to show a love story, regardless of conditions.

1986 - Thomás is born with his eyes closed, and he does not open them for several weeks following the birth. Julieta, his mother, is unconcerned, believing that when Thomás is ready and wants to open his eyes, he will. These events instill a strong belief in free will in young Thomás. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, Thomás opens his eyes, apparently to look directly at his five-year-old brother Francisco.
1992 - Julieta is a wife and a loving mother, working in a hospital emergency department. Her free-spirited youngest son, Thomás, is the product of her marriage to her second husband Alexandre. Pedro, her first husband and father of her eldest son Francisco, lives in Argentina. Pedro and Juliet remain good friends. During childhood, Francisco and Thomás are very close, perhaps too close according to Pedro, with whom they spend a summer in Buenos Aires.
2008 - Years later, when Francisco is 27 and Thomás 22, Julieta dies. The brothers become lovers and an unusual love story ensues.

by Jorge Ameer
Entertainment Film News

Do-Começo-ao-fim-From-Beginning-to-End-starring-Joao-Gabriel-Vasconcellos-and-Rafael-Cardoso16Even though the subject matter may repel some, as the film begins, "From Begining to end" immediately immerses the viewer into the family life of brothers Thomas and Francisco. This Brazilian import is fearless and daring in many ways as its touches on some very taboo subject matters. It slowly creeps up to you, but once this drama sees the boys as grown men, it takes a very nostalgic mood. There is a very haunting aspect to this film that will leave you lulled and wanting more. There is also a certain amount of sadness eminent from the fantastic performances from Rafael Cardoso and Joa~o Gabriel Vasconcellos. Both these men light up the screen, and their chemistry was incendiary with a very fierce dynamic relationship that takes twists and turns in many directions but ultimately leaves you yearning for what was once between them. The film is pretty much about life changes and how some of the best times are hard to let go as mere memories. Both brothers, in their own way, must deal with life's changes and its unexpectedness. Very poetic and always eloquent in its storytelling, dealing with such difficult subject matter was flawlessly handled sensitively in the very capable hands of Aluisio Abranches. Brazil should be proud to have this film. It represents very well the beautiful people of Brazil, their culture and it give you great insight of a culture that is filled with traditions as well as strong family and community ties.

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29 January 2012

Connected (I) (2008)


Connected (I) (2008)



Director: Nathan Brunskill
Writer: Nathan Brunskill
Stars: Michael Kirby and Dustin Varpness
Country: USA
Genre: Short movie



Zanimljivo je kako pogled može da kaže više nego stotinu riječi. Mislim da je u ovom filmu bez dijaloga Nathan Brunskill uspio uhvati jedan pogled koji kaže: Gotovo je. Podsjetio me je na jedan događaj u autu. Dvadesetak dana sam se sretao sa jednim momkom i uzivao u fantastičnom seksu. Uvijek u automobilu, ponekad u njegovom, a ponekad u mom. Međutim kako smo se sve više upoznavali tako smo shvaćali koliko smo različiti i da pripadamo sasvim drugačijim svjetovima. Jedino što nas je spajalo je sex, koji je bio ludački strastven, jedan od najboljih ikada. Jedno veče u mom autu nakon što smo se preznojili zapalio sam cigar i gledao ga kako skuplja papire i upotrebljeni kondom da bi sve to uredno složio u jednu kesicu. Uzvratio mi je pogled, neko vrijeme ćutao i onda rekao: "Pamtiću naša druženja!" Ovaj film iako traje svega 6 minuta priča jednu sličnu priču o dva momka koja su se upoznala u metrou. Zgodan je za pogledatiuz jutarnu kafu.


Connected from Nathan Brunskill on Vimeo.

     "Connected" is a about two lonesome people who find each other via a chance encounter on a subway train. They experience happiness in one another for a brief moment in their lives until circumstances out of their control rip them apart. However their paths may once again intersect down the line. Written by Nathan Brunskill  

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28 January 2012

Then Morning After (2012)

The Morning After (2012)
Director: Bruno Collins Writer and Producer: Bruno Collins Actors: Joshua Berg, Luke Striffler,Juliet Lundholm,Jane Alice
Year: 2012
Country: USA
Genre: Short Movie
Probudili ste se u krevetu sa neznancem?
Opet sam to uradio, muka mi je od samog sebe. Uh, šta sad sa mu kažem? Ma bilo šta samo neka ide što prije odavde!
Predpostavljam da su mnogi pederi doživjeli ovakvu jutarnju scenu, nakon izlaska u neki noćni bar.
A kako to izgleda kod nekog nesigurnog u sebe i svoje seksualne sklonosti pogledajte u ovom sjajnom kratkom filmu Bruna Collinsa.

The Morning After from Bruno Collins on Vimeo.
The Morning After a drunken night out Harry's (Joshua Berg) world is turned upside down when as he awakens to discover a naked man, Thom (Luke Striffler), in his bed. stunned and confused he tries to make sense of his repressed desires. In an attempt to re-assert his heterosexuality he revisits an old lover, Lucy (Juliet Lundholm), but finds little comfort from the encounter. Harry is left to make a decision: to follow his set path and return to his doting girlfriend Jess (Jane Alice), or attempt to understand his own wants and desires.....
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Director: Elliot London
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2010
Genre: Short movie, Drama
Duration: 11min
Actors: Brian Estel, Raquel Houghton, Scott Lynch-Giddings


Ljetos sam imao avanturu sa jednim studentom, koji je radio u jednom hotelu kao recepcioner. Kao i mnogi studenti iskoristio je ljetnu pauzu da zaradi nešto para kako bi mogao nastaviti studije. Samouvjereno me je ubjedio da se necu pokajati ako ga upoznam i da ga se nikada neću postidjeti na bilo koem mjestu.
Zaista je tako i bilo, sjajan momak, spolja jak i izgrađen muškarac, navikao da samo radom može doći do željenog cilja, a skriveno ipak dječak koji je željan ljubavi, poljubaca i nježnosti.
Ono što me posebno impresioniralo je izgrađen osječaj za pravdu i poštenje koje se danas može sresti samo u nekim djelovima Crne Gore - van Podgorice i većih gradova.

Nasuprot njemu, mnogi studenti se odlučuju da na "lakši" način dođu do novca, pri čemu žrtvuju  dostojanstvo i još po nešto, a na šta tačno mislim pogledajte u ovom kratkom filmu Elliot Londona koji mi se izuzetno dopao.

A recurring theme of the 2010 IRIS shorts has been films of few, if any words and this beautifully rendered work from the pen of co-writer / director Elliot London perfectly exemplifies the art of silent story telling. And it all centres around Eric; a college student who seemingly has it all; the looks, the intellect and the love of a long-term companion. Only just how well do you know your partner? For this is a work that arrives with a twist in its tale, as the trust and betrayal narrative turns the tables on a day in the life of a seemingly normal student.

 306-2Along the way, co-writer Gregory Phelan provides his audience with subtle hints here and there, gradually building up to the surprise conclusion. It is one that as with all twist endings, some may have already guessed, whilst to others the revelation can only add to the overall enjoyment of a well-executed piece that in this instance, is lovingly accompanied by the emotional piano score of Mark Chiat, one that perfectly conveys the unspoken feelings of lead actor Brian Estel. As a dialogue free work, this compelling short packs quite an expressive punch. Need more be said?
starring: Brian Estel as Eric and Scott Lynch-Giddings as Mr Smith,
amongst a cast of many players.

27 January 2012

Best Job Ever (2010)


Best Job EverBest Job Ever (2010)


Director: Ben Fast, Matt Saracussa

Writen by: Matt Saracussa, Scott Wolman
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2010




Alan Meeks traži posao kao porn editor. MIsli da će mu to biti jedan od boljih načina da se nauči novom poslu i postane profesionalac. Ono što je ne zna je da se radi isključivo o gej filmovima.

Dobra tema, al za neki malo bolji film.

Alan Meeks is looking for a job as a porn editor. Little does he realise that being great at something can be a curse unto itself...

Solace (2008)

Jeste li se kada upoznavali sa nekim preko interneta? Chat, razmjena slika, malo priče, telefon pa suočenje sa sagovornikom! I na kraju ili razočarenje ili oduševljenje, ponekad ravnodušnost, a vrlo često se sve završi seksom , bar na jednu noć!
Kada sam prvi put "otkrio" chat bio sam oduševljan. Jao koliko ljudi na njemu, mora da tu ima nešto i za mene, a uz sve to bilo mi je jako zabavno.
Vremenom mi je taj textualni chat postao dosadan i isprazan pa sam se preorijentisao na video chat, na kojem nema mnogo naših ljudi. Kada nema šanse da naletim na nekog kretena onda se sve pretvori u zabavu i relaksaciju! A to je ono što očekujem od chata!
A iskustva sa upoznavanjem likova sa chatova i date sajtova kao šro je romeo i slični su raznolika! Često mi se prevrtao želudac sjedeći u društvu likova koji nisu ni izbliza onakvi kako sam ih zamišljao!

Ponekad to bude obična seksualna avantura, a u dva navrata se sve pretvorilo u pravu emocionalnu buru!
A da sve može da se pretvori u noćnu moru pokazuje i ovaj kratki film koji govori baš o tome!
I na kraju da izreklamiram moje omiljeno mjesto za zabavu, probajte ICUII.

Year: 2008
Director: Michaline Babich
Country: USA
Runtime: 14 min
Actors: Joey Tuccio, Richard Ethan Courtney

An older and a younger man meet on the internet. Everything seems to go well when they meet in person until one reveals a secret that keeps them from what they both long for.

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26 January 2012


   Michael J. Saul’s new short “Go Go Reject” (USA 2010, 20 minutes), a gay answer to “Flashdance,” concerns Daniel Ferguson (Heath Daniels, who also wrote the script), a starrry-eyed innocent trying to make it on the go go scene, who delivers a performance inspired by that of Jennifer Beals in the ’80s movie. Daniel and his best friend Matthew Bridges (Matthew Canoya) might be the Siskel and Ebert of go go dancer criticism, the way they review the efforts of the others they’ve seen, and both of them know that Daniel is a far better dancer. Becky (Iva Turner), Daniel’s world-weary co-worker at Yogurt World, and club managers Tanner (Michael Estime), of the Glory Hole, and Anthony Mojo (Drew Droege), of Mojo’s, who reject Daniel as too slight to fill the standard-issue go go boy fantasy bill, add to the merriment. Hunky and helpful go go Cesar (Korken Alexander) helps round out the cast. 



Brookton Hollow (2010)


Director: Joshua Smith
Year: 2010
Country of Origin: USA
Language: English


Brookton Hollow je kratki film američkog režisera Joshua Smitha, koji nam je ipričao malu bajku o dječaku Kajlu koji je odrastao na farmi sa ocem.
Bez prijatelja, susjeda ili bilo koje čovjeka u blizini Kajlov jedini prijatelj je bila krava po imenu Willis.
I kao u svakoj bajci jedne noči Kajl se uputio u obližnju šumu i tamo sreoo jednog dječaka koji je na sebi imao jedino zvono.

Pričaj je kratka paje možete odgledati do kraja. Jedina zamjerka je što nisu ovom dječaku iz šume skinuli one nesretne minđuše. Ovako izgleda smješno.


vlc00010A young man named Kyle and his father live on a small farm called Brookton Hollow. They live in a simple world with no neighbors or friends that come to visit. Kyle's dad cares for nothing in life except for the tobacco in his pipe and meat patties that he fries on an old cast iron skillet.
They have only one animal, a cow named Willis. Every morning Kyle's roams the pasture looking for Willis, who wears a weathered cowbell from his neck that makes an eerie ring when he walks or when the wind blows especially hard. Kyle enjoys nothing more that to sit and look into the cows dark eyes and listen to the soothing sounds of his constant chewing. Never having had a friend to talk to, Kyle shares his thoughts and dreams with Willis while brushing away the flies from his hair.
One morning at breakfast the father announces that their meat supply has come to an end, and he will have to kill the cow. Kyle sits frozen listening to his father, then in a fit of rage leaves the table, leaving his father sitting silent with grease still wet on his lips.
That night, Kyle is awakened by a gust of wind that blows out his bedroom candle. Sitting up in bed, he hears Willis' cowbell off in the distance. Curious, he follows the sound deep into the forest. Sitting high on a rock and lit by the moon, he finds a boy whistling at him and wearing nothing but a small cowbell around his neck. The boy smiles, then jumps and runs off into the forest. Kyle follows, and they end up in a small cave where the boy sits down and holds Kyle's hand. Kyle begins to touch the bell, but the morning sun streams across the forest floor which frightens the boy. He jumps and runs off into the morning mist, leaving Kyle alone and with a strange yet wonderful new feeling in his heart.
vlc00013Later that morning while Kyle is rubbing Willis neck, he begins to notice an odd similarity between his cow and the boy. He anxiously awaits the night, curious if somehow this boy could be related to his cow.
Walking through the forest with a gas lit lantern, Kyle finds the boy near a stream covered in fog. The boy smiles and takes Kyles arm, leading him to a tree where they lay down in silence. Kyle reaches over and holds the bell, then stares closely into the boys eyes. There is no mistaking the resemblance to his pet cow. The boy looks back and begins to speak, telling of a curse placed on him which turns him into a cow with the start of each new day. It is only at night that he is free to roam as a boy. He tells Kyle that only true love can break the curse and make him fully human again.
The boy rests his head on Kyles chest, thick mist engulfing their bodies.
With the sun shining high above the clouds, Kyle wakes up to his father standing over him with a knife in one hand and a rope tied to their cow in the other. The father leads the cow towards their cabin with Kyle following slowly behind, small tears falling from his eyes.
The father ties the cow to an old post as Kyle watches silently, his mind racing for a way to save his friend.
As the father raises his knife, Kyle jumps forward in an act of love and pushes his fathers arm aside, knocking the knife to the ground. A blast of light bursts from the cow, and as the fathers vision comes back into focus he stares past Kyle with a look of pure shock. Where once stood a cow, a naked boy reaches for the sky, his arms spreading towards the daylight sun. Kyle turns around and holds his friend tightly. Together they hold hands and run far off into the pasture, leaving the father standing stunned and speechless. The boys found a safe home far from the father deep in the forest, for the curse was forever broken on the farm Brookton Hollow.

25 January 2012

The One (2011)


The One

Director: Caytha Jentis
Writer: Caytha Jentis
Genre: Drama,Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2011
Stars: Jon Prescott, Ian Novick and Margaret Anne Florence



Daniel & Tommy (One Love) (JJprods)

theone11Većina pedera teško može shvatiti nedoumice i strahove koji muče čovjeka koji prvi put osjeti snažne emocije i želju da bude sa nekim ko je gay. Strejterski način razmišljanja i življanja je u mnogo čemu različit od klasičnog pederskog pa lomovi koji nastaju kod muškarca koji se sa tim prvi put susreće mogu postati prava noćna mora.
Mladji ljudi poslije nekog kraćeg razmišljanja prihvate svoja prva seksualna iskustva kao neku istraživačku avanturu koja će ga seksualno definisati i time napokon shvatiti ko je šta želi u životu, ali kod ljudi koji su sebe već izgradili u tom smislu kao heteroseksualnu osobu koja želi da osnuje porodicu sa voljenom ženom teško doživljavaju emocije koje tu sliku narušavaju na bilo koji način.

theone17Iz iskustva znam da kada vam neko ko iz takve situacije kaže da vas voli, onda to zaista i misli i osjeća. I to snažnije nego u bilo kakvoj drugoj vezi.
Ono što večina pedera ne može da shvati je da takav čovkjek koji je spreman da se odrekne žene, ponekad i porodice da bi bio sa vama nije gay ni načinom života ni načinom razmišljanja. Naprosto to je samo čovjek koji vas iskreno voli i želi da bude sa vama, ali ne i da bude dio krpica, chatova, druženja i ćakula bilo kakvog pederskog društva.
Razumite da je takav čovjek sebe izgradio u jednom drugom svjetu i da sebe nikada neće vidjeti kao pripadnika neke gay zajednice. Ukoliko održite takvu vezu dugi niz godina, taj otklon će se ublažiti i biti tolerantniji. Mali broj pedera to izgura do kraja. Naprosto u njihovoj prirodi je da budu drugačiji, radoznaliji, veseliji, promiskuitetniji i druželjibiviji sa onima sličnim njima.

theone16Ovaj film nam je ispričao priču o ljubavi između jednog 'str8' i jednog gay momka, koji se naprosto ne snalaze u novonastaloj situaciji.

PS. Često dobijam kritike zašto upotrebljam izraz 'peder'. Za mene peder nije pogrdna riječ za homoseksualno orjentisanog čovjeka, već izraz za način ponašanja velike grupe ljudi bez obzira na seksualnu orjentaciju. Pederom vas ne čini to sa kime se jebete, već to kako se ponašate.

External review:
MovieManMenzel.com [Scott Menzel]

theone17It was day two of Cinefest 2011 when I journeyed into the theater to see The One. What I like most about film festivals is sometimes seeing a film that I know very little about. All I knew about the film was that it was a movie about a guy who was struggling with his sexuality. As a straight male, one may wonder why I would dare to see a film like this, but I go see films of all subject matters so why discriminate a film because it is about gay men. I happily went into the theater with The Film Raider as we began to see just what this movie, The One was all about.

theonefiDaniel (Jon Prescott) is an investment banker in New York, who is just about the tie the knot with his perfect bride to be, Jennifer (Margaret Anne Florence). One day after work, Daniel goes to a local bar to get a drink and he meets a local named Tommy (Ian Novick). A few beers later, Daniel and Tommy leave the bar and venture to Tommy's apartment. This is when the impossible happens as Daniel and Tommy engage in drunk sex. The next morning, Daniel wakes up and begins to deny everything that has happened from the night before. He tries to forget the past, but it seems that Tommy just keeps popping up all around him. It isn't long before Daniel begins to question himself and has to ultimately decide for himself who in fact is The One.

theone20When the final credits began to roll and the cast of The One made it to the front of the theater to start the Q&A. The audience for the Q&A wasn't the best and for some reason no one decided to turn the lights on in the theater so we could see the cast. The Q&A was decent for what it was, but it wasn't until Michael Billy became to speak that I became really interested. I thought his take on the film was actually the best I ever heard about. Anyone who hears the title and sees the film will thinking the title, The One, actually refers to finding that one people. The difference as Billy pointed out is that the film was about finding yourself and being true to who you are. That was a great message to end the film with instead of the generic Hollywood tale that you would have thought.

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Diez Pesos (2003) by Matías Risi

Director: Matías Risi
Writer: Matías Risi
Country: Argentina
Genre: Short
Year: 2003
Stars: Gabriel Carranza, Hernan Munoa and Alejandro Bonomo

Sta sve može da ispriča jedna novčanica od 10 pezosa u 6 minuta?
Interesantan kratki film koji vrijedi pogledati!
Following the concept of seeing where a 10 peso note passes, this short takes a wild journey showing bits and pieces of the lives of various characters who come in contact with the bill in question. This short is well filmed and edited, giving enough time with each character and not making one feel rushed through the film especially with its short duration. You are given just enough of a taste for each character before you're off to another, often leaving you wanting to know more about the characters that are being dropped at the wayside. From the gay for pay hustler, to the cop, to the school child, to the maid, each character is given a full story and reality that lasts only as long as they have the 10 pesos. Worth watching.

23 January 2012

The Judas Kiss (2011)


The Judas Kiss (2011)

Original title: Judas Kiss )
Genre: Drama, sci-fi,
Country: USA
Director: J.T. Tepnapa
Writers:J.T. Tepnapa, Carlos Pedraza
Year: 2011
Language: English
Cast: Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Sean Paul Lockhart, Timo Descamps

Cast: Charlie David, Richard Harmon, Sean Paul Lockhart, Timo Descamps

Najbolji gay film 2011.

jk1The Judas Kiss je po meni najbolji gay film 2011. godine.
Zaista zapanjujuće koliko jedan niskobudžetni film može da vas natjera da razmišljate o sebi i svom životu.
Da li ste nekad napravili neku grešku koja vam je promjenila život? I da li bi voljeli da imate šansu da vratite vrijeme unazad i to promjenite. Ako jeste onda je ovo pravi film za vas, a ako niste ili ste previše mladi da bi o tome razmišljali onda pogledajte ovaj film, možda nešto promjenite u svom ponašanju i shvatanju životnih vrijednosti.

jk2Zachary Wells, je neuspješan režiser,nekadašnji pobjednik Keystone filmskog festivala, koga jedan prijatelj zamoli da umjesto njega ode u na taj festival kao sudija.
I tako se nakon 15 godina Zachary pojavi na festivalu na kojem je nekad dobio nagradu za kratki film 'Judass Kiss'.
Strastveni pušač, ljubitelj alkohola, seksa i zabave, Zack već prvo veče završi u krevetu sa jednim studentom.
Sutradan kao filmski ocjenjivač susretne se sa istim momkom, koji mu se predstavi njegovim nekadašnjim imenom i prezimenom, sa filmom 'Judas Kiss'

Zack malo po malo shvati da se seksao sa samim sobom. Nekim čudom vratio se u vrijeme kada je donio odluke koje će mu odrediti životni put. Može li to promjeniti?

jk3Podsjetio me je na neke moje davne dane kada sam silom prilika odlučio da odselim iz jednog grada i napustim najveću ljubav mog života i prijatelje.
Volio bih da mogu da se vratim u to vrijeme i nagovorim tog mladog ja da to ne učini.
Iako sam zadovoljan mojim životom, prepunim životnih priča, volio bih da znam šta bi se desilo da sam tada odlučio drugačije.

Joseph Airdo, Phoenix Movie Examiner
April 12, 2011

"Judas Kiss," the surprise hit at this year's Phoenix Film Festival, is certain to make most audiences feel a bit uncomfortable.

jk4The feeling will not necessarily come as a result of the film's LBGTQ themes (although it is advisable that one knows that before seeing "Judas Kiss"). Rather, the uncomfortable feeling will be directly associated with the movie's strange sci-fi twists. Revealing anything more specific would unfairly spoil surprises.

However, regardless of some events that may or may not be a bit too bizarre, "Judas Kiss" is an incredibly original independent feature film; an extraordinarily well-made one that completely transcends all genres and features some fairly solid performances from a few really charismatic actors.


Charlie David plays Zachary Wells, a failed filmmaker who is convinced by his hotshot director friend to replace him as a judge in Keystone Summit University's annual film festival. Upon arriving, Zach hooks up with a student at a bar only to discover the next morning that said student is one of the festival's entrants.

jk5Moreover, the student calls himself Danny Reyes (Richard Harmon) - a name Zach knows very well. And Danny's film "Judas Kiss" is also familiar. Zach made a film with the same title that won the festival years before. Then Zach, having received the mysterious advice of "Change the kid's past, change your future," sees Danny making his same mistakes.

It all leads up to Zach, still trying to determine his connection to the student, making a decision resulting in "Judas Kiss's" disqualification and a confrontation between Danny and his father about their family's dark past. Needless to say, there is much more to this story in the way of science-fiction.

jk6The final 30 minutes of “Judas Kiss,” when the puzzle pieces start to come together, are undoubtedly the most emotionally powerful parts of the movie. Writer/director J.T. Tepnapa and his co-writer Carlos Pedraza summon the delicate revelations in a way that is both beautiful and slightly haunting, yet satisfying through and through.

Still, just as “Judas Kiss” is not a film for intolerant persons, it is also not one for viewers who cannot handle a little awkward mind-bending much less those who prefer that their entertainment fits perfectly into a set genre. However, those who can handle feeling a bit uncomfortable will have found something spectacularly unique.


22 January 2012



USA Year: 2011
Genre: Music video
Language: English
Location: Los Angeles (USA)
Runtime: 7 मं

Cast: Jason O'Ffill, Joel Harrison, Jamie Arnett, Matt Cesaratto, Amir Shafii, Lauren Leonelli, Conroe Brooks

The Edge of Glory is a concept video of Lady Gaga's hit single "The Edge of Glory". It shows the wedding day of two gay men. Beautifully, it captures the magic moments when two men fall in love. Must see!

21 January 2012

The Young Prime Minister

U eri kada se gay populacija na balkanu bori za svoja prava, zaštitnici morala se najčešće opiru stereotipima koji su uglavnom pokazatelji loše ili nikkve edukacije istih.
Kada je u pitanju Crna Gora, veliki broj ljudi homoseksualnost smatra bolešću, a mnogi pri tome misle da je to nešto prenosivo, posebno ukoliko bi se neki open gay našao u blizini nekog djeteta. U tom slučaju postoji velika vjerovatnoća da će to djete postati homoseksualac- dakle biti če bolesno.
O kakvim se užasnim predrasudama radi možete biti svjedoci prostim razgovorom sa ljudima na tu temu.
Nedovoljna edukacija stanovništva definitivno se odražava na izraženu homofobiju kod ljudi.
Zato predlažem da se kroz medijski prostor emituju mali neofenzivni filmovi koji bi ljude naveli na razmišljanje i potaklo ih da ponešto pročitaju o formiranju seksualne orjentacije kod ljudi.

Jedan od takvih filmova je definitivno i kratki film "The Young Prime Minister", Bill Taylora, koji opisuje strepnje majke dječaka koji želi da obuje ružičaste patike.
Iako nije sretna sa njegovom odlukom da u rozim patikama ide u školu, majka poštuje želju dječaka, spremna da prihvati svoje dijete onakvo kakvo je.
Da li je to slučaj i kod današnjih roditelja u Crnoj Gori i na balkanu?

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