"Praia do Futuro" (original title)
Director: Karim Ainouz (as Karim Ainouz)
Writers: Felipe Bragança, Karim Ainouz
Genre: Drama
Country: Brazil, Germany
Language: Portuguese, German
Duration: 106 min
Year: 2014
Stars: Wagner Moura, Clemens Schick, Jesuíta Barbosa,Fred Lima,Thomas Aquino
Tako je i u ovoj priči Donato, momak koji je radio kao spasilac na jednoj brazilskoj plaži odlučio da odseli u Njemačku kod Conrada, momka kojeg je upoznao radeći kao spasilac na plaži.
Iza sebe je ostavio majku i malog brata kojima se od momenta dolaska u Njemačku nije ni javio.
Mnoge gejeve strah od odbacivanja natjera da bez riječi napuste kuću. U momentu im se čini da je lakše otići ne objašnjavajuči prave razloge zbog kojih su se odlučili na taj korak. Uglavnom nađu izgovore zbog posla, škole i li nešto drugo I jednostavno odu.
Međutim u većini slučajeva se uspostavi da dok ne završe taj razgovor sa roditeljima i familijom ne mogu nastaviti dalje svojim životom. Istina uvjek nađe svoj put do ljudi kojima je stalo do vas.
Međutim u većini slučajeva se uspostavi da dok ne završe taj razgovor sa roditeljima i familijom ne mogu nastaviti dalje svojim životom. Istina uvjek nađe svoj put do ljudi kojima je stalo do vas.
Short after facing the failure of an attempt to rescue a drowning man, Donato meets Konrad, friend of the victim. Motivated by the circumstances, Donato decides to begin a new life in Berlin, but pieces of his past are coming after him.
Beautiful, yet dull
20 May 2014 | by Not Jim (Brasil) – IMDB
The thing that struck me the most about this movie is how beautiful it is, and I mean literally, aesthetically. Not only is the scenery gorgeous, but also its camera work is outstanding: Praia do Futuro's shots are absolutely amazing, most scenes could be made into pictures to be hung on the walls of an art gallery - there could probably be a whole exposition just made with screenshots of this movie.
20 May 2014 | by Not Jim (Brasil) – IMDB
The film's appeal, however, doesn't go much beyond that. Its plot had potential, the trailer made it seem like it would be intense and deeply emotional, yet the whole story is quite dull, with some unclear or poorly explained parts and underdeveloped dialogue. The characters don't lack depth per se, but their personalities were rather shallowly explored, perhaps hindered by the lack of vocal expression or by the stumbling plot.
This is definitely not a bad movie, it was just not enough to touch or affect me in any way.
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