Director: Marcelo Briem Stamm
Writer: Marcelo Briem Stamm
Genre: Thriller, Drama
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish with english subtitle
Year: 2013
Duration: 76 min
Stars: Patrico Ramos (Manuel), Mario Verón (Julio), Laura Agorreca, Carlos Echeverría, Mike Zubi
Manuel je usamljeni mladić koji pokušava da nađe društvo preko interneta. Upoznaje Hulia, nezaposlenog i neuglednog momka. Odlaze kod njega doma. Početna strast i želja se pretvara u seks, a onda nastaje tajac. Znate onaj osjećaj kada vam se čini da je neko od vas dvojice višak u krevetu. Ne zato što ne želite da zagrljeni zaspete pored njega , nego zbog straha od odbacivanja i povređivanja. Lakše je reći, bilo mi je lijepo sa tobom ali sutra idem na posao ili nešto slično, nego se otvoriti i reći nešto o sebi, nešto što će pokazati kakvi ste zaista, vaše želje i emocije. Previše smo puta bili povrijeđeni da bi pokazali sopstvenu slabost ali i muku što noći provodimo ili sami ili sa potpunim neznancima.
Da stvar bude teža pozvali ste nekog u kuću, a da ne znate ništa o njemu. Možda je običan lopov ili prevarant. Teško je biti usamljeni peder, a još teže usamljeni gej!
Film me je podsjetio na jednog prijatelja koji je prekinuo vezu prije pola godine. Pitao sam ga kako živi i da li se navikao na momački slobodnjački život? Rekao mi je nekako ovako: Trudim se, dajem sve od sebe, smijem se, pjevam, družim se sa ljudima ali ipak sam usamljen i teško mi je. Upoznao sam i neke nove ljude i imao seks sa većinom. Uostalom sada mi je sasvim sve jedno i može me imati ko god hoće. Na to sam mu odgovorio da to što ima seks sa nekim ne znači da ga taj može imati ni na koji način, osim fizički to vrijeme do svršavanja. Nije vrijedno o tome govoriti na taj način jer seks je seks, a imati nekoga je nešto sasvim drugo.
Handsome middle class Manuel, hurt by his previous relationship and bored of being alone, meets Julio, a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? (Spanish with English subtitles)
- Director: Marcelo Briem Stamm
- Writers:Marcelo Briem Stamm
- Country:Argentina
- Genre:Thriller
- Runtime:76 minutes
- Actors: VickyLaura AgorrecaHoracioCarlos EchevarríaManuelPatricio RamosJulioMario VerónMaxiMike Zubi
- Language:Spanish
- Plot:
A sexy, romantic and uncomfortably chilling tale of love and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm. Handsome middle class Manuel (Patrico Ramos), hurt by his previous relationship and bored being alone, meets Julio (Mario Veron), a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? All is revealed in this romantic, passionate drama/thriller that offers a shocking, strangely satisfying conclusion. (Spanish with English subtitles)
- Written by
- Rating:
(49 votes)
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