16 February 2013

Abrupt Decision (2011)

Abrupt Decision (2011)

Director: Paul Bright
Writer: Paul Bright
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Duration: 95 min

Stars: Steve Callahan, David LaDuca, Cynthia Schiebel

Denis jedno jutro ostaje bez posla na kojem je proveo punih 11 godina. U trenutku se njegov život promjenio i upada u krizu srednjih godina. Kojim putem da nastavi. Iako ga njegov partner pordzava u njegovim naporima da stabilizuje život, Denis se nekako osjeća pogubljeno sve dok u jednom parku ne ugledana napuštenog psa. Iako je bez novaca i uslova da zadrži psa odluči da se pobrine o njemu.

Film je mogao da ima lijepu priču ali na žalost kao i u mnogim slučajevima niskobudžetnih poluamatarksih filmova loša gluma, uzasno napisan scenario i pogubljeni režiser su učinili da prosječan gledaoc ima osjećaj da je uzaludno potrošio sat i po vremena.

Umjesto da nam prikaze jednu lijepu intimnu priču sredovječnog čovjeka koji se našao na raskrsnici životnoh puteva menlaholični i ponekad vrlo patetični dijalozi nam odvračaju pažnju od suštine da ono što mislimo da najbolje radimo možda i nije ono u čemu ćemo najbolje iskazati sebe.

Sad kada sam ovaj film ovako loše opisao pitate se zašto sam ga uopšte stavljao na sajt? Osim što sam ga odgledao do kraja napaljen na prezgodnog Denisovog partnera podsjetio me je na period života kada sam izgubio posao i bio prisiljen da potpuno promjenim način življenja, odrekavši se mnogih stvari za koje sam mislio da predstavljau dio mene. Upornošću sam uspio da se prilagodim novoj sredini, novim ljudima, steknem nove prijatelje, kupim nove stvari i naravno dobijem novi posao. Da li je vrijedilo da zbog svega novoga odbacim ono staro? Za razliku od Denisa koji je uspio da zadrži i partnera i prijatelje život ponekad bude mnogo suroviji.



Puppy Love

31 January 2012 | by TBROUGH (United States) – IMDB

Denis is having a rotten week. He just lost his job of 11 years. His relationship is gone stale, and rocky. His Mother, a sweet and overbearing woman, is seriously ill. With all the turmoil going on around him, what does Mom suggest? "Get a dog." But when Dennis goes to the pound and can't decide which dog he wants, the one he finally chooses is gone when he goes back. When he finds out why, Dennis decides exactly what his modern mid-life crisis needs.

He makes his "Abrupt Decision" (the fifth feature from filmmaker Paul Bright) when he realizes that his creative collapse mirrors that of the dogs' dangerous lives. With some inspiration from his Mom (Cynthia Schiebel) and the reluctant support of his partner, Milosz (David LaDuca), Denis (Steve Callahan) decides that saving the lives of animals and educating people on their care is his way into a meaningful second act. You know how the saying goes, if you don't want to be upstaged in a movie, stay away from children and dogs? Despite the superb job by Steve and David, the pups are "Abrupt Decision's" scene stealers. But beware. Even with the cute pooches running amuck, this is a very emotionally striking movie.

In the new economy, where men like Denis can find their lives upended and discover that your expertise vaporized after 50, there are many among us who will relate to the impact of "Abrupt Decision's" story. As Denis struggles to find the right decisions in matters of utmost importance, you may put down the doggy treats and reach for the hankies. I'll certainly say that the film is a must-see for pet-lovers, but it also carries an intimate, personal life story.

12 February 2013

The In-Between (2010)


The In-Between (2010)

Director: Alain Hain
Writers: Jason Mills (story), Jason Mills
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Duration: 10 min
Year: 2010

Stars: Sharon Batten, Danny Bernardy, Brian Patacca


Ovaj kratki fim iz trilogije filmova Alain Hainsa nam priča o emocijama koje su sastavni dio svake veze, a to osim ljubavi uključuje i ljubomoru, varanje, želju za promjenom i slično. Kada ste dugo u vezi sa nekim normalno je da osjetite potrebu za nečim novim i nedoživljenim. Često se ta želja pretvori u neki seksualni izlet koji ne uključuje partnera. Mora li da bude baš tako? Ukoliko ima iskrenog odnosa u kojem nema straha od nerazumjevanja onda se povremeni flert uglavnom i završi bezazlenim samodokazivanjem.
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Alain Hain’s films are kind of fascinating.  Like Curious Thing, it’s real audio interviews with gay men, complimented and contrasted to visuals that tell a fictional story of love and relationships. This one concentrates on monogamy and the problems of cheating. Various people talk about being in relationships where they discovered the other person was playing away (or they had cheated themselves), looking at why people overlook it or are oblivious to it, and what the consequences can be.  The visuals tell a similar story, commenting on and challenging the audio with the story of a relationship being town to bits by infidelity. It’s a great idea, and while The In-Between doesn’t work quite as well as Curious Thing, it’s still very involving.


10 February 2013

A Lack of Gravity (2010)

A Lack of Gravity (2010)

Director: Alain Hain
Writer: Jason Mills
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2010
Duration: 13 min

Stars: Danny Bernardy, Timmy Cassese, Daiva Deupree

Jared i Christian su gay par koji živi mirnom predgrađu. Vole se i žive zajedno i pokušavaju da svoju sreću podjele sa drugima. Međutim da li svi prijatelji jednako prihvataju njihovu vezu? Ako ih ne smatraju ravnim sebi onda to i nisu pravi prijatelji. Smiju li javno pokazati svoju ljubav ili te emocije mogu ispoljiti samo u četiri zida? Kada Christian doživi napad homofoba stvari postaju mnogo jasnije.
Priče o zaljubljenim gej parovima u Americi su naizgled iste kao i ove naše na balkanu. Na žalost kod nas je durštvo mnogo surovije i netolerantnije pa živjeti open gej život može biti ne samo teže, nego i opasno.

Moje dosadašnje veze sa muškarcima su bile skrivene od očiju javnosti. Često sam se zapitao kako to da mojim prijateljima , porodici i komšijama nije sumljivo da uvjek imam najboljeg prijatelja. Prođe nekoliko godina , a ja ih upoznam sa novim prijateljem, a stari ne više ne pojavljuje. I tako prolaze godine. Ljudi obično ne vide ono što ne žele da vide kod osoba koje poštujui vole na neki način, a možda i pretjerujemo u strahu koji nas svremena na vrijeme uhvati i poremeti nam život


With a new partner and a quiet life in the suburbs, Jared finds himself tackling new obstacles. How does he live his life as a dignified gay man in a society that does not consider him equal? And how will he handle his partner's constant need to censor any public affection? One horrific event forces them both to figure it out. The finale piece in this trilogy of short films, 'A Lack of Gravity' explores homophobia, activism and gay rights in America. Continuing in the series' format, documentary audio of gay men discussing their experiences with homophobia acts as the film's narration.


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09 February 2013

Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) (1989)


Director: Jerry Tartaglia
Genre: Short movie, Adult
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 1989
Duration: 7 min

An inquiry into what is pornographic. This film features images form Jean Genet's masterpiece, Un Chant d'Amour along with images from gay male sex films in order to question what is "pornographic".

Jerry Tartaglia
16mm Film - 1989
Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) interweaves images form Jean Genet’s masterpiece, Un Chant d’Amour with images from gay male sex films. It forces the viewer to question the point of view in looking at “pornographic” images. A.I.D.S. hysteria portrays gay sex as pornographic, politically incorrect, sinful, or, at best, a public health hazard. Ecce Homo asks whether the taboo is against gay sex or against seeing gay sex.
“Each of my films portrays some aspect of gay consciousness, sexual representation, or self-identity. At the same time, each film utilizes the medium’s unique potential as visual metaphor. I am not very interested in creating narrative forms, which generally are used to show how gay people are supposed to become lavender carbon copies of straight people. Instead, I work with short, personal, experimental forms which explore and celebrate another kind of conscious human identity.” - Jerry Tartaglia, NYC 1995
I am watching a segment of Genet’s film in which the guard is watching the men and when he removes the gun from inside his jacket he puts the gun in the mouth of one of the men and then I am watching two men kissing each other on the mouth and when I am watching homosex and I am seeing men having homosex and watching the guard having the gun having sex and watching the film with the homosex, I see the men and I watch how they have homosex in the porno film which the cop said was Genet’s film and the cop with the gun was porno and they said when Stonewall was with the cops and the gun, and the film was porno and they said Stonewall was porno and they said the men were not men and the women were not women, and the men with the women were not porno, and the film with the men kissing men on the lips was porno and the cop who was watching the film was a doctor who was watching the porno which was in the film that I was watching with a cop who was not a cop in the film, who was a doctor who was watching the film which was not safe porno because it was not safe to be watching a film with a doctor who was a cop in a film of the men having sex which was porno when they said Stonewall was porno which was not the film they desired to watch when the film of desire was the film of men having homosex in a film with the men, and this man and this man and their desire which was burning in the film of the cop who was watching the police who have the power and the doctors, who are the men with the women, which is not porno, which is what they said was Stonewall which was the film with the women and the men who were not the men with the women, which was not porno, when Stonewall was power which was personal and not porno when it was never really safe for porno which was in the film in which a cop was watching with a gun when the men were having sex with the men and when personal desire is power when it Is unsafe to be watching porno wioth a doctor who is not Stonewall and a cop who is not porno who is watching men having sex with men which is not safe if personal desire is power and the doctor with the power watches the cop in the film by Genet, which was not porno and the doctor watches the power which is unsafe and the porno which is the cop watching with the gun which is in the film which is Genet who was Stonewall which was not safe when desire is power and the doctor and the power are watching us watch the film with the men and the homosex and the personal desire which is power in the film with the Stonewqall homosex which is not the doctor and the cop, which is not porno, in the film with the strength of the person and the sex and the power of the Stonewall and the watching to control the desire, and the fear which is safe asnd the sex which is power in the film which is unsafe when the doctor is power and the person with the sex when the men and the men have homosex and desire the love of the men with desire, who love men who desire the love which is in the film which was Stonewall which was not safe which was power which was in the film which was not safe to watch, when the doctor id the power with the cop and the film which is not porno is safe, which is not Stonewall and the men who love the men who desire in the film which is power, which is Stonewall, are the men who are alive which is power which is not safe when desire is not asfe, which is the doctor who is power with the cop, in the film which is Stonewall which was not safe; which is power!
Personal desire is power. Collective desire is power. Reclaim our desire! Reclaim our power!


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08 February 2013

Body Without Soul (1996)

Body Without Soul (1996)
Telo bez duse (original title)

Director: Wiktor Grodecki 
Writer: Wiktor Grodecki
Genre: Documentary 
Country: Czech Republic 
Language: Czech (english subtitles) 
Duration: 94 min 
Year: 1996

Na žalost nisam mogao odgledati ovaj film do kraja jer mi je nekako suviše brutalan. Govori o prostituciji maloljetnih momaka od 15 do 18 godina i njihovim stravičnim iskustvima, strahovima i nadi da će uspjeti da izađu iz pakla u koji su mnogi upali ne svojom voljom.
Nekako se zapitam da li dužnost svake države da se pobrine o ovakvim nevoljnicima koji su često izloženi torturi raznih bolesnih pedofila? Sudeći po ovom filmu pomoć Češke države je izostala.
Još jedan prilog mom mišljenju da su zakonski limiti za pedofiliju previše blagi i ne mogu se generalizovati. Za slučajeve kada neko unajmi osobu mlađu od 18 godina za sex trebalo bi uvesti ekstremno stroge kazne koje ne bi smjele biti manje od 15 godina zatvora. Pogledajte zašto tako mislim.

Documentary look at doomed male prostitutes in Prague, ages 15 to 18, who troll at the public swimming pool, the train station, a video arcade, and a disco. After the boys talk about how they got in the game, the camera follows them to the home of Pavel Rousek. Under the name Hans Miller, he makes gay porno videos, primarily for German distribution. Intercut with a movie shoot chez Rousek is an interview that follows him to his day job at a morgue, where he performs an autopsy as he talks about his work. The sex is without protection; the boys are without family. They talk about their bodies and souls, money, their sexual orientation, AIDS, their dreams, and death.

07 February 2013

Benny's Gym (2007

Benny's Gym (2007)
Bennys gym (original title)

Director: Lisa Marie Gamlem
Writer: Lisa Marie Gamlem (screenplay)
Genre: Short movie
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Duration: 25 min
Year: 2007

Stars: Atdhe Belegu, Kim Erik Tena Eriksen, Johannes Sejersted Bodtker







Teen abuse and marginality
4 October 2011 | by Arcadio Bolanos (Peru) – IMDB
Perhaps aggression is inherent to every human being, it's an intrinsic desire of hurting others by no other reason than the opportunity to do so. Alfred is a teenager ostracized by other kids, he gets bullied all the time by Benny and his friends, who beat him up and pee on his notebook. Why is it that these youngsters experience such joy by torturing a defenseless boy? The boys attend the same high school but no education system can prevent what goes on here. Why? Because there is an education that pertains to the norm, to the word (id est, the reality); but there is always something else, something deep that cannot be channeled through the word (id est, the real). It's often thought that the first one is more than enough for the educative system and that's a blatant mistake. The teacher and the board cannot connect with the student. Reason –rationality- is not enough to deal with the pre-rational magma that governs our impulses and prevents us from becoming what we want to be, even if we don't know what that is.

When Benny is alone and spends time with Alfred, he is a different lad. The high school bully shares his secrets, his fears and hopes with the unpopular kid. It's no surprise that certain familial dynamics can create a vicious circle (of poverty, of violence, etc.), Benny's violent father physically punishes his son, not unlike the way Benny does it with other kids in school. An outlandish bond takes place between them. Perhaps, together, isolated from the world and society, from reality, they gain access to the real, that place in which desire is born.

In high school, Benny keeps ignoring Alfred, but when they're together everything is different. One night, Benny suggests that he could have sexual intercourse with Alfred, and kisses him passionately. Alfred acts surprised but had been longing for such a moment since day one. Nevertheless desire cannot guarantee a safe-conduct through adolescence… and soon, Benny's abusive friends savagely take it out on Alfred, they even try to drown him in the lake. Benny is a witness to all that, but he finds himself exscinded. Should he attempt to rescue his friend he would expose himself before the eyes of the others. But then, the possibility of losing Alfred forever is more than he can bear.

This Norwegian short film about abuse and marginality demonstrates that youth's problems are the same everywhere in the globe, and that as a society we're failing to keep things balanced. Our focus, as usual, goes to reality and not to the Lacanian real.

05 February 2013

A Single Man (2009)

A Single Man (2009)

Director: Tom Ford
Writers: Christopher Isherwood (novel), Tom Ford (written for the screen by), David Scearce
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Duration: 99 min
Year: 2009

Stars: Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Matthew Goode



A Single Man je dramski film iz 2009. godine snimljen prema istoimenom romanu Christophera Isherwooda. Film je rediteljski prvjenac modnog dizajnera, Toma Forda, koji je film lično finansirao. Glavnu ulogu, ulogu Georga Falconera, britanskog gej univerzitetskog profesora, igra Colin Firth, za šta je bio nominovan za nagradu Oscar. Film stavlja naglasak na kostime i arhitekturu 1960-ih, a dizajn je radio isti tim koji radi za seriju Mad Men.


Svetsku premijeru film je imao septembra, 2009. na Festivalu u Veneciji, a zatim je nastavio da obilazi filmske festivale. Nakon Filmskog festivala u Torontu kompanija Weinstein je uzela film za distribuciju po SAD i Nemačkoj. Prvo ograničeno prikazivanje je bilo planirano za decembar 2009, kako bi se film kvalifikovao za dodelu Osacara.

Radnja filma se dešava u Los Angelesu, 30. novembra, 1962, mesec dana nakon Kubanske raketne krize. George Falconer (Colin Firth), sredovečni univerzitetski profesor književnosti, pokušava da nađe smisao života nakon što je njegov partner Jim (Matthew Goode), sa kojim je proveo 16 godina, poginuo u saobraćajnoj nesreći osam meseci ranije. Jimova porodica nije odobravala njihovu vezu i George nije mogao da prisustvuje sahrani.

Tokom ovog jednog dana, praćeno naracijom glavnog lika, George ne može da pobjegne od prošlosti, prikazane u flashbackovima, i u prazboj budućnosti, dok se priprema za samoubistvo koje planira da izvrši te večeri. Obavljajući finalne pripreme, dan provodi sa različitim ljudima, koji primećuju da je tužniji nego obično. Tu su Carlos (Jon Kortajarena), španski imigrant i žigolo koji želi da postane glumac; njegova najbolja prijateljica, Charley (Julianne Moore), koju poznaje još iz Engleske i koja je i dalje zaljubljena u njega, uprkos njegovoj seksualnoj orijentaciji i njegov student, Kenny Potter (Nicholas Hoult), koji je zainteresovan za profesora van odnosa student-profesor. Svaka stvar koju obavi i svaki susret koji mu se desi njemu izgleda posebno, shvatajući da je poslednji.

Film je nominovan za Zlatnog lava na Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu, a Colin Firth je dobio Coppa Volpi za najboljeg glumca. Dobio je takođe i nagradu BAFTA-a za najboljeg glumca. Firth je nominovan još i za Zlatni globus za najboljeg glumca u igranom filmu – drama, Nagradu udruženja filmskih glumaca za najboljeg glumca u glavnoj ulozi, kao i za Oscar za najboljeg glavnog glumca. Julianne Moore je nominovana za Zlatni globus za najbolju sporednu glumicu u igranom filmu. Abel Korzeniowski je nominovan za Zlatni globus za najbolju originalnu muziku. Film je, takođe, nominovan za Nagradu GLAAD-a za najbolji film.

A Single Man is a 2009 drama film based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Isherwood. It is the first film directed by Tom Ford. The film stars Colin Firth, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of George Falconer, a depressed gay British university professor living in Southern California in 1962.

The film premiered on September 11, 2009, at the 66th Venice International Film Festival and went on the film festival circuit. After it screened at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival, The Weinstein Company picked it up for distribution in the United States and Germany. An initial limited run in the United States commenced on December 11, 2009, to qualify it for the 82nd Academy Awards with a wider release in early 2010.

Taking place over the course of a single day, November 30, 1962, a month after the Cuban missile crisis, A Single Man is the story of George Falconer (Colin Firth), a middle-aged English college professor living in Los Angeles. George dreams that he encounters the body of his longtime partner, Jim (Matthew Goode), at the scene of the car accident that took Jim’s life eight months earlier. After awakening, George delivers a voiceover discussing the pain and depression he has endured since Jim’s death and his intention to commit suicide that evening.

George receives a phone call from his dearest friend, Charley (Julianne Moore), who projects lightheartedness despite her being equally miserable. George goes about his day putting his affairs in order and focusing on the beauty of isolated events, believing he is seeing things for the last time. Throughout, there are flashbacks to George and Jim’s sixteen-year-long relationship.

During the school day George comes into contact with a student, Kenny Potter (Nicholas Hoult), who shows interest in George and disregards conventional boundaries of student-professor discussion. George also forms an unexpected connection with a Spanish male prostitute, Carlos (Jon Kortajarena). That evening George meets Charley for dinner. Though they initially reminisce and amuse themselves by dancing, Charley’s desire for a deeper relationship with George and her failure to understand his relationship with Jim angers George.

George goes to a bar and discovers that Kenny has followed him. They get a round of drinks, go skinny dipping, and then return to George's house and continue drinking. George passes out and wakes up alone in bed with Kenny asleep in another room. George gets up and while watching Kenny discovers that he had fallen asleep holding George's gun, taken from the desktop, to keep George from committing suicide. George locks the gun away and in a closing voiceover explains how he has rediscovered the ability "to feel, rather than think." As he makes peace with his grief, George suffers a heart attack and dies.




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