16 February 2013

Abrupt Decision (2011)

Abrupt Decision (2011)

Director: Paul Bright
Writer: Paul Bright
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Duration: 95 min

Stars: Steve Callahan, David LaDuca, Cynthia Schiebel

Denis jedno jutro ostaje bez posla na kojem je proveo punih 11 godina. U trenutku se njegov život promjenio i upada u krizu srednjih godina. Kojim putem da nastavi. Iako ga njegov partner pordzava u njegovim naporima da stabilizuje život, Denis se nekako osjeća pogubljeno sve dok u jednom parku ne ugledana napuštenog psa. Iako je bez novaca i uslova da zadrži psa odluči da se pobrine o njemu.

Film je mogao da ima lijepu priču ali na žalost kao i u mnogim slučajevima niskobudžetnih poluamatarksih filmova loša gluma, uzasno napisan scenario i pogubljeni režiser su učinili da prosječan gledaoc ima osjećaj da je uzaludno potrošio sat i po vremena.

Umjesto da nam prikaze jednu lijepu intimnu priču sredovječnog čovjeka koji se našao na raskrsnici životnoh puteva menlaholični i ponekad vrlo patetični dijalozi nam odvračaju pažnju od suštine da ono što mislimo da najbolje radimo možda i nije ono u čemu ćemo najbolje iskazati sebe.

Sad kada sam ovaj film ovako loše opisao pitate se zašto sam ga uopšte stavljao na sajt? Osim što sam ga odgledao do kraja napaljen na prezgodnog Denisovog partnera podsjetio me je na period života kada sam izgubio posao i bio prisiljen da potpuno promjenim način življenja, odrekavši se mnogih stvari za koje sam mislio da predstavljau dio mene. Upornošću sam uspio da se prilagodim novoj sredini, novim ljudima, steknem nove prijatelje, kupim nove stvari i naravno dobijem novi posao. Da li je vrijedilo da zbog svega novoga odbacim ono staro? Za razliku od Denisa koji je uspio da zadrži i partnera i prijatelje život ponekad bude mnogo suroviji.



Puppy Love

31 January 2012 | by TBROUGH (United States) – IMDB

Denis is having a rotten week. He just lost his job of 11 years. His relationship is gone stale, and rocky. His Mother, a sweet and overbearing woman, is seriously ill. With all the turmoil going on around him, what does Mom suggest? "Get a dog." But when Dennis goes to the pound and can't decide which dog he wants, the one he finally chooses is gone when he goes back. When he finds out why, Dennis decides exactly what his modern mid-life crisis needs.

He makes his "Abrupt Decision" (the fifth feature from filmmaker Paul Bright) when he realizes that his creative collapse mirrors that of the dogs' dangerous lives. With some inspiration from his Mom (Cynthia Schiebel) and the reluctant support of his partner, Milosz (David LaDuca), Denis (Steve Callahan) decides that saving the lives of animals and educating people on their care is his way into a meaningful second act. You know how the saying goes, if you don't want to be upstaged in a movie, stay away from children and dogs? Despite the superb job by Steve and David, the pups are "Abrupt Decision's" scene stealers. But beware. Even with the cute pooches running amuck, this is a very emotionally striking movie.

In the new economy, where men like Denis can find their lives upended and discover that your expertise vaporized after 50, there are many among us who will relate to the impact of "Abrupt Decision's" story. As Denis struggles to find the right decisions in matters of utmost importance, you may put down the doggy treats and reach for the hankies. I'll certainly say that the film is a must-see for pet-lovers, but it also carries an intimate, personal life story.

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