Dr Riva Thomas - Irresistable Gay Love Story
Dr Riva Thomas - Irresistable Gay Love Story
Romantic love stories involving gays, taking place in France. This gay storyline is used to spread the message on unconditional love.
Dr Riva Thomas - Irresistable Gay Love Story
Dr Riva Thomas - Irresistable Gay Love Story
Romantic love stories involving gays, taking place in France. This gay storyline is used to spread the message on unconditional love.
How to make your friend do something gay!
Xenon the Xequel
Oregon State University
Music Tracks: Freak Boy (Freak Mix), blind, Funky Queen
Description: One man discovers something about himself that changes his world forever. Then discovers something else.
Gay Baby (2010)
Director: Kevin Patrick Kelly
Writer: Kevin Patrick Kelly
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 9 min
Stars: Larry Sullivan, Tye Olson and Beth Shea
Kako bi roditelji odreagovali kada bi znali da će njihova još nerođena beba biti gay?
Strah od okoline i kako će njihovo djete prihvaćeno u društvu, bi bilo dovoljno da ih pošalje u ludnicu, bar kad je u pitanju balkan.
Naravno ne moramo sve crno gledati ali koja vrsta zbunjenosti i kakva prilagođavanja su poneki roditelji spremni da prihvate kako bi učinjeli da njihovo dijete bude sretno pogledajte u ovom kratkom filmu.
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The Favor 2
Director: Harrison J. Bahe
Writer: Harrison J. Bahe
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Duration: 8,5 min
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Ander (2009)
Director: Roberto Castón
Writer: Roberto Castón
Genre: Drama
Country: Spain
Language: Basque, Spanish
Duration: 128 min
Year: 2009
Stars: Eriz Alberdi, Josean Bengoetxea and Christian Esquivel
Unique and well-crafted
15 May 2011 | by scootmandutoo (Long Island, New York) – IMDB
I must say that I have seen very few movies that have been paced this slowly, but in this case, it is a testament to the artistry of the director.
In a setting where the pace of life appears to be glacial and change can be a painstakingly slow process, the deliberately slow pacing of some of the scenes was just another way for this film to effectively evoke a mood. There were certain scenes where the only change for an entire minute would be a light going on, or off. Some scenes would linger with a camera a full 10 or 15 seconds after the action or dialogue had ended...just to capture a subtle mood change, or to amplify what was already there.
This is a fascinating piece of work about real people, not the porn star fantasies that populate many other glbt works. This is not to say that the 2 leads are not attractive, as another poster suggested. We all get attracted to different types and these 2 certainly found an attraction to each other.
While I thought that this movie was excellent, I would liked to have seen the romance develop in a more balanced, and less abrupt, fashion. Considering the overall way that Jose gets treated in this film, there could at least have been one truly tender moment to pave the way for how this movie eventually resolved itself.
If the movie has one flaw it was the way the 3 chapters are used to foreshadow what is to come. Once the 3rd chapter title came up there were no surprises and we knew exactly how it was going to end. While the ending made sense, and was satisfying, why the need to foreshadow it?
All in all, a very different type of glbt film that is well worth your time.
Do you, Andy… shows Andy, a cute Taiwanese guy, about to propose to his boyfriend of ‘four years eight months and ten days’ before his parents walk into the restaurant, throwing him entirely. The foursome end up eating together and in the end, after much awkwardness on Andy’s part, his parents let him know they accept him and his boyfriend Jeffrey.
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Cut-out (2009)
Director: Michael Travis
Writer: Michael Travis
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: English
Year: 2009
Duration: 15 min
Stars: Daniel Lane and Kirk Torrance
Christmas. London. Two agents meet in a crowded bar and briefly transact their business. Alienated from the world around them, they exchange the enforced solitude of their profession for each other's company. But what of the consequences?
Far West (2003)
Director: Pascal-Alex Vincent
Writers: Paul Raoux, Pascal-Alex Vincent
Genre: Short movie
Country: France
Language: French ( with english subtitle)
Duration: 17 min
Year: 2003
Stars: Julien Gauthier, Jean Haas and Gilles Guillain
Eric je momak koji radije živi u gradu gdje otvoreno može iskazati svoju seksualnost, nego na selu iz kojeg je otišao sa majkom nakon osnovne škole.
Ne rado odlazi na selo da obiđe đeda na sedam dana, po majčinoj želji. Po dolasku se pokušava prilagoditi seoskom imidžu farmera. Đed ga sumljičavo gleda kao gradskog mekušca, dok farmer koji tu radi samo ćuti.
Medjutim stvari se rapidno mjenjaju kada njegovi prijatelji nenajavljeno dođu u posjetu.
Erik is used to living the city life where he can express his sexuality openly. However he’s sent to stay with his grandfather, with a couple of his camp friends tagging along. Erik’s granddad doesn’t seem impressed with his ‘soft’ grandson, and merely look at his friends with bemusement. However as time passes both sides show that by opening up there’s more to both of them than meets the eye. While a little bit silly at times and occasionally needlessly oblique (but then, it is French), it can’t hide the film’s relatively simple but strong central message. There is a slight condescension towards rural people though, that the film unfortunately never really deals with.
Visit site about Gay Themed Movies
Morgan (2012)
Director: Michael D. Akers
Writers: Michael D. Akers, Sandon Berg
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2012
Duration: 89 min
Stars: Leo Minaya, Jack Kesy and Benjamin Budd
Nisu brojni režiseri koji se olako upuštaju u filmske priče koje tretiraju hendikepiranost, ali one koje su ispričane definitivno izazivaju osjećaj sažaljenja i tuge. Razmažena gay populacija uglavnom više "nema živaca" da gleda filmove o raznim bolestima, posebno ne one iz 90-tih godina o AIDS-u, i u većini slučajeva zaobilazi te teme. Ali šta ako se u borbi sa invaliditetom i prihvatanju novog načina života umješa i jedna lijepa romansa i pri tome su glavni akteri priče zgodni i lijepi momci? Ova kombinacija ipak pobjeđuje i kupi nagrade na LGBT filmskim festivalima bez obzira na sve nedostatke koji su manje ili više očiti u B filmovima LGBT produkcije.
Nećemo sada gledati na nesavršenu glumu, rasvjetu, ton ili fotografiju filma jer ne pričamo o holivudskim oskarovcima već o filmovima skromnog budžeta koji žele da nam ispričaju po neku priču.
Ovaj fim nam govori o Morganu (Leo Minaya), gay momku, uspješnom sportisti koji je nakon jedne tragične nesreće ostao paralizovan od struka na niže. Teško prihvatajući sebe kao invalida sa ograničenim mogućnostima kretanja, Morgan se suočava sa izazovom kako da u datim okolnostima bude samostalna i samouvjerena ličnost. Nesretan i poljuljanog samopouzdanja upoznaje Deana (Jack Kesy) koji ispočetka nije sasvim siguran može li biti u vezi sa čovjekom u invalidskim kolicima.
Ipak ljubav nije krtola pa sve prepreke budu lako prevaziđene i njih dvojica započnu ljubavnu romasu.
Morganov sportski takmičarski duh nije utihnuo nakon nesreće i on pokušava da se ubaci u trku u kojoj je nesrećom postao invalid. Iako fizički nije dorastao tom cilju, uporno trenira, pri čemu ugrožava svoj život. Prijatelji, majka i naravno Dean ne odobravaju takvo ponašanje.
Dean ne želeći da mu daje podršku za samouništenje prekida vezu.
Da li će pobjediti ljubav?
Priča je dirljiva sa više aspekata pa time ražnježenim gejevima postaje interesantna.
Ako ne patite za holivudskim perfekcionizmom i volite romantične priče ovo je film za vas.
Morgan Review
by DR (10/21/2011) “I'D RATHER BE fucking dead than go on living in a wheelchair,” Morgan Oliver exclaims at one unguarded point in the film Morgan. It's not so much the small stuff Oliver dislikes about a life confined to a wheelchair, from the extra effort it takes to simply get out of bed to the difficulties in maneuvering around a small kitchen. The beginning scenes show the character struggling with those types of routine, everyday tasks.
Ultimately, the gay athlete is most frustrated that his new life in a wheelchair has put limits on his fiercely competitive nature and his previously wide-ranging mobility. A wipeout during a bike race last year broke Oliver's back and paralyzed him from the waist down. It will take time before he's able to compete in that same race again, using a customized bike — not to mention a lot of convincing to get his mother and best friend, adamantly opposed to more racing, on board.
Michael Akers's fascinating, quietly powerful film follows Oliver in his new life in a wheelchair. And then comes love. Akers's film is in many ways a traditional love story, told with a refreshing twist: A handsome, hunky gay man falls in love with another, who just happens to be wheelchair-bound. Jack Kesy plays the able-bodied Dean Kagen, who pursues a relationship with Oliver, played by Leo Minaya.
The two bond over basketball, as well as their respective movie-star good looks: Kesy looks a bit like James Dean, while Minaya resembles Gyllenhaal. The two actors have a nice chemistry and sexual heat, and they portray the budding romance with just the right amount of initial awkwardness and eventual passion. Kagen is a natural caregiver, and seems in every way perfect for Oliver, far less troubled by Oliver's handicapped body than Oliver is.
Oliver still has the drive of a competitive athlete, and he ends up pushing himself and his relationship a bit too hard, leading to a lot more struggle and soul-searching. Fortunately, Akers's film has a lightness of being, never getting bogged down in too many details.
You're never too concerned that Oliver won't eventually figure the right course to take.
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It's Only Us (2012)
Director: Mikey Pantoja
Writer: Mikey Pantoja
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2012
Stars: Eric Elizaga, Mustafa Gatollari, Zach Bruno
Provoke (2010)
Director: Craig F. Watkins
Writers: Tyler Brent, Craig F. Watkins
Genre: Short movie
Country: Canada
Language: English
Duration: 10 min
Year: 2010
Stars: Gabriel Di Fabio, Charles Lo Manto and Robert Regan
A Nazi skinhead is interrogated in a garage for a hate crime he committed some time ago.
Visit: Orvel.Me
The Letter (2008)
Director: Evan Randall Green
Writer: Evan Randall Green
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Stars: Dominic Cocciolone, Jake West
Two boys stand at the crossroads of love and adolescence; but their hearts can only journey one path
When Adrian (Dominic Cocciolone) decided to write down his feelings for Patrick (Jake West), the blinding power of love made him ignorant to the upset his actions would cause. With the letter he wrote his secret love making its way back into his possession, Adrian must face who he is before friendships are lost forever.
Our Paradise (2011)
Notre paradis (original title)
Director: Gaël Morel
Writer: Gaël Morel
Genre: Drama, Crime
Country: France
Language: French
Duration: 96 min
Year: 2011
Stars: Stéphane Rideau, Dimitri Durdaine and Béatrice Dalle
Vassili je muška kurva zašla u godine kada sve teže nalazi klijente. Jedno veče u Bolonjskoj šumi nalazi pretučenog mladića, takođe prostitutku po imenu Andjelo. Pomaže mu da se oporavi i nastaje ljubavna veza između njih. Ali Vassili u sebi posjeduje nešto što mu sa lakoćom omogućava da ubije čovjeka izvršavajući "pravdu" prema sopstvenim mjerilima.
Film se može klasifikovati kao neka ljubavna kriminalistička drama.Zanimljivo prikazani likovi koji su razvili sopstvene životne norme i pravila, kako u odnosu prema drugim ljudima tako i prema seksu. Na žalost te norme i pravila ponašanja nisu onakve kakve bi uistinu željeli nego norme nametnute životnim situacijama u kojima zapadaju.
Odnos starijeg pedera i mladog Andjela nalikuje na odnos svodnik-ljubavnik ali u pozadini se ipak krije prava ljubavna romansa mladjeg i starijeg muškarca. Zaštitnički odnos starijeg ljubavnika je nešto što kao magnet privlači uplašene momke koji traže odgovore na mnoga pitanja, prvenstveno o sebi samima. Ispočetka su takve veze vrlo jake, ali vremenom postaju nestabilne prožete ljubomorom i posesivnošću. Mladji dolaze do odgovora na pitanja koja postavljaju tražeći svoje mjesto u društvu, a time se smanjuje potreba da budu zaštićeni. Potreba da budu voljeni i shvaćeni postaje ono čemu većina teži.
Film je na kraju ostao nekako nedorečen. Priča je završila onako kako je morala da se završi, ali ostala je nejasna ona mračna strana kod Vasillia koja se uz erotiku preteže kroz cjeli film. No bez obzira na to film zaslužuje pažnju i svakako ga preporučujem za pogledati.
By TheGayUK, Jul 8 2012 6:36PM Something deeply dark and disturbing yet visually enticing awaits viewers for this French drama about a 30-something hustler whose neurosis about aging is, we assume, turning him to a motiveless murderous monster. After finding a younger man (Dimitri Durdaine) lying dazed, damaged and suffering from memory loss in the cruising grounds of Bois de Boulogne, Paris, Vassili (Stephane Rideau) shrouds his new muse, becoming a hybrid of pimp/lover figure to his new squeeze. After a client, who Vassili believes he had murdered, is discovered living in Paris, the two lovers and now accomplices are forced to go on the run.
Our Paradise is a enigmatically beautiful piece of cinematography with much thought given to ensuring that the characters are either corpulently grotesque or fallen angelic beauties, not in equal measure however. Angelo is the fallen angelic beauty - both inside and out. Vassili’s world is full of these gross, bloated and aged individuals who, one imagines used to be paying trade, now, with fresh blood, and Vassili’s burgeoning pot belly hindering his prospects; the fallen angelic beauty reignites business. One odd scene, Angelo is examined by a doctor, ostensibly to see whether the boy was raped shoves a camera into the boy’s anus and describes his findings ‘smooth as silk.’ This is however, as far as character probing goes. Un-complex and a little two dimensional in some respects the characters are more animalistic in their pursuits. Durdaine is almost entirely detached from his character, which adds to the rather chilling but lonely portrayal of Angelo.
Durdaine plays an almost perfect twink to Rideau’s inflated frame and the audience is given many opportunities to revel in his nakedness, which of course is wonderful and does distract from some the many questions that the film’s lack of motive throws up.
One of the key issues explored is the often mismatched relationships between younger gay men and their respective elder partners. The narrative doesn’t judge, but merely outlines the possible issues faced by such relationships, most notably replaceability for a younger, newer, fresher model and the power struggle between the monied and the beneficiary.
The supporting cast are superb, their performances loiter in the mind as an uneasy feeling engulfs you. Sterling performances from supporting cast Béatrice Dalle and a young Mathis Morisset who shows acting promise far beyond his years.
The brilliantly translated subtitles really draw you into the action, distracting the audience from analyzing our anti heros’ intentions. Why the film is called Our Paradise remains, annoyingly elusive, as paradise is unobtainable for Vassili and Angelo. The ending makes the film feel a little pointless and if your looking for a bow to wrap up the little details you certainly won’t find it in this film.