25 February 2012

Morgan Spurlock 30 Days: Straight man in a Gay World


Genre: Documentary, Reality TV
Year: 2005
Country: USA

Stars: Morgan Spurlock

103381Da li ste ikada pokušali da se stavite u koži str8 čovjeka koji je upao u najveću gej zajednicu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država – San Francisko?
Neko će možda reči da je to isto kao što je nekom pederu svakodnevno u str8 okruženju. Pa možda i nije tako. Nekome str8 liku koji je odrastao u tolerantnoj sredini možda bi sve to bilo i zabavno neko vrijeme i nebi se osjećao "ugroženo", ali stavite u takvu sredinu jednog balkanca koji je o gejevima samo čitao preko novina ili nekoga ko ne vjeruje "da tako nešto postoji" Nećemo sada o homofobičnim likovima koji smatraju da je biti gej neka bolest, to će mo ostaviti za neki drugi film!

Nije u pitanju samo različita seksualna orjentacija, već i razlika u načinu razmišljanja i percepcije društva u kojem živimo.
Drugačije tumačenje religije, drugačije viđenje žena, drugačiji odnos prema hrani, drugačije viđenje dobrog provoda.. Da li su te razlike premostive čak i sa najtolerantnijim osobama, ili je ipak potreban neki kompromis?
Pogledajte ovaj film, u kojem Morgan Spurlock objašnjava kako se osjećao u gej društvu sa kojim je živio zamislite čak 30 dana!

Film pogledajte Ovdje

30 days2Ryan Hickmott is a God-fearing 24-year-old conservative from Oxford, Michigan, a town of less then 4000 people. He agrees to travel outside his comfort zone to defeat and defend some of his stereotypes of the gay community. His journey takes him to San Francisco's Castro district to live with roommate Ed Coller in what is notoriously known as one of the gayest areas of the country. As he works a job that caters to gay clientele, and attends gay-friendly church services, he gets an inside view of what it is like to live as part of a minority that still elicits strong feelings of hatred among many Americans. Throughout the 30 Days, he makes friends he never thought he would, learns things he didn't realize he didn't know, and realizes that some of the ideals he has been raised with may not be completely his. He will have his Bible-rooted values severely challenged as this important issue becomes very personal.

Watch this movie HERE

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