26 April 2009

Blog without links

Kao što vidite od danas nema više linkova za download na ovom blogu. Mislim da vam neće biti teško da ih nađete , ako baš poželite. Pištite mi na mail ako vam što treba!
Da ne prevodim baš sve što sam dolje na engleskom napisao, ali zaista na neki način mali producenti imaju pravo da se ljute na sve te linkove.
Lako je ovim velikim produkcijskim kućama, oni su ionako puni para jer prihodi od prodaje filmova im zbog ovoga zasigurno neće mnogo pasti. Ali ša sa malim nezavisnim produkcijama. Neki su mi pisali i objašnjavali u kavoj matrijalnoj situciji se oni nalaze.
Kao što ste primjetili na blogu se nalaze mnogi kratki i dugometražni filmovi nezavisne produkcije.
Kako god ih ocjenjivali morali bi cjeniti njihov trud i rad i omogućili nam da uživamo u emocijama koje nam ove filmske priče bude!

Vaš Orvel

As you see, from today all post in this bolg are without links for download! It's only way for contunue presenting new gay themed movies!
But after you read and find movie what you want to see i can help you to find many sites for aditional information! You know over net you can find many forums, sites, torrent sites, p2p sites, other blogs,
news, groups etc!
Beleive me it's not hard to find all what you need!
I understand production house who make this movie! They spend a alot of money for that movies!
Big movie industry can survive easy , but what with small indenpendent producers?
Sometimes we can help buying some DVD, visit movie festivals , talking about movies etc!
Everybody who like movies have to respect many writers, directors and all people who share many emotion through these movies!

Also most of them you can order from many siters like Amazon.com, TLA releasing etc.

As you know I'm not uploader becouse its not possible in my case, but sometimes i have to use internet for watching and be informed about GTM becouse we can't buy all of that films in my countries!

I hoppe you will still visit this blog and share what you thing about many stories what you can find here! I will try to inform you about new movies , indenpendent productions, movie festivals etc.
Your Orvel


  1. Da imam prilike, kupovao bih određene ovde. Neki su ostavili toliki utisak namene. Ali, na žalost, nisu ni dostupni.

  2. I'm glad you continue with your blog!

  3. Hey man, it is really a pitty to hear that but I'm sure we're all happy you continue posting new movies review. You're doing a great work here!!

    Thanks from brazilian fans (;

  4. thank you PontiusBRA!
    Send me e-mail!


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!

Visit my New Site:: http://orvel.me