24 April 2009

Blog go down!

Danas sam dobio E-mail sa upozorenjem o kršenju autorskih prava. Ovo sam zaista ozbiljno shvatio, iako ja ne uploudujem bilo koji film na net! Nebih da se pojavljujem po nekakvim sudovima!
U nedelju sajt neće biti dostupan jer ću raditi na brisanju bilo kojih linkova!
Pozdrav svima,
Vaš Orvel

Today I'm receivenig warning about Copyright Infringement !
I think its very serious even i dont upload any movie on the net!

Maybe it's time for takeing of this blog! Anyway in the future i will not post any movie with links for download!
Also I will delete all links from old post! During sunday 26.04 this blog will be off for maintenance!
Thank you for understanding!
Your Orvelx


  1. what a shame, but I do understand your position

  2. that is sad. I sincerely hope you don't have to bring the blog down.

  3. As regular reader of this blog I would miss it very much.
    Just a proposal, how about continuing with screen shots and synopsis but instead of providing links, just giving the download file name? With torrent-search or rapid-search it should be possible to find the links.

    Anyway, thanks for your good work.

  4. Wow that would realle a shame. I also visit your site a lot and enjoy the reviews you post.I think John made a good suggestion. Maybe that will work.

    Thanks very much for the energy you put in your site. Hope it will be up again!


  5. Agree with john,
    alternatively, u can do as what u did last time. Dont directly show the link. But give a link to download a small .txt file with all the links. I hope that's OK.

  6. Thanks for all comment, but I can't post any links for downloading movie! I'm from small country , not rich man and who knows what some lawyer can do! Thats a resaon why I never upoload any movie on the net!
    But of course there are many sites, forums, google groups , yahoo goups, other blogs, torrent sites etc where you can find useful links!
    Anyway you can write me on mail, becouse private corepodention about that sites is not aloved! ( exept if someboda read it )
    jusr sign in in google group or sens me e-mail with suggestion and we can talk about it)
    Here is not alowed talk about downloable links! even in comment please!
    Thank you again!

  7. Hi Orvel,

    I understand your position. Obviously, we're sharing the same interest here.

    Just a suggestion, how about if u create yahoogroup or googlegroup, and we join it. We still can share the info by emails.


  8. Bilo mi je i od početka čudno zašto postavljaš te linkove, jer RapidShare i slične servise sa razmenu podataka smatram apsolutno nepraktičnim, upravo zbog toga što, za nas koji koristimo besplatne naloge, postoje određena ograničenja.

    Stoga, tvoj sadržajno bogat blog mi je služio kao ultimativni (i jedini), izvor filmova sa gej tematikom, dok, ipak, nisam koristio deo sa linkovima, nego sam filmove uvek tražio na torrentz.com ili isohunt.com i uvek našao.

    Dakle, tvoj blog poštujem zbog sledećih stvari:
    1. Uvek napišeš neki događaj iz ličnog života koji je povezan sa filmom. To mu daje onaj lični dodir. Svi mi volimo ponekad živeti tuđi život.
    2. Uvek odlično opišeš film na srpsko/hrvatsko/bosansko/crnogorskom (ili kojem god) jeziku.
    3. Postaviš adekvatan trailer.

    To je za mene sasvim dovoljno da bih se, ako mi se film dopadne, potrudio da isti nabavim. A verujem i da ostali koji prate ovaj blog znaju za čari torrenta!

    Sve u svemu, gubitak download linkova ne smatram velikim!

    Samo nastavi da piskaraš ovako, baš kako ja i, očito, mnogi volimo.

    I još jedna sugestija za kraj:
    Mogao bi da nađeš lepši layout. Ovaj mi se estetski ne dopada, a i ima previše nekih listi okolo. Mogao bi i broj tih listi da smanjiš.

    Sve najbolje!


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!

Visit my New Site:: http://orvel.me