30 May 2008

Boys Life 1-2-3-4-5-6

Najčešći razlog zašto pravim veće pauze između filmova je taj da većina filmova koje skinem sa neta nije vrijedna pomena. Nebi ste vjerovalikoliko smeća se snimi na temu gay tematike. Da bar ima nešto vrijedno u tome pa mi ne bi bilo muka napisati koju rijeć. Istolerisao bi lošu glumu , ali priču koja nema ni početka ni kraja nikako ne mogu.
Zato je vjerujte mi ponekad bolje pogledati ponovo neki dobar film nego torišti vrijeme uzaludno.
Često me oduševi poneki kratki film od po 20-tak minuta, a danas vam nudim mogućnost da skinete 6 kolekcija kratkih filmova.
Nećete se pokajati ako utrošite malo truda oko skidanja tih linkova. neke filmove sam vam već ranije predstavljao u ovom blogu , ali većinu ipak nisam.
Svaki od ovih kratkih filmova će vas zasigurno podsjetiti na dijeliće iz vaših ili nečijih tuđih života!

Boys Life (1995)

Shorts / Drama

Pool Days - A high school student in finds excitement in his health club job.

A Friend of Dorothy - In a college freshman hopes his handsome roommate is also gay.

The Disco Years - Tom is crushed when the tennis player with whom he had a fling leaves him for a girl and joins an openly homophobic crowd.

Boys Life 2 (1998)

Must Be the Music - Offers a frank depiction of urban gay youth

Nunzio's Second Cousin - Finds a gay cop getting even with some homophobes

Alkali, Iowa - Chronicles a homosexual, Midwestern teen who unearths his dead father's secret

The Dad Shuttle - Centers on the communication breakdown between a father and his gay son.

Boys Life 3 (2000)

Majorettes in Space - French film that juxtaposes gays, straights and the Pope in a very interesting way.

Hitch - A story about a young gay man and straight man on a road trip.

Inside Out - It's about a young man (Jason Gould--son of Elliot and Barbra) dealing with being a celebrity's son and gay. Well-done with a few good lines and a nice cameo by Christina Crawford

Just One Time - Is basically a promo for the feature film of the same name.

$30 - An excellent short about a prostitute (Sara Gilbert) and a closeted young man trying to lose his virginity.

Boys Life 4: Four Play (2003)

"L.T.R."- chronicles the relationship of two young twenty something boys. This one is by far and away the funniest segment.

"This Car Up"- which is told quite imaginably (you have to see it for yourself), about two men who seem diametrically opposed to one another in every possible way.

"O Beautiful"- tells the story of a young gay man who is attacked and sexually molested by a group of homophobic men in a New Jersey cornfield, and is then rescued by one of his attackers.

"Bumping Heads"- tells the story of a 35 year old man, Craig, and his twenty something companion, Gary, who are in the emergency room of a hospital as a result of a fight Craig was involved in in a local gay bar.

Boy's Life 5 (2006)

Michael Burke - Fishbelly White

Eytan Fox - Time Off

Adam Salky and David Brind - Dare

David Ottenhouse - Late Summer

Boy's Life 6 (200 7)

A selection at the prestigious Directors' Fortnight at Cannes International Film Festival Ben, a small-town high school loner and introverted gay teen, is fascinated by the mysteriously and dangerously seductive new kid in town, Grant. One night, handsome Grant and his group of friends take Ben to a remote house in the countryside to introduce him to his erotic practices and rituals involving bugs.
Directed by Carter Smith * 37 minutes * Color

The Latino doorman of a New York apartment building begins to unravel when he is seduced and then dumped by a privileged college kid who lives in the building.
Directed by Etienne Kallos * 17 minutes * Color

As the sun sets over a swampy Scotland bog, two boys meet in the darkness as part of a nightly ritual. Part character study, part love story, DAVY AND STU is a heartwrenching look at the intensity of adolescent romance and forbidden love. A festival favorite and multi-award winner, DAVID AND STU is based on Anton Dudley's acclaimed and award-winning stage play. Directed by Soman Chainani * 13 minutes * Color

HG, 21, lives a happy and openly gay life in New York. He must return to Iowa to help his alcoholic father save the family farm. He no longer feels he is a member of his family tribe but digs into the work along side his father and a hired man, Ryan, who has his own set of problems. After HG's father becomes ill, the two young men are forced to work together, and find that they have more in common than they would have thought. From filmmaker Mark Christopher * 13 minutes * Color

Click Here

1 comment:

  1. "Due to a violation of our terms of use, the file has been removed from the server." OH MY G**! I just finished Boys Life 5 & 6, but the rest....would you be nice enough to get them uploaded again, please?


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