27 May 2008

Férfiakt (2006) aka Man in the nude

Férfiakt (2006)

Jeste li kad bili u vezi sa mnogo starijim ili mnogo mlađim muškarcem od sebe?

Ja jesam sa 20 godina mladjim nego ja, ali i sa 20 godina starijim od sebe. Sa ovim mladjim sam nekoliko dana imao ludački sex da bi mi poslije rekao kako me voli na drugačiji način, ali da se dobro pojebati samnom, a sa starijim sam imao problema da mu objasnim kako je nezdravo biti zaljubljen u muškarca. Definitivno kada sam ja u pitanju godine tu nemaju nikakvog značaja.

Ovo je prvi film koji sam odgledao na gay temu iz Mađarske produkcije. Samim tim je sigurno vrijedan ovog bloga.
U ovom filmu 50-togošinji pisac Tibor, oženjen sa narcisoidnom glumicom Evom, susreće 19-togošnjeg pedera Zsolta koji se bavi prostitucijom, krađom , ucjenom i sličnim visokomoralnim rabotama. Nepromišljeno ga dovodi u kuću i dok je točio piće Zsolt se lijepo skine go i pita ga oćeš li da me jebeš? Baš lijepo od njega zar ne?
Tibor se nekako smiluje i ispuni mu želju!
Kako to obično biva kod starijih ljudi koji prvi put u životu izjebu muškarca, Tibor se zaljubi ko da je tinejdžer. I naravno upada u nevolje koje mu jednu za drugom donosi neobuzdani 19-togišnjak, koji je u skladu sa svojim godinama neozbiljan, nestalan, razuzdan i bezobrazan.
Klasična pederska priča iz koje će te izvući davno izrečenu pouku: "Ko sa đecom liježe u krevet popišan ustaje." Zato pamet u glavu i u krevet sa ozbiljnim i zrelim osobama, a ove klince ponekad potrošite ko zelenu salatu uz ručak!

Director: Károly Esztergályos
Writer: Károly Esztergályos (screenplay)
Release Date: 5 October 2006 (Hungary)
Genre: Drama | Romance
Plot Keywords: Youth | Writer | Wife | Homosexual | Gay

(Credited cast)
László Gálffi ... Tibor / The Writer
Éva Kerekes ... The Wife
Ádám Lux
Ilona Nagy
László Sinkó
Sándor Sörös
Dávid Szabó ... Zsolt / The Boy
Sándor Téri
Sándor Tóth
Tamás Végvári

Also Known As: Men in the Nude (International: English title)
Runtime: Germany: 94 min (Berlin International Film Festival)
Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

Men in the Nude follows Tibor, a highly intelligent and mildly melancholic author who will soon turn 50. He shares a listless marriage with an irrationally narcissistic actress who greatly fears aging and the effect it will have on her once thriving career. Tibor goes to great lengths to give his wife the attention that she requires until he meets Zsolt, an effeminate 19-year-old street thug who uses what seem to be his only assets: his blonde hair and slender body. The appeal of Zsolt's youth outweighs the fact that Tibor has always been chiefly attracted to women. While his wife is working out of town, he brings Zsolt home and begins a passionate and experimental affair. Though initially reluctant, Tibor ignores his better judgment and falls in love with the much younger boy, embarking on a potentially dangerous but exciting sexual odyssey of which he never before would have dreamed. Paying homage to Thomas Mann's literary classic "Death in Venice," director Esztergályos carefully and respectfully explores taboo subjects while using multiple perspectives to make insightful observations about the fear of growing older, the nature of bisexuality and the unavoidable downfalls brought on by vanity.


  1. Looks interesting. I haven't watched it yet but this movie is hardcoded with english subtitles, in case people are wondering because it's not mentioned in the description. Thanks.

  2. You have right Andy, and thanks for comment!


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