The Celluloid Closet (1995)
Sinoć sam do kasno ostao budan gledajući ovaj dokumentarni film. Zaista je fascinirajuće gledati ovaj istorijat LGBT Hollywoodskih filmova. Počev od onih starih filmova sa Chaplinom pa do novijih ostvarenja sa Tom Hanksom i Antonom Banderasom. Dosta filmova koji su u kratkim crtama opisani u ovom dokumentarcu se nalaze i u ovom blogu.
Ovaj sjajan prikaz Gay populacije kroz filmska ostvarenja je nastao na osnovu istoimene knjige Vita Russoa, koji je vršio istraživanje o tome kako je prikazivana gay populacija kroz filmsku umjetnost od 1890. do 1980. i kako je to uticalo na društvo u cjelini. Knjiga je objavljena 1981. god.
Dugo vremena ,a vrlo često i dan danas homoseksualnost je u filmovima prikazivana na tri načina: kao nešto smiješno, kao nešto što treba žaliti ili nešto čega se treba bojati.
I gdje ste vi tu? U kojoj grupi? :)
Do 60-tih godina, homoseksualnost je vrlo bojažljivo i skriveno prikazivana, bez nekih direktnih i očiglednih prikaza ljubavi prema istome polu. Ako bi se neko i usudio eksplicitnije prikazati neku scenu bio bi trenutno osuđen kao perverznjak , jer se gay love tako i tretirala.
Tek nakon seksualne revolucije 60-tih i 70-tih godina Hollywood se odvažio da eksplicitnije prikaže ovu do tada mračnu stranu ljudske psihe. Depresivni, psihotični ili manijakalni pederi su do tada bili najčešće upotrebljavani , ako se baš moralo prikazati homoseksualnost. Prvi pederi koji su počeli da mjenjaju sliku o njima su bili su oni iz 'The Boys In the Band' (1970), a danas mislim da nema nikoga is generacije 60-tih godina da nije čuo za film "Cabaret" (1972) koji i dan danas volim pogledati.
Od tada pa do današnjih danaje kroz Hollywood protutnjalo gomila pedera, što u filmovima, što u serijama.
Većina pedera je zasigurno odgledala film Cruising (1980) sa Al Pacinom u glavnoj ulozi koji je u americi izazvao burne proteste gay zajednice jer je pedere prikazao kao manijake i ubice.
Interesantno je vidjeti scene iz gomile gay filmova, koji homoseksualnu ljubav prikazuju kao nešto sasvim ljudski, sa puno emocija.
Na žalost pojavom AIDS-a nastaje razdoblje kada je većina pederskih filmova pravljena sa srceparajućim scenama kao ona sa Tom Hanksom i Banderasom u Philadelphiji.
Nadalje će te vidjeti na koji način se Hollywood izborio sa homofobijom u američkom društvu.
Directors: Rob Epstei, Jeffrey Friedman
Writers: Vito Russo (book),Rob Epstein (story)
Release Date: 15 March 1996 (USA)
Genre: Documentary / History
Plot Outline: A documentary surveying the various Hollywood screen depictions of homosexuals and the attitudes behind them throughout the history of North American film.
Plot Keywords: Lesbianism / Female Nudity / Compilation / Historical / Homophobia
Awards: Nominated for 4 Primetime Emmys. Another 5 wins & 3 nominations
(Cast overview, first billed only)
* Lily Tomlin (narrator)
* Tony Curtis
* Susie Bright
* Arthur Laurents
* Armistead Maupin
* Whoopi Goldberg
* Jan Oxenberg
* Harvey Fierstein
* Quentin Crisp
* Richard Dyer
* Jay Presson Allen
* Mrs. Gustav Ketterer
* Gore Vidal
* Will H. Hays
* Farley Granger
* Paul Rudnick
* Shirley MacLaine
* Barry Sandler
* Mart Crowley
* Antonio Fargas
* Tom Hanks
* Ron Nyswaner
* Daniel Melnick
* Harry Hamlin
* John Schlesinger
* Susan Sarandon
Also Known As: Celluloid Closet (France)
Gefangen in der Traumfabrik (Germany)
Runtime: 102 min
Country: France / UK / Germany / USA
Language: English
Color: Black and White / Color
The Celluloid Closet (1995) is a documentary film directed and written by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. The film is based on the 1981 (revised 1987) book of the same name written by Vito Russo, and on previous lecture and film clip presentations given in person by Russo 1972-82. Russo researched the history of how motion pictures, especially Hollywood films, had portrayed gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters. It was given a limited release in select theatres, including the Castro Theatre in San Francisco in April 1996, and then shown on cable channel HBO.
The documentary interviews various men and women connected to the Hollywood industry to comment on various film clips and their own personal experiences with the treatment of LGBT characters in film. From the sissy characters, to the censorship of the Hollywood Production Code, the coded gay characters and cruel stereotypes to the progress made in the early 1990s.
Vito Russo wanted his book to be transformed into a documentary film and helped out on the project until he died in 1990. Some critics of the documentary noted that it was less political than the book and ended on a more positive note. However, Russo had wanted the documentary to be entertaining and to reflect the positive changes that had occurred up to 1990.
Russo was one of the first people to persuade gay and straight people to examine the role that popular culture plays in shaping our attitudes about sexual orientation and gender identity.[citation needed] It started a genre of research that examines how movies, television shows, comic books, and video and computer games depict LGBT people.
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gives an award called the Vito Russo Award to openly gay or lesbian people within the Hollywood film industry who advance the cause of fighting homophobia.
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