30 November 2014
Tonight It's Me (2014)
Director: Dominic Haxton
Writers: Dominic Haxton, Eric Jett, Charles
Mallison, Jake Robbins
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
LAnguage: English
Duration: 13 min
Year: 2014
Stars: Neil Elliot, Caleb James, Christian Patrick, Jake Robbins
A hot young hustler finds himself in uncharted waters when he spends the night with a client who’s far from the “johns” he’s used to servicing.
28 November 2014
Gays: The Series
Director: Peter William Dunn, Eden Sidney Foster
Writter: Peter William Dunn
Genre: Webseries
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2013
Offical site: Vimeo, GaytheSeries, Facebook
Stars: Peter William Dunn, Jay William Thomas, Thomas Gibbons, Markus Kelle, Marina Pulido, Peter Giessl, Justin Garascia, Neyssan Falahi, Corey Wright
Gays je serija o četiri njujorška prijatelja koji zajednički prolaze kroz velegradski život. Huxley je duhoviti konobar koji želi da se dokaže kao fotograf, Ben introvertni lik koji radi za razne gay neprofitne organizacije, Jackson bogati promiskuitetni klinac i Cameorn dramatična drag queen koja voli stare holivudske filmove. U New Yorku uvjek morate paziti na sebe, ali malo laži, tajni i obmana uvjek dobro dođe kada treba ostvariti svoj cilj. Posebno u pederskom svijetu.
Serija pomalo liči na Looking u produkciji HBO.
GAYS the series: "Pilot" from GAYS the series on Vimeo.
GAYS: The Series will be a web based dramedy that will follow four twenty something gay best friends navigating the tumultuous terrain of NYC. It may seem very similar to HBO’s Looking but the web series seems to target an even younger demo which we’re REALLY excited to see the authenticity of their portrayal. Huxley, a quick witted waiter and aspiring photographer. Ben, an attractive introvert who works for a gay non-profit. Jackson, a promiscuous overgrown rich kid. And Cameron, a dramatic drag queen with a love for old Hollywood. In this city you always have to look out for yourself; but the little lies, mini compromises and secrets they keep could derail their dreams and destroy their happiness.
GAYS the series Episode Two: "The Mean Girl" from GAYS the series on Vimeo.
GAYS the series Episode Three: "The Men's Room" from GAYS the series on Vimeo
GAYS the series Episode Four: "The Birthday" from GAYS the series on Vimeo.
GAYS the series Episode Five: "The Belt Trick" from GAYS the series on Vimeo
GAYS the series Episode Six: "The New Car" from GAYS the series on Vimeo.
27 November 2014
Old Dogs & New Tricks (2011– )
Genre: TV Series
Seasons: 3
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2011
Stars: Leon Acord, Curt Bonnem, Jeffrey Patrick Olson, David Pevsner, Bruce L. Hart, Amanda Gari, Ryland Shelton
Official Sites: Official Facebook , Official site , Youtube
Old Dogs & New Tricks celebrates Thanksgiving in its latest episode “Thanks But No Thanks,” directed by series creator Leon Acord, now playing at http://youtu.be/jHwf76SzY8k!
As the gang gathers at Ross’ house for the holiday, Lydia (Amanda Gari) is thrilled to introduce the guys to her new boyfriend (Andy Gates). But despite her happiness and Ross’ recent good news, it seems she’s the only one in a festive mood.
While the guys rave about Nathan’s new beau Jake (Curtis Wayne Brown), Nathan (Acord) can’t stop wondering how Damian is spending the holiday. Muscles (Jeffrey Patrick Olson) complains that dating Lucas is making him fat. Ross’ (David Pevsner) holiday is ruined when a drunken Neal (Parnell Damone Marcano) crashes. And then Brad (Curt Bonnem) drops a bombshell: he’s becoming a gigolo!
Did Acord enjoy his first stint in the director’s chair?
“I was a bit nervous at first,” says Acord. “But I must confess that it was so easy! I’d forget I was the director. Folks would be waiting for me to call ‘cut’! But that’s because our actors know their characters so well. Each of our directors has told me, at one point or another, that these actors direct themselves. And it’s true. Plus, we have a wonderful crew that I trust one-hundred percent. There were some shots where I didn’t even look in the viewfinder!”
The series returns next Wednesday with its fourth new episode, “To Have & Have Not,” directed by Steven Curtis.
24 November 2014
Other Man (2014)
Other Man (2014)
Director: Stephanie Coffey
Writter: Ben Ladouceur
Genre: Webseries
Country: Canada
Language: English
Year: 2014
Stars: Nathan Carroll, G. Kyle Shields & Jonathan Nathaniel
OTHER MEN is a collaboration between critically-acclaimed poet Ben Ladouceur and visionary director Stephanie Coffey. It is the second web series produced by Klymlove Incorporated.
Jerry (Nathan Carroll), a small-town jock, enrols in a Toronto university hoping to discover his identity within the city's queer community. After meeting his Teaching Assistant, Hank (G. Kyle Shields), he embarks on his first real relationship and lets his academic life fall to the wayside.
Months later, he is a drop-out living with his boyfriend and no closer to discovering anything new about himself. Hank becomes Jerry's only gateway to this new urban lifestyle. But because of Hank's ties to the theatre as a playwright, Jerry finds himself lingering in his former small-town habits and not experiencing anything new.
19 November 2014
Gay Over
Gay Over from Ronja Jansz on Vimeo.
If only life had a reset button like video games and you could start over anytime.
Directed by Mitchell Bowen
Produced by Ronja Jansz
Production Design by Toni Sandoval
OutSet Mentor: Allan Brocka
If only life had a reset button like video games and you could start over anytime.
18 November 2014
SPASIBO (2012) - Thank You
Director: Anaïs Sartini
Writer: Anaïs Sartini
Genre: Short film
Country: France, Russia
Language: French, English, Rusian
Year: 2012
Duration: 13 min
Stars: Andrey Odinstov, Clément Bayart
Website: http://www.spasibo-shortfilm.com/WATCH_-_Spasibo.html
Prolazeće pored jednog gradskog izloga primjetio je da ne vidi svoj odraz u ogledalu. Susreće jednog gej momka koji ga je zamolio za upaljač kako bi upalio cigaretu. Začuđen kako ga on može vidjeti, a ostali ne, Andrej mu objašnjava da su u rusiji svi gejevi nestali za sav ostali svijet. Nemaju prava da budu vidljivi.
Moli Clémenta da kada se vrati u Paris prenese poruku svijetu da gej ljudi u Rusiji još uvjek postoje, da osjećaju,da vide i čuju i da im treba pomoć za koji mogu jedino reći Spasibo - Hvala.
Spasibo (Thank you) Short Film - Human Rights from Anaïs Sartini on Vimeo.
To turn on subtitles when viewing the film, click the CC button in the player's bottom toolbar. In the menu that appears, select the subtitle track you’d like to see : ENGLISH SUBTITLES / SOUS-TITRES FRANCAIS / РУССКИЙ субтитры
The film get the Special Prize for human rights at the Cinema and Human Rights Film Festival, Amnesty International, Paris 2012.
In april 2012, our short-film BETWEEN BODIES has been censored by the Parisian Season’s Festival in Saint-Petersbourg. A law, which came into force the 17 march 2012, prohibits «the propaganda of homosexuality».
In reaction to the censoreship, we came to Saint Petersbourg to make SPASIBO. This short-film denounces the social invisibility who are reduced homosexuals in Russia. The film is marked by urgency and spontaneity in which it was made.
16 November 2014
Hunted in Russia ( 2014)
Hunted in Russia ( 2014)
Director: Ben Steele
Written: Ben Steele
Genre: Documentary
Country: UK
Year: 2014
Produced: Channel 4
Procjenjuje se da samo jedan posto ruske LGBT populacije živi otvoreno, dok velika većima i dalje javno ne progovara o svojoj spolnoj orijentaciji.
Homoseksualnost nije ilegalna u Rusiji, no zakon o zabrani gej propagande poprilično komplicira svakodnevni život LGBT populaciji. Naime, aktivisti ne smiju javno spominjati homoseksualnost. Također im je zabranjeno okupljanje u skupine u kojima bi se članove pozivalo na „izlazak iz ormara“, podcrtava Out magazine.
HBO je takođe emitovao dokumentarac Hunted: The War Against Gays in Russia“ (Progonjeni: Rat protiv gejeva u Rusiji) koji je na istu temu prikazao svjedočanstva gejeva u Rusiji koji su preživjeli teror homofobičnih huligana.
Hunted in Russia explores the terror that gay people in Russia are calling the "hunting season". This shocking documentary offers unique access to vigilante groups that track down, beat up and humiliate gay men and women. It depicts a country troubled by disturbing homophobic violence and intimidation -- a country in which gay people are treated like animals and hunted for sport.
In Russia, gay men and women are “hunted like animals.” That’s the chilling message in HBO’s new documentary about the war against LGBT Russians, “Hunted: The War Against Gays in Russia.”
Though homosexuality was legalized 20 years ago in Russia, homophobic violence is on the rise in the country, and according to the documentary, it might be a plot by the government to distract Russians from the nation’s many problems. The situation is so bad that it’s thought only one percent of gay and lesbian Russians live openly.
13 November 2014
Montreal Boy: Some Strings Attached (2014)
Directed by Olivier Labonté Lemoyne
Produced by JIMMY LEE
Genre: Webserie
Country: Canada
Language: English
Year: 2014
An american production In collaboration with LOGO and Tourisme Montréal
With Francis Ducharme, Matthew Ludwinski, Nicolas Racicot, Alexandra Lipskaia
Serija ima priču koja je večini nas poznata, ali uvijek je nekako drugačija.
Stéphane (Francis Ducharme), zgodan i uspješan arhitekta iz Montreala preko interneta upoznaje zgodnjikavog i lepršavog momka iz New Yorka po imenu Hugh (Matthew Ludwinski).
Nakon svadje sa svojim ex momkom (Matt) impulsivno poziva Hugha da ga posjeti u Montreal.
Nekoliko dana kasnije potpuno neočekivano dobija poruku od Hugha da je stigao u njegov grad.
Stéphane koji je tek izašao iz veze potrudi se da bude dobar domaćin.
Mene je podsjetilo na jednog momka kojeg sam upoznao preko interneta. Dosta dugo smo se dopisivali i na kraju odlučimo da se upoznamo. Da ne bi bilo ni kod mene ni kod njega našli smo se na Paliću kod Subotice i nakon toga otišli u Segedin gdje smo proveli nezaboravan vikend. Išli po restoranima, šetali p gradu, noćnim klubovima, seksali se do iznemoglosti u iznajmljenom apartmanu, pričali o sebi i onome šta volimo, pa čak i o stvarima koje ljudi obično zadrže za sebe.
Nakon toga je došao dan kada se moramo razdvojiti i vratiti se svojim ranijim životima.
Ostane tako neka gorčina sa gomilom pitanja na koje nemamo odgovore, ali i sjećanje na tamo nekog za koga definitivno možemo reći da je ona srodna duša koju nismo mogli zadržati za sebe.
Montreal Boy - some strings attached (complete season 1) from Olivier Labonté LeMoyne on Vimeo.
11 November 2014
Gerontophilia (2013)
Director: Bruce La Bruce
Writers: Bruce La Bruce (story), Bruce La Bruce (screenplay),Daniel Allen Cox
Genre: Drama
Country: Canada
Language: English, French
Also Known As: Geron, Gérontophilie, Gerontofilija
Year: 2013
Duration: 82 min
Stars: Pier-Gabriel Lajoie, Walter Borden, Katie Boland, Marie-Hélene Thibault, Yardly Kavanagh
(izv. Wikipedia)
Iako nisam nešto mnogo upućen u sve to mislim da treba praviti razliku između starije osobe koja može svjesno da donosi odluke u vezi dobrovoljnog stupanja u seksualni odnos i osobe koja to nije u stanju.
Najstrašniji zločin je zloupotrijebiti staru osobu i potrebno je ljude koje to rade sankcionisati izuzetno strogo.
Gerontophilia - website - homepage VO SUB FR from Filmoption International on Vimeo.
Lake je neobičan mladić, izgledom mlad, no stare duše, koji otkriva svoju neobičnu fiksaciju na starije osobe. Shvaćajući da će i sam jednog dana, ako sudbina dopusti, biti starac, Lake postaje fasciniran starijim muškarcima. Njihovu dob doživljava kao nešto prelijepo i razmišlja kako su i ti muškarci jednom bili mladi, poletni i privlačni kao što je on sada. Iako Lake ima djevojku svojih godina, Desiree, ponekad se pita je li njegova fiksacija na starije muškarce neprirodna i nezdrava – možda čak i seksualna. Tijekom ljeta započinje raditi kao ispomoć u staračkom domu te dolazi do otkrića da starije osobe smještene u domu bivaju drogirane lijekovima kako bi bile u katatoničnom stanju. U cijelom procesu otkrivanja istine sprijateljuje se s gospodinom Peabodyjem, koji očigledno još uvijek ima snage u sebi. Počinju graditi duboku povezanost. Gospodin Peabody šarmira Lakea svojim romantičnim pričama o svojoj mladosti i priznaje mu svoj san – želi vidjeti okean po posljednji put.
Kako se aktivno bavi sportom izgleda kao momak sa naslovnih strana časopisa i kao takav sam siguran da bi bio sjajan fotomodel.
Omiljen u mjestu u kojem živi, dečko koji je osvojio i slomio mnoga ženska srca, dobar učenik u školi, uzoran prijatelj i dobar momak su opisi koji ga krase kada se on pominje.
Jednom prilikom je preko nednog dateing sajta upoznao čovjeka koji ima 65 godina. Kako živi u drugom mjestu, momak o kojem pričam je pobjegao od kuće i otišao kod njega. Zatekao je starog čovjeka koji već 30 godina živi sa partnerom.
Dvoje iživljenih staraca kada su vidjeli kako im se nudi lijep i izuzetno zgodan momak, odluče da ga udome kod njih. Raspaljeni u seksualnom smisli koristili su ga kao igračku, a svoje bahanalije su dopunjavali nevjerovatnom količinom alkohola. Naravno i momak se napijao svakodnevno sve dok nije došao u stanje da ne razaznaje realnost i pri svemu tome se zaljubio u jednog od njih. Stari u kojeg se momak bio zaljubio nije krio da mu ljubav takvog momka hrani taštinu i čini ga srećnim u njegovom trećem dobu.
Vremenom je momak sve više pravio probleme kada se napije te su ga jednog dana dvojica staraca izbacili iz kuće.
Momak se vratio u svoje mjesto , ali više nije bio isti. Napijao se do iznemoglosti te mu je sposobnost rasuđivanja toliko poremećena da je potrebna liječnička pomoć. Njegovu opsesivnu ljubav prema starcu nije više bio u stanju da krije ni u porodici niti među prijateljima.
Roditelji nisu na vrijeme uvidjeli u kakvom im je stanju sin jer se ovaj bavio i dalje sportom i svojim izgledom ničim nije odavao da je bolestan.
Kako će se završiti njegova sudbina ne znam, ali slutim da neće na dobro sve to izaći.
— Boris Sollazzo for Venice Days —
- - Written by Bruce LaBruce
10 November 2014
Futuro Beach (2014)
"Praia do Futuro" (original title)
Director: Karim Ainouz (as Karim Ainouz)
Writers: Felipe Bragança, Karim Ainouz
Genre: Drama
Country: Brazil, Germany
Language: Portuguese, German
Duration: 106 min
Year: 2014
Stars: Wagner Moura, Clemens Schick, Jesuíta Barbosa,Fred Lima,Thomas Aquino
Tako je i u ovoj priči Donato, momak koji je radio kao spasilac na jednoj brazilskoj plaži odlučio da odseli u Njemačku kod Conrada, momka kojeg je upoznao radeći kao spasilac na plaži.
Iza sebe je ostavio majku i malog brata kojima se od momenta dolaska u Njemačku nije ni javio.
Kako su godine prolazile Donato je savladao nostalgiju prema rodnom domu i prilagodio se sasvim drugačijem načinu života, sve dok mu se jednog dana sada već odrasli brat nije pojavio na vrata.
Međutim u većini slučajeva se uspostavi da dok ne završe taj razgovor sa roditeljima i familijom ne mogu nastaviti dalje svojim životom. Istina uvjek nađe svoj put do ljudi kojima je stalo do vas.
20 May 2014 | by Not Jim (Brasil) – IMDB
The thing that struck me the most about this movie is how beautiful it is, and I mean literally, aesthetically. Not only is the scenery gorgeous, but also its camera work is outstanding: Praia do Futuro's shots are absolutely amazing, most scenes could be made into pictures to be hung on the walls of an art gallery - there could probably be a whole exposition just made with screenshots of this movie.
08 November 2014
Adults Only (I) (2013)
Director: Michael J. Saul
Writer: Heath Daniels
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: Without dialogs
Also Known As: Peep Hole
Year: 2013
Stars: Heath Daniels, Michael Wilkie, Manuel Sandoval
Official Sites: Official Facebook | Official site
Tako je jedne noći posmatrao strastven par ispred nekog gay cluba i potajno ih fotografisao dok su imali strastven sex.
Sledeće noći ode u taj klub i uđe u onaj prizeman mračni dio u kojem po kabinama sa porno filmovima razni likovi drkaju kite i čekaju da naiđe neko kome bi popušili kurac ili se pojebali sa njim. Obilazeći polumračne hodnike i zavirujući u prostorije u kojima se voajeri naslađuju osmatrajući napaljene likove kako se jebu, Matthew ugleda momka koji mi se jako dopao.
He spends his days riding the subway, walking the streets, unable to relate to anyone. ?Walking home one late night, Matthew observes two men hurriedly leaving an adult porn arcade. He quietly follows them to a secluded alley where they begin to have passionate sex. Matthew watches from the shadows and photographs them, unable to take his eyes off their primal connection.
The following night, he returns and enters the arcade. Pushing through the curtain, he is ushered into a fluorescent maze of hallways leading to private booths. Cracked doors and skillfully placed peepholes offer a voyeuristic view of intense and intimate exchanges.
Matthew thinks he is only there to watch. But his view of reality is shaken when he unexpectedly meets an intense and handsome stranger, Nick and finds himself in an intimate exchange of his own.
In 2010 I collaborated with Director Michael J. Saul on the short film comedy, Go Go Reject.
To our delight Go Go Reject has been a wonderful success, having played at over 50 international film festivals and winning multiple, "Best Short Film" awards.
Following the success of Go Go Reject I wanted to explore a vastly different genre.
I wanted to make a love story that was set in the most unlikely of places. A place where most people would never consider finding love- an adult porn arcade.
But Adults Only is more than just a story about darky lit rooms and illicit sexual encounters. It’s also a story about loss and heartache. The character I play in the film is dealing with memories of a past relationship. I wanted to explore the isolation and loneliness someone feels when the person they loved the most- the one who made them the happiest, is gone. The utter feelings of disconnect a person has after a break-up.
In adult arcades there is an environment of non-verbal communication that is really fascinating to me. It’s a place where you can have intimate exchanges without any conversation. For a brief amount of time there is a connection, however primal, and it can be as meaningful as any other relationship.
01 November 2014
The Gays (2014)
Director: T.S. Slaughter
Writer: T.S. Slaughter
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2013
Duration: 68 min
Webpage: http://www.thegaysmovie.com/buy.html
Stars: Frank Holliday, Flip Jorgensen, Mike Russnak, Chris Tanner
Film za koji se nebi moglo reći da je za svakog geja, a još manje za str8 ljude, posebno ne za one homofobične.
U suštini ovo je komedija koja na jedan prilično satiričan način opisuje savremeni gej način razmišljanja.
Zamislite da ste odrasli sa gej roditeljima koji vam umjesto klasične cucle davaju minijaturni dildo, da eto ne bi ste plakali. Naravno uz sve to ide kompletan gej sleng i opis šta je dobro, a šta ne u normalnom gej životu.
Bob ( travestit) i Rod imaju sinove Aleksa i Tomija koje treba lijepo vaspitati i od njih napraviti normalne i poštene gejeve, što priznaćete nije lako u današnjem pokvarenom str8 svijetu.
Iako je film zamišljen kao jedna dark komedija, ostaje da se zapitamo ima li istine u tvrdnji da se gej svjet pretvara baš u ono što smo odgledali u ovom filmu?
Wouldn't it be great if your parents taught you how to hold your own in a fag-eat-fag world? Rod Gay and Bob Gay-Paris are the streetwise gay mentors you never had. Come revel in the raunchy wisdom they pass along to their two gay sons -- Alex and Tommy -- advice that will empower the boys to bend the world over, lube it up, and snap one off!
Movie, which isn`t for every gay man, less for str8 people, especially for those homophobic. In essence this is a comedy, that in a rather satirical way describes the modern gay way of thinking.
Imagine that you grew up with gay parents who are giving you a miniature dildo instead of classical pacifiers, for not to cry. Of course, with all this going full gay slang and a description of what is good and what is not in a normal gay life.
Bob (transvestite) and Rod Gay have sons Alex and Tommy, whoo need to be nice educated and make them normal and decent gays, what you can admit it is not easy in today's corrupt str8 world. While the film is conceived as a dark comedy, it remains to ask is there any truth in the assertion, that gay world is transforming into precisely what we saw in this movie?
More Reviews:
- IndieJudge
- Booksteve's Library
- Reviews by Amos Lassen
- Night Fever King