Director: Craig Chester
Writer: Craig Chester
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Year: 2005 Language : English ( with subtitle)
Duration: 99 min
Stars: Craig Chester, Malcolm Gets and Parker Posey
Zato sam potražio neku komediju da me malo razveseli i naletim na film koji sam nekad davno svrstao u ŽNJ kategoriju. Ipak u nedostatku nečeg boljeg odlučih da ga pogledam. Nisam se pokajao, nasmijao sam se do suza i raspoloženje mi se vidno popravilo.
Adam & Steve je ustvari božićna gay komedija, dobra za pogledati sa svojim dugogodišnjim partnerom zanovetalom za kojeg se često zapitate - Šta mi je to trebalo da se zaljubim u ovakvog seronju?
Kako vrijeme protiče kroz vaš život prođe podosta tih "zgodnih kuronja" i onda shvatite da vam je sve to dosadilo. Sva ta jurnjava za gospodinom savršenim iz vaše mašte vam se smuči i odustanete od svega.
I kada se najmanje nadate dopadne vam se momak iz susjedstva kojeg ranije niste ni primjećivali. A kako da i primjetite nekog tako smotanog i neupadljivog pedera koji je za riječ sport čuo samo na TV-u za vrijeme reklama dok gleda omiljenu sapunicu.
E pa dragi moji kada počnete primječivati ljude oko sebe i prihvatati ih onakve kakvi jesu desiće vam se da stanete na ludi kamen.
Pogledajte ovaj film i shvatiće te šta sam htio da kažem.
Chester's picture starts out amusing enough: Chester plays Adam, dressed and made up as a Goth; Malcolm Gets is Steve, a Danceteria Dazzle Dancer Adam for once in his loser life manages to take home with him. Steve does a striptease, commits a traumatically embarrassing act (he'd been doing some serious cocaine, cut with all kinds of inappropriate substances), and runs off forever.
Fast forward fifteen years later. Adam's rushing his dog into the emergency room--why there and not a veterinary hospital, I don't know. "We don't treat animals here" a security guard naturally and very sensibly tells him; Steven, now a psychiatrist, agrees to treat the canine anyway. Adam doesn't recognize Steve from years before, but sparks fly; before you can say "Holy powdered laxatives!" they're dating each other steadily, in post-9/11 New York.
For the most part the whole unlikely thing works: Chester and Gets make a remarkably sweet couple, and even the occasional running gag about beer bottle-tossing homophobia has its appeal, with a punchline that one may or may not find amusing, depending on one's tolerance for amateurish flinging. They get able support from Parker Posey and Chris Kattan as their respective best friends, and a minor constellation of comic talents: Sally Kirkland, Melinda Dillon, among others.
That's the good stuff; the movie starts to fall apart when Chester decides to get serious on a decidedly unserious premise: he has Steve recognize Adam as the hapless Goth he'd turned onto drugs (among other shameful acts), and breaks up with him. One wants to ask: why this, why now? Because the picture's been coasting along on good will and character detail, Chester must be thinking, and requires some kind of third-act conflict, to wrap things up (too bad--if he had ended on a less hysterical note, we might have found out what a collaboration between Jacques Rivette and John Waters might have played like).
It doesn't help that the dialogue, which up to this point had been more or less persuasive (besides the constant subliminal "I love New York" advertising) descends to treacly sloganeering: "I may be damaged goods, but I'm goods none the less;" "I choose you! I choose you!" Was not aware that there was an urgent need in this world for a gay equivalent to Jerry Maguire--the original was blood-curdling enough as is.
It doesn't help that Chester has all the visual sense and gift for depth of a publisher of pop-up books; it's possible he's trying to emulate John Waters' it's-all-there amateurishness but for all of Waters' faults, he had a distinct and powerful philosophical view: perversion and pleasure and pain are indistinguishable from each other, and should be savored accordingly; Chester doesn't seem to have anything more on his mind than a simple romantic comedy, with onscreen diarrhea thrown in for good measure.
Just think what the late, great Joey Gosiengfiao might have done with all this, and on a considerably smaller budget? Gosiengfiao would have thrown in the laxative (only with more immersive results), would have included the surrealism (only with more wit), would definitely have made sure there were dance numbers (only more gracefully staged), and even had someone sing something out of Sound of Music, only it would have been horrifyingly funny, instead of just horrifying. A wasted opportunity, all around.
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