27 June 2012

Two Of US (1987)

tofcTwo of Us (1987)

Director: Roger Tonge Writer: Leslie Stewart
Genre: Drama
Country: UK
Year: 1987

Stars: Jason Rush, Lee Whitlock and Jenny Jay

Ovaj film u produkciji BBC Schools je trebao biti dio nastave u britanskim srednjim školama, a u cilju obrazovanja o seksualnoj orijentaciji i različitim aspektima gledanja na to.
Nakon što je britansko ministarstvo prosvjete zabranilo da se ovaj film prikazuje u školama BBC ga je prikazao u kasnijim noćnim satima na jednom od svojih TV kanala.
I sve ovo nebi bilo nimalo čudno da se dešavalo 70-tih ili 60-tih godina, ali film i ovi događaji oko njega su se dešavali 1987 godine u vremenu kada je homoseksualnost prestala biti tabu tema.Naime 1987 godine u V.Britaniji je donešen zakon kojim je lokalnm samoupravama i školama bilo zabranjeno "promovisanje homoseksualnosti kao normalng načina života" kako bi se odbranili od "grabežljivih" homoseksualaca. (section 28)
Zakon je ukinut tek 2003. iako tužilaštvo nikada nije donijelo ni jednu presudu po njemu.
Naivni dječači film o ljubavi između dva školska duga, bez nekih eksplicitnih scena je te godine izazvao burne reakcije javnosti u britanskom kraljevstu ponajviše zbog toga što je većinsko mišljene tog vremena bilo da se o gay seksu ne može učiti u školama.

Podsjetio me je na neke moje dječake dane kada sam se sa najboljim prijateljem krio u plakaru da bi radili one stvari. Bilo nam je sjajno i uživali smo da imitiramo ono što je bilo rezarvisano samo za mame i tate.

5072Two of Us is a 1987 gay-themed BBC television film written by Leslie Stewart and directed by Roger Tonge. It was produced as part of the BBC Schools SCENE series, and intended for young adults. It confronted the Thatcherite government's attempt to ban gay sex education in schools via the controversial (and since repealed) section 28 legislation.Given this backdrop, the BBC opted not to show it during the day and it was screened at night, even though it was originally created for a school audience.
The film centres on the life of Phil, a fun loving student in his final year at British secondary school. He is currently going steady with girlfriend Sharon, whose best friend Vera (an early role for Kathy Burke) just happens to have the hots for his best mate Matthew. However, Matthew is gay, and dropped out of school the previous year as a means of escaping the abuse of the classroom, only for the discovery of his collection of soft-core gay porn to cause him problems at home as well. Matthew is an ardent swimmer - an opportunity for the film to immediately use and confront an obvious stereotype.

touPhil is torn between the realisation that whilst he loves Sharon, he equally has feelings for Matthew. He tries to have it both ways, introducing the one to the other - prompting Vera to describe him as a "little worm" when Sharon runs off in distress. Tired of the complications of life at home, Phil and Matthew decide to elope to the coastal resort of Seaford on the Sussex coast. Sharon follows him, determined to regain her "fella".
The film has two endings. In the original 1987 release, Phil returns to Matthew at the beach, and they run together into the ocean. The film was re-released in 1988 with an ending where Phil appears to leave with Sharon, but Matthew decides that life must go on and that he is his own person.


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Proud & Stronger (Gay Montage) (JJprods)

NEW VIDEO! 2012 Gay Pride is here and JJProds is ready and willing to celebrate the pride of the strongest people I know, the LGBT community. So, let's take out your rainbow flags and let's celebrate being who we are. 

This montage took a lot of hard work, so I hope you enjoy it. And remember... don't forget to subscribe my 6 channels in case you don't want to lose track of JJProds. 

This fanvid includes excerpts from the following short films: 

Friend - No soy como tú (I'm not like you) - We once were tide - Downing - Homophobia - The chef's letter - Souljah & I don't care.

The following motion pictures:

1313 Haunted frat - Kawa - The M.O. of M.I. & Jeffrey

and the following television shows:

Hollyoaks (Brendan, Ste & Doug) - D.R. (Juaco) - The Slap (Richie's gay storyline) - Tower Prep & Queer as Folk (US)

featuring the guys from Abercrombie & Fitch

Song: Kelly Clarkson - Stronger

23 June 2012

Homophobia (2012)

HomophobiaHomophobia (2012)

Director: Gregor Schmidinger
Producer: Gregor Schmidinger & Julian Wiehl
Genre: Short movie
Country: Austria
Year: 2012
Language: German with eng. subtitle

Stars: Michael Glantschnig, Josef Mohamed, Günther Sturmlechner & Harald Bodingbauer


6980370291_d302e0537c_hJust in time for the International Day Against Homophobia on 17 May, Austrian film director Gregor Schmidinger put his short film Homophobia online. With this upload to YouTube and Vimeo the project came full circle, as it was a web-based crowd-funding campaign that enabled the project in the first place.

‘The project grew bigger and greater than I could ever have imagined’, the young director said in front of 600 people at the premiere at Vienna’s Gartenbaukino last Friday. The film, which stars young Austrian actors, strikes a blow against homophobia and at the same time adresses themes such as self-acceptance and moral courage. In the film we follow a young protagonist coming to terms with his feelings in the Austrian army.



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11 June 2012

A Warm Wind (2011)

8hum58pwef8bA Warm Wind (2011)

Director: Jeff London
Writer: Jeff London
Genre: Drama
Year: 2011
Country: USA

Stars: Tyler Haines, Zac Titus and Brent King





555A Warm Wind nije film koji će vas oduševiti glumačkim talentom, a još manje režiserkim umjećem. Naprosto Jeff Londom bi mogo toga trebalo da nauči prije nego počne da snima neki film. Čitava priča djeluje nekako usporeno, sa nepotrebnim pauzama koje nerviraju gledaoce i naprosto ih tjeraju da ubrzavaju film tokom gledanja!

Ono što me je ipak održalo da odgledam film do kraja je lijepa priča.
Američki marinac koji je u iračkom ratu postao invalid i pati od PTSD nema nikoga ko bi se zaista pobrinuo za njega. Njegov rođak David ga dovodi kod sebe iako se njegovi prijatelji protive da svoj život promjeni pomagajući veteranu.


Ovu lijepa priča je poprilično ruinirana loše urađenim filmom , koji ako ne nađete prijevod ili ne razumijete engleski uopšte nemojte ni pokušavati da pogledate.

Podsjetila me na jednog momka koji pomaže starim ljudima. Iako često nije plaćen za taj posao često ode da nekoj onemoćaloj staroj osoi pomegne da očisti kuću, donese namirnice iz obližnje prodavnice ili pomogne u održavanju higijene.
Uvjek sa osmjehom na licu kaže da je zadovoljan kada vidi da je nekome pomogao!

Iako je i inače jako lijep, mladalački vedar i raspoložen momak ovo ga čini još ljepšim!



A United States Marine with physical disabilities, PTSD, and no real family to care for him can't seem to fit into society. His cousin David puts his own life aside to care for him. Things get heated with family and friends who argue Buck is the governments problem. David must do what is right. Tyler Haines, Zac Titus, Robert Sisko, Brent King, Landon Ashworth.


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10 June 2012

WE 3 (2011)


os3cWE 3 (2011)
Original title: OS 3

Director: Nando Olival
Writers: Nando Olival, Thiago Dottori
Genre: Drama
Country: Brasil
Year: 2011
Language: Portuguese

Stars: Gabriel Godoy, Victor Mendes and Juliana Schalch






os3201117Filmovi o "trojkama" u kombinaciji 2m+1ž spadaju u već ispričane priče. Međutim pošto se trojke redovno nalaze u muškim i ženskim noćnim maštarijama svake godine se na filmska platna izbaci po nekoliko filmova na tu temu!
Os3 je brazilski film koji nam priča priču o tri studenta koji iz različitih djelova zemlje dolaze u Sao Paulo da studiraju.Več na prvom susretu dva momka i cura se sprijatelje i odluče da iznajme apartman i da žive zajedno.
Medjutim cura im da uslov: Nema seksa među njima!
Pošto pravila služe da bi se kršila pogledajte kako je to sve izgledalo u jednom projektu koji su sami kreirali, a liči na kuću velikog brata!

os3201128Film me podsjetio na jedan davni događaj kada mi je jedna žena na plaži nabacivala njenog muža, govoreći mi da se neću pokajati ako ga upoznam. Ja onako šokiran sve to prihvatao kao šalu, sve dok se muž nije pojavio. Muškarac pravi. Dok nas je upoznavala ona kaže: vidiš da te nisam ništa prevarila!
Trojka je trajala desetak dana, a ja sam za to vrijeme smršao oko 5 kila jer smo jeli samo neke salate i razne trave koje nam je ona pripremala u malom istarskom apartmanu.Svi gosti okolnih apartmana su znali šta radimo, prozori stalno otvoreni, izlazili goli na terasi, noću galamili...  Vremenom smo se navikli na publiku, a i ona na nas!



os3201114The college students Cazé (Gabriel Godoy), Rafael (Victor Mendes) and Camila (Juliana Schalch) meet each other in a party in São Paulo and they immediately become best friends. Rafael and Camila move to the old apartment rented by Cazé and Camila creates rules for their relationship making them promise that they would never date her.
Rafael has a crush on Camila but he accepts her rules. However, he discovers that Camila and Cazé are sleeping together but he stays with them. When they graduate, Rafael decides to move to Rio de Janeiro to work as editor. However, the trio of friends is invited to participate in a reality show by Guilherme in a marketing campaign to sell products. They decide to simulate a threesome and their lives become a farce, hiding the truth about the feelings of Rafael and their apartment becomes a stage, affecting their relationship.
In 1962, François Truffaut made the bold "Jules et Jim" with an unconventional love story and Jeanne Moreau performing a character ahead of time.
In 2011, the director Nando Olival made "Os 3", with a conventional love story of unrequited love and a well-behaved and coward threesome. The story is pointless and silly, and the character Barbara is absolutely misplaced in the plot. The good point is the performances and the chemistry of the coquette Juliana Schalch, Victor Mendes and Gabriel Godoy. My vote is five.



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