3 (I) (2010) aka Trojka
Director: Tom Tykwer Scenario: Tom Tykwer Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Country: Germany Year: 2010 Duration: 119 min(Venice Film Festival)
Rating: 8/10
Actors: Sophie Rois, Sebastian Schipper, Devid Striesow, Annedore Kleist, Angela Winkler, Alexander Horbe, Winnie Bowe, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Peter Benedict, Georgette Dee, Michael Dorn, Cedric Eich, Christopher Karl Hemeyer, Hans Hohlbein, Senta Dorothea Kirschner
Danas sam pogledao još jedan njemački film na temu veza sa biseksualnim muškacima. Nesretno sročeno jer se u ovom filmu radi o jednoj trojki. Film nam priča priču o srednjovečnom berlinskom paru koji se odvojeno zaljubljuje u istog muškarca! Za razliku od predhodnog filma Cibrail, ovaj je urađen odlično. Dobra gluma i odlična priča održaće vašu pažnju tokom cjelog trajanja filma.
Neću vam mnogo detaljisati, iako je sama tema većini pedera poznata. ( Barem onima iz moje generacije)
Ne znam da li sam već pisao u ovom blogu ali moja najveća i najsnažnija ljubav upravo liči na ovu priču! Desila se krajem 80-tih godina. Bio sam u vezi sa čovjekom koji je živio sa djevojkom punih šest godina. Meni bilo dobro, nije me zapostavljao, razumio me je, a bio sam i u odličnim odnosima i sa njegovom djevojkom , porodicom, prijateljima...
Jednom prilikom joj je priznao da me voli. Ona je rekla pa i ja ga volim. - Al ja ga volim...baš onako...
Ona na to poslije duže pauze pita: A ko koga.. znaš..ono
Kasnije je bilo sučeljavanja, a sa moje strane očaja, straha itd. Pokušali smo da održimo ono što je napozitivnije u toj situaciji bilo, a to je da se svi medjusobno volimo, međutim u životu nije sve kao na filmu.
Iako sam kasnije upadao u slične situacije nekako mi se čini da je to moj usud. Jednostavno privlače me muškarci koji su se dokazali i kod žene i u društvu, i na poslu .. U svakom pogledu kompletne osobe, mada istini za volju i komplikovane!
Author: wordmonkey from San Francisco, Ca.
Tom Tykwer has come of age as a director with this film, and has dropped his sparkling visual flair in favor of straightforward yet sophisticated storytelling. His camera and editing are spot-on yet smart, as he carefully weaves a layered tale of two lost adults who rediscover and remake themselves through their relationship with another man.
His nuanced trio of characters deliberately play against gender types: Simon, the husband, is passive, quiet, artistic, and metaphorically female; Hanna, the wife, is assertive, successful, opinionated, and symbolically male; Adam, their paramour, a fertilization specialist who "brings life" to their dull routine, has both male and female sides.
The way their lives intertwine is both surprising and entertaining, and Tykwer not only explores their raw cores of emotional and physical need, but deftly and expertly exposes the humor in Hanna and Simon's awkward fumbling for new purpose.
What Woody Allen does for New York, Tykwer does for Berlin, showcasing the city as a vibrant center of art, culture, and yes, sexuality, filled with creative inhabitants who have gone there to remake themselves.
His intermittent visual collages of the character's lives inject new vitality to the stale montages we've all seen a million times; it's not that the screen has never been subdivided this way before, but that Tykwer's method of visual construction is meticulous and succinct -- like every frame of this film.
The result is an engaging, truthful, and non-traditional romance that leaves you feeling hopeful that love can tear down our seemingly permanent walls; yet another reason to set it in Berlin!
Highly recommended.
His nuanced trio of characters deliberately play against gender types: Simon, the husband, is passive, quiet, artistic, and metaphorically female; Hanna, the wife, is assertive, successful, opinionated, and symbolically male; Adam, their paramour, a fertilization specialist who "brings life" to their dull routine, has both male and female sides.
The way their lives intertwine is both surprising and entertaining, and Tykwer not only explores their raw cores of emotional and physical need, but deftly and expertly exposes the humor in Hanna and Simon's awkward fumbling for new purpose.
What Woody Allen does for New York, Tykwer does for Berlin, showcasing the city as a vibrant center of art, culture, and yes, sexuality, filled with creative inhabitants who have gone there to remake themselves.
His intermittent visual collages of the character's lives inject new vitality to the stale montages we've all seen a million times; it's not that the screen has never been subdivided this way before, but that Tykwer's method of visual construction is meticulous and succinct -- like every frame of this film.
The result is an engaging, truthful, and non-traditional romance that leaves you feeling hopeful that love can tear down our seemingly permanent walls; yet another reason to set it in Berlin!
Highly recommended.
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