
Shiner (2004)
Posmatrajući parove uočio sam da je jedna strana uvijek podložnija drugoj. Jedna dominira , a druga se trudi da udovolji partneru, vrlo često na svoju štetu.
To je tako , kako kod gay parova , tako i kod str8. Takvi parovi u suštini imaju i najstabilnije veze.
Kada dolazi do kraha? Kada neko iz meni nepoznatih razloga ima naglašenu dominantnu psihu ili pak naglašeno posesivnu.
Kod nekih ljudi se prenaglašena dominantnost i može tolerisati. Takvi su malo grublji u seksu, odlučniji u životu, samozadovoljniji i tvrdoglaviji. One drugi koji imaju blagu dozu mazohima teže je prepoznati, ali ima simptoma kao npr da se trudi da po svaku cjenu ispuni želju svom partneru, zanemaruju prijatelje i sl.
Ovakav odnos u vezama je opisan u mnogim filmovima, a medju njima se nalaze i neki u ovom blogu.
Ono što izlazi iz okvira društveno prihvatljivog ponašanje je kada te karakteristike predju u pshihoze ili manijakalna ponašanja.
Sado-mazohizam nije nikakva nova pojava, a nije ni bolest kako mnogi tumače. Prenaglašena ljudska osobina.
Jeste li kada maštali da vas siluju u zatvoru? ili vi nekoga da popišate nakon seksa?
Nedavno sam imao seks sa jednim vaterpolistom koji je na prvi pogled izgledao normalno. Smuvali smo se i završili u krevet. Navali čovjek na mene, sve viča kako će da me izjebe da ga doživotno pamtim. U očetku mi je bilo popaljivo slušati ga i gledati tako narajcanog. A onda je navalio ko konj i pri tome me je udario i počeo daviti. Otrgao sam se i zapucao ga šakom u glavu da je pao sa kreveta. Tek nakon toga je došao sebi. Sutradan me je zvao i izvinjavao mi se.
Nema potrebe da se izvinjava ali svoje strasti mora da nauči da kontroliše.

Zato pamet u glavu i pokušajte da pravilno procjenite čovijeka prije nego završite u krevet sa njim.
U ovom filmu , koji mi se na momente smučio vidjećete čemu vodi takvo nekontrolisano ponašanje. Mučne scene prebijanja, ranjavanja i manijakalnog ponašanja po meni nemaju ništa zajedničkog sa seksom, ali za neke ipak ima.
Sve u svemu ako imate stomak da gledate takve odvratne scene pogledajte ovaj niskobudžetni film. Šokantne scene prebijanja i mučenja, kako fizički tako i psihički su dominantne u njemu .Prikazuju namračniju ljudsku stranu, nasilnu i krvavu, a sve isprepleteno sa strašću i željom. Ako nemate želudac za ovo zaobiđite ovaj film!

Director: Christian Calson
Writer: Christian Calson (writer)
Genre: Drama
Plot Keywords: Shower Scene | Abusive Boyfriend | Gym | Male Nudity | Masochism
(Credited cast)
Scott Stepp ... Tony
Derris Nile ... Danny
Nicholas T. King ... Bob
David Zelina ... Tim

Conny Van Dyke ... Bob's Mom
Seth Harrington ... Reg
Carolyn Crotty ... Linda
Ryan Soteres ... Charles
Carl Strecker ... Almost Dead Guy
Also Known As:
Desire Is Relentless (USA)
Runtime: 89 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Author: Weinstein Steve
I can’t remember the last time a direct-to DVD film had as much impact on me as “Shiner.” This is one film about which you can assuredly use the overused adjective “controversial.” Either a Godard-like meditation on the inherent violence of late-capitalist America or beat-off material for “Fight Club” buffs, “Shiner” pulls no punches — or, rather, does nothing but pull punches — in its depiction of a claustrophobic group of Angelenos.
Most people will probably be put off by the relentless violence. But if you can stick it out, you will find yourself asking some Big Picture questions: Why did Bush invade Iraq? Why did al Quaida destroy the World Trade Center? Why do Palestinian teenagers blow themselves up? Why did the Hutus randomly slaughter Tutsis in Rwanda?
Maybe it’s simply because they can. Maybe we’re just hard-wired to do violence upon each other — and ourselves.
Such, anyway, is the worldview presented by director Christian Calson. The two ne’er-do-wells at the center of the action (in every sense) are lovers in everything but fact. They beat each other, force each other into “homo” situations and, in their spare time, gay bash pick-ups. Talk about your anti-heroes!
We also meet a punk boxer, his gay stalker and a straight couple that give new meaning to the song “Love Is a Battlefield.” It helps considerably that the cast is uniformly attractive, in refreshingly ordinary-looking ways. The use of video makes the film look like porn — all the more disconcerting, considering the incessant bloodletting.
Don’t be surprised if Calson joins Gus Van Sant, Ang Lee, Todd Haynes and Todd Solendz in going on to the Hollywood big-time, based on this profoundly disturbing exploration of the darkest side of human nature.
In recent years, gay anthologies have become a subcategory of their own. The latest entry, “Men’s Mix,” lives up to its name.
The seven shorts range from a silent meditation on the life of an Argentinean 10-peso note to a traditional short-form documentary about an old-time barber shop in San Francisco to an all-too ironic look at 1950s sexual repression.
“Gaydar” has a great premise — that a device can detect who’s gay or not. But it devolves into low-brow sitcom situations, too broadly played. “Burl’s” and “Safe Journey” are sensitive explorations into sexuality in hostile cultures.
By far the most successful short is “Touched.” A 53-year-old man leaves his female dinner companion and heads to a gay bar. There he meets a stunning young man who expresses interest. The two go home with some very unexpected consequences.
In the space of only a few minutes, this two-hander manages to explore the issues of aging, urban anomie and existential dread in a way that many more pretentious full-length films never achieve. Philadelphia first-timer Mike Lemon turns in a stunning debut
Two feature films — both reviewed favorably by myself in these pages — also make their debuts. Both are must-sees if you missed them the first time around.
“Latter Days” contains some clichéd moments and too-pat coincidences. But if you can watch the ending without a tear welling up, you’re stronger than I am. A passionate performance by Steve Sandvoss, who plays a conflicted Mormon, anchors the film, as does a compassionate cameo by screen legend Jacqueline Bisset. For those who can’t get enough, Centaur has released the soundtrack on CD (www.centaurmusic.com; 888-9-CENTAUR).
“Bulgarian Lovers” is another little gem from Spain, which has assumed pride of place as the current center of gay cinema. (Who’da thunk it?) Veteran gay director Ely de la Iglesia uses the one-sided relationship between a straight Bulgarian hustler and his mark, an average-Joe Spaniard, as a metaphor for the post-Communist integration of Eastern European countries into the European Union.
This film entertains on so many levels — the personal, political, sexual and dramatic — that you need to see it at least twice to absorb its many meanings. Superior performances all around and a gimlet eye aimed with laser-beam intensity on this crazy thing we call love keeps the mind engaged even as your heart is breaking.
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