26 June 2008

Le Clan, Three Dancing Slaves (2004)

Le Clan, Three Dancing Slaves

U zadnje vrijeme, bas i nemam vremana za pisanje bloga, a kako stvari stoje do septembra ga i neću imati mnogo. Al eto potrudicu se da ipak napišem ponešto o nekom filmu. Linkove za filmove koje nađem će te naći na sajtu. Updajtujem ga na dva servera tako da uvjek jedan radi. Naravno sve je na engleskom. Jednom ili dva puta sedmično ću ga osvežavati sa filmovima koje nađem po netu.
Ovaj film sam gledao prošle godine. pregledao sam ga na preskoke i nije mi se dopao nešto posebno. Danas sam ga pogledao ponovo i odlućio da ga ipak stavim na blog.
Film mi je nekako čudan, nema neku posebno dobru priču, a opet je vrlo dinamičan. Tako da ga je zanimljivo pogledati.
Radi se o tri brata ( Alžirci) koji nakon što ima je majka umrla sa ocem žive u nekom malo gradiću u Francuskoj. Jedan je delikvent, tek izašao iz zatvora, drugi se upetljao sa narko dilerima, a treći je naprosto simpatičan peder. Zanimljivo je da u cjelom filmu nema ni jedne ženske uloge, ako ne računamo scenu gde je prikazana njihova majka i to kao sjećanje jednog od njih.
Ono što ovaj film čini pravim pederskim je izraziti mačizam uz podosta scena golih muškaraca koji na sebi svojstven način vode rčuna kako o sopstvenom izgledu tako i o tjelu.
Tri brata sa svojim društvom izlaze i provode se po žurkama, jure labudove po jezeru, drkaju kurac gledajući porniće.
Uz sve to Marc upada u nevolje sa lokalnim narko dilerima, koji ga prebijaju i maltretiraju. Ovaj namladji se zaljubljuje u Marcovog prijatelja, te sa njim ostvaruje intimnu vezu. Naravno otišlo mu dupe na doboš u jednoj brvnari pored jezera.
Najstariji brat pokušava da se uozbilji i nadje posao u jednoj firmi za prozvodnju pršuta.

Da vam ne pričam cijelu priču, u filmu ima podosta zanimljiv scena. Npr kako Mark šiša dlake oko kurca, Jebanje jednog tranvestita, gubitak nevinosti, zajednička drkanja i slično.
Očit je uticaj Francis Ozona na čitav filmski pederski pravac u francuskoj!

Director: Gaël Morel
Writers: Christophe Honoré (writer)
Gaël Morel (writer)
Release Date: 16 June 2004 (France)
Genre: Drama

Plot Keywords: Penis | Gay Sex | Beach | Masturbation Scene | Fistfight

(Cast overview, first billed only)
Nicolas Cazalé ... Marc
Stéphane Rideau ... Christophe
Thomas Dumerchez ... Olivier
Salim Kechiouche ... Hicham
Bruno Lochet ... Le pčre
Vincent Martinez ... Le "professeur"
Jackie Berroyer ... Robert
Aure Atika ... Emilie
Nicolas Paz ... Montana
Mathias Olivier ... Ryan
Gary Mary ... Luc
Geordie Piseri-Diaz ... Jérémy
Clément Dettli ... Henry
Pierre Vallin ... Sly
Janine Ribollet ... La mčre de Sly

Also Known As: 3 Dancing Slaves (USA)
Clan des hommes, Le (France) (working title)
The Clan (International: English title)
Trois danses d'esclaves (France) (working title)

Runtime: 90 min
Country: France
Language: French

I know what boys like: Arty French beefcake reverie meditates on masculinity and nudity
by Dennis Lim

Like so many films that target a gay male audience, Three Dancing Slaves transpires in an abstract parallel universe where half the population has mysteriously disappeared and the other half works out a lot and often goes unclothed. The only female presence to speak of in French actor-turned-director Gael Morel's latest feature is the dead mother of the titular fraternal trio. Exactly one flesh-and-blood woman is allowed to interrupt the beefcake reverie (in a single measly scene at that), and when even the most macho of the brothers has sex, it's with a bewigged pre-op transsexual (whose biological status is of course full-frontally corroborated). Unfocused and vaguely arty, Three Dancing Slaves is a Bruce Weber shoot come to life, a tone poem on masculinity that doesn't concern its pretty little head with very much besides the photogenic ways in which men bond, bicker, brawl, and practice capoeira (the unfortunate English title derives from the martial art's slave culture origins; the movie was released in France as Le Clan).

Co-written by Morel and Christophe Honoré (who authored the similarly blank and pouty Girls Can't Swim and Ma Mére), Slaves devotes a third to each brother's dead-end provincial existence. Marc (Nicolas Cazalé), a loose-cannon skinhead, is caught up in a vicious cycle of clumsy drug deals and angry vendettas (between visits to the gym). He hangs out with a bunch of ostensibly straight guys who jerk off communally to porn (with the help of a vibrating cell phone) and is such a carnal fellow that when he steps into the shower with his beloved dog, the movie for a few alarming moments threatens to redefine heavy petting. Marc's near zoophilic attachment to the poor pooch naturally leads to its brutal demise, setting in motion a sputtering revenge subplot.

In part two, eldest brother Christophe (Stéphane Rideau, Morel's co-star in André Téchiné's Wild Reeds), newly released from jail and committed to straight-and-narrow rehabilitation, distances himself from Marc and takes an upstanding job at the local ham factory, where his rapid ascent infuriates Marc and somewhat placates their dour father. The youngest sibling, Olivier (Thomas Dumerchez), whose segment is the sweetest and shortest, grieves the loss of their Algerian-born mother and slowly settles into a sexual relationship with Marc's friend Hicham (Salim Kechiouche). Morel idealizes the erotic hunger of new lovers—sending the boys on a hang-gliding adventure and eavesdropping on their idyllic dirty-talk comedown.

Morel is obviously up on his gay art films: Fran Ozon's influence is palpable, not least in the matter-of-fact sexuality and evocative use of water; the meat factory pointedly echoes the abattoir in Fassbinder's In a Year of 13 Moons. Most of all, the director, who has appeared in several Téchiné films, strives to emulate his mentor's suggestive use of ellipses and poetic detail. But the unpredictable emotional turmoil that animates Téchiné's work is almost entirely missing. Morel spells out his blood-ties theme in an archly symbolic shot of the three brothers sleeping in the nude, limbs entwined, watched over by their helpless father. The actors make the most of their severely underwritten roles (though there's only so much you can do with pube-trimming and ass-shaving scenes). For those so inclined, this lulling, banal, and rather pleasant film cultivates a mood of zone-out voyeurism. In the absence of a larger purpose, Morel is content to ogle, perhaps rightly assuming that his viewers will be too.

Pictures, description, english subtitle, trailer, etc
Click HERE

19 June 2008

Shiner (2004)

Shiner (2004)

Posmatrajući parove uočio sam da je jedna strana uvijek podložnija drugoj. Jedna dominira , a druga se trudi da udovolji partneru, vrlo često na svoju štetu.
To je tako , kako kod gay parova , tako i kod str8. Takvi parovi u suštini imaju i najstabilnije veze.
Kada dolazi do kraha? Kada neko iz meni nepoznatih razloga ima naglašenu dominantnu psihu ili pak naglašeno posesivnu.
Kod nekih ljudi se prenaglašena dominantnost i može tolerisati. Takvi su malo grublji u seksu, odlučniji u životu, samozadovoljniji i tvrdoglaviji. One drugi koji imaju blagu dozu mazohima teže je prepoznati, ali ima simptoma kao npr da se trudi da po svaku cjenu ispuni želju svom partneru, zanemaruju prijatelje i sl.
Ovakav odnos u vezama je opisan u mnogim filmovima, a medju njima se nalaze i neki u ovom blogu.

Ono što izlazi iz okvira društveno prihvatljivog ponašanje je kada te karakteristike predju u pshihoze ili manijakalna ponašanja.
Sado-mazohizam nije nikakva nova pojava, a nije ni bolest kako mnogi tumače. Prenaglašena ljudska osobina.
Jeste li kada maštali da vas siluju u zatvoru? ili vi nekoga da popišate nakon seksa?
Nedavno sam imao seks sa jednim vaterpolistom koji je na prvi pogled izgledao normalno. Smuvali smo se i završili u krevet. Navali čovjek na mene, sve viča kako će da me izjebe da ga doživotno pamtim. U očetku mi je bilo popaljivo slušati ga i gledati tako narajcanog. A onda je navalio ko konj i pri tome me je udario i počeo daviti. Otrgao sam se i zapucao ga šakom u glavu da je pao sa kreveta. Tek nakon toga je došao sebi. Sutradan me je zvao i izvinjavao mi se.
Nema potrebe da se izvinjava ali svoje strasti mora da nauči da kontroliše.

Zato pamet u glavu i pokušajte da pravilno procjenite čovijeka prije nego završite u krevet sa njim.

U ovom filmu , koji mi se na momente smučio vidjećete čemu vodi takvo nekontrolisano ponašanje. Mučne scene prebijanja, ranjavanja i manijakalnog ponašanja po meni nemaju ništa zajedničkog sa seksom, ali za neke ipak ima.
Sve u svemu ako imate stomak da gledate takve odvratne scene pogledajte ovaj niskobudžetni film. Šokantne scene prebijanja i mučenja, kako fizički tako i psihički su dominantne u njemu .Prikazuju namračniju ljudsku stranu, nasilnu i krvavu, a sve isprepleteno sa strašću i željom. Ako nemate želudac za ovo zaobiđite ovaj film!

Director: Christian Calson
Writer: Christian Calson (writer)
Genre: Drama
Plot Keywords: Shower Scene | Abusive Boyfriend | Gym | Male Nudity | Masochism

(Credited cast)

Scott Stepp ... Tony
Derris Nile ... Danny
Nicholas T. King ... Bob
David Zelina ... Tim
Conny Van Dyke ... Bob's Mom
Seth Harrington ... Reg
Carolyn Crotty ... Linda
Ryan Soteres ... Charles
Carl Strecker ... Almost Dead Guy

Also Known As:
Desire Is Relentless (USA)
Runtime: 89 min
Country: USA
Language: English

Author: Weinstein Steve

I can’t remember the last time a direct-to DVD film had as much impact on me as “Shiner.” This is one film about which you can assuredly use the overused adjective “controversial.” Either a Godard-like meditation on the inherent violence of late-capitalist America or beat-off material for “Fight Club” buffs, “Shiner” pulls no punches — or, rather, does nothing but pull punches — in its depiction of a claustrophobic group of Angelenos.

Most people will probably be put off by the relentless violence. But if you can stick it out, you will find yourself asking some Big Picture questions: Why did Bush invade Iraq? Why did al Quaida destroy the World Trade Center? Why do Palestinian teenagers blow themselves up? Why did the Hutus randomly slaughter Tutsis in Rwanda?

Maybe it’s simply because they can. Maybe we’re just hard-wired to do violence upon each other — and ourselves.

Such, anyway, is the worldview presented by director Christian Calson. The two ne’er-do-wells at the center of the action (in every sense) are lovers in everything but fact. They beat each other, force each other into “homo” situations and, in their spare time, gay bash pick-ups. Talk about your anti-heroes!

We also meet a punk boxer, his gay stalker and a straight couple that give new meaning to the song “Love Is a Battlefield.” It helps considerably that the cast is uniformly attractive, in refreshingly ordinary-looking ways. The use of video makes the film look like porn — all the more disconcerting, considering the incessant bloodletting.

Don’t be surprised if Calson joins Gus Van Sant, Ang Lee, Todd Haynes and Todd Solendz in going on to the Hollywood big-time, based on this profoundly disturbing exploration of the darkest side of human nature.

In recent years, gay anthologies have become a subcategory of their own. The latest entry, “Men’s Mix,” lives up to its name.

The seven shorts range from a silent meditation on the life of an Argentinean 10-peso note to a traditional short-form documentary about an old-time barber shop in San Francisco to an all-too ironic look at 1950s sexual repression.

“Gaydar” has a great premise — that a device can detect who’s gay or not. But it devolves into low-brow sitcom situations, too broadly played. “Burl’s” and “Safe Journey” are sensitive explorations into sexuality in hostile cultures.

By far the most successful short is “Touched.” A 53-year-old man leaves his female dinner companion and heads to a gay bar. There he meets a stunning young man who expresses interest. The two go home with some very unexpected consequences.

In the space of only a few minutes, this two-hander manages to explore the issues of aging, urban anomie and existential dread in a way that many more pretentious full-length films never achieve. Philadelphia first-timer Mike Lemon turns in a stunning debut

Two feature films — both reviewed favorably by myself in these pages — also make their debuts. Both are must-sees if you missed them the first time around.

“Latter Days” contains some clichéd moments and too-pat coincidences. But if you can watch the ending without a tear welling up, you’re stronger than I am. A passionate performance by Steve Sandvoss, who plays a conflicted Mormon, anchors the film, as does a compassionate cameo by screen legend Jacqueline Bisset. For those who can’t get enough, Centaur has released the soundtrack on CD (www.centaurmusic.com; 888-9-CENTAUR).

“Bulgarian Lovers” is another little gem from Spain, which has assumed pride of place as the current center of gay cinema. (Who’da thunk it?) Veteran gay director Ely de la Iglesia uses the one-sided relationship between a straight Bulgarian hustler and his mark, an average-Joe Spaniard, as a metaphor for the post-Communist integration of Eastern European countries into the European Union.

This film entertains on so many levels — the personal, political, sexual and dramatic — that you need to see it at least twice to absorb its many meanings. Superior performances all around and a gimlet eye aimed with laser-beam intensity on this crazy thing we call love keeps the mind engaged even as your heart is breaking.

18 June 2008

Collection on the web , Kolekcija filmova na webu

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11 June 2008

Hard Pill (2005)

Hard Pill (2005)

Nesanica me je neka uhvatila! Prevrćem se po krevetu, mjenjam položaj, jastuke ali ništa ne pomaže. Naprosto ne znam šta mi je! Najgore je to što bi ujutro spavao do podna, a moram da radim !
Mnogi pederi bi voljeli da imaju čarobni štapić pa da svakog str8 tipa koji im se svidi pretvore pedera. Još ako se i zaljube baš u njih eto bajke!
Da li ste razmišljali kako bi bilo da je obrnuto. Da vas, ponosnog pedera, neki str8 lik pretvori heteroseksualca. Nekom magičnom toljagom da vas mlatne i vi preko noći zavolite pičku! Još onako vlaža podantna .....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Maznete dobru ribu , pa je šetate gradom pa kada se susretnete sa nekim bivšim jebačem samo mu se onako usput javite.
Mada lično nevjerujem da su ljudi 100% str8 ili 100% pederi. Svi mi lutamo negdje na toj ljestvici seksometra. Mogu se kladiti da je svaki peder , pa i onaj feminizirani koji voli samo da prima kitu u bulju bar jednom sanjao kako jebe neku dobru ribu.

Znam mnoge koji dok uh jebeš viču "Izjebi me, razvali me...." , al kada se dobro izdegenače odu kod žena kući sretnu što su i pored svega ipak str8!

U ovom filmu u jednoj laboratoriji su izmislili pilulu koja kada je popijete pretvorite se u strejtera. Naprosto , kada je popijete , već sutradan pobacate svoje šarene drečave krpice i postanete "normalni " ljudi koji se jebu samo sa ženama.
A šta se poslije dešava, pogledajte u ovom niskobuđetnom, ali dobro napravljenom filmu!

Director:John Baumgartner

John Baumgartner (story)
John Baumgartner (written by)

Genre: Drama

Plot Keywords:
Gay Interest | Blow Job | Oral Sex | Gay Kiss | Medical Experiment

A despondent gay man throws his life and relationships into turmoil when he volunteers for a controversial pharmaceutical study for a drug designed to make gay men straight.

(Credited cast)

Jonathan Slavin ... Tim
Scotch Ellis Loring ... Joey
Susan Slome ... Sally
Mike Begovich ... Don
Jennifer Elise Cox ... Tanya
Jason Bushman ... Matt
Beth Grant ... Mom
Michael Chieffo ... Dad
Alec Mapa ... Protestor
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Patrick Anthony ... Fundy #1
Lisa Marie Basada ... Tiff
John Baumgartner ... Fundy #2
Karen 'Kaz' Brecher ... Cafe Woman
Maura Dominguez ... Fantasy Woman
John Hartmann ... Ed
Matt Hausmann ... New Day Volunteer
Jen McAllister ... Nurse
Kathy Morath ... Soccer Mom
Timothy Omundson ... Brad
Byron Quiros ... Guy
Marcus Reynaga ... Trashy
Jessalyn Rizzi ... Amber
Cory Schneider ... One Night Stand
Shannon Shepherd ... Passionate Woman #1
Brian Shyne ... Laughing Man
Jim Simone ... Clerk
Susan Stoebner ... Passionate Woman #2
Douglas Weston ... Doctor
Jeffrey Wright ... Passionate Man #1

Runtime: 94 min
Country: USA
Language: English

Filming Locations: Los Angeles, California, USA

User Comments:

Fascinating Premise, 12 March 2006
Author: Pete (Jakrabit31@aol.com) from Central Islip, NY

I caught this film at a gay/lesbian film festival and was blown away. Every so often, a film comes out that is so original that you can't help but wonder why no one has ever thought of it before. "Hard Pill" asks this question: What would happen if a pill was invented that could turn a gay person straight? The answer is a lot more complicated than you think.

"Hard Pill" tell the story of Tim (played by Jonathan Slavin in an outstanding performance). Tim is openly gay but unhappy with his life. He has had bad luck with relationships and doesn't feel very hopeful that that his life will turn around. When Tim hears of a new study that can change sexual preference, he decides to get involved. Tim is convinced that being straight would be a whole lot easier. What he doesn't realize is the repercussions that this change will have on his relationships and life.

Pictures, trailer, description, etc
Click HERE

09 June 2008

Starcrossed (2005) - short 15 min

StarcrossedccStarcrossed (2005)

Director: James Burkhammer
Writer: James Burkhammer
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2005
Duration: 15 min

Stars: J.B. Ghuman Jr., Marshall Allman and John Wesley Shipp

bscap0000Starcrossed je priča o dva brata (Darren i Connor) čija se veza razvija u pravcu potpuno neprihvatljivom za okolinu. Osim emotivne povezanosti koja prevazilazi okvire bratske ljubavi, prepuštaju se i fizičkim strastima. Na žalost sve ovo nesretnim slučajem otkriva i njihova majka.
Nemam brata, ali nisam siguran koliko je često da dva brata imaju seks. Vjerujem da je to vrlo rijedak slučaj. Kao klinac drkao sam s dva brata blizanca, ali daleko od toga da se radilo o nekom seksu.

bscap0006Sretao sam se sa slučajevima gdje su obadva brata u porodici gay, ali između njih nije postojala emotivno-ljubavna veza već samo normalan bratski odnos. Incest ovakve vrste se vjerovatno dešava, ali o tome se ne priča. Dovoljno je tabu tema biti gay ( barem na balkanu) , a incest između rođene braće prevazilazi sve moguće tabue.  U mom slučaju incest se dešavao sa rođacima, i bližim i daljim, ali sve je to bilo jako davno tako da ne mogu analizirati sve to. Čak sam i nevinost izgubio od jednog rođaka , na jednom tavanu kuće iz XV vijeka. Samog seksa se i ne sjećam dobro osim da sam se nakon toga jako loše osjećao i da me neko vrijeme uopšte nije privlačio bilo kakav seks.

Heartbreaking, shattering and really touching!, 29 September 2007    9/10
bscap0011Author: RegardeLaMer from United States
I recently had the privilege to see the acclaimed short “Starcrossed” and I was really not too thrilled with the topic genre of the film dealing with incest and teenage suicide. I in fact really frown upon films that deal with teenage suicide, and really frowned on this movie.
I literally felt myself almost heading to the bathroom to puke after seeing this movie, not only because it was so disturbingly sad, but because it was so real and a little traumatizing to me. I did cry at the end of the film, because it was a terrible ending… It was true and oh so sad. I don’t really know how this movie is not shown more in theaters. The movie is so painfully blunt and powerful that if you walk away “unchanged” after seeing this film, then you are seriously mentally deranged.
This movie was shattering and hit a spot that I was not ready for it to be hit. It was way too painful to watch again and again, but I really cherished the first time I saw this movie and will watch it again, but want to recover from my first encounter with it.

Starcrossed (VO, VOST) by Greg7401

Visit: Orvel.Me

07 June 2008

Kiss the Bride ( 20007 )

Kiss the Bride ( 20007 )

Nakon dužeg vremena sam pogledao jednu "normalnu" romantičnu komediju koja mi je baš dobro legla nakon nedeljnog ručka.
Matt i Ryan su bili najbolji prijatelji u srednjoj školi i ne samo to, bili su i ljubavnici. Njihova dječačka veza je nešto čega će se sjećati cjeloga života.
Nakon 10 dugih godina Matt dobija pozivnicu za Ryanovo vjenčanje. Matt, koji je otvoreni gay odlazi u mjesto svog djetinjstva i prisjeća se tih davnih dana. He Ryan nakon toliko godina izgleda ljepše i izazovnije nego ikada, iz njega sve puca od seksipila. Rado bih ga posjedovao - bar na jedan vikend. Matt osjeti ljubomoru i u trenutku pomisli kako njegova ljubav prema Rayanu nikada nije ni prestala. Odluči da sve izbaci na čistac, da se vidi ko tu vodu nosi , a ko plaća.
Jeste li kada doživjeli susret sa nekim skim ste nekada davno bili u vezi? Obično to završi sa pićem u kafani, ponekad sa partijom seksa nakon pića, ali nikad ( bar kod mene ) se ne može rasplamsati ona stara ljubav i strast. Vrijeme čini svoje i netreba ga pokušavati vratiti u nazad.

Director: C. Jay Cox
Writer: Tyler Lieberman (writer)
Genre: Comedy | Romance

Plot Keywords: Gay | Love

(Cast overview, first billed only)

Tori Spelling ... Alex
Philipp Karner ... Matt
James O'Shea ... Ryan
Joanna Cassidy ... Evelyn
Garrett M. Brown ... Gerald
Tess Harper ... Barbara
Robert Foxworth ... Wayne
E.E. Bell ... Dan
Amber Benson ... Elly
Steve Sandvoss ... Chris
Michael Medico ... Sean
Jane Cho ... Stephanie
Ralph Cole Jr. ... Barry
Brooke Dillman ... Virginia
Dean McDermott ... Plumber

Runtime: 115 min
Country: USA
Language: English

Director C. Jay Cox explores the complex social and sexual landscapes of contemporary America with this heartfelt romantic comedy about a gay male who just discovered that the love of his life is about to tie the knot -- with a woman! Back in high school, Matt (Philipp Karner) and Ryan (James O'Shea ) were more than just best friends. But ten years after graduation, this once-inseparable pair has lost contact. One day, seemingly out of the blue, Matt receives an invitation to Ryan's wedding. Of course, there has been plenty of time for Ryan to develop new relationships in the ten long years since he and Matt last spoke, but the last thing Matt would ever expect is for his former high-school love to fall for a member of the "fairer sex."

Convinced that Ryan is about to be taken advantage of by a scheming she-devil, Matt races back to the small hometown he once left behind and prepares to save his true love from a life of marital despair. Upon meeting perky bride-to-be Alex (Tori Spelling), however, Matt slowly begins to understand what it is that Ryan sees in her. Still, Matt can't mess up the opportunity to let the love of his life slip through his fingers, and ultimately decides to come clean about his true feelings for Ryan. Trouble is, Ryan views his romance with Matt as nothing more than a high school fling. As the wedding day draws near and long-buried emotions begin to bubble to the surface, Matt realizes that his feelings for Ryan are stronger than ever before, and his attempts to reconcile the past with the present will ultimately pave the road into an uncertain future. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

Pictures, trailer, description
Click Here

Antonio's Secret - aka: Lihim ni Antonio, Ang (2008)

Antonio's Secret - aka: Lihim ni Antonio, Ang (2008)

Ovo je četvrti filipinski film na ovom blogu. Svaki od njih je vrijedno imati u kolekciji! Izgleda da filipincima nije ništa strašno prikazati penis u erekciji, a u scenama seksa se baš i ne trude da sakriju previše. Da li je to kulturološki ili ja izvlačim preuranjene zaključke na osnovu malobrojnih filmova ne znam.
Ovaj film me je ostavio zatečenog! Kada je završio našao sam se u čudu, nekako zbunjen. Priča je počela sa odrastanjem jednog 15-togodišnjaka koji sa majkom živi u nekom gradu na Filipinama. Otac mu živi u Dubai i koliko se da zaključiti iz filma dugo godina ga nije vidio, povremeno se čuje sa jim preko telefona i to je sve. Tradicionalo odgojen, kao i svi iz njegove okoline radovao se božiću išao u crkvu, pjevao pjesme u crkvenom horu...
Antonio, kao i svaki tinejđer stalno preispituje sebe u svim aspektima, pa tako i u seksualnom. Shvata da ga privlače i muškarci i stalno istražuje sebe.
Kada se povjerio svom najboljem drugu, ovaj nesretnik mu je postavio toliko smješnih dječjih pitanja da sam se slatko nasmijao. Išao je toliko daleko da je po internetu tražio razloge zašto je neko gay ,a zašto ne.
Film je djeluje iskreno da sam na trenutak pomislio da se radi o nekom istinitom događaju. Pun emocionalnog naboja gledaoce sigurno neće ostaviti ravnodušnim!
Posebno me se dojmila Antonijeva majka. Njeni glumački izrazi, puni emocija od iskazivanja zadovoljstva, sreće, strepnje , brige, straha, razočaranosti, bijesa, su dostojni mnogih holivudskih glumaca.
Nakon što sazna da njen muž u Dubaiu ima drugu porodicu sa dvoje djece, vraća se kući i zatiće kako Antonijev Stric Joe siluje njenog sina.
Možete li zamisliti emocionalnu krah u kojem se našla jadna žena?
Mislim da će te uživati u ovom filmu, tim prije što obiluje lijepim scenama seksa, nagih muških tijela, masturbacije, oralnog seksa....
Sve to je začinjeno dobrom pričom, muzikom, glumom. Šta više očekivati od jednog filma?
Pogledajte ga, nećete se pokajati.

Director: Joselito Altarejos
Writers: Lex Bonife (story)
Lex Bonife (screenplay) ...
Release Date: 13 February 2008 (Philippines)
Genre: Crime | Drama
Plot Keywords: Clinic | Grandmother | Nurse | Grandparents | Identity
Cast: Kenjie Garcia ... Antonio
Jiro Manio ... Mike
Nino Fernandez ... Nathan
Honey Grace Capili ... Kathy
Josh Ivan Morales
Shamaine Buencamino ... Tere
Ricky Ibe ... Eli
Jay Perillo ... RT
Ajit Handasani ... Robin
A.A. Fernandez ... Female Choir Member
Aimee Fernandez ... Female Choir Member
Agatha Behar ... Female Choir Member
Lui Manansala ... Lola Ester
Ernie Zarate ... Lolo Pepe
Annelle Durano ... Nurse
Also Known As: Antonio's Secret (Philippines: English title)
Country: Philippines
Language: Filipino
Color: Color
Filming Locations: San Roque, Marikina City, Metro Manila, Luzon,
Company: Beyond the Box
Soundtrack: Awit Para Kay Antonio

Good film but intense ending, 20 May 2008
Author: Aragorn-Elfstone76 from Singapore

In essence, this film was good. It tells the coming of age story of a 15 year old Antonio who's discovering his sexual identity. At first, I thought it was boring with lots and lots of conversations. But as the story progresses, we are not only delved into his relationship with his mother but also his friends and community, in which he was involved as part of a choir for the Christmas carol.

We also see how Antonio's relationship with his uncle, Jonbert, soon became an incestuous one. The climax of the film grew even more intense with two simultaneous occurrence going on at the same time...

One, Tere (Antonio's mother) discovered the secret marriage of her husband in Dubai. The other was the rape scene in which Jonbert (Antonio's uncle) forced anal sex on to the 15-year old. I believe this latter scene was the most intense throughout as we could see Antonio's torment during the rape.

As a result of the two occurrences collided, Anotnio's mother got home just in time to save her son by stabbing Jonbert thus killing him in the process.

At the end of the film, audiences would be left with a feeling of disturbed emotions as Antonio and his mother were escorted by the authorities.

Overall, I'd say this was a pretty good Filipino film so far that I've seen.

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06 June 2008

Forgive and Forget (2000)

Forgive and Forget (2000)

Možete li zamisliti sebe u Sanja Talk Show na RTL HR kako svom najboljem drugu sa kojim ste odrasli kažete kako ga volite i da ste peder!?
I da prije toga svojim najbližima i prijateljima kažete da obavezno to gledaju.
Kakav coming out! Postali bi ste estradna zvjezda svih homofoba koji bi naravno otrčali kući da gledaju reprizu emisije.
Nije mi jasna poenta coming outa, a još manje ovako javnih. Ako baš nekome oćete reći zar to ipak nije bolje onako u četiri oka, a ne trubiti pred cjelim svjetom: JA SAM PEDER !

U ovom televizijskom filmu možete vidjeti upravo to. U jednom talk show na tv "Forgive and Forget " ( oprosti i zaboravi ) nakon 14 godina prijateljstva David kaže Theu ja sam peder i volim te!
Najgluplja stvar na svjetu. Promijeniti svoj život na tako teatralan način, nanoseći bol svima oko sebe pred kojima ste čuvali svoju najmračniju tajnu čitav život se može nazvati jedino Glupošću !
Sve u svemu jaka drama sa zaista dobrom glumom, svih aktera. Posebno mi se dopao ovaj što glumi pedera. A i muzika u filmu je odlična.

Director: Aisling Walsh
Writer: Mark Burt (writer)
Release Date: 3 January 2000 (UK)
Genre: Comedy | Drama

Plot Keywords: Best Friend | Betrayal | Closeted Homosexual | Coming Out | Love

(Cast overview, first billed only)
Steve John Shepherd ... David O'Neil
John Simm ... Theo
Laura Fraser ... Hannah
Maurice Roëves ... Michael O'Neil
Ger Ryan ... Ruth O'Neil
Meera Syal ... Judith Adams
Nikki Amuka-Bird ... Emma
Annette Bentley ... Michelle
Isabella Marsh ... Gabby
Roger Griffiths ... Carlton
Stephen Graham ... John
Huggy Leaver ... Paul
Charles De'Ath ... Alex (as Charlie De'Ath)
June Page ... Carol
Paul Panting ... Gerry

Runtime: 100 min
Country: UK
Language: English

Company: Scottish Television Enterprises

Written by: Kage Alan

While there are still a large number of people who would prefer that gays and lesbians keep their orientation to themselves, there are times when doing so creates far more hurt, confusion and loss than is worth the silence.
Friendships end, families fall apart and lives change dramatically when someone comes out. Granted, it doesn't happen that way every single time, but it's the ones where it does that leave such a bitter aftertaste. Wouldn't things be simpler if there was a way to come out earlier in life without it being a spectacle or considered some devastating announcement? Might it make life a little bit easier down the road?

David O'Neil (Steve John Shepherd, "Star Wars: Episode II") and Theo (John Simm, "Human Traffic") have been best friends for 14 years. They work for David's father doing plastering and other various construction duties, hang out at the bars together, jog and check out the local available singles. This has been the way of things for a long time and it's a comfortable routine. Unfortunately (and there's always something unfortunate that crop up), Theo falls for a young woman named Hannah (Laura Fraser, "A Knight's Tale"), which means there's less time for David.

While close friends often go through a period when their routines are nterrupted because a romantic partner enters the picture, this one hits David hard because he's in love with Theo and has never felt comfortable saying anything about it. Nobody would ever suspect David of being gay either because there's nothing stereotypical about him, so his actions come much more as a shock to us than they should. When Theo declares his love for Hannah and moves in with her, David uses his knowledge of the couple to play on their fears and tear them apart. His actions aren't based on hate so much as he feels that Theo is a kindred spirit and that they, not Theo and Hannah, should be together. It's only at the end when David announces on a TV talk show called "Forgive and Forget" that everything comes out and he faces the consequences of his actions.

The characters in the film are extremely well written and are flawed in very real ways. David is too butch to be suspected as queer and too blinded to fully understand what he's doing to his friend, Theo makes the mistake of lying to Hannah and Hannah can't get past a previous relationship (where she was cheated on) long enough to see that Theo is everything he says he is.
The end of the film, though brutal, is something I could see actually occurring between these characters. The closing seconds are a bit confusing, however.

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05 June 2008

Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)

Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)

Nema mi ništa slađe nego maznuti nekog str8 lika. Ustvari samo takve i volim. Ove obične pedere još ako su feminizirani i ne pogledam valjano, a kamoli da ih upoznam. Naprosto mi nisu interesantni. Al zato str8 lika , koji je ponosan na uspjehe kod žena....e to mi je poslastica kao kad mačoru daš slaninu. Nekako su mi se i veze zasnivale upravo na tome. Jer obično nakon noći provedene u mom krevetu polude, zaljube se.
A i meni prija njihova pažnja pa se upecam. Tako vam je to, kada vas lovina ulovi pa postanete plijen.
U ovom filmu jedan maldi zgodnjikavi fotograf se zaljubi u jednog konobara koji kasnije postane fotomodel.
Konobar naravno str8, ima curu, pa misli da je dobra pička sve u životu. A ovaj jadničak fotograf ga zamišlja u nekakvim filmovima, sanja o njemu. Svo vrijeme u zraku provejava nekakva napetost medju njima.
Al neću vam sve ispričati. Film nije neko vrhunsko remek dijelo, ali mi je prijao nakon napornog dana. Onako slatko sam se nasmijao i brzo mi je prošlo vrijeme. Prijalo mi je da gledam kako se nabacuju jedan drugom onako polunagi, lijepi i zgodni. Mada mi se kraj nije dopao nešto posebno. Drugačije bih ja to izrežirao, da bar malo liči na mene.

Director:Tommy O'Haver
Writer: Tommy O'Haver (writer)
Release Date:24 July 1998 (USA
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Plot Keywords: Drugs | Homosexual | Sex | Twenty Something | Gay Kiss more
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations

(Credited cast)

Sean Hayes ... Billy Collier (as Sean P. Hayes)
Brad Rowe ... Gabriel
Richard Ganoung ... Perry
Meredith Scott Lynn ... Georgiana
Matthew Ashford ... Whitey
Armando Valdes-Kennedy ... Fernando
Paul Bartel ... Rex Webster
Carmine Giovinazzo ... Gundy (as Carmine D. Giovinazzo)
Holly Woodlawn ... Holly
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Mark Allen Anderson ... Peter
Bonnie Biehl ... Connie Rogers
Chad Boardman ... Drag Chorus
Les Borsay ... Les
Christopher Bradley ... Andrew
Robbie Cain ... Joshua
Kim Campoli ... Natalie
Rodney Chester ... DRag Chorus
Mark Conley ... Raymond
Eric Davenport ... Drag Chorus
Kimiko Gelman ... Donna
Annabelle Gurwitch ... Gallery Owner
Niles Jenson ... Diedre
Michelle Karen ... Billy's mom
Mr. Dan ... Drag Queen
Shawn Nicholson ... Young Billy
Shanti Reinhardt ... Ju-Ju, the performance artist
Kiff Scholl ... Rio, the performance artist
Jason-Shane Scott ... Brad
Jamie Spencer ... Kent Bartlett
Aaron Wilde ... Chris Jungblut

Runtime: 92 min | UK:89 min (video)

Author: budmassey (cyberbarrister@gmail.com) from Indianapolis, IN

This is another one of those "discovered by accident while channel surfing" movies that I am always grateful to have found. Before the movie was over, I was online buying the DVD. O'Haver must have summoned all his Indy Film clout to muster the likes of Paul Ganoung, Meredith Scott Lynn and the fabulous Paul Bartel to lend their talents both on and off the camera, but the coup of coups was casting Sean Hayes.

Hayes is superb as Billy, a struggling gay photographer yearning for love. He falls for Gabriel (Brad Rowe) who may or may not be gay. The rest of the film dances around the inevitable question and let's just say that things have a way of working out for the best, albeit differently from what we often expect.

Actor, writer, director and absolute gay icon Paul Bartel, who unfortunately passed away a couple of years after Screen Kiss, is deliciously unctuous as a would be mentor. Brad Rowe is passable, if a little lightweight, and benefits immeasurably from his co-star. Sean Hayes, even before the runaway success of Will and Grace, demonstrates the comedic genius that steals almost every scene. Spliced throughout the movie are several numbers by Mr. Dan, a notable drag artist and promoter from L.A., and as Petula Clark he helps generate the sheer joy of watching this movie.

If you remember Lou Reed's classic "Take a Walk on the Wild Side" you may enjoy watching Holly Woodlawn ("Holly came from Miami F-L-A" - yes THAT Holly) as the party hostess.

The DVD commentary is worthwhile, and offers an inside view of the resourcefulness it takes to make a good indie film. It does not detract from the importance of BHSK that it is not an original film. O'Haver had been toying with the basic story idea since his earlier Catalina, but in BHSK the story is more fully developed and humorous. Touching, moving, gentle and risqué, an uplifting and life-affirming message wrapped in a carnival of Angelean queer decadence.

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