Director: C. Jay Cox
Writer: C. Jay Cox
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Year: 2003
Runtime: 107 min
Stars: Wes Ramsey, Steve Sandvoss and Mary Kay Place
Ovaj fim inače spada u moje omiljene melodrame. Raspekmezim se ko prava pička kada god ga pogledam. A vjerujem da je malo pedera koji su ga odgledali, a da nisu pustili koju suzu!:))
Nemogu reći da je gluma u ovom filmu vrhunska, ali na kraju krajeva za filmove ovog tipa to i nije u prvom planu. Priča u ovom filmu je fenomenalna i naprosto nas drži prikovane za ekran.
Ne znam baš mnogo o mormonima jer koliko znam oni su Američki endem, neka religijska sekta. Po ovom filmu mormoni spadaju u one zatucane, konzervativne slijepce koji homoseksualce smatraju bolesnicima, te bi ih najradije strpali u bolnicu. ( Neka izvine ako griješim! )
Između jednog takvog mormona Aarona i jednog outovanog pedera se razvije ljubav prepuna emocija i dubioza.
Jeste li bili kada u vezi sa nekim koji se boji svoje sjenke? E takav sam i ja nekada bio, mada ni sada ne vrištim na sav glas da sam peder. Ustvari to krijem ko zmija noge!
E koliko je teško sa takvim likovima biti, to znaju samo oni koji su samnom bili!
A šta se desilo Aaronu kada su njegovi prijatelji saznali da je peder pogledajte u ovom filmu.
Jedno je sigurno, ma koliko teško i nevjerovatno izgledalo, kada iskreno volite sve će te prepreke savladati, preskočiti milion planina, okrenuti planetu ako treba samo da bi došli do onoga za kim vam srce kuca. Tako je to !
Ako već niste odgledali ovaj film obavezno ga skinite sa neta , kupite grickalice i maramice i uživajte!
Film se u cjelosti nalazi na sajtu, nađen na youtube.
Latter Days is a gay romantic drama released in 2003. Set in Los Angeles, California it portrays the seduction of Aaron Davis, a Mormon missionary, by Christian Markelli, a party animal who falls in love with him. The film, written and directed by C. Jay Cox, stars Steve Sandvoss as Aaron, Wes Ramsey as Christian, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Elder Ryder, and Rebekah Johnson as Julie Taylor. Mary Kay Place and Jacqueline Bisset have supporting roles.
Latter Days premiered at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on 10 July 2003. It was released across America over the next 12 months, and was released, mostly at gay film festivals, in a few other countries.[1] It was the first film to openly show the clash between the principles of the Mormon church and homosexuality, and its exhibition in some states was polemic. Various religious groups demanded the movie to be retired from theatres and DVD stores under boycott threats.
The movie was not well received by film critics, although it was popular with most film festival attendees. In 2004 T. Fabris made Latter Days into a novel, which was published by Alyson Publications.
Elder Aaron Davis (Steve Sandvoss), a young Mormon missionary from Pocatello, Idaho, is sent to Los Angeles with three other missionaries to spread the Mormon faith. They move into a bungalow apartment next to the apartment of openly gay party boy Christian Markelli (Wes Ramsey), an aspiring actor who works as a waiter at Lila’s, a trendy restaurant owned by retired actress Lila Montagne (Jacqueline Bisset). Intrigued by his new, sober Mormon neighbors, Christian makes a $50 bet with his cynical co-workers that he can seduce one of them. Christian soon realizes that Aaron, the most inexperienced missionary, is a closeted homosexual.
Aaron and Christian become acquainted after several encounters in the apartment complex. When Christian accidentally cuts himself on a piece of metal and faints, Aaron helps him indoors and cleans his wound. Christian seizes the opportunity to seduce Aaron and nearly succeeds. However, the hesitant Mormon becomes upset by Christian’s standard patter that sex “doesn’t have to mean anything.” Aaron angrily replies that Christian “equates sex with a handshake”, and after accusing him of being superficial and shallow, walks out. Worried that Aaron is right, Christian joins Project Angel Food to deliver meals to people with AIDS, through which he befriends a man named Keith (Erik Palladino).
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