12 July 2012

Kampvuur (2000)


Kampvuur (2000)

Director: Bavo Defurne
Writer: Bavo Defurne
Genre: Short movie
Country: Belgium
Language: Dutch

Stars: Joram Schurmans, Koen Van Heule and Circé Lethem

Short about a camping trip for scouts where a boy falls in love with his best friend and causes tension in the scouting group.


Kampvuur - Campfire(1999) Kratki film o skautima ( izviđačima) na kampovanju u kojem se lijepi TIJL, zaljubljuje u najboljeg druga Wouta.

Nakon jedne prelijepe noći provedene u šatoru, Woutovo ponašanje se potpuno mijenja i njegov odnos prema Tijlu nije više kao prije.

Campfire is basically a coming out story, but essentially it summarizes many itches of love and relations. Settings, sound, music are all economically used, but without being minimal and boring. Cinematography is brilliant, and so is acting. All in this is a short but not small, powerful but not cliché film. Simply beautiful.



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