Yeladim Tovim (2005) - Good Boys
Nakon Yossi & Jagger, Walk on the water i The Bubble ovo je četvrti Israelski film koji sam odgledao. Sudeći po ovome što sam vidio mogu reći da iz Israelske produkcijeske kuhinje možemo naći dosta kvalitetnih filmova.
Yeladim Tovim (2005) je film u kojem je prikazana životna priča dva sedamnaestogodišnjaka koji osim sve što vole mladi za život zarađuju baveći se prostitucijom. Možemo videti sve kro šta prolaze prostitutke, a u ovom slučaju gay prostitutke.
Film je lagan za gledanje ako izuzmemo par mučnih scena izrazitog nasilja nad mladićima. Svakako ako imate vremena pogledajte ovaj film i učiniće vam se kako imate zaista sjajan život u usporebi sa glavnim likovima u filmu.
Film ima nekako nedorečen završetak, očekivao sam nešto vedrije nakon gomile mučnih scena u filmu.
Director: Yair Hochner
Writer: Yair Hochner
Genre: Drama
Plot Outline: Two rent boys, hired by a trick to perform together,
develop a relationship. 17-year-old Meni wears only the most
fashionable clothes, interested in music, loves the cinema and works
as a rent boy. He had a baby from Mika, a young drug addict
prostitute. He has an adoptive mother who is also a trans-gender
prostitute and clients that contact him on his cell-phone. One night
he meets Tal, also a hustler and they decide to spend the night
together. During that night their lives get a new meaning, but can
the little hope change the life they are used to from early age? In
the morning they decide to meet later at the club. Until the awaited
meeting, both of them will have to deal with their weary routine of
clients, marginalized people and unexpected events. Written by Izik
Plot Keywords: Violence / Sex / Gay / Homo-erotic / Israel / Rent
Boy / Tel Aviv, Israel / Transgender / Gay Interest / Male
Prostitute / Independent Film
Cast: Daniel Efrat ... Menni
Yuval Raz ... Tal
Nili Tzerruya ... Mika

Ori Urian ... Eran
Tomer Ilan ... Lior
Gila Goldstein Grace
Benny Eldar ... Daniel
Also Known As: Good Boys (USA) (DVD title)
Runtime: 75 min
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew
Filming Locations: Tel Aviv, Israel

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