The making of a French Football Calendar 2008
Od 2000. god pa na ovano postala je tradicija u Francuskoj da se pravi kalendar pod nazivom Dieux du Stade , ili u nekom našem bukvalnom prevodu Bogovi stadiona (English: The Gods of Stade [Français], or Gods of the Stadium). Kalendar sadrži slike poznatih ragbi igrača francuskog tima, a zadnjih godina i svih drugih sportista. Lutajući po internetu naišao sam na ovaj snimak kako se pravio kalendar. Vrlo zanimljivo pogledati ! Nadam se da će te se složiti.
Film traje oko 01h 46 min

Dieux du Stade (English: The Gods of Stade [Français], or Gods of the Stadium) is the title of several highly popular calendars published in the 2000s, featuring nude and semi-nude photographs of members of the Stade Français, a domestic French rugby team. In more recent years, players from other rugby union clubs and athletes from other sports have also been included.

The popularity of the calendars has been credited for the increased fame of the Stade Français team, as well as rugby in general, in France. The calendars are part of a marketing strategy crafted by Max Guazzini, President of the rugby club. A savvy marketer who built the number 2 French radio group, he has successfully used the calendars to attract a new audience to rugby matches (live and on TV), such as women.

it´s a good and beautiful documentary