Director: Damien Rea
Writers: Damien Rea, Gordon Beeferman (short story "Scar Tissue")
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2007
Runtime: 10 min
Stars: Chris Anderson, Lara Cazalet and David Durham
Momak koji je susreće sa prišlošću, kada je bio zaljubljen u neobičnog ljubavnika.
Neprijatnih doživljaja niko nije pošteđen. Jedan takav doživljaj koji pamtim mi se desio prije desetak godina, kada je momak koji je bio zaljubljen u mene nazvao moje doma i rekao mom bratu da sam peder. Moj brat mu je odgovorio: "Slušaj momak, neznam ko si ali ako moj brat neće da te jebe, onda je to tvoj problem, ne njegov, a moj ponajmanje"
Ovaj momak je i dalje zvao dok ga jednom nisam našao i prebio ko poslednju džukelu.
Nekoliko godina nakon toga sam ga zatekao na jednoj plaži gdje ga neka dva lika jebu. Dok sam prolazio pored njih, jedan od njih mi reče: Pridruži nam se, ako oćeš. Prošao sam ne rekavši ništa.
From Imdb User
27 July 2011 | by so_cold
The first time when the viewer sees this film, they may freak out, but they will be driven to see it again guaranteed. Scarred, directed by Damien Rea, is about this guy called Rafi who despite being an attractive guy has a scar on one side of his face. How he got the scar is carefully shown through flashbacks. Trying to forge a relationship or even a date proves difficult for him, as it attracts the wrong sort of attention. He helps a friend out, by letting her use his face as her project. This gets noticed by an admirer and his friend persuades him to take a chance, which may end up changing his life forever. The viewer is drawn to believe a certain line of thinking throughout the film until the end when the gritty flashbacks reveal how Rafi got this scar in the first place. It leaves the viewer
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