
10 May 2008

Nous étions un seul homme (1979) aka We Were One Man

Nous étions un seul homme (1979)

Kada vas neko prevari vi se naljutite i ostavite ga. A šta radite kada prevarite samog sebe?
Tačno znate da je čovijek koji sjedi naspram vas onaj koji vas maltretira, laže, vara... Pa što onda i dalje sjedite sa njim?
Zašto varate samog sebe? E pa u narodu se kaže: Lubav nije krtola ! Nije sve tako jednostavno kada su emocije u pitanju!

Radnja ovog filma je smještena pred kraj drugog svjetskog rata u jednom malom francukom selu.
Guy Rouveron je priprosti seljak koji živi u kolibi podalje od sela. Živi u svjetu koji je sam sebi izgradio, emocionalno nedozreo, pateći od iznenadnih halucinacija, koje ga otimaju iz surovog okruženja u kojem živi. Nalazi ranjenog njemačkog vojnika Rolfa, odnese ga u svoju kolibu i liječi ga, njeguje ga, nijemo posmatra.
Rolf kada ozdravi pokušava da se vrati u svoju jedinicu, a Guy, koji ga je zavolio na neki sebi poseban način pokušava da ga zadrži kod sebe.
Između njih se stvara posebna emotivna veza, uzajmna privlačnost i želja da budu jedan sa drugim. U početku ne u seksualnom smislu, al kasnije se to nekako prirodno nametne među njima.
Ljudi koji bi se trebali mrziti postaju emotivno ovisni jedan od drugom, djeleći želju da budu zajedno, otrgnuti od ostatka svjeta u kojem vlada pravilo da treba da se mrze i ubijaju.
U okruženju u kojem su se našli njihovo zajedništvo je osuđeno na najtežu moguću kaznu.
Film koji zaista vrijedi pogledati više puta!

Director: Philippe Vallois
Writers: Anne Roumegučre (dialogue), Rolf Schultz (dialogue)

Release Date: December 1981 (USA)
Genre: Drama

Plot Keywords: Dog | Homosexual | Love | WWII | Gay Interest more

(Credited cast)
Serge Avedikian ... Guy Rouveron
Piotr Stanislas ... Rolf
Catherine Albin ... Jenine
Lucien Guérin ... Le pčre de Janine

Also Known As: We Were One Man (International: English title)

Runtime: USA:90 min
Country: France
Language: French

A modern gay classic, We Were One Man takes place in France in 1943 and is the story of Guy, a French farmer about to be married, and Rolf, a wounded German soldier. One day Guy finds Rolf, takes him home, nurses him to health and tries to prevent his return to the army. Gradually the men discover a mutual atraction that leads to an intense relationship and a lyrical, highly erotic love scene.

Rolf is a soldier who doubts the value of his commitment to the Nazi cause. Guy blocks out memories of his recent incarceration in a mental hospital and suffers from hallucinations. Their relationship serves as a catalyst for both men as they explore long-repressed feelings.

We Were One Man had its U.S. premiere at the Chicago International Film Festival in 1980, where it was awarded the prestigious Silver Hugo. Written, produced, edited, and directed by France's premiere gay director, Philippe Vallois, who went on to direct the great body-building murder mystery spoof, Rainbow Serpen
Vallois made a film which is not easy to watch and one never forgets it, since this film speaks out things normally silenced. Love between persons of different sex is theme in many war time movies where border line separates the lovers and the rest is sentimental crap. But here we have two men who should hate each other, as men should, even if they are not enemies. They are, however, in a secluded hut, mid-forest, also metaphorically: they don't know anything about each other than what they see. No common language. But in their flesh they begin to know each other, little by little: they are men, they have the same urges and because of the war times they don't have to play social plays. They don't need the illusion a civilized life requires; they joyfully agree in being straightforward in their physical needs. Communication is all but easy but they show us art and practice we don't know anymore, not in everyday life. They attack each other directly in flesh, both in sensitive way and aggressively, ending up making love or running away from each other. Vallois' film is like a well structured reality document where one looks the world that should be there somewhere but one knows that any peace and civilized state of mind make a life like that impossible. Men simply can't love each other without Mothers giving them rules for that.


  1. Is there supposed to be more than just 6 parts? That's all that shows up in the list on Mediafire.

  2. Hello. Someone can say me, where I can see this movie on line?


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!