
09 May 2008

Le Fate Ignoranti - aka The Ignorant Fairies (2001) - repost

Le Fate Ignoranti - aka The Ignorant Fairies (2001)

Prije neki dan prijatelj iz Novog sada ( Panonianman ) mi je napisao e-mail i poslao prevod ovog filma. Pogledao sam ga ponovo i naravno
otuda ovaj repost! Hvala mu na trudu koji je uložio i tako omogućio ljudima koji neznaju Italijanski ili engleski da ga pogledaju!
Koliko dobro poznajte svoju ženu, partnera , ljubavnika, druga...?
Činjenica je da svi imamo nekek male tajne koje ne želimo nikome reći. Dugo sam bio u vezi sa jednim čovijekom pred kojim samimao mnogo tajni. Naprosto ta je veza i započela u laži. Opterećivalo me je to dugo vremena iako sam malo po malo sve otkrivao. Kako sam koju tajnu otkrio tako mi je padao kamen sa srca. U svom tom haosu nisam ni slutio da i druga strana ima toliko tajni, laži i prećutkivanja. Kada sam sve otkrio doživio sam nervni slom i trenutno raskinuo svaki kontakt sa njim! I dan danas je u ignore na svim mojim messenger listama.
U ovom filmu je prikazano nešto slično.
Antonia teško preživljava smrt muža koji je poginuo u saobraćajnoj nesreći. Kopajući po njegovim stvarima malo po malo drugu stranu muževljeve ličnosti. Susreće se sa njegovim prijateljima koje ranije nije poznavala. Isprva ne može da prihvati gay okruženje, ali polako shvata da svi ljudi nisu isti i ne žive po nametnutim društvenim normativima..
Film vrvi od emocija koje se naprosto prelivaju na gledaoca ovog sjajnog filma! Obavezno ga pogledajte.
Za prijevod na našem jeziku kliknite OVDIJE

Još ponešto o ovom filmu možete pročitati na prijeteljskom sajtu:

The Ignorant Fairies - aka: Fate Ignoranti, Le (2001)

Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
Writers: Gianni Romoli (screenplay) and
Ferzan Ozpetek (screenplay)
Release Date: 8 February 2001 Berlin International Film Festival
Genre: Drama
Plot Keywords: Homosexual / AIDS / Bisexual / Car Accident / Double Life

Cast: Margherita Buy ... Antonia
Stefano Accorsi ... Michele
Serra Yilmaz ... Serra
Gabriel Garko ... Ernesto
Erika Blanc ... Veronica (as Erica Blanc)
Andrea Renzi ... Massimo
Koray Candemir ... Emir
Lucrezia Valia ... Mara
Filippo Nigro ... Riccardo
Ivan Bacchi ... Luciano
Maurizio Romoli ... Angelo
Carmine Recano ... Israele
Luca Calvani ... Sandro
Rosaria De Cicco ... Luisella
Edilberta Caviteno Bahia ... Nora

Also Known As: His Secret Life (UK) (USA) (festival title)
Tableau de famille (France)
The Ignorant Fairies (International: English title)

Runtime: 106 min
Country: Italy / France
Language: Italian

Strangely, very few films with gay themes are made in Italy. Ignorant Fairies, set in Rome, breaks the mould with some sensitivity. It was not, however, made by an Italian-born director: although he lives in Rome, Ferzan Ozpetek is Turkish.

In Ignorant Fairies, a middle-class doctor, who works in an Aids clinic, loses her husband in a car crash and then discovers that he had been conducting a long affair with a working-class man, who loved him as much as she did. The title of the film is ironic, but not in the obvious way. It springs from the title of one of the dead man's paintings, which, the wife realises, has an intimate dedication to his male lover.
Although bitter at first, the woman tries to make friends with the lover. Her effort backfires as he brushes her away, resentful that he has had to live a secret life because of her. But gradually the two begin to make contact - half fascinated by the fact that the husband appeared to love them both, and half attracted to each other. There is a particularly good scene at a party where both are flirting with others but attract each other's attention, as if drawn together by loss and the need for comfort.

Ozpetek attempts, with some success, to paint both the male and female participants in the triangle with even-handed sympathy. Neither is a paragon, and the class difference is as vital as any sexual preferences. She lives in a smart suburb, in some luxury; he is a stallholder in a local market, and lives in a commune that may or may not be gay.

The director also avoids tacking on a tidy conclusion to the film, following the wife's discovery that she is pregnant with her husband's child. Hollywood would have matched up the two. Instead, Ozpetek ends his film with flashbacks to the 2000 Gay Pride celebrations in Rome, which both the Vatican and the Italian prime minister at the time tried first to ban and then to relocate. We do not know what will happen to these two people, but we guess that both have a better understanding of each other and of the man who divided himself between them for so long.

The acting is first-rate. Margherita Buy's wife and Stefano Accorsi's gay lover both make the film more about love, loss and deception than about sexuality. Ozpetek orchestrates their fraught relationship with maturity and skill; this, his first film made in Italy after Hamam and Harem Suare, is undoubtedly his best.

Pictures, trailer, description, subtitle, etc
Click HERE


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