
20 March 2008

Madame Satã (2002)

Madame Satã (2002)

Jutros se osjećam mnogo bolje i jedva čekam da izadjem iz kuće i prošetam se pored mora! Baš sam se nagledao filmova ovih dana.
Nekako se unesem u te filmove i naprosto živim tuđe živote tih dva sata.
Ipak potrebno je da se čovijek vrati sopstvenom filmu i živi svoj život. Ipak je to najljepše!
Ovaj film nam govori o jednom liku koji je imao interesantan život. Joăo Francisco dos Santos,(1900 - 1970) je živio u Brazilu i u svom životnom filmu je igrao mnoge uloge. Bio je i otac i tranvestit i gay, i prostitutka, ljubavnik, lopov, ubica, zatvorenik (27 godina je proveo u zatvoru), umjetnik, heroj, itd
Film Madam Sata nam govori o njemu. 30-te godine prošlog vijeka za homoseksualce su bile teške i u mnogo razvijenijim sredinama od Brazila.
A za Joăo Francisca su bile i lijepe i teške ! Joăo nije bio čovijek koji se može uklopiti u neki tradicionalni način življenja. Nevjerovatno je kako je uspjevao da integriše obadvije strane svoje ličnosti. Sa jedne strane izrazito jak muškarac, otac jednog dijeteta, dominantan muškarac, a sa druge žena koja sanja o slavi, filmu, muzici, plesu...... Živjeći na samom rubu dna, u društvu autsajdera, prostitutki, tranvestita, lopova i ubica izgradio je svoj poseban osjećaj za pravdu, stavljajuću svoje snove iznad svih društvenih normi.
Sa druge strane vidijećete jedan drugačiji Rio 30-tih godina.

Pogledajte ovaj film i vidjećete koliko je Joăo Francisco dos Santos drugačiji od ostatka svijeta !


Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema - 2003
Cartagena Film Festival - 2004
Chicago International Film Festival - 2004
Cinema Brazil Grand Prize - 2003
GLAAD Media Awards - 2004
Glitter Awards - 2004
Havana Film Festival - 2002
Huelva Latin American Film Festival - 2002
Toronto Inside Out Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival - 2003
Istanbul International Film Festival - 2003
Lima Latin American Film Festival - 2003

Director: Karim Ainouz
Writers: Karim Ainouz (writer),Marcelo Gomes (writer)
Release Date: 8 November 2002 (Brazil)
Genre: Biography / Drama
Plot Outline: Loose portrait of Joăo Francisco dos Santos, also known as Madame Sată, a sometime chef, transvestite, lover, father, hero and convict from Rio de Janeiro. more
Plot Keywords: Gay Interest / Sex / 1930s / Anger / Anti Racism
Awards: 21 wins & 14 nominations more


Lázaro Ramos ... Joăo Francisco dos Santos / Madame Sată
Marcelia Cartaxo ... Laurita
Flavio Bauraqui ... Tabu
Fellipe Marques ... Renatinho
Renata Sorrah ... Vitória
Emiliano Queiroz ... Amador
Giovana Barbosa ... Firmina
Ricardo Blat ... José
Guilherme Piva ... Álvaro
Marcelo Valle ... Delegado
Floriano Peixoto ... Gregório
Gero Camilo ... Agapito
Gláucio Gomes ... Gordo no Danúbio (Fat man)
Oră Figueiredo ... Policial
Karine Teles

Runtime: 105 min / Argentina:105 min (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente) / France:97 min (Cannes Film Festival)
Country: Brazil / France
Language: Portuguese

Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema - 2003
Cartagena Film Festival - 2004
Chicago International Film Festival - 2004
Cinema Brazil Grand Prize - 2003
GLAAD Media Awards - 2004
Glitter Awards - 2004
Havana Film Festival - 2002
Huelva Latin American Film Festival - 2002
Toronto Inside Out Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival - 2003
Istanbul International Film Festival - 2003
Lima Latin American Film Festival - 2003

"Madame Sata" is a movie that depicts a bygone era. This colorful film directed by Karim Ainouz concentrates on the life of a charismatic man who lived an interesting life. We are taken to the Rio of the 1930s to witness the night life that flourished in the bohemian Lapa neighborhood, with its many dives and night clubs where all kinds of people mixed together.

This is the story of Joao, a poor black man who is a homosexual living in a macho dominated society. The film opens as Joao is being processed because of a crime he committed. We watch his face in a close-up where an off camera voice is reading what he did, and then we are taken back to watch his life in flashbacks.

Joao, who is an assistant to a French third rate chanteuse, is seen backstage imitating the singer in his own way, which is much better than what that tired woman does on stage. Joao lives in a household that includes Laurita, a friendly prostitute, and Tabu, a gay man who loves dressing as a woman, even for house work.

This was the era where the movies glorify those larger than life women who inspired gays all over the world to imitate them. Joao feels the attraction and after losing Renatinho, he asks the friendly Amador, who owns a bar in the Lapa district to give him a chance to perform in the style of the great divas of the era. The result is an instant success because of the innate talent in Joao. Alas, tragedy strikes when a loud mouth drunk begins to insult Joao, who decides to take matters into his own hand with dire consequences. In real life, Joao was in and out of prisons all his life.

Lazaro Ramos does a fantastic job portraying this complex man who was ahead of his time. Mr. Ramos is the best excuse for watching this Brazilian film that shows that seedy side of a society condemned to live in poverty and need. Marcelia Cartaxo plays Laurita, a true friend, who stuck by Joao no matter how bad things got. Flavioi Bauraqui is another asset in the film appearing as Tabu, the other member of Joao's household. Fellipe Marques is perfect as Renatinho, the man who loved Joao.

"Madame Sata" offers a nostalgic look at the life in Rio during the 30s and it's based on the true story of the man who was made famous for his originality and contribution to a society that tried to keep him away from mixing with them. This is a great directing job by Karim Ainouz, who with the writer, Marcelo Gomes, takes the viewer to a magical ride to the exotic life of that long gone Brazil.


  1. LOL, I should have made the post on this movie!!! I am really sorry I haven't been able to make it lately but here I am back again...

    This is an excellent one, the cast is great, and the main actor became a superstar in Brazil. Real worth to be seen.


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!