
20 March 2008

Les Amants Criminels aka Criminal Lovers (1999)

Les Amants Criminels aka Criminal Lovers (1999)

Juče nisam mrdao iz kuće jer ova gripa nikako da mi prođe. Ovo je već drugi dan da se osjećam loše.
Cijeli dan sam gledao ovu seriju Torchwood, te što se prvog serijala tiče jedini muško-muški poljubac je u 12 Epizodi. Valjda drugi serijal bude bolji.
Listajući kolekciju filmova, odlučio sam da vam za danas ponudim francuski film, Les Amants Criminels aka Criminal Lovers (1999) u kojem jednu od glavnih uloga igra Miki Manojlović! Bilo mi interesantno vidijeti kako jedan naš glumac igra lika koji obljubljuje ljepuškastog Luca.
U filmu Luc i Alice, nakon što su izvršili ubistvo i pljačku biježe od policije i nailaze na jednu kolibu u nekoj šumi u kojjoj živi šumar (Miki M.)
Šumar ih zatvara u podrum kao da se radi o najobičnijim životinjama. Gadljivo ignoriše Alice, a svu pažnju posvećuje Lucu, sa kojim priča, hrani ga, kupa ga i na kraju obljubljuje.
Pri svemu tome Luc pokušava da oslobodi Alice i pobjegne.
Da ne otkrivam sve , film možete skinuti i pogledati sami! U donjem fajlu će te naći titl na engleskom. Nezgodno je jedino to što je film titlovan na španskom pa ide titl preko titla, ali sve jedno čitljivo je.
Ovaj film se i pored homoerotskih scena između Luca i Šumara , nemože svrstati i gay film!
Inače film je pokupio gomilu nagrada na raznim festivalima. ( L.A. Outfest, Málaga International Week of Fantastic Cinema, Namur International Festival of French-Speaking Film, Sitges - Catalonian International Film Festival )

Director: François Ozon
Writers: François Ozon (dialogue), François Ozon (poem)
Release Date: 18 August 1999 (France) more
Genre: Crime / Drama / Thriller
Plot Keywords: Sexual Awakening / Flashback Sequence / Male Frontal Nudity / School / Trapper
Awards: 3 wins & 2 nominations


Natacha Régnier ... Alice
Jérémie Renier ... Luc
Miki Manojlovic ... L'homme de fore;t
Salim Kechiouche ... Sad(d
Yasmine Belmadi ... Karim
Bernard Maume ... Le professeur
Jean-Louis Debard ... Le gardien de nuit
Catherine Vierne ... La vendeuse de bijoux
Marielle Coubaillon ... L'hôtesse du supermarché
Olivier Papot ... Le policier
Gil Demurger ... Le GIGN (as Gil de Murger)
Agnc(s Accaria
Ranzi Adjeri
Brigitte Albuquerque
Martihino Albuquerque

Also Known As: Criminal Lovers (Europe: English title)
Runtime: 96 min
Country: France
Language: French

Story of love and death, with some American thriller sparkles and the flavor of Ozon, "Amants criminels" is trip in a dark universe, with strange cages and shadows of fears.

In same aspects, it is a new adaptation of "Dangerous Liaisons". Also, it is a adaptations of brothers Grimm tales. But important are not the images, rabbits or forest man , the murder or the rats. It is only a room of Francois Ozon universe and relevant is the desire of director to discover the limits of a situation. Not the ways but the purpose.

The evil girl for the other is basic object, the homoerotic scenes, the strange land, the race different, the games and the end, the cries and forms of affection are pieces of an interesting puzzle in which the purpose may be the catharsis.

A cruel beautiful film. Cold, aggressive, nostalgic, sad and strange. A film about the ways of escape. And about their fragile substance.

This movie is not gay movie, but some homoerotic scene in François Ozon's way can be interesting!
Warning: This movie is with Spanish subtitle . English subtitle go over spanish!
If somebody have better copy , please send me links!


  1. Just to let you know that this movie is not in sync (sound and picture don't work together right). Not sure if it can be fixed but I will try and let you know.

  2. Download Links


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!